Help me find Sober People

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
There is nothing wrong with a sober person, the problem is people with whom abstinence is usually associated. People like Mohammed Atta, Osama Ben Laden, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Dr. Dobson etc., these are the prominent teetotalers. It was the Fundamentalists who stuck the USA with a constitutional amendment banning alcohol.

So it is not any wonder that the average person would look at abstinence with suspicion.

Is it they ... or Bill W who make you queasy?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
"After all, alcohol does not occur in nature."- Have you never seen drunken birds staggering around after pecking away at fermented fruit?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
There is nothing wrong with a sober person, the problem is people with whom abstinence is usually associated. People like Mohammed Atta, Osama Ben Laden, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Dr. Dobson etc., these are the prominent teetotalers. It was the Fundamentalists who stuck the USA with a constitutional amendment banning alcohol.

So it is not any wonder that the average person would look at abstinence with suspicion.

Perhaps there's some abstainers that just don't like the stuff. I can't actually say truthfully that I like the taste of alcohol and I'm thinking there's a lot of boozers that probably don't either. Actually I think the only ones who do like it are the ones who suck it back neat.


Jan 6, 2007
"After all, alcohol does not occur in nature."- Have you never seen drunken birds staggering around after pecking away at fermented fruit?

Perhaps whoever said that wasn't aware that not all alcohols are distilled (which it's true, doesn't occur in nature). Wine drinkers for example, would know that their favorite brew is the result of fermentation, not distillation.

BTW, this is one of my absolute favourite clips....

YouTube - Animals Getting Drunk


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
S.J.- One of the best friends I ever had (he died last year) was a fairly staunch Conservative and a very staunch drinker, but he wasn't in the slightest way religious. He was also the furthest thing from being a hypocrite- just loved to laugh and enjoy life. So you just don't want to be too hasty in making this right wing, non drinking, religious fanatic connection- there's lots that aren't like that.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Perhaps there's some abstainers that just don't like the stuff. I can't actually say truthfully that I like the taste of alcohol and I'm thinking there's a lot of boozers that probably don't either. Actually I think the only ones who do like it are the ones who suck it back neat.

Try to be more clear with your writing. I'd be very surprised if there was ANYONE who liked the taste of alcohol, especially neat. I tried some in university (a bottle cap's worth), and it HURT. It's also extremely dangerous.

I assume, though, that your paragraph is meant to refer to alcoholic beverages. There are several that I like the taste of.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Try to be more clear with your writing. I'd be very surprised if there was ANYONE who liked the taste of alcohol, especially neat. I tried some in university (a bottle cap's worth), and it HURT. It's also extremely dangerous.

I assume, though, that your paragraph is meant to refer to alcoholic beverages. There are several that I like the taste of.
Lol. I doubt there is anyone who took chem that didn't try a swig of pure ethyl.

I've yet to have a better kahlua than one made in a lab.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"After all, alcohol does not occur in nature."- Have you never seen drunken birds staggering around after pecking away at fermented fruit?

Sure I have, JLM. I have also seen the footage of elephants getting drunk on fermented sugar cane juice and going on a rampage. But such instances are rare. Alcohol does not occur in nature in the same way as apples or mushrooms occurs in nature. Nobody in his right mind would bend down in a swamp and drink the fermenting sugar cane juice, or try to eat the fermented (and also rotting) fruit.

I don’t think that those who go back to nature would agree that alcohol occurs in nature.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
SJP...the bears know EXACTLY when to eat the berries specifically to get drunk. It's not a random thing at all.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Sure I have, JLM. I have also seen the footage of elephants getting drunk on fermented sugar cane juice and going on a rampage. But such instances are rare. Alcohol does not occur in nature in the same way as apples or mushrooms occurs in nature. Nobody in his right mind would bend down in a swamp and drink the fermenting sugar cane juice, or try to eat the fermented (and also rotting) fruit.

I don’t think that those who go back to nature would agree that alcohol occurs in nature.

What do you think mash is? Hint: NOT just a TV show....


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Perhaps there's some abstainers that just don't like the stuff. I can't actually say truthfully that I like the taste of alcohol and I'm thinking there's a lot of boozers that probably don't either. Actually I think the only ones who do like it are the ones who suck it back neat.

I just love drinking. I've tried plenty of different types of beer and hard stuff. I settled on Bushmills Black Bush Single Malt a few years ago and Guinness. I love the taste. But with the Whiskey, I add just a little water which brings out all the hidden flavour. But like all alcohol it's an acquired taste. You have to look for the one that appeals to you and then really examine what it is about, with food, with other drinks and I think as well the social aspect is important too. Best to be around like minded folk who enjoy it also to really get the best out of the stuff.

I don't much like people who drink to be men, or drink to get smashed.
To each his own.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
It never ceased to amaze me at how much dander I could raise in telling some "manlinessed-up" inebtiate to put it back in his pants or take it outside. Was it the sober guy ... or the yellow T-shirt that read PLEASE FEEL SECURE? An enquiring mind wants to know....


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I just love drinking. I've tried plenty of different types of beer and hard stuff. I settled on Bushmills Black Bush Single Malt a few years ago and Guinness.

Have you been to Ireland, Unforgiven? The Irish people are crafty. They keep the really good stuff at home, they export the second best stuff. I used to drink Guinness in Britain from time to time. When I visited Dublin and had a pint of Guinness in a pub, I was surprised how flavorful and full bodied it was. Somebody told me that they keep the really good stuff at home and export the second best stuff.

As to Whiskey, I like Glenfiddich, Glenlivet or similar single malts. For blends I like the Johnny Walker (Green label, Gold label, Blue label etc.).

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister

Analysis of the Guiness is bang-on... Anything that you get out of Ireland is merely a bastardized version of teh original.

If you enjoy scotch, give Highland Park 18 year a whirl.. It's a little pricey, but considering that a bottle will last you months, it is well worth the price.