Wal-Mart Is Facing Latest Salvo From Union


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Out of the $17 Billion GM received, $10 Billion went to what GMAC had gambled in 2008 and lost.

The rest went to open plants in China and Russia.

If you can find me proof that labour costs to build a car in Nor-Am are more than 15% I'll start a thread kissing your ass.

There is approx. 30hrs of labour required to build a vehicle. Do they pay $1000 an hr?

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
I am surprised that no one has brought up the idea of codetermination in this thread. It is a plan instituted in Sweden, Germany, and a few other nations and has been relatively successful in establishing labour peace in both countries. The idea is simple - place union representatives on the board of directors and give them full voting rights. That way the union actually becomes part of management and is more likely to understand management's problems and vice versa. It has greatly reduced the number of strikes and labour issues in countries that use it along with providing for a fairly well paid workforce.

It is interesting to note that in Germany and Japan following World War II, the United States and the other Western allies considered strong trade unions essential to the creation of proper democracies in these nations. Unfortunately, that is a position that was not pushed forward for their own political systems. In fact in the US and Canada most governments have done everything within their power to make union membership more difficult and less effective. Coupled with a strong anti union campaign waged by the media over the last six decades, the result has left most workers in these countries in a very poor position to negotiate proper wages and benefits, and is probably one of the main reasons why the gap between the salaries of overpaid executives and those who actually do the work has steadily increased.

It is interesting that when workers ask for a few of the perks taken for granted by management, such as a decent wage, proper vacations, job security, and a reasonable pension plan, they are immediately labelled greedy and mercenary by those on the political and economic right wing.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Out of the $17 Billion GM received, $10 Billion went to what GMAC had gambled in 2008 and lost.

The rest went to open plants in China and Russia.

If you can find me proof that labour costs to build a car in Nor-Am are more than 15% I'll start a thread kissing your ass.

There is approx. 30hrs of labour required to build a vehicle. Do they pay $1000 an hr?

Do you think that the labor is more expensive in Russia or China?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If you can find me proof that labour costs to build a car in Nor-Am are more than 15% I'll start a thread kissing your ass.

This is from the UAW using auto company hours per vehicle stastics:

How much are labor costs in relation to the total price of a new vehicle?

The total labor cost of a new vehicle produced in the United States is about $2,400,2 which includes direct, indirect and salaried labor for engines, stamping and assembly at the automakers’ plants.

This represents 8.4 percent of the typical $28,4513 price of a new vehicle in 2006.

The vast majority of the costs of producing a vehicle and transporting it to a dealership and preparing it for sale – including design, engineering, marketing, raw materials, executive compensation and other costs – are not related to direct or indirect manufacturing labor.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I really don't care what the NA auto mfgrs actual costs are. The reality is that it is significantly more expensive compared to overseas sources... And make no mistake, labor is what we're discussing here.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
$2.6 million for an ad during Super Bowl.... labour for over 1000 cars... If you were managing GM what would you buy?



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Would it be for the high quality features and guarantee it has a block heater and rear defrost??

From what I understand the Russians put money in too. It's nice to know Harper has strong ties and partnerships with Moscow.


captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
I'd consider it

Would it be for the high quality features and guarantee it has a block heater and rear defrost??

From what I understand the Russians put money in too. It's nice to know Harper has strong ties and partnerships with Moscow.

Yeah, it must be Harper's fault.

Say, weren't you going on about the union having direct investment in GM? I wonder if the sr union execs. thought better of using over priced union labor when it came down to making a business case.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I wonder if Russia has the same protective legislation to shelter their unions?

On March 15 a district court in Russia ruled illegal the dismissal of Evgeny Ivanov and ordered General Motors pay him three and a half months' wages in arrears and compensate moral harm.

RUSSIA: Evgeny Ivanov, leader of the IMF-affiliated Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA) union at a GM Auto plant in Saint-Petersburg, was reinstated in his job. On March 15 the district court ruled illegal management's decision to fire him for his alleged no-show. The court also ordered the company to pay Ivanov three and a half months' wages in arrears and compensate moral harm.

Ivanov was fired after the union began an "Italian" strike at the plant on November 11, 2009, demanding, among other things, a wage rise, introduction of clear annual vacation rules and a normal 40-hour week instead of summarized annual payroll.

In a few days of the work-to-rule strike workers managed to slash the production rate, however the administration broke down solidarity among the workers and took action against the «troublemakers». On November 20, 2009 Evgeny Ivanov was fired and forcefully deported from the plant. At the same time the management created a yellow union to downplay the role of ITUA.

However, ITUA union at the plant continued to fight despite the interference. The reinstatement of its leader which wouldn't be possible without help and support of various NGOs and human rights groups will give new momentum to the struggle of GM Auto workers.

This violation of Ivanov's rights is one of the examples included in a complaint recently submitted to the Committee on Freedom of Association of the International Labour Organization. The complaint, lodged on Januray 20, 2010 by the All-Russia Confederation of Labor (VKT) and the Russian Confederation of Labor (KTR) and supported by the International Metalworkers' Federation, among others, documents a series of systematic violations against fundamental trade union rights and the failure on the part of the government to investigate and rectify these violations. The violations include:
  • physical attacks on trade union leaders,
  • the right to organize without prior authorization,
  • discrimination again trade union membership,
  • employer refusal to recognize newly formed trade unions
  • denying trade union leaders access to members' workplaces
  • denying the right to bargain collectively
  • government interference in trade union matters
  • state law enforcement bodies failure to investigate and secure trade union rights.
A copy of the complaint is published here on the IMF website.Mar 17, 2010 – Ilya Matveev

The IMF which includes Canada is a partner of a International Trade Union? LMFAO.....

Thank you Brian Marx and Harpo Marx