..Obviously you travel locally .oh ,forgot .....hahaI learned a lesson from all of this,and never again will carry my stapler into an airport..
..Obviously you travel locally .oh ,forgot .....hahaI learned a lesson from all of this,and never again will carry my stapler into an airport..
No, it was the victim who was out of control when the police entered the room. Your accusation of attempted lies is bogus. You weren't there, you don't know the facts. Don't jump to conclusions you want...
No, it was the victim who was out of control when the police entered the room. Your accusation of attempted lies is bogus. You weren't there, you don't know the facts. Don't jump to conclusions you want...
What part about filing false reports do you not understand – what part about all 4 arriving and in 30 seconds start tasering the man – No Plan - just over reaction – No professionalism what so ever –
They had pepper spray, batons – 4 healthy young men – Each of their stories, really fables that they submitted have been shown to be grossly in error and false – They lied – If it was not for the video this inquiry would not have occurred
Now a question –
Where were you – have you read any of the testimony – seen the news reports – watched the video – listened to each Officer, and I use that term loosely, retract their written statement with the last one being an outright liar –
Disciplinary action and turfed from the RCMP – Their actions are a stain on all Police Officers that do their jobs and do it well -
I've always thought of you as a reasonable and fair man JLM. This post shocks me. The police arrived at the airport to a man out of control. Yes - he was holding a stapler and throwing stuff around. Would you not think you had arrived to find a rather crazed person with someone doing this. Now, the one member who tasered this man (first time he had used the taser), tasered him under orders from a more senior officer. He was ordered to taser him once more. I'm having to assume that since the policeman used his taser 3 more times his adrenaline was really pumping. Particularly since he himself does not remember the 5th shot even though his taser shows it was fired. There is no excuse for what happened and it was not a power trip. I watched the member on TV. He is young. I don't know how many years or maybe months of service he has. What he did was wrong but he did not commit murder. Murder is a planned event. Second degree murder is still murder but without intent to kill. They did not even arrive there planning to hurt this man. How can you cry MURDER in big loud letters? :-( Send these letters to the Commissioner you say. Do you think for one minute that he is not on top of this? These days, the Commissioner of the RCMP is a civilian. He is a person who has never gone through the ranks. Because of the last Commissioners poor job of leading the Force, a decision was made to move to this style of leading the force. So for the first time in history, no one can make their way up through the ranks and become the head of the RCMP. This occurred because of the mess of the pension plan.Exactly right - FIRST DEGREE MURDER- I think this whole thread and one from C.B.C. should be sent to the commissioner. With the amount of disgust shown on these forums, these lowlifes should be history and spending the rest of their's in prison.
Poland apparently has the right to do their own investigating. The end result is that they cannot lay charges against anyone. They can ban someone from their country but I doubt that would mean much to a lot of people who have never been there and are not planning on going. People get banned from these forums.Another day of attempted lies by the officers involved. The real issue is, these guys are scared of an international court where evidence could be heard and the cops can't control. What struck me most is this, there are four cops, confronting a frustrated man. armed with nothing more than a stapler, a man who couldn't speak english, and by their own admission, the four officers are afraid of him.
Imagine four policeman kill a man because he couldn't speak english and the cops were afraid of him. These police were out of control before they entered the room. We as a country are hiring the wrong people to defend societies institutions.
You are very biased. Are you heading up the lynch mob? :smile: Just wondering?Risus
What part about filing false reports do you not understand – what part about all 4 arriving and in 30 seconds start tasering the man – No Plan - just over reaction – No professionalism what so ever – So Goober, you are trying to say that they arrived (shown on the video) had a discussion before they entered the area where the victim was and tasered him all in 30 seconds. A few months ago people were complaining that they did all this in 45 seconds. Should be maybe lower it to 20?
They had pepper spray, batons – 4 healthy young men – Each of their stories, really fables that they submitted have been shown to be grossly in error and false – They lied – If it was not for the video this inquiry would not have occurred You forgot to mention that they also had guns with bullets. Anytime there is a death, there is an inquiry so your statement is false.
Now a question –
Where were you – have you read any of the testimony – seen the news reports – watched the video – listened to each Officer, and I use that term loosely, retract their written statement with the last one being an outright liar –
Disciplinary action and turfed from the RCMP – Their actions are a stain on all Police Officers that do their jobs and do it well - I agree that they need some disciplinary action but they do not need to be turfed as you put it. What would you learn if for the first time in your life, you shot a man with a weapon you were told would stun him (hence the term Stun Gun) and you killed him with it? One line of discipline already delivered, right! Now you have learned that the stun gun goes beyond stun. It kills.
I've always thought of you as a reasonable and fair man JLM. This post shocks me. The police arrived at the airport to a man out of control. Yes - he was holding a stapler and throwing stuff around. Would you not think you had arrived to find a rather crazed person with someone doing this. Now, the one member who tasered this man (first time he had used the taser), tasered him under orders from a more senior officer. He was ordered to taser him once more. I'm having to assume that since the policeman used his taser 3 more times his adrenaline was really pumping. Particularly since he himself does not remember the 5th shot even though his taser shows it was fired. There is no excuse for what happened and it was not a power trip. I watched the member on TV. He is young. I don't know how many years or maybe months of service he has. What he did was wrong but he did not commit murder. Murder is a planned event. Second degree murder is still murder but without intent to kill. They did not even arrive there planning to hurt this man. How can you cry MURDER in big loud letters? :-( Send these letters to the Commissioner you say. Do you think for one minute that he is not on top of this? These days, the Commissioner of the RCMP is a civilian. He is a person who has never gone through the ranks. Because of the last Commissioners poor job of leading the Force, a decision was made to move to this style of leading the force. So for the first time in history, no one can make their way up through the ranks and become the head of the RCMP. This occurred because of the mess of the pension plan.
It has already been announced and I have said it on here more than once, that the RCMP have limited the use of the taser. That means a lesson has been learned. It is already understood that it is not to be used with the exception of a dangerous situation. True life and death situation.
My husband and I are guessing that the members in question are being coached by their lawyers and it's bad. They should have just gone on the stand and told the story as it un-folded and it would be far more credible even though the end result would be the same. Meaning the victim would still be dead. You have mentioned that emotions are a good thing and that it gets people moving. That doesn't mean it gets them moving in the right direction. I think you have a lot more thinking to do.
You are very biased. Are you heading up the lynch mob? :smile: Just wondering?
I've always thought of you as a reasonable and fair man JLM. This post shocks me. The police arrived at the airport to a man out of control. Yes - he was holding a stapler and throwing stuff around. Would you not think you had arrived to find a rather crazed person with someone doing this. Now, the one member who tasered this man (first time he had used the taser), tasered him under orders from a more senior officer. He was ordered to taser him once more. I'm having to assume that since the policeman used his taser 3 more times his adrenaline was really pumping. Particularly since he himself does not remember the 5th shot even though his taser shows it was fired. There is no excuse for what happened and it was not a power trip. I watched the member on TV. He is young. I don't know how many years or maybe months of service he has. What he did was wrong but he did not commit murder. Murder is a planned event. Second degree murder is still murder but without intent to kill. They did not even arrive there planning to hurt this man. How can you cry MURDER in big loud letters? :-( Send these letters to the Commissioner you say. Do you think for one minute that he is not on top of this? These days, the Commissioner of the RCMP is a civilian. He is a person who has never gone through the ranks. Because of the last Commissioners poor job of leading the Force, a decision was made to move to this style of leading the force. So for the first time in history, no one can make their way up through the ranks and become the head of the RCMP. This occurred because of the mess of the pension plan.
It has already been announced and I have said it on here more than once, that the RCMP have limited the use of the taser. That means a lesson has been learned. It is already understood that it is not to be used with the exception of a dangerous situation. True life and death situation.
My husband and I are guessing that the members in question are being coached by their lawyers and it's bad. They should have just gone on the stand and told the story as it un-folded and it would be far more credible even though the end result would be the same. Meaning the victim would still be dead. You have mentioned that emotions are a good thing and that it gets people moving. That doesn't mean it gets them moving in the right direction. I think you have a lot more thinking to do.
Nice but you forgot to show a picture of your brain. Oops - just remembered you can't. It was lost quite sometime ago.
Nice but you forgot to show a picture of your brain. Oops - just remembered you can't. It was lost quite sometime ago.
I've always thought of you as a reasonable and fair man JLM. This post shocks me. The police arrived at the airport to a man out of control. Yes - he was holding a stapler and throwing stuff around. Would you not think you had arrived to find a rather crazed person with someone doing this. Now, the one member who tasered this man (first time he had used the taser), tasered him under orders from a more senior officer. He was ordered to taser him once more. I'm having to assume that since the policeman used his taser 3 more times his adrenaline was really pumping. Particularly since he himself does not remember the 5th shot even though his taser shows it was fired. There is no excuse for what happened and it was not a power trip. I watched the member on TV. He is young. I don't know how many years or maybe months of service he has. What he did was wrong but he did not commit murder. Murder is a planned event. Second degree murder is still murder but without intent to kill. They did not even arrive there planning to hurt this man. How can you cry MURDER in big loud letters? :-( Send these letters to the Commissioner you say. Do you think for one minute that he is not on top of this? These days, the Commissioner of the RCMP is a civilian. He is a person who has never gone through the ranks. Because of the last Commissioners poor job of leading the Force, a decision was made to move to this style of leading the force. So for the first time in history, no one can make their way up through the ranks and become the head of the RCMP. This occurred because of the mess of the pension plan.
It has already been announced and I have said it on here more than once, that the RCMP have limited the use of the taser. That means a lesson has been learned. It is already understood that it is not to be used with the exception of a dangerous situation. True life and death situation.
My husband and I are guessing that the members in question are being coached by their lawyers and it's bad. They should have just gone on the stand and told the story as it un-folded and it would be far more credible even though the end result would be the same. Meaning the victim would still be dead. You have mentioned that emotions are a good thing and that it gets people moving. That doesn't mean it gets them moving in the right direction. I think you have a lot more thinking to do.
Well Goober, I have not watched the video in quite some time but I believe right in the video you hear the order to use the taser. The member who used the taser stated on TV that he was ordered to shoot a second time. No one asked about the next 3 shots. He also said he set the gun on another way of shooting it so that it could be used directly against a person as opposed to from a distance. I forget what they called it. I know they are lying. I don't believe for a moment that just the 4 of them sat down and came to a decision to falsify their statements. I think two things are happening here. I think the first is that a senior officer told them how to write up their statements and if I am right - he/she is the one to be fired. It's a little like the army. You do as you are told to do. I also believe they are being coached by their lawyers and that shouldn't happen either but again, they are doing what they believe they should. What they need to do now is tell each of the 4 to tell it exactly as it happened while they are on the stand. They need permission to tell the truth without fear of losing their job just for telling the truth. If the truth leads to more then they may need to lose their job. I thought the video was handed in almost immediately so I cannot understand any of this lying. I didn't think they would have had time to even write up their statements because they would have been de-briefed right after the incident. It is only my own opinion that if they were told how to write up their report, it happened right there.Islandpacific
Your facts are off base here – No order to use the Taser was given – As to listening to their lawyers and you seem to blame them for this, the Officers, all 4 provided false and deliberately misleading statement. Their lawyers are doing their best to protect liars – hard as it is when the video shows that their statements were contrived to protect and serve the others in their group –Their written statements are now classed as false and totally misleading – they were trying to cover each others ass – Then when the RCMP made their public statements shortly after the man died these were based upon the 4 Officers statements – They lied to the Brass and the investigators –
Then as they say God would have it, the video showed them for what they are – Liars, incompetent and not deserving to wear the Serge –
They should be turfed from the force –
No order was given to use the Taser – He was not a direct and imminent threat to anyone – The Officer deployed the Taser within 30 seconds not even taking the time to try and calm the man down and 30 seconds does not cut it – He panicked when he had more than enough resources at hand to take the man down – 4 young healthy fit Officers with batons and pepper spray and they went the route of the Taser because of the convenience of it. That convenience killed a man – No marks on the Officers, no injuries and small they would be, if any would have occurred in a 4 on 1 takedown –
Now murder is not on the list of what they could be convicted of but surely Manslaughter is -
Do some searches and find their statements compared to their testimony where they all, each and everyone were caught in their lies – so before you slam JLM do the research instead of blindly following the blind,
IslandpacificWell Goober, I have not watched the video in quite some time but I believe right in the video you hear the order to use the taser. The member who used the taser stated on TV that he was ordered to shoot a second time. No one asked about the next 3 shots. He also said he set the gun on another way of shooting it so that it could be used directly against a person as opposed to from a distance. I forget what they called it. I know they are lying. I don't believe for a moment that just the 4 of them sat down and came to a decision to falsify their statements. I think two things are happening here. I think the first is that a senior officer told them how to write up their statements and if I am right - he/she is the one to be fired. It's a little like the army. You do as you are told to do. I also believe they are being coached by their lawyers and that shouldn't happen either but again, they are doing what they believe they should. What they need to do now is tell each of the 4 to tell it exactly as it happened while they are on the stand. They need permission to tell the truth without fear of losing their job just for telling the truth. If the truth leads to more then they may need to lose their job. I thought the video was handed in almost immediately so I cannot understand any of this lying. I didn't think they would have had time to even write up their statements because they would have been de-briefed right after the incident. It is only my own opinion that if they were told how to write up their report, it happened right there.
My understanding is that the taser (up to recently) was classified as the least lethal and not the easiest so that is why they would have used the taser. The victim was a very big man and it's doubtful the pepper spray would have had much effect but it may have been enough for them to at least cuff him. We all know (how many times do I have to say this) that all this went wrong. It was never a rush in to kill someone. The necessary changes have been made. Charging these men will not make a difference.
You do have the right to refuse orders if it goes against your moral grain without reprecusssions. Any of the 4 could have easily said no even if commanded. "Maintain the Right" is what any member can fall back on. You can't go wrong by doing what is right.I think the first is that a senior officer told them how to write up their statements and if I am right - he/she is the one to be fired. It's a little like the army. You do as you are told to do.