Younger Generation - Dumb or Stupid or Both- Yes or No


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009

Quote: Originally Posted by Goober
Well we both know along with others on this Forum that you and I disagree -

The facility i work at had at one point over 800 employees - Then the reoged the place opened another building and moved the admin staff all in to one working place.

As to the mirror - Shove it up your asssse -

No i alwys do not use spell check - good you and Jbeee have something in common

Again shove the mirror up your miserable asssses

The larger print sentence was for Gerry h/JBeee - It was spelled that way to get around the word censoring - It was in no way directed at you. If I gave that impression then I was wrong and I apologize. I hope this explains it.

Well we both know along with others on this Forum that you and I disagree -

The above was referring to Gerry H


I used my workplace as 1 example - Men seem to dominate in failing to meet the standards that women do in the very same job - lifting - packing - forklifts etc

That along with other observations including the high dropout rate for men/boys

I did not state all and that was covered in the last few lines - I also see the same things you do - But I see men having a problem moving ahead in the workplace & secondary education in particular. I told that to a Friend in 96 - I was laughed at - You could see the stats then and the direction was for more and more men to not continue on to secondary or a trade - Limiting their abilities to access work due to limited skill sets

Part of my original post

I did not claim the majority - I stated a substantial number - quite a difference and yes it is open to a persons own interpretation

I see a lack of ethics - both moral and work - They will blame someone else when something goes wrong instead of facing the music.

I see losers that will go through life complaining about everything that is wrong yet do nothing to change the situation

And yes men are the majority.

And no this is not all but a substantial number.

Then I see the others that will be highly successful in life.


Hey all from the USA
Feb 24, 2010
Usa, New hampshire
I see another problem here since there not doing it your way your think its wrong. Not saying its not wrong i am just saying. people do things differently than other people.

Like for an example
i might use my right hand to drink.
you might use your left hand to drink.

stuff like this you can't change


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I see another problem here since there not doing it your way your think its wrong. Not saying its not wrong i am just saying. people do things differently than other people.

Like for an example
i might use my right hand to drink.
you might use your left hand to drink.

stuff like this you can't change

Who is that directed to??


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
I agree Goober.
Todays youth (in that age bracket) are ****ed when it comes to thinking for themselves. Too many choose to loaf off thier parents as long as possible and avoid responsibility ie paying for thier own way in life.
Its also true most parents of this generation need a kick in the ass for allowing this trend to occur....myself included.

Younger Generation - Dumb or Stupid or Both- Yes or No

I see in my work a large number of 18 to 25 or year old persons

I see some in supervisory position with no interpersonal skills what so ever. And yes they send emails and cannot even be bothered to use the auto spell check.

I see employees that have the same talents as mentioned above

I see many who need help to even change their mind - the inability to think a simple problem through to a conclusion is unbelievable

I see this day after day.

I see a lack of ethics - both moral and work - They will blame someone else when something goes wrong instead of facing the music.

I see losers that will go through life complaining about everything that is wrong yet do nothing to change the situation

And yes men are the majority.

And no this is not all but a substantial number.

Then I see the others that will be highly successful in life.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I agree Goober.
Todays youth (in that age bracket) are ****ed when it comes to thinking for themselves. Too many choose to loaf off their parents as long as possible and avoid responsibility ie paying for thier own way in life.
Its also true most parents of this generation need a kick in the ass for allowing this trend to occur....myself included.

To a certain degree but there are many that have had purpose instilled by their parents as well. I think we - society - generally tried to give as much as possible as we had little - and it was to much -

Also - sitting a kid in front of a TV - Not good -

One thing that has changed is many are going back to school - the recession hit many where they realized they need skill sets to survive in the new economy.

Overall i find the younger generation to be very polite when encountered in stores etc which is a change in my opinion from 10 or 15 years ago - Just my opinion.

And yes some who i know are still at home into the 30 years of age bracket where the parents complain - they do nothing to help - and on and on they go - Guess the parents never learned either


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I see another problem here since there not doing it your way your think its wrong. Not saying its not wrong i am just saying. people do things differently than other people.

Like for an example
i might use my right hand to drink.
you might use your left hand to drink.

stuff like this you can't change

Son of a bitch if the guy happens to lose the active member in an accident. :lol::lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Son of a bitch if the guy happens to lose the active member in an accident. :lol::lol:
Well if I lost that i would be pissed as i would then have trouble pissing - referring to member as an organ slightly below the waist and centered between the hips.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Well if I lost that i would be pissed as i would then have trouble pissing - referring to member as an organ slightly below the waist and centered between the hips.

Yeah, there is that important one too, but I was actually referring to the one hoisting the beer. :lol::lol::lol:


Time Out
Jun 1, 2007
Agreed with most of that but as far as the `politeness` you see in todays youth are concerned, its more of a general rule when dealing with customers....if you want to keep your job. But yes, some of it is genuine.

To a certain degree but there are many that have had purpose instilled by their parents as well. I think we - society - generally tried to give as much as possible as we had little - and it was to much -

Also - sitting a kid in front of a TV - Not good -

One thing that has changed is many are going back to school - the recession hit many where they realized they need skill sets to survive in the new economy.

Overall i find the younger generation to be very polite when encountered in stores etc which is a change in my opinion from 10 or 15 years ago - Just my opinion.

And yes some who i know are still at home into the 30 years of age bracket where the parents complain - they do nothing to help - and on and on they go - Guess the parents never learned either


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Agreed with most of that but as far as the `politeness` you see in todays youth are concerned, its more of a general rule when dealing with customers....if you want to keep your job. But yes, some of it is genuine.

I was referring to the everyday things I encounter - From holding a door open as you come in behind to in line for the cashier saying excuse me or thank you.

I notice a general change in the politeness and good manners compared to 10 or 15 years ago. perhaps it is old age - Not sure - Just my observations is all.


New Member
Sep 17, 2010
so im going to throw my two cents in here as a 20 y/old in the 87-89 generation leap. I'm going to take you on a trip through my mind hahaha. you might have to even read a few paragraphs over so you can wrap your mental hands around it.


someone on page 1 talked about the histories of generational fear repeating itself and how environment effects the reality of the consciousness of the person(same thing as consciousness?) in question. that person is correct when they say that. now think about what will happen to this idea when we ALL become aware???

now that you probably thought about that let me ask you this. notice i gave you an italicized command there. did you think about whether or not you should think about what i commanded you? I'm guessing no because you're in this thread looking for information and ideas(entire sentence foreshadowing). when a SIMPLE question is asked you feed your brain with "the process"... this process is so natural because you don't HAVE time to waste on this decision of "to do" or "not to do" now scratch that last sentence. in reality you don't WANT to waste time... with that decision... because you made it... when you clicked on this thread... so, when you clicked on this thread you automatically changed "I don't WANT to waste time" into "i don't HAVE time" in your mind so it becomes "more natural"(more foreshadowing) and you don't have to make a conscious decision while your thinking because it was already made. now ill talk science

you are comparing time to energy when you read my statements above

the idea of wanting(want) requires more thought patterns/connections and takes more energy than needing to. because if you "need/have to" the decision has already been made and requires no more energy. this concept is very simple and many of you can easily see this, but it applies to almost everything else in the world. your brain tries to save energy by thinking less. if you are about to make a bunch of decisions to hear other peoples ideas/follow a bosses instructions you turn a switch on that allows you to never decide to think about why you should think about what they tell you to do/think about. now how messed up is that lol?

this is what the military does to general infantry. they turn this switch to off permanently.

okay mind trip over now we can talk history

every generation becomes more complicated and diverse than the last. this is called the nature of the universe. it is our mind evolution. consider the cultural revolution in the 60's. even though there was some bad parts to it, a huge brainwashing control cycle that started around oh... 355 A.D. was stopped. this cycle of course only existed in the western societies and morphed its shape to dominate the masses with fear of a certain fiery place (many people seem to forget all about the other humans scattered around our planet and how similar their fears are)

politeness is Renaissance falseness

people like to take things Christ taught and translate it into this 20th century brainwashed bull**** we see. Christianity teaches to seek whats right, turn the cheek, yada yada yada. it does NOT teach to kiss peoples asses. the cultural mind has evolved and so must your tactics when dealing with other people. holding a door open for a stranger tells something about yourself. either A: you assume they are to old or weak to do such a simple task so you pity them and help B: you think its just a nice thing and it will make someones day and its the "right" thing to do... if the stranger can walk normally then you are just stupid for doing this period. don't insult them they are a human they can open the goddam door. this is called ass kissing. just because the older generation did this for a time doesnt make it "right" or "good". lesson learned if someone doesnt have to work for your affection then why should they work for yours. TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WISH TO BE TREATED. this concept has always been around just not everyone can grasp it to its full meaning. people who do things just to do them and don't think about why they do them are the stupid people. they are machines in a sense. just a little more aware. some people float in between machine land and humanity. without shame i say i was one of these machines once. this matter means a lot to me or i would'nt google it to see others opinions of it and maybe to help some more aware people see whats really happening. people actually go through life thinking if they kiss ass that people will kiss theirs due to the golden rule. what they don't realize is that there is deeper thoughts that occur on the other side. referring to the open door example there are two options in the reaction of the person who did not open the door. lets say this other person is just a machine; they merely say "thank you" and move on. now lets say they are a fully aware person; s(he) pauses in saying thank you and is now thinking of why that person held the door open. the machine not only is unaware of the awareness of others, but they don't realize they are saying (you didn't have to buy my affection so I shouldn't have to buy yours) now people have a choice to walk all over you. these machines can appear smart or have incredible mental concentration or creativity, but they are socially retarded. it seems the OP is complaining about the side effects of social awareness. notice in my example why i said THEY when referring to the machines, and s(he) when referring to an aware human. maybe I'm saying something about machines. THEY all do the same thing and receive dehumanizing labels, while s(he) does their own thing and gets respect. maybe I'm just propagating an idea and being completely obvious to drive a point because i am not aware of the awareness of the readers. or maybe I'm just that stupid and do it anyways because i believe everyone is dumb (I'm not making this **** up i used to be like the latter statement)

now for my grand-scaleofthings point... there is almost always two or more ways to see every single point or event that happens. i call these relative situations, and when there is only one option that's called an absolute(epic foreshadowing) when you judge someones mind/actions you could be totally wrong.

now here is an example on my thoughts about god. why do i talk about god now? because this example kicks total ass
we go to the story of Moses in exodus. he is trying to find a lost sheep in the barren ass wasteland mountains (so how did he lose the sheep... wait thats another conversation)
Moses: whats this cave
burning bush: MOSES!
Moses: wtf a burning bush?!?!?
burning bush: I am god take off your sandals
now I'm going to write two separate stories that branch off from the events said.
story 1:
Moses: okay god... what do you want from me?
burning bush: go to egypt i want you to free some bitches
Moses: but i suck at talking to people (foreshadowing)
burning bush: i don't care that your socially retarded because of your childhood/whatever. ill be with you!

story 2:
Moses: you claim to be God... how can you prove this?
Burning bush: because i can turn that staff into a snake!
Moses: so can the gods of Egyptian prophets
burning bush: but my snake can eat their snake clearly showing my superiority
Moses: okay you definitely are more powerful than the Egyptian gods, making you a god i guess, but how do i know there isn't something stronger than you?
burning bush: because it (god is not a he) would show itself when i claim to be god and smite me with all its power
Moses: how do i know god actually cares what i think about what you say? whats to say it wont let someone charade around pretending to be god
burning bush:.....
Moses: heeeeeloooooooooo? where are you?

moses# 1 is a machine. Now lets say this really did happen (i think it did ill explain why later in this post or the next) even though he shows signs of higher awareness when he says he cant talk to people the bush shuts him up by saying it will help him. what is funny is the bush totally takes advantage of being more consciously aware than Moses. the bush knows Moses is socially retarded because he cannot question WHY longer than the bush.

that example is actually what happened. the second is assuming the bush isn't really god just the most powerful being that will show itself to Moses at that particular moment of time in that corner of reality.

moses#2 represents an aware being that can question WHY to the end of the earth. the bush wants to play mind games with Moses and gets completely smashed. if the bush posses spiritual powers he still isn't going to kill Moses just because he doesn't obey orders. its because he cannot harm the soul i guess and Moses would just be somewhere else and probably become even more aware by the bushes actions towards him

i will continue this shortly after a food break


New Member
Sep 17, 2010
okay absolute truth. biggest question of the 60's till now. how do we know something is absolute? because if it really isn't, and we think it is, we think so because we cant see the other side. i guess if whatever it is causes harm or unification or basic universal organization to crumble, meaning it is the opposite of the intelligent construction of any idea or object, then it is bad or undesirable. because we seem to have this universal drive/purpose of attaining better or higher organization in the mind or on the street. lessons learned. it takes 20 or so odd years in current society for a brain to mature. a stable environment generally leads to a more "safe" upbringing. this safety allows better chances of survival(and the quality of said survival), and survival allows power to grow so power can shape either objects or thoughts. this power being your brain. now an unstable environment can do many things, it can mature the brain faster for better or for worse. who is to say the kid on the street with a dead mother and a father that abandoned him wont grow up to be a great hero in society. if he does will that make what the father did wrong? or does the consequence overcome the action even though THE CHANCES OF SURVIVAL were diminished when the boy was abandoned. it seems we as humans link survival with right/wrong. i could expand on this all day but i wont, and if you can refute me please do, buy bye for now
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
How about we both stop this and go back to the topic in the thread.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
OK....I've skimmed the last 20+ posts in this Thread, & I see little that
pertains to the O.P. and much that is in blatant disregard for the Terms
of Service for this Forum.

Piles of Personal Attacks & Reciprocal Trolling. It's been a long day,
and I'll wade through this in the daylight tomorrow. In the time being,
posting in this Thread is closed until it can be reviewed by the
Moderation Staff.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Only went back a day on the posts in this Thread. Two where edited, & 27 removed.
The Thread is open again. Please leave the Personal Attacks & Trolling & Reciprocal
Trolling & Off-Topic B.S. out of the debate. Thank You in advance for your cooperation.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
We don't have the same choices...we have more choices, but they are different choices.