Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report

Good Day to you Socrates. The story you are referring to where you
say "1 cop who killed the 8 year old boy while drunk and
left the seen" isn't what happened. There is a link to that story on
this Thread, but back a page or two.

The RCMP officer was off-duty, over .08, and speeding, and he hit
a guy riding a motorcycle, and that guy died. The dead guy couldn't
be 8yrs old, and I believe his age is mentioned in the link. The officer
was taken away from the scene by law enforcement (didn't flee), but
wasn't arrested at that time to keep his name from becoming public

The link is back on page 7.

"Police said Orion Hutchinson, 21, was catapulted from his motorcycle when hit
by a Jeep. He died at the accident scene."
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Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Good Day to you Socrates. The story you are referring to where you
say "1 cop who killed the 8 year old boy while drunk and
left the seen" isn't what happened. There is a link to that story on
this Thread, but back a page or two.

The RCMP officer was off-duty, over .08, and speeding, and he hit
a guy riding a motorcycle, and that guy died. The dead guy couldn't
be 8yrs old, and I believe his age is mentioned in the link. The officer
was taken away from the scene by law enforcement (didn't flee), but
wasn't arrested at that time to keep his name from becoming public

Hi Ronny good day, I am very glad you corrected me on that, I was wrong, but I asked you the other day if the man had a drunk and drive conviction and I thought you said yes and killed some one while living the seen. Anyways I apologize to the cop.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I've always thought of you as a reasonable and fair man JLM. This post shocks me. The police arrived at the airport to a man out of control. Yes - he was holding a stapler and throwing stuff around. Would you not think you had arrived to find a rather crazed person with someone doing this. Now, the one member who tasered this man (first time he had used the taser), tasered him under orders from a more senior officer. He was ordered to taser him once more. I'm having to assume that since the policeman used his taser 3 more times his adrenaline was really pumping. Particularly since he himself does not remember the 5th shot even though his taser shows it was fired. There is no excuse for what happened and it was not a power trip. I watched the member on TV. He is young. I don't know how many years or maybe months of service he has. What he did was wrong but he did not commit murder. Murder is a planned event. Second degree murder is still murder but without intent to kill. They did not even arrive there planning to hurt this man. How can you cry MURDER in big loud letters? :-( Send these letters to the Commissioner you say. Do you think for one minute that he is not on top of this? These days, the Commissioner of the RCMP is a civilian. He is a person who has never gone through the ranks. Because of the last Commissioners poor job of leading the Force, a decision was made to move to this style of leading the force. So for the first time in history, no one can make their way up through the ranks and become the head of the RCMP. This occurred because of the mess of the pension plan.
It has already been announced and I have said it on here more than once, that the RCMP have limited the use of the taser. That means a lesson has been learned. It is already understood that it is not to be used with the exception of a dangerous situation. True life and death situation.
My husband and I are guessing that the members in question are being coached by their lawyers and it's bad. They should have just gone on the stand and told the story as it un-folded and it would be far more credible even though the end result would be the same. Meaning the victim would still be dead. You have mentioned that emotions are a good thing and that it gets people moving. That doesn't mean it gets them moving in the right direction. I think you have a lot more thinking to do.

Please step back for a minute, I.P. I know both you and I have a favourable impression the R.C.M.P. and my observations here have nothing to do with the R.C.M.P. per se. I'm looking at the facts of the case (possibly NOT ALL the facts but enough to make a reasonable assessment I think)
#1. The man was not cognizant of English and couldn't communicate in English.
#2. He was in an agitated state, but doing nothing to risk any lives or anyone within his reach.
#3. Deliberate bursts of 50,000 Volts, five times in succession!!!!!!!!!!!! How could the man not expect he could die?
#4. He was tasered less than 30 seconds after the police arrived on the scene.
#5. Photographic footage provided by a patron of the airport.

You're not doing the police any favours by defending these guys I.P. MOst barrels of apples have a few rotten ones and this is no different, better to identify them and eliminate them.
Most important this man did not deserve to die and between VYR and the police they let him down.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Hi Ronny good day, I am very glad you corrected me on that, I was wrong, but I asked you the other day if the man had a drunk and drive conviction and I thought you said yes and killed some one while living the seen. Anyways I apologize to the cop.

The senior officer that night, Corporal Montgomery Robinson, is next to testify after Millington finishes his testimony today.
But Robinson will not appear until March 23 because the public inquiry, which began Jan. 19, is set to take a two week break.
Robinson was taken into custody after a car crash last October in which a 21-year-old man died. Orion Hutchinson died after his motorcycle collided with a Jeep in the Vancouver suburb of Delta. There is an ongoing investigation into that collision and Robinson has not been formally charged but police in Delta have recommended charges of impaired-driving causing death and driving with a blood-alcohol level of .08. Robinson's driving licence has been suspended for 90 days and he filed a petition in B.C. Supreme Court to get his licence reinstated. | Canada | Lawyer accuses Mountie of lying at Taser inquiry

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
No charges for RCMP in airport Tasering: Report

Hi Ronny good day, I am very glad you corrected me on that, I was wrong, but I asked you the other day if the man had a drunk and drive conviction and I thought you said yes and killed some one while living the seen. Anyways I apologize to the cop.

My bad Socrates. I reffered to the 21yr old as "a kid on a motorcycle." My Son is a
21yr old, so to me he's still a kid. The off-duty cop has since been charged with DUI
& a handfull of other things. So far (last I heard) was that he got a 90 day
suspension from driving and was fighting that. Not sure what happened. I believe
the officer was suppose to be back in court over this death about a week before
the Taser Inquiry started. Here's a link: The Amherst Daily News, Nova Scotia: National News | Off-duty RCMP officer faces drunk driving charge in fatal B.C. motorcycle crash


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.

We both have seen posters that every Police Officer is a crook – Just another form of prejudice that is directed towards persons of certain professions.

You bet, pimps and defense lawyers are just a couple:lol::lol: A lot of people overlook the old adage that there's an exception to every rule. Police work properly done is a very honourable profession, but when done with an ulterior motive is reprehensible.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
My bad Socrates. I reffered to the 21yr old as "a kid on a motorcycle." My Son is a
21yr old, so to me he's still a kid. The off-duty cop has since been charged with DUI
& a handfull of other things. So far (last I heard) was that he got a 90 day
suspension from driving and was fighting that. Not sure what happened. I believe
the officer was suppose to be back in court over this death about a week before
the Taser Inquiry started. Here's a link: The Amherst Daily News, Nova Scotia: National News | Off-duty RCMP officer faces drunk driving charge in fatal B.C. motorcycle crash

I see, and you know the truth here is, we are not looking to eliminate all cops, what we are looking for is for them to realize that in today's world with all the media availability to everyone from video recorders to cell phones with cameras more than ever incidents happen, and people involved in incidents better be always starting out with the truth, because in the Air Port incident that failure to understand of the freedom of media fished out the 4 liars for taking for granted that fact, and the truth is liars better start telling the true story as it happened, because when the video surfaces it is to late and very hard to be back pedaling.
Anyways enjoy your day Ron.
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Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
No I am not on the force, but they are friends when you need them. (unlike in china...) And no, I'm not sick... at least not as sick as you.

Hey Risus Good day to you man, if you are not as sick as him, that means you are sick but not as sick as him, so......................why knock a guy who is suffering from a sickness only because he is sicker than you. Isn’t that like throwing rocks on glass houses when in fact you are living in one?
And that goes for China too; it takes a sick man to know another.

No pan intended but on one hand there is cry for civility but when civility knocks on the door, bigotry and hate answers the door.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Hey Risus Good day to you man, if you are not as sick as him, that means you are sick but not as sick as him, so......................why knock a guy who is suffering from a sickness only because he is sicker than you. Isn’t that like throwing rocks on glass houses when in fact you are living in one?
And that goes for China too; it takes a sick man to know another.

No pan intended but on one hand there is cry for civility but when civility knocks on the door, bigotry and hate answers the door.

Damn! Where's Bear's laughy guy? In case you didn't notice ... YOU answered the door....

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Damn! Where's Bear's laughy guy? In case you didn't notice ... YOU answered the door....

LW I am used to your friendly fire, I like you even though you are on a mission to prove that I am a hypocrite, on second thought I am no more of a hypocrite that you and many others we all have our weaknesses and strengths.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Hey Risus Good day to you man, if you are not as sick as him, that means you are sick but not as sick as him, so......................why knock a guy who is suffering from a sickness only because he is sicker than you. Isn’t that like throwing rocks on glass houses when in fact you are living in one?
And that goes for China too; it takes a sick man to know another.

No pan intended but on one hand there is cry for civility but when civility knocks on the door, bigotry and hate answers the door.

Damn! Where's Bear's laughy guy? In case you didn't notice ... YOU answered the door....
That's for you bru! Glad I could help...


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Gee who could have guessed Cannuck would come out for the side of fascism and a police state? :lol::roll:

I'm on the side of getting to the root of the problem. I know this is a difficult concept for people like you to wrap your heads around. You probably have a pitchfork or a torch in your hand as you type your banalities.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I guess a defenition of a murder in a Canadian Law is difficult to grasp .

On the contrary, it's rather simple and those that have a basic understanding of it is that....and I'm going to type this very very slowly for you...the judge doesn't let people go that haven't been arrested. If you want to discuss how our legal system works, start a thread and I can explain it to you.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
LW I am used to your friendly fire, I like you even though you are on a mission to prove that I am a hypocrite, on second thought I am no more of a hypocrite that you and many others we all have our weaknesses and strengths.

See ... that time, I played ironic words on your sense of ha-ha. Darned if'n you didn't leave the funny bone at home....