An unusual event to say the least, but really none of my business (or anyone else's either, unless it's the person who's footing the bill)
The reason it's my business is I pay for it.
I'm not talking about dictating who can have children, I'm talking about dictating how many embryos can be implanted at once. Many european countries have already done this without turning into totalitarian regimes.
Good plan. Then we can move on to a maximum of 3 children per couple. No exceptions. After the third child - vascectomies are mandatory
LOS ANGELES -- The mother of the woman who used a fertility doctor to give birth to octuplets, despite already having six young children, called her daughter's actions "unconscionable" in an interview posted online Sunday.
Angela Suleman is caring for the six older children while her daughter is hospitalized after giving birth Jan. 26 to the octuplets.
"She already has six beautiful children, why would she do this?" Angela Suleman said in the videotaped interview with celebrity news Web site "I'm struggling to look after her six. We had to put in bunk beds, feed them in shifts and there's children's clothing piled all over the house."
The Web site posted photographs from inside Angela Suleman's disheveled three-bedroom home, where Nadya and her brood also live. Heaps of clothing pour from an open closet door and a carpeted bedroom, where a bedsheet serves as a curtain, is cluttered with cribs.
Nadya Suleman's publicist Mike Furtney said that his client has been away for nearly two months, so shouldn't be held responsible for the home's current condition.
Furtney said his client planned to move into a larger home once the octuplets were healthy enough to leave doctors' care.
He declined to comment on any of the remarks Angela Suleman made about her daughter in the interview.
"Those are very personal issues between a mother and a daughter," he said.
Angela Suleman said Nadya's boyfriend was the biological father of all 14 children, but that she refused to marry him.
"He was in love with her and wanted to marry her," she said. "But Nadya wanted to have children on her own."
Nadya Suleman, a divorced single mother, told NBC's "Today" show that the same fertility specialist provided in-vitro fertilization for all 14 of her children.
Angela Suleman seemed to contradict that account, saying the fertility specialist who helped her daughter give birth to the octuplets was a different doctor from the one who aided in the birth of her first six children.
Angela Suleman said she and her husband pleaded with Nadya's first fertility doctor not to treat their daughter again, so Nadya found another doctor to work with.
"I'm really angry about that," Angela Suleman said of the doctor's decision to perform the procedure.
A Medical Board of California spokeswoman said Friday that it was investigating the doctor -- who has not been identified -- to see if there was a "violation of the standard of care." The spokeswoman did not elaborate on the nature of the potential violations.
Angela Suleman also challenged her daughter's remarks in the NBC interview that she always wanted a large family to make up for the loneliness she felt as an only child.
"We raised her in a loving family and her father always spoiled her," Angela said.
You're right and when you go in for open brain or open heart surgery, someone else pays for it.
The last thing we want is a bunch of bureaucrats dictating the size of families. Mother Nature in her infinite wisdom has much more scientific ways of controlling the world's population.
Mother Nature has nothing to do with in vitro fertilization.
Technically mother nature also has nothing to do with two people bumping uglies either then.
She's on medicaid and welfare, thats terrible, but its not an epidemic. I don't like supporting washed out losers hooked on smack, nor fixing the lungs of smokers , the livers of drinkers or the hearts of the obese.
But I do, because as much as I hate it, I'd rather that than have the government tell me if I can smoke, drink or eat fatty foods.
2 people procreating through sex is entirely natural. IVF is an interference with that natural process. I have no problem with us interfering, but there does need to be reasonable limits to our interference just like there is with any other medical procedure.
The government regulates a lot of things (including smack usage). Few industries are more regulated than healthcare. What's the real objection to preventing doctors from implanting more than 3 embryos at a time? People can still have as many kids as they want.
The last thing we want is a bunch of bureaucrats dictating the size of families. Mother Nature in her infinite wisdom has much more scientific ways of controlling the world's population.
We did ivf and transferred 4. However the case was examined by a number of specialists who concluded it provided the right mix of risks for our situation. We had one baby. I suppose we weren't too far from 6 but we didn't already have 6 kids and the chances of us ever having one was always a long shot.
I'm still all for a head tax per kid over the third
An unusual event to say the least, but really none of my business (or anyone else's either, unless it's the person who's footing the bill)
If someone wants to go for 4-8 rounds of IVF, and have 8 kids, great, good on them, have fun.
But no doc should be implanting more than three embryos in a woman. They're not cattle, or canines, and aren't meant to be having litters. The risk to the mother, the risk to the babies, and the guaranteed preterm births, are too huge a factor for any RESPONSIBLE physician to be treating her womb like it's a frigging clown car.
And what sort of life will the kids have down the road...