Forum members opinion poll


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"You have this silly habit of ruining your sensible first sentence with a totally idiotic second sentence"

The first sentence was meant to be serious, Y.J.- the second was written in fun. You gotta learn to laugh and the first place to start is to see the humour in yourself. Have a fine day.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I read the OP......short answers didn't work huh?;-)

No- People have to start getting serious about saving ink- it's not just on your screen but on millions of screen across the country and how many gallons of ink is that? :lol::lol::lol:


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"The first sentence was meant to be serious, Y.J.- the second was written in fun. You gotta learn to laugh and the first place to start is to see the humour in yourself. Have a fine day."

I have an excellent sense of humour, JLM.

But there is an old saying that if you were once bitten by a skake, you are afraid of lizards.

By and large you have been very condescending and patronizing. So, hence my weariness about your attempts at humour.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
"If we want to be able to provide those things in 10 years - we will need to raise taxes and cut unnecessary expenses now. Which would include staff reductions at the civil service and government (I'm talking reducing the # of MPs, senators and MLAs), and cutting staff (civil service). And I'm not talking just at the federal level, but also the provincial level."

Exactly! I do financial counselling for individuals with money issues and one of the ideas we advocate is you need to try to increase your income and decrease your expenses. If, however, you are unable to increase your income then you MUST decrease your expenses - period! It's common sense (which, I admit isn't "common" anymore).

For the government to say that there'll be no "new" taxes is ridiculous and flawed, and fatuos because they already have increased some taxes, uh, sorry "fees" so they're full of crap already. While I abhor paying more taxes than I already do, somewhere down the line, an increase is inevitable, no matter what they may deem call it.



Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
borrow money or in Alberta's case dip into the Heritage Trust Fund from oil revenues

Vote back the Liberals they know how to save government money


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Ya! Screw the disabled, elderly and infirm. Screw education and health care. Us healthy citizens are sick of helping the helpless. What is mine is mine. Keep your grubby hands off it. We don't need any free loaders around here!

Cliffy that is just haywire. The first thing Harper did was cut two points off the GST and that knocked the deficit up by 10 billion. Harper cut corporate taxes and raised the deficit further. Did those cuts help the poor and needy? Not likely, so reinstating those taxes won't hurt them either. It's not a question of screwing anyone. If the country is broke we can't spend money we don't have.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
"If we want to be able to provide those things in 10 years - we will need to raise taxes and cut unnecessary expenses now. Which would include staff reductions at the civil service and government (I'm talking reducing the # of MPs, senators and MLAs), and cutting staff (civil service). And I'm not talking just at the federal level, but also the provincial level."

Exactly! I do financial counselling for individuals with money issues and one of the ideas we advocate is you need to try to increase your income and decrease your expenses. If, however, you are unable to increase your income then you MUST decrease your expenses - period! It's common sense (which, I admit isn't "common" anymore).

For the government to say that there'll be no "new" taxes is ridiculous and flawed, and fatuos because they already have increased some taxes, uh, sorry "fees" so they're full of crap already. While I abhor paying more taxes than I already do, somewhere down the line, an increase is inevitable, no matter what they may deem call it.

There will be more money in the next ten years because there will be more businesses which will employ more people that make more money per hour the money will be there


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
What gets me is that when governments cut expenses, they always cut it from those that can't defend themselves. We have already seen deep cuts to medical and education. Recent cuts to mental health services, arts and culture, while politicians and CEOs continue to grow fatter. The system is corrupt. It has been for generations. It is top heavy and it is extremely expensive. Corporate welfare is a hundred times more expensive than supporting the disabled, mentally handicapped, old age pensioners and the ill. But business always gets priority while the weak get the shaft. Nothing will solve these problems but a complete redesign of government, not just shrinking the trough but eliminating it, political office should be voluntary, civil service should be a service not an entitlement.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Cliffy that is just haywire. The first thing Harper did was cut two points off the GST and that knocked the deficit up by 10 billion. Harper cut corporate taxes and raised the deficit further. Did those cuts help the poor and needy? Not likely, so reinstating those taxes won't hurt them either. It's not a question of screwing anyone. If the country is broke we can't spend money we don't have.

Absolutely correct, #Juan- in theory..........:smile::smile::smile: BUT you're talking of Gov't. here and every nickel that comes out of Gov't hands and into the people's hands is better spent. Increased taxes will only add to Gov't waste.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Vote back the Liberals they know how to save government money"

Absolutely correct- they steal it from lower levels of Gov't.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
What gets me is that when governments cut expenses, they always cut it from those that can't defend themselves. We have already seen deep cuts to medical and education. Recent cuts to mental health services, arts and culture, while politicians and CEOs continue to grow fatter. The system is corrupt. It has been for generations. It is top heavy and it is extremely expensive. Corporate welfare is a hundred times more expensive than supporting the disabled, mentally handicapped, old age pensioners and the ill. But business always gets priority while the weak get the shaft. Nothing will solve these problems but a complete redesign of government, not just shrinking the trough but eliminating it, political office should be voluntary, civil service should be a service not an entitlement.

Good morning Cliff, you see that line I highlighted- it should be changed to read "a complete elimination of government from managing any business" Government already spends close to 40% of all the money it takes in on healthcare - that amount should be decreased and one way to do it is to encourage people to look after their own health more. Sure there's people who fall through the cracks and have to be helped- and personally (being fortunate both financially and healthwise I wouldn't mind looking after my own health plus an extra 10% for the less fortunate fellow man.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Absolutely correct, #Juan- in theory..........:smile::smile::smile: BUT you're talking of Gov't. here and every nickel that comes out of Gov't hands and into the people's hands is better spent. Increased taxes will only add to Gov't waste.

The tax payer has a right to look at the books and if the people got together they can get their MPs to pass a bill where the Government is audited on a yearly bases and except for national security issues all else can be made public.

The party platform should be used as an business plan for the government and if 75% is not followed and imediate election should be triggered this would make the government more accountable and make the voters more strategic on how they vote good governments in


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
"Vote back the Liberals they know how to save government money"

Absolutely correct- they steal it from lower levels of Gov't.

Those nasty Liberals handed Harper a ten billion dollar surplus. Did Harper give that money to Provincial and municipal governments that you say they stole it from?.....Not bloody likely.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The tax payer has a right to look at the books and if the people got together they can get their MPs to pass a bill where the Government is audited on a yearly bases and except for national security issues all else can be made public.

The party platform should be used as an business plan for the government and if 75% is not followed and imediate election should be triggered this would make the government more accountable and make the voters more strategic on how they vote good governments in

That might work if it was Sheila Fraser doing the auditing but generally speaking auditors are working to criteria set by Gov't in the first place. I'd bet they'd also be getting $30 breakfasts (mentioned in earlier post) while travelling. As for looking at "the books"- how the f*** would a guy say like myself know if the "books" he was looking at are the right books, especially as I can't even make heads or tails of my bill from Shaw Cable or my dentist statement. It's all good in theory Liberalman but I can't see it working. Besides the average working man hasn't got the time to be poring through a bunch of books, entailing thousands of pages and we sure as hell don't want to pay someone we don't know to do it.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Those nasty Liberals handed Harper a ten billion dollar surplus. Did Harper give that money to Provincial and municipal governments that you say they stole it from?.....Not bloody likely.

Nah, he went one better and gave it back to people like you and me and speaking for myself I'm grateful- gonna take it out and buy patio furniture and a barbecue, which helps keep sales people and manufacturers employed.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
In all fairness the Ontario Liberals in the last 2 years did provide relief for seniors in the form of a property tax grant....but some doctor's son and lets not forget the daughter;-) will have to pay for that $250 this year and $500 in future years:lol::lol: