Quit picking on Obama……


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
While some may wish he was not President, proof has yet to be delivered. Only then will the Supreme Court strip him from that title.

Sir Francis, I seriously doubt if Supreme Court will get involved. They already gave one presidential election to one of their buddies, Bush by a partisan 5 to 4 vote. They got plenty of flak for that. They would be crazy to repeat their mistake yet again (but then, one can never tell).

Anyway, if they try to strip Obama of the Presidency and hand it over to their buddy, McCain, there will be long lasting riots in the streets, law and order very well will break down. The relations between blacks and white will take a real dive; cause of racism will be set back perhaps 50 years.

I can even see the rise of radical Islam among blacks (when they see that the first black president was kicked out by the white people), blacks may produce suicide bombers. The whole thing could get very ugly. If Supreme Court has any sense at all, they wouldn’t touch it with a ten meter poll.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
While some may wish he was not President, proof has yet to be delivered. Only then will the Supreme Court strip him from that title.

Sir Francis, I seriously doubt if Supreme Court will get involved. They already gave one presidential election to one of their buddies, Bush by a partisan 5 to 4 vote. They got plenty of flak for that. They would be crazy to repeat their mistake yet again (but then, one can never tell).

My point is simple.. With Hillary and Bill, they would have dug this up and had the Democratic Party lawyers have this put thru the extreme scrutiny back when it was not so hard to get their hands on.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
My point is simple.. With Hillary and Bill, they would have dug this up and had the Democratic Party lawyers have this put thru the extreme scrutiny back when it was not so hard to get their hands on.

You are probably right. If there had been anything to this issue, you may be sure that Hillary would have exploited it to the fullest.


Nominee Member
Feb 27, 2009
RanchHand, the Florida election was a total mess. Perhaps a recount of the whole state may have been the answer, I don’t know. But I do know what Supreme Court did was the worst of all possible worlds.

I'm confused. So because the Supreme Court has allowed multiple recounts process, they are devious for realizing and stopping the Democrat's shenanigans? Bush was the legitimate winner of the Florida election. Heck, the election wasn't even legitimate because there were many votes sent by the military via mail that weren't even accounted for. If we are going to truly put the blame on Republicans for fraudulent elections, then I should see you in the front line protesting against ACORN.

No he didn’t. A few months after he came to office, just before 9/11, his approval rating was down to 40 %. Bush was going down; he may not have survived the first term at the rate he was going. 9/11 saved him. His popularity soared after 9/11; people always rally behind the President whenever there is a crises.

But go back and check the numbers, Bush was down to 40% by July or August 2001, just a few months after he took office.

I'd just like to keep this up for your post later on where you laugh at me for referencing the internet to factual information. This factual claim you made was almost instantly refuted by Cannuck(thank you for your source) who proved that Bush's approval ratings were roughly 60 ~ high 50 %. You claim the internet is for bias, evidently facts are predominant.

And how do you know that to be the case? How do you know that most or all of Perot supporters would have voted for Bush? Nothing of the sort, Perot had no love lost for Bush, he hated Bush’s guts, that is why he was running against him.

In fact, when Perot withdrew from the race (he rejoined the race afterwards), he chose the right moment to do so, during Democratic convention. His withdrawal gave Clinton a big boost in the polls, for the first time he pulled ahead of Bush (for a long time he was running third, behind Bush and Perot).

So if anything Perot’s voters were more likely to vote for Clinton than for Bush.

I think we're both well aware why the right wing voters had such distaste for George Bush senior. Bush senior was a joke of a right winger, with arranging so many budget agreements with the Democrats. The independant group, being the only one with possibly more right wing ideologies than republicans, was the alternative for the majority of voters. To say that Clinton was the alternative is a really wierd argument. I'm pretty sure that he wasn't, especially considering how he recieved only 43% of the vote.

That is a good one, RanchHand. Facts matter on Internet? Anybody can publish any sort of rubbish, any sort of nonsense on Internet and those must be regarded as facts? Or is it only right wing propaganda that must be regarded as facts?

Well, you may believe propaganda of the right on the internet (such an American Thinker), I don’t’ believe anything I read on the Internet unless it comes from a reputable source. A right wing source is not a reputable source (neither is a left wing one for that matter).

This line provided me with today’s laugh, what matters on the Internet is facts.

You really think so? Because the internet is most likely the greatest enemy of left wingers. With factual information available at the tip of our fingers, verifying what is true and false is easy. This is why the internet is the golden age of disscussion breading. With new found emphasis on what is fact or fiction, people will realize what's more important- one's opinion, or the facts he used to back up his opinion.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''if they try to strip Obama of the Presidency and hand it over to their buddy, McCain, there will be long lasting riots in the streets''

Not to worry as the point is moot.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
No one is going to enjoy anything until they can feel secure with there lives and jobs again. Do I care who turns the economy around? No. We all will just be better off the sooner it is done. It seems that the depression what ever you want to call it is turning around, new jobs are forming, not nearly enough though. Things are looking better overall.


Nominee Member
Feb 27, 2009
RanchHand, the Florida election was a total mess.

I always wondered why people would reply to the same message twice, and it's because they don't let you edit your post after an amount of time. Anyways, I'm not sure if you noticed SirJoseph but you were replying to me from before, not RanchHand xD


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Nobody is going to strip Obama of anything. He is the President, and if anything were to happen to him Biden would become the President. McCain and the Republicans are out of the loop.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I'm confused. So because the Supreme Court has allowed multiple recounts process, they are devious for realizing and stopping the Democrat's shenanigans?

Wrong, A4NoOb, Supreme Court didn’t allow even a single recount. It was the Florida Supreme Court which ordered the recount. US Supreme Court promptly ordered a stop to it, by a partisan 5 to 4 vote, giving the election to their buddy, Bush.

This factual claim you made was almost instantly refuted by Cannuck (thank you for your source) who proved that Bush's approval ratings were roughly 60 ~ high 50 %. You claim the internet is for bias, evidently facts are predominant.

Cannuck is my poodle; he is the charter member of my fan club. I don’t read his posts, what he says is so much yapping of a poodle to me. I was quoting here from memory, but I am pretty sure that Bush’s approval rating prior to 9/11 was down at least in the 40s, if not down to 40.

Anyway, if you have the weblink, could you produce it here? I will look into it. I will be very surprised if I am wrong. I am pretty sure that Bush was down to 40s (if not actual 40) just before 9/11 attack. Anyway, produce the link here and I will look into it.

I think we're both well aware why the right wing voters had such distaste for George Bush senior.

You have got it wrong, right wingers did not dislike Bush. Bush (same as his son Bush) belonged to religious right, the Republican base loved him. They may have been mad at him for raising the taxes, but on issues that mattered to the base (abortion, homosexuality, creationism etc.), Bush was quite solid.

It is the moderates who had the problem with Bush. The economy was in the tank, and moderates care more about economy that any other issue. Right wingers care more about social issues such as abortion, homosexuality etc., and economy is not all that important to them.

Many of the voters who switched form Bush to Perot were moderates, and there is no evidence to suggest that all or most of them would have voted for Bush if Perot had not been there. In fact, for a while Perot was not there, he had withdrawn from the race (he later rejoined the race).

When Perot was out of the race, Clinton was leading Bush.

With factual information available at the tip of our fingers, verifying what is true and false is easy.

Sure factual information is available. But 90% of what is published on internet is rubbish, utter nonsense. If you want to take what the right wingers say on the internet as the Gospel truth, that is your right. Personally, I don’t pay any attention to right wing or left wing websites; both are equally guilty in spouting nonsense. I stick to reputable respectable websites, such as CNN, BBC, CBC, New York Times etc. You can have the FOX, WorldNetDaily, TownHall, AmericanThinker and other right wing hate sites.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
''if they try to strip Obama of the Presidency and hand it over to their buddy, McCain, there will be long lasting riots in the streets''

Not to worry as the point is moot.

Sure it is moot, Gopher, I don’t see that happening. But the right wing still dreams. Right wingers still dream of the day when Obama will be put in prison and presidency is handed to McCain (not their man, but a useful figurehead), with Joan of Arc as the real power behind the throne (who is the real darling of the right wingers).


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obama's Iraq Visit, Staged Affection?!

If you are wondering who these soldiers are hugging Obama? Read the email below: (H/T: Macsmind)

An email from a sergeant that was there.
“We were pre-screened, asked by officials “Who voted for Obama?”, and then those who raised their hands were shuffled to the front of the receiving line. They even handed out digital cameras and asked them to hold them up.”
Take a look at the picture at AP and notice all the cameras are the same models? Coincidence? I think not.

From: Change & Hope Obama Style


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Yeah as opposed to Bush's farwell speech where shoe tossers where ushered to the front of the gallery. It's politics, there isn't anything that isn't staged.

Reminds me of some people who get totally pissed off over mashed potatoes.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I'm confused. So because the Supreme Court has allowed multiple recounts process, they are devious for realizing and stopping the Democrat's shenanigans?

Wrong, A4NoOb, Supreme Court didn’t allow even a single recount. It was the Florida Supreme Court which ordered the recount. US Supreme Court promptly ordered a stop to it, by a partisan 5 to 4 vote, giving the election to their buddy, Bush.

This factual claim you made was almost instantly refuted by Cannuck (thank you for your source) who proved that Bush's approval ratings were roughly 60 ~ high 50 %. You claim the internet is for bias, evidently facts are predominant.

Cannuck is my poodle; he is the charter member of my fan club. I don’t read his posts, what he says is so much yapping of a poodle to me. I was quoting here from memory, but I am pretty sure that Bush’s approval rating prior to 9/11 was down at least in the 40s, if not down to 40.

Anyway, if you have the weblink, could you produce it here? I will look into it. I will be very surprised if I am wrong. I am pretty sure that Bush was down to 40s (if not actual 40) just before 9/11 attack. Anyway, produce the link here and I will look into it.

I think we're both well aware why the right wing voters had such distaste for George Bush senior.

You have got it wrong, right wingers did not dislike Bush. Bush (same as his son Bush) belonged to religious right, the Republican base loved him. They may have been mad at him for raising the taxes, but on issues that mattered to the base (abortion, homosexuality, creationism etc.), Bush was quite solid.

It is the moderates who had the problem with Bush. The economy was in the tank, and moderates care more about economy that any other issue. Right wingers care more about social issues such as abortion, homosexuality etc., and economy is not all that important to them.

Many of the voters who switched form Bush to Perot were moderates, and there is no evidence to suggest that all or most of them would have voted for Bush if Perot had not been there. In fact, for a while Perot was not there, he had withdrawn from the race (he later rejoined the race).

When Perot was out of the race, Clinton was leading Bush.

With factual information available at the tip of our fingers, verifying what is true and false is easy.

Sure factual information is available. But 90% of what is published on internet is rubbish, utter nonsense. If you want to take what the right wingers say on the internet as the Gospel truth, that is your right. Personally, I don’t pay any attention to right wing or left wing websites; both are equally guilty in spouting nonsense. I stick to reputable respectable websites, such as CNN, BBC, CBC, New York Times etc. You can have the FOX, WorldNetDaily, TownHall, AmericanThinker and other right wing hate sites.

Bush's support didn't really start to wane until he was about a year into the war in Iraq- definitely not until after Saddam was captured. I don't have figures available, but my guess would be up until then his support was 60% or more. His support hit the skids after someone (in their wisdom) decided there weren't any W.M.D.s


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Bush's support didn't really start to wane until he was about a year into the war in Iraq- definitely not until after Saddam was captured. I don't have figures available, but my guess would be up until then his support was 60% or more. His support hit the skids after someone (in their wisdom) decided there weren't any W.M.D.s

I posted this a few days ago. http://www.hist.umn.edu/~ruggles/Approval.htm .You may have to point it out to SJP because he's pouting and won't read my posts (he claims anyway)


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Yeah as opposed to Bush's farwell speech where shoe tossers where ushered to the front of the gallery. It's politics, there isn't anything that isn't staged.

Reminds me of some people who get totally pissed off over mashed potatoes.

If you look at the video from this angle......the guy wasn't that close......he sure had a good arm and the first shot would have hit Bush if he hadn't ducked:lol::lol:

YouTube - George Bush shoe attack


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I just checked those polls and they coincide pretty closely with what I would have guessed.

JLM, you know I don’t read the posts by my fans, and Cannuck is my No. 1 fan (besides being my poodle). However, you posted the link in your post, so I looked it up.

I like to think I have an excellent memory and it rarely fails me. And it didn’t in this case. There is a poll just before 9/11 which shows Bush at 47%. I can see four more polls with Bush’s approval at 50% or less.

So I was right, where my memory was not quite accurate was that Bush was down into 40s, but did not actually reach 40%.

But I do remember Bush was losing support, Americans had become disillusioned with him in just a few months. Bush started above 60% (as any president does). In a few months he had blown away most the goodwill Americans had for him. 47% support indicates that not even all those who voted for him had confidence in him. And all this happened in just a few months after he got elected.

As I said in my previous post, Bush was going down, 9/11 saved him.

The reason I remembered that poll (Bush in the 40s) was that CNN discussed it in detail, describing how Bush was losing support among moderates (he had lost Democrats a long time ago).

Also, I remembered Bush shot up to 90% right after Iraq war, and my recollection was right, according to the website. But as I said, 9/11 saved Bush’s bacon big time. Without 9/11, Bush wouldn’t never have got elected the second time. He owes a lot to Osama Ben Laden.

So the poll really confirms what I said, Bush was down to 40s (though not down to 40%).
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