With all due respect, I think you missed the point I was making. Walter keeps posting stuff about record lows, so I just post stuff about record highs. Weather happens. Walter cannot seem to grasp the concept of CLIMATE.With all due respect...did you read the article on Bulgaria?
So? Last I heard fog was a factor in weather patterns.It was 22 degrees and they say it was caused by fog...and blizzards are due this weekend.
My home town is not too far from Shag Harbour. I'll let you in on a secret DB, a marine engineer makes those parts in his basement. There's always a dupe willing to believe it's the real stuff. ( the real stuff is in a bunker)
With all due respect, I think you missed the point I was making. Walter keeps posting stuff about record lows, so I just post stuff about record highs. Weather happens. Walter cannot seem to grasp the concept of CLIMATE.
So? Last I heard fog was a factor in weather patterns.
Does the foil make great hats? I really need some foil hats.
Ok then...what should we do?
Give undeveloped nations trillions, grind the western economies to a trickle, allow China and India and the other Basic nations to grow unrestrained... and that will stop the climate from changing?
Quit screwing up the planet.Ok then...what should we do?
We already give undeveloped nations lots, I can't see where giving them more will change anything.Give undeveloped nations trillions, grind the western economies to a trickle, allow China and India and the other Basic nations to grow unrestrained... and that will stop the climate from changing?
Quit screwing up the planet.
We already give undeveloped nations lots, I can't see where giving them more will change anything.
You know where is it this bunker?
Screwing up the planet or playing political games?Well isn't that what Copenhagen was all about?
Screwing up the planet or playing political games?
My stance is that I cannot see what difference it makes making money from cleaner sources of energy than from oil. The players are just different.
Conservation Ecology: Bridging the Gap Between Economics and Ecology
IMO, there doesn't need to be a gap between ecology/conservation and economics, but there is definitely a gap between economics to satisfy greed and ecological economics.
Well the Climate Change movement has been hijacked then.
WHAT GLOBAL WARMING? It is freezing down here.
Coldest winter in 25 years, quarter of a century, new cold records are being set. Artic blasts being felt as far south as Florida's Key West, one after another. Yet we are in a global warming?? Global warming is just another scare tactic from environmentalists. The Earth will cycle from cold ice age type climates to warm tropical climates, always has, always will. Those who say we are warming up or cooling down are no different than those who tried scaring the natives with an eclipse being a god devouring the Moon that only they could bring it back. Mother Earth is just letting us know she still is in charge and there is nothing we can do about it.
Extreme weather can be caused by climate change.
What could we do if this is another one of those mini ice ages happening again?
Cover the poles and all other ice with black carbon, burn more fuel, release more methane, reduce the reflectivity of surfaces. To start.
But it isn't a mini ice age happening again. There's no evidence of this at all.