U.S. ambassador in Alberta to learn about oilsands


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
The road between the original refinery and Fort McMurray was paved with tar sand. In hot weather your car left tracks in it but the damn stuff looked like tar, and smelled like tar, but for the lack or surplus of a few molecules, it could have been tar. Who cares?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Ya well.I took a dump that was tar like the other day.8O
Theres no tar in the oilsands ger,it's manmade.

Your grasping at straws now.
Who gives a crap if it's nature-made, man-made, or Martian-made? Tar sands, oil sands, rosy sands, paisley sands, cheese from the moon, whatever you want to call it is irrelevant. Petroleum, crude, etc. is the nastiest crap that humans dug up yet. It fouls the air, the land, and the water.
And BTW, your brother should be able to tell you that a blown engine does not have to exhibit outward signs of being blown. Anna was right about that.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
And thanks to the uninformed and ignorant,most people think it's nothing short of a nuclear disaster.

So sorry if I question your fearmongering and scare tactics.
Sorry, atomic energy is a different kind of mess. You seem to be confused. We are speaking of the bitumins in northern Alberta and not the Ur farther north, are we not?
Calling a spade a spade is not fearmongering and scare tactics. Petroleum is a pollutant - period.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
And the bitching from the rest of Canada and guys like like you gets some here to think of seperation where we could literally turn off the taps and ship mainly to the states.
Then the ROC would be fuc***.
Hard to fight the seperatists when your fighting the other provinces too.

You forgot about the tax on the wellhead Canada did it then and they can go it again.

Put a big fat tax on what is scooped out of the ground and the oil companies will shut it down and move away.

Alberta’s dirty oil would be too pricey for America

That’s what happens when you tell ROC to freeze in the dark
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Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
And thanks to the uninformed and ignorant,most people think it's nothing short of a nuclear disaster.

The part that I think is a disaster is the waste of huge amounts of water, and the creation of huge lakes of tarry sludge.

Depsite what rosy-coloured glasses some oil-patch workers see the world through, the actual engineers and scientists who work with the tailings ponds aren't quite sure what they can do with it, in any safe and practical sense.

And I know that you'll come up with some anecdotal story about how great it is, but I base my opinions on the guys at Kearl Lake, who are trying to find a solution.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
The part that I think is a disaster is the waste of huge amounts of water, and the creation of huge lakes of tarry sludge.

Depsite what rosy-coloured glasses some oil-patch workers see the world through, the actual engineers and scientists who work with the tailings ponds aren't quite sure what they can do with it, in any safe and practical sense.

And I know that you'll come up with some anecdotal story about how great it is, but I base my opinions on the guys at Kearl Lake, who are trying to find a solution.
I disagree to a point, Mr. Penny. I think the entire petroleum thing is a disaster. The stuff pollutes every aspect of our physical lives and a few aspects of our psychological lives, too. It is just foul from Point A to any other point imaginable.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
I'm sure it will work. The long term question is how the sediment will affect benthic organisms in these lakes, and if the toxins will mobilize through the food webs.
Exactly. Les's point was that they keep spreading it. Perhaps one day before the thing is shut down, they will have reaches absolutely every environment on the planet and fouled it up. These people have no sense of ecological balance whatsoever.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Sorry, atomic energy is a different kind of mess. You seem to be confused. We are speaking of the bitumins in northern Alberta and not the Ur farther north, are we not?
Calling a spade a spade is not fearmongering and scare tactics. Petroleum is a pollutant - period.

well then considering most everything your useing right now is petroleum based that would mean your also part of the problem.
Most of you couldnt give a **** about the oilsands or the environment,its just a convenient way to bash Alberta for you and I got used to it a long time ago.
Sometimes I think its just jelousy that fuels the hatred.:roll:


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
can't do it, can ya..... more bullsh*t from the king.

I can understand why the oil company's would not want to be questioned. I can understand why the government would not want a spot light shone on their working. You, on the other hand, the only reason's I can come up for you not wanting anything about the oil sands questioned is because you're afraid for your job, in which cas you shouldn't be talking about this on an open forum, or your a company hack.
Company hack? as inspector I'm the guy that gets fined if things arent done right and thats why I'm an independant contractor when doing that work.
You dont really have much of a clue how the patch works do you Ger?

I dont work for any oil companys dude,what part of that dont you understand?

And i'm building access roads in Banff national park right now,right on the Trans Canada trail to be specific.This means the roads I build are reclaimed a week later by me and put back to original as their only used for a few days.

Theres only half the amount of biologists,ecologists and other govt agencys watching me now compared to oil patch work where you cant take a leak without someone doing up a contamination report.

Stick to furnaces Ger.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
You forgot about the tax on the wellhead Canada did it then and they can go it again.

Put a big fat tax on what is scooped out of the ground and the oil companies will shut it down and move away.

Alberta’s dirty oil would be too pricey for America

That’s what happens when you tell ROC to freeze in the dark

Albertas dirty oil also fuels the rest of Canada so if you want to go broke paying to heat your home then slap a tax on it by all means.Thats the kind of thinking that gets the Crazy seperatists going and gives them all the ammo they need to hate the east.
Thats the liberal answer to everything though,put a tax on it.:roll:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Company hack? as inspector I'm the guy that gets fined if things arent done right and thats why I'm an independant contractor when doing that work.
You dont really have much of a clue how the patch works do you Ger?

I dont work for any oil companys dude,what part of that dont you understand?

And i'm building access roads in Banff national park right now,right on the Trans Canada trail to be specific.This means the roads I build are reclaimed a week later by me and put back to original as their only used for a few days.

Theres only half the amount of biologists,ecologists and other govt agencys watching me now compared to oil patch work where you cant take a leak without someone doing up a contamination report.

Stick to furnaces Ger.

still obfuscating I see.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Building roads? I thought you were an "inspector".
I am,when theres nothing to inspect I do what I did to become an inspector,move the earth.
Most inspectors started out as equipment operators on pipeline or lease sites,experience counts more then anything as your mainly babysitting other equipment operators.

I do other things as well Juan,I also hold a supervisors ticket for exploration surface mining.
I like to keep my options open as relying on one industry for your livelyhood can get pretty boring after awhile and Ive been working steady since 1978 so I must be doing something right.
Reclamation is my forte though,they dont just let any yahoo loose in a national park with heavy machinery.