Octuplets... women are not meant to have litters


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
We did ivf and transferred 4. However the case was examined by a number of specialists who concluded it provided the right mix of risks for our situation. We had one baby. I suppose we weren't too far from 6 but we didn't already have 6 kids and the chances of us ever having one was always a long shot.

That sounds reasonable given the situation. The problem I have was this was a 33 year old with proven fertility and her only health issue was tubal problems. 2 should have really been the limit in her case.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Doctors sell furtility drugs to better the womens chances of having children....When 6 of 8 pass from complications.Can those embryo's /fetus's be claimed for research?...Do they go to research?..Where do they go?..Anyone want to know?..Does this bother anyone?...What rules are in place to ensure proper discretion and care goes into the handling of those who don't make it.?Ensure Even more care and a good future for those who do live.?...Do the current rules keep up with new fertility techologies and other new embryo/ life science ...?

How many" synthetically cloned kids"(?) are too many?

How far does this issue go to protect the rights of enfants /children and mothers?...Is it alright for women to sell embryo's and children for money? .....The ol' baby factory scenario?

Science is a very useful tool to understanding all that encompasses and surrounds us,.. but where do we draw the line when it comes to profiting off issues of such contraversy?...New rules are necessary to ensure transparentcy and accountability in these areas of study
The Assisted Human Reproduction Act in Canada covers that stuff. It is likely one step or many steps ahead of the technology. Not sure what you meant by of 6 of 8 pass from complications. There is no cloning, it's basic sperm and egg fertilization. Unused embryos can be donated to research but there are strict guidelines to be followed. It's illegal in Canada to compensate someone for being a surrogate. It's also illegal to sell eggs, sperm or embryos.


Electoral Member
Nov 23, 2006
I saw this new Octuplet mother on TV with Ann Curry in an interview. I don't think the new mom realizes just how hard it will be to feed and properly support 14 when the new California IOU's come out in the form of Welfare and Aid to Needy Children (ANC) checks. I didn't view her as intelligent enough to even spell the word litter correctly or even explain what it means. All she knows is the state will provide for her needs.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I saw this new Octuplet mother on TV with Ann Curry in an interview. I don't think the new mom realizes just how hard it will be to feed and properly support 14 when the new California IOU's come out in the form of Welfare and Aid to Needy Children (ANC) checks. I didn't view her as intelligent enough to even spell the word litter correctly or even explain what it means. All she knows is the state will provide for her needs.

Actually besides the State, her parents seem to be providing much of the care, while she prances around with her little wand like a princess giving each and every kid a kiss before she hits the bars, leaving them to her parents, because it's so much hard work letting her parents & state take care of them, so she needs a break.

Then again, maybe the reason why she wanted to have so many kids was because her parents were going to toss her out on her ass, so she decided to unload a bunch of kids to guilt them into letting her stay this long..... 33 years old and still with her parents, with kids? And then a bunch more? Doesn't want to get married to the guy who's sperm she sucked out?

I call that milking the system and an attention whor*

All those kids should be taken away and given up for addoption, give her parents a chance to have their own lives and lock her away to get her damn head checked.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Fertility Expert Calls Birth Of Octuplets 'Criminal'

While people across the country scrutinize the unemployed mother of six young children who then gave birth to octuplets Jan. 26, eyes also must turn to the fertility doctor who treated her.

According to the 33-year-old mother, Nadya Suleman, the same physician treated her for each of her pregnancies. She said in an NBC's Today Show interview that in her last IVF treatment, six embryos were transferred to her uterus, resulting in the octuplets' birth. Two of the six apparently split to create twins.

"This is criminal negligence," said Dr. Mark Perloe, medical director with Georgia Reproductive Specialists.

Under American Society for Reproductive Medicine guidelines, only one to two embryos should be transferred via IVF to women under age 35. For women older than 40, the maximum is five embryos.

"Transferring six embryos was outside any existing standard," Dr. Perloe said.

Further, Dr. Perloe said, counseling which precedes any form of fertility treatment is part of the overall process. For a physician to learn that Suleman was a single mother of six youngsters already certainly was enough to raise some questions. In addition, her medical history included a job-related back injury.

"It is doubtful with her back problems, which were exacerbated by pregnancy, and with her having six children already that we would have even considered IVF treatment," he said.

Dr. Perloe encouraged women and men who believe they may be facing fertility issues to seek an experienced fertility doctor to discuss the many options available for the want-to-be parents.

"There are safe, proven methods for successful single births that significantly reduce the chances of having multiple births," Dr. Perloe said.

About Georgia Reproductive Specialists

Georgia Reproductive Specialists (GRS) applies the most advanced fertility technologies to offer the highest standards of patient-centered, reproductive healthcare. GRS provides individualized, innovative solutions for reproductive challenges and infertility. GRS has offices in Atlanta, Alpharetta and Decatur. See http://www.ivf.com.
Fertility Expert Calls Birth Of Octuplets 'Criminal'


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I was wondering how this woman with 14 children under the age of eight years
old supports herself and all of these kids as I was reading the story. It mentions
in the story, in one sentence with no elaboration that she's paid to have them?

Huh? 8O

She's on welfare and food stamps.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Octuplets' mother receives public assistance [UPDATED]

4:45 PM, February 9, 2009
Nadya Suleman, the woman who gave birth to octuplets last month, is receiving $490 a month in food stamps, and three of her first six children are disabled and receiving federal assistance, her publicist confirmed to The Times.

Publicist Michael Furtney confirmed the information after two sources told The Times that Suleman was receiving food stamps and federal supplemental security income.

Suleman had told NBC News correspondent Ann Curry in an interview that she was not receiving welfare. Furtney said Suleman didn't consider the food stamps and SSI to be welfare.

“In Nadya’s view, the money that she gets from the food stamp program ... and the resources disabilities payments she gets for her three children are not welfare," he said. "They are part of programs designed to help people with need, and she does not see that as welfare."

Furtney declined to say what kinds of disabilities the three children have. Nadya Suleman told NBC that she was struggling financially to support her six children before the birth of her octuplets, but that she knows she will be able to support them, especially after she earns her master’s degree in counseling.

"I will feed them," Suleman said in the interview, responding to criticism that she would have difficulty providing emotional and financial support for them. "I will do the best I possibly can. In my own way, in my own faith, I do believe wholeheartedly that God will provide in his own way."


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
"I will feed them," Suleman said in the interview, responding to criticism that she would have difficulty providing emotional and financial support for them. "I will do the best I possibly can. In my own way, in my own faith, I do believe wholeheartedly that God will provide in his own way."

^ Yeah by getting the government to take them away from your sorry ass and giving you a hysterectomy.

Ok ok, that was a bit harsh..... just take them away.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
The state doesn't take children away just because a mother makes stupid decisions. As long as they are fed, clothed, sheltered and not abused, she has every right to keep her children.

Thank you for that link Kreskin. I think other people in the fertility industry are VERY concerned this will reflect on them.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
The state doesn't take children away just because a mother makes stupid decisions. As long as they are fed, clothed, sheltered and not abused, she has every right to keep her children.

I'm sure they will soon find out that she can't. If it wasn't for her parents, they'd be out on the streets, the place is apparently a pig sty as her mother claims, and she was barely taking care of her current children.... now she has these ones and you believe things are going to actually improve?

I seriously don't believe her parents are willing to deal with her and all her children in their little three bedroom house.

From her mother:

"I'm struggling to look after her six. We had to put in bunk beds, feed them in shifts and there's children's clothing piled all over the house."

^ She's not taking care of them, her mother (The Grandmother) is taking care of them.... all she is, is a friggin baby cannon.

I mean besides all that..... there isn't enough space within that house for the grandparents, her and all those kids.... those are not decent living conditions if you ask me and she is not providing the proper care for all those kids, her own parents are.

And to prove it even further, she's spending all this damn time talking to the media and tv about her fun little adventures..... all the while her parents are stuck back home looking after her last breed.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The state doesn't take children away just because a mother makes stupid decisions. As long as they are fed, clothed, sheltered and not abused, she has every right to keep her children.

Thank you for that link Kreskin. I think other people in the fertility industry are VERY concerned this will reflect on them.

I would just add one thing and that is their safety isn't compromised by her abuse of drugs, alcohol or association with crime and criminals.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
2 people procreating through sex is entirely natural. IVF is an interference with that natural process. I have no problem with us interfering, but there does need to be reasonable limits to our interference just like there is with any other medical procedure.

The government regulates a lot of things (including smack usage:)). Few industries are more regulated than healthcare. What's the real objection to preventing doctors from implanting more than 3 embryos at a time? People can still have as many kids as they want.

Natural in that case is a pretty specific term. Either way its the direct choices of human beings causing the formation of human beings.

Either mankind and our activities are part of nature or they aren't. Deciding some are and some aren't seems like emotion based semantics rather than appealing to logic.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop

Octuplets' grandmother criticizes daughter
CTV.ca | Octuplets' grandmother criticizes daughter

Here's the kicker.... this so-called mother claims she wanted a big family and will always be there to take care of them and they will have her unconditional love and she will look after them, blah blah blah.

The problem here is that it's not her taking care of them.... it's her parents taking care of her children and herself, since she's still living with them. She had a boyfriend who wanted to marry her and start a life, but she in her selfish ways, refused to marry him and wanted to take care of them on her own?

Sounds good..... if she really wants to take care of them on her own, she should get the hell out of her parents house and do it..... she's 33 years old... wtf is her problem?

You know what this is?

She doesn't give a crap about having a big family.... she thinks this is a method to get out on her so-called "own", by doing what half the other families on TLC are doing..... have a friggin litter of kids and get your own TV show to cover your costs..... it's pathetic.

If you have more then John and Kate + 8, or that other family of 14 or god knows how many that just came on TV, then you get a little show of your own, with a house and food all paid and covered for in order to maintain the show.

All it costs is your privacy.

Actually it also costs those children their own privacy and the chance of a real childhood.

They should be taken away from her and she should be locked away until she gets her damn head checked.

I have no problem with people wanting big families..... so long as you have your own house and able to afford it. She is dragging not only her own parents down, but also those kids.

I have no problem with people wanting big families..... so long as you have your own house and able to afford it.

I do have an issue with excessive families, but it's a personal viewpoint and not something that can be mandated.

Having more than 3 children puts a tremendous strain on our society as a whole (polution, schooling, etc) and health care specifically.

If she decides that she wants 14 kids, I see no problem with the "state" imposing a supplemental tax per child. $1000/yr for the fourth child, $2000/yr for the 5th and so one. Her bill per year would come out to $66,000/year to offset the cost to all of us.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
If she decides that she wants 14 kids, I see no problem with the "state" imposing a supplemental tax per child. $1000/yr for the fourth child, $2000/yr for the 5th and so one. Her bill per year would come out to $66,000/year to offset the cost to all of us.

Tax her?

She's at the public trough. The "state" is paying her!

She did this to get a deal for a movie, or book, or reality TV show. The funny thing about it that with all this negative publicity she is getting nobody is coming forward and donating anything.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
I'm sure they will soon find out that she can't. If it wasn't for her parents, they'd be out on the streets, the place is apparently a pig sty as her mother claims, and she was barely taking care of her current children.... now she has these ones and you believe things are going to actually improve?

I seriously don't believe her parents are willing to deal with her and all her children in their little three bedroom house.

From her mother:

"I'm struggling to look after her six. We had to put in bunk beds, feed them in shifts and there's children's clothing piled all over the house."

^ She's not taking care of them, her mother (The Grandmother) is taking care of them.... all she is, is a friggin baby cannon.

I mean besides all that..... there isn't enough space within that house for the grandparents, her and all those kids.... those are not decent living conditions if you ask me and she is not providing the proper care for all those kids, her own parents are.

And to prove it even further, she's spending all this damn time talking to the media and tv about her fun little adventures..... all the while her parents are stuck back home looking after her last breed.

I've dealt with social services enough here to know that there has to be actual abuse or neglect before they'll do much. Relying on your parents to babysit and help you out isn't enough to warrant taking kids out of a home, no matter how cramped it is. A woman in Whittier had quadruplets a couple of years ago. There were something like 11 people living in their one bedroom apartment at the time.
Where do you think the state will put all these babies? We often have trouble finding a foster family for ONE baby. Eight? All with potential prematurity problems and a publicity hungry mother? You'd have a REALLY hard time finding foster parents willing to do that even if they split the kids all up.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Tax her?

She's at the public trough. The "state" is paying her!

She did this to get a deal for a movie, or book, or reality TV show. The funny thing about it that with all this negative publicity she is getting nobody is coming forward and donating anything.

she's already made money from interviews. The money should be seized and held in trust by the state to pay for any extrordinary expenses the children incur.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Natural in that case is a pretty specific term. Either way its the direct choices of human beings causing the formation of human beings.

Either mankind and our activities are part of nature or they aren't. Deciding some are and some aren't seems like emotion based semantics rather than appealing to logic.

There is a big difference between natural reproduction, which every species on earth can do, and scientific advances which have allowed us to have other options. Under natural circumstances a woman would never conceive octuplets. It takes science interfering to achieve that.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
In many ways I feel sorry for her and I wish her the best. The fertility doctor (IVF's version of Dr Kevorkian) needs to answer for this. Unfortunately her case - an extreme exception - tars everyone with the same brush.


May 24, 2006
she's already made money from interviews. The money should be seized and held in trust by the state to pay for any extrordinary expenses the children incur.

Do you have proof she made money from interviews? The one I saw, the interviewer said she wasn't paid...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
In many ways I feel sorry for her and I wish her the best. The fertility doctor (IVF's version of Dr Kevorkian) needs to answer for this. Unfortunately her case - an extreme exception - tars everyone with the same brush.

Yep, sometimes in matters such as this I find it better if everyone just minds his own business. It's rude to inquire of the source of income of complete strangers. Put a lid on it.