Quit picking on Obama……


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"I like to think I have an excellent memory and it rarely fails me."

SirJosephPorter you certainly have a SELECTIVE memory and it NEVER fails you.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"I like to think I have an excellent memory and it rarely fails me."

SirJosephPorter you certainly have a SELECTIVE memory and it NEVER fails you.

In a way you re right, Yukon Jack. Whenever I am making a point, I remember the facts in support of it, however long ago they may have occurred. Like I remembered this poll showing Bush in low 40s. Or like I remembered the polls by the lying Rasmussen showing the Obama McCain race a statistical dead heat just before the election. You remember you asked me for a weblink for that one, and my memory was right, I was able to provide you with a web link.

So I remember the relevant facts, the ones that bolster my case, at once. But that doesn’t mean that I remember everything. We all have selective memories.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
JLM, you know I don’t read the posts by my fans, and Cannuck is my No. 1 fan (besides being my poodle). However, you posted the link in your post, so I looked it up.

I like to think I have an excellent memory and it rarely fails me. And it didn’t in this case. There is a poll just before 9/11 which shows Bush at 47%. I can see four more polls with Bush’s approval at 50% or less.

So I was right, where my memory was not quite accurate was that Bush was down into 40s, but did not actually reach 40%.

But I do remember Bush was losing support, Americans had become disillusioned with him in just a few months. Bush started above 60% (as any president does). In a few months he had blown away most the goodwill Americans had for him. 47% support indicates that not even all those who voted for him had confidence in him. And all this happened in just a few months after he got elected.

As I said in my previous post, Bush was going down, 9/11 saved him.

The reason I remembered that poll (Bush in the 40s) was that CNN discussed it in detail, describing how Bush was losing support among moderates (he had lost Democrats a long time ago).

Also, I remembered Bush shot up to 90% right after Iraq war, and my recollection was right, according to the website. But as I said, 9/11 saved Bush’s bacon big time. Without 9/11, Bush wouldn’t never have got elected the second time. He owes a lot to Osama Ben Laden.

So the poll really confirms what I said, Bush was down to 40s (though not down to 40%).

OK I'm ready to do a little conceding, but even in the times when he was done in the 40s I think they were more the exception than the rule. I remember well, Bush being very popular (probably less than a month after the Iraq War started) and the people in BAgdad hooked a line around one of Saddams statue and pulled it over. Even the iraqis were on Bush' side that day. The beginning of the end for Bush was when his credibility on the W.M.D.s ran out.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
JLM, you know I don’t read the posts by my fans, and Cannuck is my No. 1 fan (besides being my poodle). However, you posted the link in your post, so I looked it up.
I think in broadcasting his feelings of contempt for other members, Sir Joseph Porter is carrying his poor manners to extreme and should be corrected before he creates an irreparable rift on these forums too....


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
There is a poll just before 9/11 which shows Bush at 47%. I can see four more polls with Bush’s approval at 50% or less.

That means there are 11 with him at 50% or more. Take out the bottom, which are obviously left-wing and the top which are obviously right-wing (Faux showed him at 60% leading up to 9/11) and the rest show him at over 50%. Is it really that difficult to admit you were mistaken?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
While some may wish he was not President, proof has yet to be delivered. Only then will the Supreme Court strip him from that title.

Sir Francis, I seriously doubt if Supreme Court will get involved. They already gave one presidential election to one of their buddies, Bush by a partisan 5 to 4 vote. They got plenty of flak for that. They would be crazy to repeat their mistake yet again (but then, one can never tell).

Anyway, if they try to strip Obama of the Presidency and hand it over to their buddy, McCain, there will be long lasting riots in the streets, law and order very well will break down. The relations between blacks and white will take a real dive; cause of racism will be set back perhaps 50 years.

I can even see the rise of radical Islam among blacks (when they see that the first black president was kicked out by the white people), blacks may produce suicide bombers. The whole thing could get very ugly. If Supreme Court has any sense at all, they wouldn’t touch it with a ten meter poll.

No one is planning to strip Obama of the Presidency. The whole issue of President Obama's qualifications was settled when he first submitted his intention to run for president. No one would want a scandal after the fact. As I have said, even if it was found that he was unqualified which by the way better be a pretty good reason, VP Biden would assume the rest of his term. The Republicans are out till 2012. Some should know a little about our Constitution before making such outlandish claims. SirJoseph, you are right, the Supreme Court would not get involved unless something could be proven without a doubt.
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Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Cannuck had the unmitigated nerve to ask SirJosephPorter:

"Is it really that difficult to admit you were mistaken?"

Cannuck, let me tell you: SirJosephPorter is NEVER mistaken!! He is never wrong. And whenever he is (although he would never admit it), it is the fault of some right wing extremist redneck bible thumping fundamentalist Obama hater.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Cannuck had the unmitigated nerve to ask SirJosephPorter:

"Is it really that difficult to admit you were mistaken?"

Cannuck, let me tell you: SirJosephPorter is NEVER mistaken!! He is never wrong. And whenever he is (although he would never admit it), it is the fault of some right wing extremist redneck bible thumping fundamentalist Obama hater.

Yukon Jack, you left out ‘gay bashing, evolution hating, anti-abortion, anti-contraception, abstinence only Obama haters’.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Yukon Jack, you left out ‘gay bashing, evolution hating, anti-abortion, anti-contraception, abstinence only Obama haters’."

SirJosephPorter, there must be one or two reasons: either I am getting too old to remember all your invectives and vitriolic and hateful adjectives you so often and so casually ascribe to anyone who dares to disagree with you, or the fact that they were so obvious - based on your posts - that they were not worth mentioning.

But thanks for reminding me. And, of course, it is always someone else's fault when you are wrong.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''Right wingers still dream''

Bunch of dreamers one and all. Not a word of truth or any form of reason from them. Always wrong but full of self justification.

And so it goes ...


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Bunch of dreamers one and all. Not a word of truth or any form of reason from them. Always wrong but full of self justification.

And so it goes ..."

What a beautiful description of yourself and SirJosephPorter!


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State

28 years of Reagnomics and they haven't anything done correctly as yet. We cannot afford to wait another 28 years to see if any of that sh/t works.

Hell, Hoover created the Depression, it took Roosevelt to fix it. Hoover created the Soviet state, Truman's Doctrine stopped its growth. Eisenhower created recession, JFK stopped it. Reagan, Bush I created a record deficit and unemployment, Clinton fixed it.

Same pattern every time. Only a delusional on drugs will deny that truth.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
No one is planning to strip Obama of the Presidency.

Ironsides, I don’t know if you are aware, but the far right has filed several lawsuits claiming that Obama is an illegal alien. The whole thing is so ridiculous, that even the usual far right suspects such as Rush Limbaugh don’t want to touch it with a ten metre poll.

However, if you want to know all the lawsuits (there may be 15 or 20 in all) to get Obama thrown out of office, check out WorldNetDaily. The editor, Joseph Farah is very heavily involved in trying to throw Obama out of White House. You can read all about those efforts on his website.

And the remedy they are demanding is not that Obama be replaced by Biden, but that he be declared ineligible to be the President. If he is declared ineligible, that means that he should not have ran in the first place, his bid for presidency was invalid. So naturally the election goes to the candidate who got the next highest number of votes, McCain.

So may be not you, but the far right very much wants to strip Obama of the presidency and McCain made the president. They would like to see him imprisoned for fraud, but at the very least they want him deported to Indonesia or to Kenya.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
SirJosephPorter, I have seen those articles also. There are just some things just not worth mentioning in this world. We have chatted about this many times, I really do filter out what the extreme Right as well as Left say. I've pretty much have done what you said you do and that is ignore what I think are ridiculous political stands. I am just thankful that the extremists do not wield much power in either country. Back to the Supreme Court, they cannot change the Constitution or over turn a national Presidential vote. If they do, we are in revolution and it won't be a racial or religious war it will be between those who support the Constitution and those who don't


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
SirJosephPorter, I have seen those articles also. There are just some things just not worth mentioning in this world. We have chatted about this many times, I really do filter out what the extreme Right as well as Left say. I've pretty much have done what you said you do and that is ignore what I think are ridiculous political stands.

I guess guys like you and me filter out the bullsh*t on the right and the left while guys like SJP and Gopher only filter out the bullsh*t on the right.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Let's just say that most American Presidents are full of hubris to correct the wrongs of their predecessor. It usually takes 2 years into the 2nd term for a President of any stripe to find the right balance of humility and respect for all sides of an issue.

Add to this known egotism of first termers there is the pressure of trying to get everything done in the first term before ossification and opposition hardens.

Both the tendency of egotism and pressure to get things done fast often are full of mistakes in 20-20 hindsight.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
April 17, 2009​

What's Obama smiling about?


The Obama presidency is becoming a reverse fairy tale: The prince is turning into a frog.
Elected as an anti-war candidate, he has dispatched 21,000 more troops to Afghanistan, stepped up CIA drone killings in Pakistan, and given the order for the world's most sophisticated navy to blow away three pirates in a skiff. Like his predecessor, the current Chider-in-Chief has lectured European nations on their failure to supply more troops to the mission. Don't they know NATO is just another American division?
As for Iraq, the promise to end the war is turning into a Clintonian exercise in twisted diction. It all depends on what "withdrawal" means. The dates for leaving are as blurred as a bad forgery. It doesn't matter. The president can hardly say he's pulling out when as many as 50,000 U.S. combat troops are staying behind to guard the gas station.
What about integrity in government? Judging by his gutter-ball series of appointments and attempted appointments, I am beginning to think that either his vetting process was actually looking for crooks or the president is moving in the wrong circles.
Obama put a tax-cheat in the U.S. Treasury, tried to put an even bigger tax-cheat in Health, and only reluctantly dropped an accused influence peddler as commerce secretary. He can't even get a Kennedy into the Vatican as America's ambassador. Didn't he know the Pope doesn't approve of abortion? Didn't any of the Chicago millionaires around the president know that Caroline Kennedy does?
Remember all that change coming? George Bush spied on Americans illegally and then said it was OK because the terrorist surveillance program was all about national security. Candidate Obama and his running mate were shocked and appalled.
But in the first court test of those illegal wiretaps, Jewel vs. National Security Agency, the Obama justice department moved that the case of an American citizen be dismissed because "state secrets" might be revealed.
Wasn't that the whole point! Dirty little secrets about crimes committed by government and the telecom companies were supposed to be revealed. Otherwise, why was Obama shocked and appalled when Bush broke the law in the first place?
Obama was once all in favour of truth in government. When the Bush administration recalled the U.S. ambassador to Armenia, John Evans, for using the word "genocide" to describe what happened back in 1915, then Sen. Obama noted the "cowardice" of the state department. He added that "America deserves a leader who speaks truthfully about the Armenian genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides. I intend to be that leader."
But in Turkey, President Obama became a sly diplomat, refusing to use the word "genocide." "If they (the Turkish and Armenian people) can move forward and deal with a difficult and tragic history, then I think the entire world should encourage that." Turkey's help in Iraq and the guarantee of safe transit of oil across the Caucasus are apparently still needed.
The list goes on -- denouncing torture but no torture trials, not putting war costs in his nation-killing budget, mute on inevitable tax increases ...
And then there is the economy. Appalled as a candidate at the profligacy of the Bush years, the president has made his predecessor look like a piker. He has misappropriated money from the overwhelming majority of responsible citizens of the United States to fork it over to the most rapacious practitioners of organized theft the world has ever seen.
Makes you wonder what the guy on the big lily pad is really smiling about.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Let's just say that most American Presidents are full of hubris to correct the wrongs of their predecessor. It usually takes 2 years into the 2nd term for a President of any stripe to find the right balance of humility and respect for all sides of an issue.

Jimmoyer, it is not that easy to correct the ‘wrongs’ of the predecessor. The President is not like our PM. Our PM, if he has the majority, can repeal the law of gravity if he wants. In USA, Senate and House are independent bodies and often don’t fall in line with the President. Even if one party controls the Presidency and has majorities in House and Senate (as is currently the case), there is still the filibuster in the Senate. Anything in the Senate has to be passed 60-40 or not passed at all.

All the more credit to Obama for getting his stimulus package passed, it would not have passed without Republican support. But when a presidential candidate says that he will do this or that if he gets elected, what he means is that he will TRY to do this or that, usually he has only limited success.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Makes you wonder what the guy on the big lily pad is really smiling about.

Walter, I think he is smiling about his 66% approval rating (according to latest poll).