Liberal phobia and the cause….


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And just who is practicing the tax and spend philosophy? Harper? Obama? Did Chrétien/Martin practice it? Clinton? Exactly who are these politicians who are practicing the tax and spend philosophy?

The fact is, tax and spend went out of fashion with the center left a long time ago. However, borrow and spend is still popular with conservatives. Let us make a list here of all the conservative proponents of borrow and spend philosophy.

1st Bush
2nd Bush
Mike Harris.

While tax and spend went out of fashion a long time ago, borrow and spend is still very much popular among the conservatives,

Wbo cares? Tax and spend, borrow and spend, it's all wrong, the right way is to save and spend. Now before you jump to any conclusions there is one exception, capital projects are slightly different- if the money can be borrowed at 1 or 2% and the value of the investment increases 3 or 4% then OK. The gov't should hire someone like Warren Buffet to manage all the money- I wouldn't trust the clowns in Ottawa with $50 worth of Monopoly money.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Better watch it there, Buster, I bowl 5 pins every Wed. evening."

And I bowl 10 pin every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 1:00 in the afternoon.

Moderators: sorry for being off-topic. JLM forced me to respond.
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Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
You just do not get it. Who cares what political persuasion supports raising minimum wage? We've been through all this before, raising minimum wage does NOT work, has never worked and NEVER will work. It's a stupid idea, when the minimum wage is raised prices rise. Not a difficult concept for anyone but a moron to understand.

I see, so anybody who supports minimum wage is a moron. You are losing it, JLM. At a stroke, you called millions of Canadians morons. And you claim that you don't care what political persuasion is opposing minimum wage. Then why do you get so hot and bothered when I say that it is a conservative position? If you don't care, you would simply ignore my remark. Why take offense at my remarks, unless you deeply care about them?


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Yeah, right, I had your scrotum in a vice."

JLM, I thought we were talking about bowling (albeit OFF TOPIC) and you respond with a mechanical-anatomical one-liner.

Must hand it to you, sadly: SirJosephPorter clouded your rational thinking.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Wbo cares? Tax and spend, borrow and spend, it's all wrong, the right way is to save and spend. Now before you jump to any conclusions there is one exception, capital projects are slightly different- if the money can be borrowed at 1 or 2% and the value of the investment increases 3 or 4% then OK. The gov't should hire someone like Warren Buffet to manage all the money- I wouldn't trust the clowns in Ottawa with $50 worth of Monopoly money.

Who cares? You care. In your previous post you condemned the tax and spend philosophy. When I asked you to give an example of tax and spend philosophy, give me name of one politician who is practicing it, you couldn’t give even one example.

Then why mention it and condemn it, if nobody is following it? Plenty of politicians are adopting the classic conservative borrow and spend philosophy, yet you did not condemn that. You only condemned tax and spend, even though nobody is following it. Doesn’t that show your conservative bias?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"Yeah, right, I had your scrotum in a vice."

JLM, I thought we were talking about bowling (albeit OFF TOPIC) and you respond with a mechanical-anatomical one-liner.

Must hand it to you, sadly: SirJosephPorter clouded your rational thinking.

I seem to have that effect on a lot of people here, YJ.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
You just do not get it. Who cares what political persuasion supports raising minimum wage? We've been through all this before, raising minimum wage does NOT work, has never worked and NEVER will work. It's a stupid idea, when the minimum wage is raised prices rise. Not a difficult concept for anyone but a moron to understand.

Easy JLM with he friendly fire, if people work for peanuts, how can the working class, make Canada GREAT,

people have to work to raise kids, put a roof over their heads and maintain a standard of living in balance with all the rest of the economy, while it is important to insure that the worker will have his dignity protected.

Dignity, a word that mean so much to human beings.

Making a human being work for peanuts while the rich Conservative pockets get bigger is an assault on a persons dignity.

Are we friends with that?
I hope we are.
Have you ever gone to sleep hungry?

the people that work for pennants go to sleep hungry many days out of a years. Think about it...........................So........... this is not about morons, it is about Governments to be there for the people, not to tell them tighten your belt, and I will come and talk to you first class while your tax $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ will be spend foolishly. Come on........ :smile:


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"When I asked you to give an example of tax and spend philosophy, give me name of one politician who is practicing it, you couldn’t give even one example."

JLM, if I took the words out of your mouth, I am sorry, but I just could not resist SirJosephPorter's dare:



Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
....but about 70% of Canadians love the Charter? Really? Whatever...

Quite so, Ron. That is what the last poll I saw indicated. Charter is now an integral part of Canadian identity. It is an integral part of Canada, it is the best document of its kind in the world (incidentally, it is much better than the Bill of Rights).


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Making a human being work for peanuts while the rich Conservative pockets get bigger is an assault on a persons dignity."

Like Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
Like Jean Chretien.
Like Paul Martin.

And those are only the Prime Ministers.

All Conservatives? Really?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"When I asked you to give an example of tax and spend philosophy, give me name of one politician who is practicing it, you couldn’t give even one example."

JLM, if I took the words out of your mouth, I am sorry, but I just could not resist SirJosephPorter's dare:


Really? Give even a single example of tax increase by Obama. If anything, he has cut taxes since he came to office. He is following the classic conservative borrow and spend philosophy.

But of course he inherited the economy that was about to fall off the cliff, so I can understand him running a deficit (same as I wouldn't blame Harper for running a deficit).

But show me even a single instance of tax increase by Obama.

Incidentally, you are not being politically correct here. The politically correct far right way of referring to Obama is B. Hussein Obama (or even just Hussein Obama, he is a Muslim after all, remember?)
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Easy JLM with he friendly fire, if people work for peanuts, how can the working class, make Canada GREAT,

people have to work to raise kids, put a roof over their heads and maintain a standard of living in balance with all the rest of the economy, while it is important to insure that the worker will have his dignity protected.

Dignity, a word that mean so much to human beings.

Making a human being work for peanuts while the rich Conservative pockets get bigger is an assault on a persons dignity.

Are we friends with that?
I hope we are.
Have you ever gone to sleep hungry?

the people that work for pennants go to sleep hungry many days out of a years. Think about it...........................So........... this is not about morons, it is about Governments to be there for the people, not to tell them tighten your belt, and I will come and talk to you first class while your tax $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ will be spend foolishly. Come on........ :smile:

It doesn't matter, those jobs will always pay "peanuts". "Peanuts" when I first started in the work force was a buck an hour, a journeyman carpenter was earning $2.92. Now peanuts is $8 a journeyman carpenter is probably earning $25 an hour or more and a loaf of bread now is $2 while it was 12 cents when I first started working. Get the picture. Boost the minimum wage and bread will be $3 or $4.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Easy JLM with he friendly fire, if people work for peanuts, how can the working class, make Canada GREAT,

people have to work to raise kids, put a roof over their heads and maintain a standard of living in balance with all the rest of the economy, while it is important to insure that the worker will have his dignity protected.

Dignity, a word that mean so much to human beings.

Making a human being work for peanuts while the rich Conservative pockets get bigger is an assault on a persons dignity.

Are we friends with that?
I hope we are.
Have you ever gone to sleep hungry?

the people that work for pennants go to sleep hungry many days out of a years. Think about it...........................So........... this is not about morons, it is about Governments to be there for the people, not to tell them tighten your belt, and I will come and talk to you first class while your tax $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ will be spend foolishly. Come on........ :smile:

Quite so. I did not respond to JLM on minimum wage because I didn’t think that belongs in this thread. And really to discuss it in detail, it needs to be in a separate thread.

However, minimum wage is absolutely essential in a capitalistic society. It is one of the several necessary checks and balances on rampant capitalism. Left to itself, free enterprise only knows how to make money, and it does that very well.

But there must be reasonable checks and balances so that free enterprise does not get out of hand (like it did in the recent meltdown). Minimum wage is a necessary constraint on free enterprise; it protects the poor against the excesses of capitalism.

Without minimum wage, we all know what happened during depression. “Brother, can you spare a dime?” or “Will work for food.”


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
SirJosephPorter, I must admit you are absolutely correct.

Obama may not have raised taxxes on the living, but he sure condemned the future generations of Americans to a crippling debt, that will have to be paid by increased taxes, or printing money, or the attitude that 'f**k our great-grand-children we won't be here'.

A real liberal Messiah! Hope and Change?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"Yeah, right, I had your scrotum in a vice."

JLM, I thought we were talking about bowling (albeit OFF TOPIC) and you respond with a mechanical-anatomical one-liner.

Must hand it to you, sadly: SirJosephPorter clouded your rational thinking.

Yep, that happens but I bounce back pretty fast. :lol::lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
" When I asked you to give an example of tax and spend philosophy, give me name of one politician who is practicing it, you couldn't give even one example."

That is about the most insane statement today- EVERY politician in Canada during my lifetime has taxed and spent.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Wrong, as usual, SirJosephPorter.

Minumum wage is necessary ONLY in a SOCIALISTIC society.

Those of us (and I HAVE BEEN THERE) who are willing and able to lift ourselves up and out of the minimum wage quagmire, have done so and will always do so. Those who can't, don't want to or too lazy to do so, deserve to be stuck in there.

How would you know, you born-with-silver-spoon-in-your-mouth socialist?

Have you ever worked for anything in your life?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Wrong, as usual, SirJosephPorter.

Minumum wage is necessary ONLY in a SOCIALISTIC society.

Those of us (and I HAVE BEEN THERE) who are willing and able to lift ourselves up and out of the minimum wage quagmire, have done so and will always do so. Those who can't, don't want to or too lazy to do so, deserve to be stuck in there.

How would you know, you born-with-silver-spoon-in-your-mouth socialist?

Have you ever worked for anything in your life?

Now you are talking sense Y.J. - You must have changed your oxygen bottle........:lol::lol:

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
The Charter instils dignity in a human beings life ………. Years ego when the charter was not around , people that had mental illness were lobotomised by the authority of the day or Government of the day.
That was a quick way to rehabilitate with minimal cost.

That was a human crime, to take a part of a persons brain out to stop miss behaving when in fact the person was mentally ill.

Huge crime, Pierre Elliott Trudeau is on record helping humanity in Canada by not ever allowing this atrocity to take place.

The charter was the fundamental tool to show the world that Canada is an inclusive society, is and will never be touched or changed because it insures that political thugs of the past will never see another day like the days where human rights were often in a toilet like aborted babies.8O