Liberal phobia and the cause….


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
" When I asked you to give an example of tax and spend philosophy, give me name of one politician who is practicing it, you couldn't give even one example."

That is about the most insane statement today- EVERY politician in Canada during my lifetime has taxed and spent.

Give specific example, JLM. Who were those politicians? Chrétien? Martin? They taxed as well as they cut spending, that is how they balanced budget. In fact they made plenty of people mad at them when they cut spending.

Did Mulroney tax and spend? Does Harper? Bush? Obama? Who? It is easy to make blanket statements, to utter platitudes. Give specific examples of the politicians who practice tax and spend these days.

These days it is either borrow and spend (the classic conservative philosophy) or tax increases combined with spending cuts, which lead to balanced budget.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Wrong, as usual, SirJosephPorter.

Minumum wage is necessary ONLY in a SOCIALISTIC society.

Those of us (and I HAVE BEEN THERE) who are willing and able to lift ourselves up and out of the minimum wage quagmire, have done so and will always do so. Those who can't, don't want to or too lazy to do so, deserve to be stuck in there.

How would you know, you born-with-silver-spoon-in-your-mouth socialist?

Have you ever worked for anything in your life?

I don't think minimum wage is a relevant subject to discuss here, YJ. If you want to discuss it, put up a separate thread, I will be happy to discuss it with you.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Give specific example, JLM. Who were those politicians? Chrétien? Martin? They taxed as well as they cut spending, that is how they balanced budget. In fact they made plenty of people mad at them when they cut spending.

Did Mulroney tax and spend? Does Harper? Bush? Obama? Who? It is easy to make blanket statements, to utter platitudes. Give specific examples of the politicians who practice tax and spend these days.

These days it is either borrow and spend (the classic conservative philosophy) or tax increases combined with spending cuts, which lead to balanced budget.

Off the top of my head William Lyon MacKenzie King, Louis St. Laurent, John George Diefenbaker, Lester Bowles Pearson, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Joseph Clark, John Turner, Martin Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Stephen Harper. Don't think I missed many.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
SirJosephPorter, I must admit you are absolutely correct.

Obama may not have raised taxxes on the living, but he sure condemned the future generations of Americans to a crippling debt, that will have to be paid by increased taxes, or printing money, or the attitude that 'f**k our great-grand-children we won't be here'.

A real liberal Messiah! Hope and Change?

Don’t change the subject, YJ. You claimed in a mealy mouthed way that Obama raised taxes. When I asked you to give an example as to which taxes he raised, you could not give an example. I wonder if you get your talking points from the Republican Central Politburo.

We are talking here if any politician practices tax and spend, as JLM has claimed. Since you could not give an example of tax and spend, you are trying to change the subject. That is a classic trick to hide the fact that one has ran out of arguments.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Off the top of my head William Lyon MacKenzie King, Louis St. Laurent, John George Diefenbaker, Lester Bowles Pearson, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Joseph Clark, John Turner, Martin Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Stephen Harper. Don't think I missed many.

OK, give me even one instance of tax raising by Harper, or by Kim Campbell, by John Turner.

Show me where Chretien or Martin increased spending. You did not give examples, you just rattled off all the PMs you could think of.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't think minimum wage is a relevant subject to discuss here, YJ. If you want to discuss it, put up a separate thread, I will be happy to discuss it with you.

A thread to discuss raising minimum wage???????????? A thread has a dimenion - there is only one thing to say about raising minimum wage- It's bloody stupid. End of subject period.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
It doesn't matter, those jobs will always pay "peanuts". "Peanuts" when I first started in the work force was a buck an hour, a journeyman carpenter was earning $2.92. Now peanuts is $8 a journeyman carpenter is probably earning $25 an hour or more and a loaf of bread now is $2 while it was 12 cents when I first started working. Get the picture. Boost the minimum wage and bread will be $3 or $4.

JLM these rates are water under the bridge,

today to fly a jumbo jet plane from Vancouver to Toronto it costs to the airline Company Hundreds of thousands when you include labour to maintain the craft. .

When you bought your house, the bank manager asked you how much are you bringing home in total?

To day to afford a $300.000 mortgage on a house MANY MANY people must combine two incomes other wise, they are renting.
The Canadian dream is to put your family under a secure roof, and that doesn’t happen with bringing home PEANUTS.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
JLM these rates are water under the bridge,

today to fly a jumbo jet plane from Vancouver to Toronto it costs to the airline Company Hundreds of thousands when you include labour to maintain the craft. .

When you bought your house, the bank manager asked you how much are you bringing home in total?

To day to afford a $300.000 mortgage on a house MANY MANY people must combine two incomes other wise, they are renting.
The Canadian dream is to put your family under a secure roof, and that doesn’t happen with bringing home PEANUTS.

No that happens with improving your skills and knowledge and getting a better job.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
With outsourcing a way of life for Canadian companies, we are quickly becoming a Third World country. Pretty soon unreal estate will only be affordable by the top 10% of Canadians. I don't care. I can built a warm, safe, secure roof over my head for $1000 and the building inspector won't even know where I am. People have come to expect too much. we are going to have to lower our expectations to fit the economic realities that face us.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
OK, give me even one instance of tax raising by Harper, or by Kim Campbell, by John Turner.

Show me where Chretien or Martin increased spending. You did not give examples, you just rattled off all the PMs you could think of.

No I just rattled off all the Prime Ministers I could think of who have taxed us. That was the subject. Harper hasn't increased any taxes- he's been damn good, cut the G.S.T. by 28% and cut my income tax by a 1/3. I love that guy. (Even if he is a Conservative)


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No I just rattled off all the Prime Ministers I could think of who have taxed us. That was the subject. Harper hasn't increased any taxes- he's been damn good, cut the G.S.T. by 28% and cut my income tax by a 1/3. I love that guy. (Even if he is a Conservative)
He is just buying your vote to try to get a majority. Then he'll tax your butt off.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
With outsourcing a way of life for Canadian companies, we are quickly becoming a Third World country. Pretty soon unreal estate will only be affordable by the top 10% of Canadians. I don't care. I can built a warm, safe, secure roof over my head for $1000 and the building inspector won't even know where I am. People have come to expect too much. we are going to have to lower our expectations to fit the economic realities that face us.

You're a man after my own heart Cliff (and you don't use the services of any bureaucrat)

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
No that happens with improving your skills and knowledge and getting a better job.

Ye sounds good JLM, but Harper is on the radar looking to eliminate thousands of civil servant jobs ,

What are these people going to do?, be unemployed and from $20 an hour with mortgages and kids on their hands look for a better job when in fact the job market is weak?

To educate people it starts from Government, if Government is doing nothing to enhance the work force, the people can’t go to the bank and ask for loans to better them self’s when in fact we Are talking about people with limited know how resources.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
You're a man after my own heart Cliff (and you don't use the services of any bureaucrat)
I do try to avoid the suckers when at all possible. I have yet to pay for a building permit and I have built and added onto a dozen residences. Yea Anarchy!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Ye sounds good JLM, but Harper is on the radar looking to eliminate thousands of civil servant jobs ,

What are these people going to do?, be unemployed and from $20 an hour with mortgages and kids on their hands look for a better job when in fact the job market is weak?

To educate people it starts from Government, if Government is doing nothing to enhance the work force, the people can’t go to the bank and ask for loans to better them self’s when in fact we Are talking about people with limited know how resources.

I've been all through that with provincial Gov't job cuts and virtually everyone I knew came out of it better than they were before. A lot of them either found better jobs elsewhere or started their own business and prospered. Most Gov't job cuts involves turning a service over to the private sector who can do it more efficiently and can afford to pay the employees better. (Good employees that is), there are a few Gov't dregs that don't go very far.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
He is just buying your vote to try to get a majority. Then he'll tax your butt off.

Very likely Cliff- that's what the slime balls do and when it happens I'll revise my opinion of him, meanwhile use the tax saving to produce some capital gains.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
A thread to discuss raising minimum wage???????????? A thread has a dimenion - there is only one thing to say about raising minimum wage- It's bloody stupid. End of subject period.

That is the classic conservative, extreme right view, JLM. It has support only among the far right here in Canada and Republicans in USA. Minimum wage is supported by a great majority of Canadians and a great majority of Americans (who are stupid, according to you, as I said before, you are losing it. The surest sign of an extremist, a wingnut is that he thinks that anybody who disagrees with him is stupid).