Woke Disney


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I stand corrected. I figured if it was something that was open to everybody for certification…and it took seven hours or less…& everyone eventually cycles through the emergency department of a hospital, The bulk of the population could end up certified within the next decade.

Nah, it's something staff has to take yearly as part of 'required updating'. Same lines as "Washing your hands properly" and "preventing falls" and other stuff like that.

Though to be fair, your point is valid; if people had to take this, with the number of people who cycle through at least the population would appear to be better educated (not that they would be though; IMO some people just thrive in ignorance and not wanting to have empathy)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Bill C-16 became law in Canada on June 19, 2017. The bill adds gender expression and identity to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act and also to the Criminal Code of Canada. Bill-51 became law in New Brunswick on May 5, 2017. The bill also adds gender expression and identity protection to the NB Human Rights Act."
So question. Let's say some male decides he's actually a woman and goes through the procedure. Then "she" decides she also identifies as a dragon and goes out and gets the cosmetic procedure and tattoos to complete the "illusion" and states she's a dragon. And by the way, someone actually did that. Do human rights still apply to that dragon? I mean dragons are mythological creatures, not humans, or even actual animals that existed.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So question. Let's say some male decides he's actually a woman and goes through the procedure. Then "she" decides she also identifies as a dragon and goes out and gets the cosmetic procedure and tattoos to complete the "illusion" and states she's a dragon. And by the way, someone actually did that. Do human rights still apply to that dragon? I mean dragons are mythological creatures, not humans, or even actual animals that existed.
First, if a Trans woman gets GRS, there is no "She", it's she.

And if she ID's as a dragon - why the hell would you care? Someone actually did what, got all the stuff to look like a lizard? Ya, saw that? So?

Your question about her being a "Dragon" has nothing to do with trans or any other GLBTQIA+ rights though you are trying, it seems, to make the two be the same. I'd also like to know the context of the "someone actually did that". Was the person cos-playing a dragon? Were they part of the Furry fandom? Or was this something else?

Until you give me context, I can't exactly answer your question, as stupid and whataboutism as it is.

Personally, I'd say yeah, of course but mainly because IDGAF if someone wants to be a 'dragon' and does things to make themselves look like one. Unlike the anti-GLBTQIA+ crowd, I actually CAN shrug it off and say "meh, whatever" and leave it at that, even if they're shouting "I'M A DRAGON!" to my face.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
So question. Let's say some male decides he's actually a woman and goes through the procedure. Then "she" decides she also identifies as a dragon and goes out and gets the cosmetic procedure and tattoos to complete the "illusion" and states she's a dragon. And by the way, someone actually did that. Do human rights still apply to that dragon? I mean dragons are mythological creatures, not humans, or even actual animals that existed.
Sounds good to me. Governments bend over backward to accommodate people's Big Sky Daddy fairy tale.

More important question is, why does this bother you so much. What are you afraid of?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Sounds good to me. Governments bend over backward to accommodate people's Big Sky Daddy fairy tale.

More important question is, why does this bother you so much. What are you afraid of?
Interesting. So instead of suggesting that said individual might be suffering from mental illness, you attempt (and fail) to go for the gotcha moment.

I was asking a seriously legitimate question. And I'll tell you what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of way more harm being done than supposed good as the govt seems more and more inclined to bury it's head in the sand when it comes to shit that is clearly a mental/emotional issue. All while forcing society to go along with the delusion.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
First, if a Trans woman gets GRS, there is no "She", it's she.
Well that all depends on your definition of GRS.
And if she ID's as a dragon - why the hell would you care? Someone actually did what, got all the stuff to look like a lizard? Ya, saw that? So?
Well that seems oddly defensive.
Your question about her being a "Dragon" has nothing to do with trans or any other GLBTQIA+ rights though you are trying, it seems, to make the two be the same.
Nope, that's just you and your bias.
I'd also like to know the context of the "someone actually did that". Was the person cos-playing a dragon? Were they part of the Furry fandom? Or was this something else?
Clearly it was something else if they went through all the bother of cosmetic surgery and body tattoos and insisted that they identified as a dragon.

Until you give me context, I can't exactly answer your question, as stupid and whataboutism as it is.
Because you couldn't understand a simple question don't get all cranky with me. I gave you context. If they were a cospalyer or a furry I would have fucking said they were, or quite frankly, I wouldn't have even brought it up.
Personally, I'd say yeah, of course but mainly because IDGAF if someone wants to be a 'dragon' and does things to make themselves look like one. Unlike the anti-GLBTQIA+ crowd, I actually CAN shrug it off and say "meh, whatever" and leave it at that, even if they're shouting "I'M A DRAGON!" to my face.
Didn't ask if you give a fuck what they did. I asked if said person who claims to be a dragon is protected by these identity bullshit laws. I mean if said individual applies for a job and states their name is Carcheron, Dragon Queen of the Ashen Hills and doesn't get the job for that reason, is that discrimination based on their identity?

I do find it telling that you're not the only one who clambered atop a soap box instead of thinking that maybe someone who identifies as a dragon and gets the surgery and tattoos to complete the delusion might have some mental health issues and needs help.

But Nah, Jin posted it so you just go into full defense mode and react instead of think. The only reason I mentioned they started off as a tranny was to see if you actually answered the question about their "human" rights as a "dragon". It was a red herring (although it was also true) and you chomped on that bait like a hungry walleye.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Interesting. So instead of suggesting that said individual might be suffering from mental illness, you attempt (and fail) to go for the gotcha moment.

I was asking a seriously legitimate question. And I'll tell you what I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of way more harm being done than supposed good as the govt seems more and more inclined to bury it's head in the sand when it comes to shit that is clearly a mental/emotional issue. All while forcing society to go along with the delusion.
You were not asking a seriously legitimate question. You were reiterating a barely-modified form of the "If we allow gay marriage, people will be marrying their dogs" horseshit.

I was also subtly pointing out that "mental illness" is a complex and many-faceted thing. You seem to think it's something easily diagnosed by a layman.

And you closed out by a genuinely lame-ass wordplay on "human" vs. "dragon."

Seriously, you think I haven't heard all this flawed thinking before? In the U.S., it's a profession that pays real money.

So take your patronizing putdown and shove it up your ass. Don't worry that'll change your gender, you'll still be a fool.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Well that all depends on your definition of GRS.

Um, there is only one definition of GRS unless you're making GRS in this instance to mean something other than Gender Reassignment surgery. Which, well,:

"Gender reassignment surgery (GRS) refers to all surgical procedures that a patient wishes to undergo in an effort to become similar to the opposite gender."

But you know this so I have to wonder if you're being... obtuse on purpose?

Well that seems oddly defensive.

No, just wondering why you would care, what it matters to you, etc, etc.

Nope, that's just you and your bias.

Oh really? Bias? Howso? And how is being a dragon exactly like being GLBTQIA+?

Clearly it was something else if they went through all the bother of cosmetic surgery and body tattoos and insisted that they identified as a dragon.


Because you couldn't understand a simple question don't get all cranky with me. I gave you context. If they were a cospalyer or a furry I would have fucking said they were, or quite frankly, I wouldn't have even brought it up.

Again, context.

Even if they AREN'T a furry or cosplayer, why did they do this? I mean, you could have easily said "well I heard this story about an adult who wants to act/be like a baby, wears diapers..." (and yeah, THAT'S a true story too) and I STILL would ask for context.

I GET the why someone who is Trans would want the surgeries; so why the person who wants to be a dragon? I mean, you said it was an actual true story that it happened, so why not produce a link to the story on it? Also, you linked it to someone who got GRS, that makes it a HIGHLY individualized story, so either you are full of it, or the story is out there to read.

Didn't ask if you give a fuck what they did.

But you did.

I asked if said person who claims to be a dragon is protected by these identity bullshit laws. I mean if said individual applies for a job and states their name is Carcheron, Dragon Queen of the Ashen Hills and doesn't get the job for that reason, is that discrimination based on their identity?

Ah, see, now specifics!

Yeah, it's discrimination based on their identity, or rather, their name. I mean, you can't not hire someone based on a NAME.

I do find it telling that you're not the only one who clambered atop a soap box instead of thinking that maybe someone who identifies as a dragon and gets the surgery and tattoos to complete the delusion might have some mental health issues and needs help.

Oh I didn't say that they didn't have mental issues or needs help, but then that's NOT what you were asking about.

Do I personally think they have mental issues? Sure. I hope they would get help. But I also, again, DGAF if they are Carcheron Dragon Queen of the Ashen Hills or if they're Jane Smith. It's THEIR life, not mine.

But Nah, Jin posted it so you just go into full defense mode and react instead of think.

Nah, I actually was thinking, you just didn't ask the right questions, give context and you tried DESPERATELY to make someone wanting to be a dragon somehow equal to GLBTQIA+ issues. Which again, are nothing alike.

The only reason I mentioned they started off as a tranny

And there is why I don't take your posts seriously; because you don't GAF either.

was to see if you actually answered the question about their "human" rights as a "dragon". It was a red herring (although it was also true) and you chomped on that bait like a hungry walleye.

LOL - sure, you go off on me for NOT taking the question seriously, then ADMIT you were throwing a bullshit question (red herring) at me to 'see what I'd do'. Again, this is why I don't always take your shit seriously. Because you're NOT serious, you're all for whataboutism and just stomping around being an asshole just to be an asshole.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
First, if a Trans woman gets GRS, there is no "She", it's she.

And if she ID's as a dragon - why the hell would you care? Someone actually did what, got all the stuff to look like a lizard? Ya, saw that? So?

Your question about her being a "Dragon" has nothing to do with trans or any other GLBTQIA+ rights though you are trying, it seems, to make the two be the same. I'd also like to know the context of the "someone actually did that". Was the person cos-playing a dragon? Were they part of the Furry fandom? Or was this something else?

Until you give me context, I can't exactly answer your question, as stupid and whataboutism as it is.

Personally, I'd say yeah, of course but mainly because IDGAF if someone wants to be a 'dragon' and does things to make themselves look like one. Unlike the anti-GLBTQIA+ crowd, I actually CAN shrug it off and say "meh, whatever" and leave it at that, even if they're shouting "I'M A DRAGON!" to my face.
Which is why this whole thing is B.S. There are only 2 genders - period. that is a fact!! Stating anything different doesn't make it so.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Which is why this whole thing is B.S. There are only 2 genders - period. that is a fact!! Stating anything different doesn't make it so.

Actually, that's no longer a 'fact' as there is more than just 'male/female' to gender. Your ignorance of this, or rather your continual denial of it, doesn't make it fact.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Its a fact. 82 other options (83 if you count giraffe) is crazy shit.

There are 7 base colours but millions of shades of each. A shade of blue is still blue. A shade of red is still red etc etc etc.

Its okay to be a blue man or blue woman that is light blue, navy blue, baby blue, sky blue......... its still blue but different. A blue person cant change to orange no matter how hard you try to blend other colours or declare it as fact.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
You were not asking a seriously legitimate question. You were reiterating a barely-modified form of the "If we allow gay marriage, people will be marrying their dogs" horseshit.
Wow, you have a pretty vivid imagination.
I was also subtly pointing out that "mental illness" is a complex and many-faceted thing. You seem to think it's something easily diagnosed by a layman.
Where? Where did you point that out in your response. Is there some hidden code in your words?

"Sounds good to me. Governments bend over backward to accommodate people's Big Sky Daddy fairy tale.
More important question is, why does this bother you so much. What are you afraid of?"
And you closed out by a genuinely lame-ass wordplay on "human" vs. "dragon."
What's lame-ass about it? If you're claiming to identify as a fucking dragon, is it a violation of your human rights to refuse to partake in your delusion? Is it a violation of your human rights to deny you employment because there's obviously something very fucking wrong with you? Have Liberal govts screwed the pooch so badly with mental health care that they're simply changing the goalposts by altering the definition of "identity" to include delusions?
I mean why not? Despite the global airline industry setting the standard of on time being set at 15 minutes or less, our Liberal govt decided to unilaterally alter the definition of "on time" in Canada to mean up to an hour late. To deflect from the govt's massive failure at the airports.
Our Liberal govt decided to alter what constituted a national emergency based entirely on how they felt and not what the law actually states. To make up for their abject failure in dealing with the trucker protests.
Why the hell wouldn't they change the definition of 'mental illness' to "identity" to make up for their abject failure with mental health care?
Seriously, you think I haven't heard all this flawed thinking before? In the U.S., it's a profession that pays real money.
Oh, but you'll buy the "men can get pregnant and have periods" pseudo-science bullshit. You're hilarious dude.
So take your patronizing putdown and shove it up your ass. Don't worry that'll change your gender, you'll still be a fool.
Easy now, go buy some tampons. It looks like it's that time of the month for you again.