Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I am not kidding. That has been seriously advanced as a scientific theory. And indeed, that would be as plausible as life coming to earth in a meteor or an asteroid.
Not a theory. It's an hypothesis. Some scientist you are. :roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Quite so, Hawking is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) authority on theoretical physics or theoretical astronomy. But he is not a Chemist. While he is the ultimate authority on subjects like subatomic particles, galaxies quasars, Big Bang etc., he is not qualified to speak on subjects like alien intelligence.

I would say that Stephen Hawking has a working knowledge in most fields of science and he has seen the same number of aliens as any of us........NONE! So Hawking is at least as qualified to talk of aliens as anyone on the planet.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I would say that Stephen Hawking has a working knowledge in most fields of science and he has seen the same number of aliens as any of us........NONE! So Hawking is at least as qualified to talk of aliens as anyone on the planet.

Quite so, but he is not more qualified than most others. When it comes to theoretical physics, he is more qualified that most people on the planet.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Quite so, Hawking is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) authority on theoretical physics or theoretical astronomy. But he is not a Chemist. While he is the ultimate authority on subjects like subatomic particles, galaxies quasars, Big Bang etc., he is not qualified to speak on subjects like alien intelligence.

Hawkings is greatest at nothing of the sort, his claim to fame is being the replacement celebrity physics guy for Sagan, Sagan and Hawkings wrote and flogged science fiction for the consuming public. There are literally thousands of scientists who know the bull**** these two dreamers peddled to the unsuspecting, I was one of those dumb ****s who bought their books and watched their cheesy docudrama flicks. Note for instance, the sun is an electrical phenomena, this is proven observable measurable fact. The nuclear sun never existed and never could, repulsion prevents collapse to fusion. Gravity is a puny side affect of the electric force. The plasma conducting aether permeates space. Comets have virtually no water signature, they are rocks, the glow on solar approach is ionic discharge caused by equalization of charge. They are not and never have been dirty snowballs, every approach and every experiment confirm this, without doubt. A so called black hole is a massive discharge event there is no super gravity vacuum cleaner sucking anything anywhere matter is being spewed out as a matter of fact, that is the birth of stars by the way. Accretion never happened and never can. Dark matter and energy total bogus rubbish, expanding universe a fiction because of misinterpreted redshift, the Big Bang , mother of all horse****. Come on down to the twenty-first century SJP. Oh and gravity does not pull us down to the surface we are pushed to the ground. Water is made the same way oil is, abioticly in the bowels of the earth. Someone in the thread mentioned the improbability of life when in fact life permeates every niche in the universe, life is a fundemental constituant of the universe.:cool:;-):lol:


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Man dark beaver ...Did you sleep through the Atomic and the Cold War ?...I'm beginning to wonder if you don't just go against everything and everybody simply out of spite...What do you believe Dark Beaver? Where do you stand ..Can;t be against everything and everybody , all the time.....

Yes the son has electro/magnetic qualities ...It is one of the forces of energy ...Electro/magnetism and the nuclear forces do merge somewhere...Many "Theories" predict /test and can more or less verify them ...Invention proves these finds/These discoveries...It's Science ...and It's amazing ..So lighten up Dark Beaver .Why always so glum and negative?...:)

Everything is Energy and Information ...The rest is recyclable waste


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Man dark beaver ...Did you sleep through the Atomic and the Cold War ?...I'm beginning to wonder if you don't just go against everything and everybody simply out of spite...What do you believe Dark Beaver? Where do you stand ..Can;t be against everything and everybody , all the time.....

Yes the son has electro/magnetic qualities ...It is one of the forces of energy ...Electro/magnetism and the nuclear forces do merge somewhere...Many "Theories" predict /test and can more or less verify them ...Invention proves these finds/These discoveries...It's Science ...and It's amazing ..So lighten up Dark Beaver .Why always so glum and negative?...:)

Everything is Energy and Information ...The rest is recyclable waste

You're painting me with a wide brush there GreenFish. Your perspective is defective. First of all and foremost of everything you do not love the universe any better than I . Do you imagine that an implication like that flung out of what must be ignorance does not betray some measure of conceit on your part. Don't bore me with your nuclear sun, I already informed you by way of Prof Carruthers the impossibility of that theory. The nuclear fusion sun and reactor idea has consumned billions of desperately needed research money with the sum total discovery that it is uncontainable and unattainable. You need another eye boy, because you disagree does not mean I am negative or glum, in fact I have every reason to believe that I'm rather more positive and cheerful than you perhaps. Every single thing I mentioned in the paragraph you've objected to is verifiable fact, and you could know that, if you dared to peek outside your box.;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is that every living thing, animal, insect, fish or tree share the same DNA. If one of us is alien, all of us are alien.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
To be cautious is good, but not over-cautious, about the ET

ET people exist on many of our solar system planets, although this has not been discovered yet. But there are many indications to this; it is reasonable and logical.

It is ok to be cautious of the strangers: the ET people, but to avoid such contact may not be essential.

But to be over-cautious is not good, because such expectation of the evil may lead to enmity and evil consequences to start with.

On the other hand, it may come to be useful and mutually advatageous to us and to them : e.g. we know the Antibiotics while they may not know that; and we don't know the treatment of cancers, and they may know such treatment.

We know the electricity, while they may not know such electricity, and they may know other things that we do not know.



Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is that every living thing, animal, insect, fish or tree share the same DNA. If one of us is alien, all of us are alien.

This proves the Creator is the same Designer of all the universe.

I don't mean some of us are aliens, but originally the seed of life came from one past planet to another future planet by means of the meteoritic rocks.



New Member
Apr 30, 2010
Well, at least we won't have to worry about racism anymore lol Although I wonder what the evangelicals and Christian nuts' thoughts on this.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
I think the ET are similar to the people of Earth with some differences: like the general color may be blue or green (not very deep color may be), in addition to some other variations of the ear or nose or eye. In addition, some of the ET may be winged: having two wings like that of the eagle.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I would say that Stephen Hawking has a working knowledge in most fields of science and he has seen the same number of aliens as any of us........NONE! So Hawking is at least as qualified to talk of aliens as anyone on the planet.

Of course.... but you don't see me in the newspaper with my random guess-opinion on aliens do you?

It's because of his accomplishments, his fame and his past that this got posted in the first place, as if to imply he knows more about the topic then anybody here, thus what he says must be true.

I'd go and find him and tell him what I think about his theory on aliens, but I suspect he'd beat the crap out of me.

"Ma'ma... sez'knock... you... out" *thud*


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
If Sitchin was right, the Earth is alien to this space, having been knocked out of its original orbit into its present one when it collided with Nibiru.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
This proves the Creator is the same Designer of all the universe.

I don't mean some of us are aliens, but originally the seed of life came from one past planet to another future planet by means of the meteoritic rocks.

Not necessarily, as the building blocks of the life on this planet could have simply formed in space without being on a previous planet.

Also, the building blocks of the life on this planet could have been completely different then the blocks sent to some other planet based on where, when and how it all formed.

Hypothetically if that were true and both building blocks landed on this same planet, then there could be the chance of two completely separate DNA strings..... or perhaps both eventually merged together to form one and we'd probably never know.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Not necessarily, as the building blocks of the life on this planet could have simply formed in space without being on a previous planet.

Also, the building blocks of the life on this planet could have been completely different then the blocks sent to some other planet based on where, when and how it all formed.

Hypothetically if that were true and both building blocks landed on this same planet, then there could be the chance of two completely separate DNA strings..... or perhaps both eventually merged together to form one and we'd probably never know.

I think that life emerged from the primordial soup on Earth and that life spread over the whole planet. and it evolved into every creature we ever had or have. It doesn't have to be more complicated than that.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Not necessarily, as the building blocks of the life on this planet could have simply formed in space without being on a previous planet.

If so how did they reach to our Earth?

And why not on a previous planet, because life needs suitable conditions and circumstances; specially if it is a life with various forms of plant, animal and man;

so why do you deny the possibility that it started on some planets then came to our Earth embedded in the broken pieces of such destroyed planets?

Also, the building blocks of the life on this planet could have been completely different then the blocks sent to some other planet based on where, when and how it all formed.

Hypothetically if that were true and both building blocks landed on this same planet, then there could be the chance of two completely separate DNA strings..... or perhaps both eventually merged together to form one and we'd probably never know.

The design is the same indicats --> the Creator is the same One.

The variations of a large number of kinds (of the plant, animal and man races)indicate --> His might and omnipotence.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
To be cautious is good, but not over-cautious, about the ET

ET people exist on many of our solar system planets, although this has not been discovered yet. But there are many indications to this; it is reasonable and logical.

It is ok to be cautious of the strangers: the ET people, but to avoid such contact may not be essential.

But to be over-cautious is not good, because such expectation of the evil may lead to enmity and evil consequences to start with.

On the other hand, it may come to be useful and mutually advatageous to us and to them : e.g. we know the Antibiotics while they may not know that; and we don't know the treatment of cancers, and they may know such treatment.

We know the electricity, while they may not know such electricity, and they may know other things that we do not know.

I forgot about your invisible and undetectable bipeds walking around on Mars um, "hypothesis".