Army: 12 dead in 31 wounded shooting attacks at Fort Hood base in Texas


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B. happened to the other gunman (or two) they
thought existed earlier today? They didn't exist? They're dead
now and don't count? It was just confusion that hadn't been
sorted out yet at that point? :-?

Actually, they did release two suspects, but are still holding a third suspect.....I assume that is not the shrink.


Time Out
Aug 5, 2009
Geneva Convention ref medical and ChapliansMedical personnel, including medical and dental officers, technicians and corpsmen, nurses, and medical service personnel, have special protected status when engaged exclusively in medical duties and may not be attacked. Possession of small arms for self-protection, for the protection of the wounded and sick, and for protection from marauders and others violating the law of armed conflict does not disqualify medical personnel from protected status. Medical personnel may not use such arms against enemy forces acting in conformity with the law of armed conflict. Chaplains attached to the armed forces are entitled to respect and protection. Medical personnel and chaplains should display the distinctive emblem of the red cross or red crescent when engaged in their respective medical and religious activities. Failure to wear the distinctive emblem does not, by itself, justify attacking a medical person or chaplain, recognized as such. Medical personnel and chaplains falling into enemy hands do not become prisoners of war. Unless their retention by the enemy is required to provide for the medical or religious needs of prisoners of war, medical personnel and chaplains must be repatriated at the earliest opportunity

Thanks, I was unaware. I didn't think psychiatrists stationed in a base in Texas would actually need to, or be permitted to carry guns.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
What a great day for some eh?

Too bad he was a muslim...sort of takes most the fun out of it.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Why does the media have to create and invent motives for this? Maybe the guy simply cracked. Does it have to be more than that?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Why does the media have to create and invent motives for this? Maybe the guy simply cracked. Does it have to be more than that?

It's natural human curiosity to wonder why. At least he's alive. In most of these cases people are left wondering, because the shooter is usually dead, from a law enforcement bullet or the gunners own weapon. If he's alive he can say why he did what he did.

You know, reflecting on my brief excursion to that pit gerry mentioned, I'm not surprised at all by this.

Recently some talking head, can't remember which one, remarked on an Obama nomination for a circuit court judicial position, that he was concerned about Muslims in America being targeted after 9/11. He [talking head] thought this was preposterous, that the fellow wasn't thinking about the thousands of deaths. Well, that was a bit disingenuous. He [nominee] never said that it was his first thought, or even the pressing concern he had.

Sure enough, in the months and years after 9/11, Arabs/Muslims/Persians/Hindu...any group who resembled the en vogue terrorist, became an increasingly common target as victims of violent crime. They didn't usurp Jewish Americans, but they rose from something like a few tenths of a per cent, to nearly 10% I think it was.

Seems to me at least, a bit like a self-fulfilling prophecy on the part of those who are vehemently xenophobic in the aftermath of a tragedy like 9/11 was. I'm not saying that this man was thinking about any of that, but it's hard to see how this cycle does not increase the likelihood of stuff like this happening.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
As far as carrying around weapons on a base, oddly enough you are not supposed to. You draw your weapon when you need it. You carry one while on duty, such as battalion or armory guard. MP's carry them, but only on duty as well. If a Marine had a personal weapon and lived in the barracks he or she had to have it registered and kept at the armory.


Jan 6, 2007
I would think that the policies regarding guns on base are made evident by the fact that it took a civilian police woman to take the guy down. Clearly people don't tote guns everywhere with them at all times as most think, or this guy would only have gotten a few shots off, and been done with, no?

As for the incident itself, my heart goes out to all the families involved, and the many injured. What a terrifying ordeal.

(uh oh, on a re-read, I didn't politicize this tragedy at all... is that allowed?)


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
I thought the whole incident was quite appropriate...the shooter being Muslim and gunning down a bunch of trained civilian-killers.

What better training could they get, at this "Readiness Center" before being shipped out for the real deal?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
so you are from TO, what part?

You are gonna be outta here.

And rightfully so.

JBee is like a bad smell from the bathroom........terrible, unpleasant, serves no useful purpose, but inevitable, and you really can't do anything but put up with it.....

Threats serve no purpose. And they are specifically prohibited on the site.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I agree and was being sarcastic to the one who finds absolute joy in what happened and the death of any US soldier...or civillian for that matter.
Yeah, I agree it was a dark day, too.
Some people are just really low class. It happens. Antisocial personality disorder is pretty common.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC

I agree and was being sarcastic to the one who finds absolute joy in what happened and the death of any US soldier...or civillian for that matter.

OK so we agree..

The fun JBee is having.

I don't see the humour in JBee's posts.. Guess I must have lost it with when I grew up.

Sure it would have

Why would it have made a difference to be Christian or Jewish instead of Muslim ? A person is a person and one can crack at any time regardless of faith. If I am not mistaken the Muslim religion ( Islam ) is the second largest in the World. I say this because I am Catholic but do not practice at this time, but if I was to shot up a store would my religion have a factor in it ?

All I am saying is before we crucify the religion and man lets get the details..


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
Americans have absolutely no-body to blame for this incident, but themselves.

You`d probably be surprised at the amount of indifference people around the world have, for those trigger-happy nuts shooting themselves up, before being deployed to do the same to other innocents on another continent.

Yeah, I agree it was a dark day, too.
Some people are just really low class. It happens. Antisocial personality disorder is pretty common.