You forgot the ruling form of snobery these days, academia.
Is that like in the cookie? Academia nuts? Mac's Milk has'em and jeez is they good or what.
If I eat one will I be a snob?
Frik..........too late. Even ate the crumbs.
You forgot the ruling form of snobery these days, academia.
All politicians are arrogant which is why there should be term limits for all politicians.:smile:
Good point VanIsle, Makes you wonder if everyone else were the snobs for not understanding your situation. When it comes to bad mouthing another person, it only takes one true snob (the bully) to get everyone else to turn against someone.
No, after reading all of the above, I will snobbily say,
that many who call others snobs, are themselves snobs,
and can't seem to accept those who aren't like themselves.
And also, there are varying degrees of snobs, so I remain
a bit of a snob, but a nice one.
take care everyone, (walks away with nose in air).
The narcissists (extreme snobbery) and the ones who only appear to be snobs because of their self-confidence (but this may be seen as more smugness than snobbery).Snobbery is a two way street. We are all snobs to one degree or another!!There are many different types of snobbery in society but the main purpose behind snobbery is to create an imaginary barrier to prevent others from entering into the snob’s world. Snobbery is used as:1. - Protection for oneself (Feeling shy or hiding something from public),2. - Selective snobbery used in everyday life to protect our beliefs or social standards. (feelings of disgust for the drunk pan handler on the street, or someone you are not attracted to having a crush on you)3. - Used to dominate a person or a mass of people by demeaning them to have power over them, to use them for your purpose or belief. (communism, religion, governments, parents, spouses, relatives, managers/boss’, friends, a wealthy person who needs others to do their dirty work for them – maid, gardener, nanny all who make life easier for the snob.)4. - Create an elitist group which feeds and sustains a snob’s inflated ego and also creates an ideal that people strive for. (doctor vs. garbage man, Harvard vs. a Canadian University, an all men’s club, member at a country club, being Muslim vs. Christian vs. being a Jew vs. being Wicca vs. atheist, a celebrity vs. being a nobody.) 5. – People who have either worked hard for their money, inherited or have won a multi-million dollar lottery are constantly being pestered by others for handouts or are concerned of so-called friends who are only using them for their own personal gain. What other snob did I miss?
lmao I was beginning to wonder if anyone else had noticed an incredibly distinct lack of input from our pet narcissist in this thread.:lol::lol:
We still haven't heard from the expert8O
I may not post a lot.......but I read and see everything:lol::lol::lol:lmao I was beginning to wonder if anyone else had noticed an incredibly distinct lack of input from our pet narcissist in this thread.
Perhaps the cock-of-the-walk, Mr. Foghorn Leghorn may be able to tell you.Meow-za, sorry as my brain goes into over drive, and this kitty will jump leaps and bounds into a maze of thoughts. Is snobbery a human trait or can animals be snobs too such as apes that have a social hierarchy?
lmao I was beginning to wonder if anyone else had noticed an incredibly distinct lack of input from our pet narcissist in this thread.
I may not post a lot.......but I read and see everything:lol::lol::lol:
I learned a long time ago that playing with a Liberal is a waste of time...they keep moving the goal post:roll:
lmaoHi Annag easy with the friendly fire there,
Sorry for taking so long to respond, just lack of time, I am sure you understand,
If I come across to you as a narcissist, sorry if I have given you this impression.
I find it odd that you call a guy a narcissist who is friendly and inclusive to all by posting the thread DEEP SPACE,
how is it possible that my inclusiveness to other fellow human beings is narcissistic?
Here we are discussing “why people play snob“, attacking me it doesn’t make it fair.
So.........................Where do we go from here?
As I said before on this thread “Life is far greater then a snob“, this is not a philosophical statement, it is fact.
Moreover, being part of a solution is far better then being part of a problem (snob)