Why immigrate to the US?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
......And I don't have much patience for those kinds of people who assume.......

....... I do not hide behind the computer as Lone Wolf so obviously does.


I ask would all you Canadians say this to an Americans face, or would you be like most and bend over backwards kissing up when they are here in Canada.

To answer your question seriously, yes I would.... in fact I just left a majority US based forum similar to this one. I had plenty of people I got along with there who were from the States. I took it as well dished it out.... tis all in good fun doncha know?

I will tell them what is on my mind as well as I would expect them to do the same... much like what the do here in these forums anyways. Why would I fear anybody in the US for speaking my mind? I figured they still believed in freedom of speech and all.

Because I have worked in the hospitality industry since I was 12 (almost over 40 years), and I have seen how Canadians slobber over Americans when they are here, but backstab when backs are turned. Is this the Canadian way I ask.

Maybe that all has to do with Canadians being on vacation and not really giving a rats ass, as we usually do year round anyways. I imagine plenty on vacation also feel vacation is a perfect time to vent things on the mind. Don't like it? Perhaps you're in the wrong profession.... unfortunatly, get used to it.

I am in defense of my people, and my sister country, as my roots are as deeply planted in the US and they are here. And I will come and go as I please and when I am ready. Not by anyones invitation.

*clap clap* you go girlfriend.


Jan 6, 2007
Hi Karrie! I am born Canadian, I live part time in the Dominican Republic, (in the process of getting a Dominican citizenship. US and Mexico. I have properties in all three places. I travel a lot, and I do not see Canadians as special as ya'll like to think. Spanish have grace over all of us.
Nothing wrong with money, or liking it. Or being a corporate hog!

where exactly is the 'ya'll' coming from? You seem to be painting an entire country (and an entire forum), with the remarks of a few in one or two threads.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I wonder is it okay for Canadians to slam others, but they have no right to defend? Is that the Canadian way?

I live in the Dominican Republic part time and use the forums and web to keep partially in touch, with the news and goings on at least. I do not like this slamming the US for no reason, by the same token that you do not like it. How does the shoe fit on the other foot?

I dunno... the moment I actually start slamming and generalizing the US, I'll let you know.

Then again, maybe it's our accent that's confusing you on here.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Like I said the shoe is on the other foot, and by the sounds of it you like the rest do not like it when it is thrown back at you.
The rest of your post is a whole lot of blah blah blah.
I am always greeted by friendly people when I visit the US,just as your GF is getting in Canada.
So if you cannot stand the heat or can't handle getting it back in return don't come to my kitchen, so to speak.
As I said by the response I got the truth does hurt the weak.

Right.... here's Maxwell Smart's shoe phone.... call someone who cares.

You clearly didn't even bother to read anything mentioned in your direction, limited your conversation to the things which somewhat offended you when pointing out your hypocracy, and are now going above and beyond your trolling methods.

In fact, I would almost guess that you are another member in these forums just trying to play your own games for schnits and sniggles.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Really.LOL! I don't like the governing in Canada and the police state that we are becoming.

We? You? Us? Who?

I think you're having an identity crisis

Over ruled, and too many weak people who will not do for themselves but expect others too.

lmao.... right... ok.

Is this based on those vacationing where you perform your hospitality? Guess what? They're there on vacation... of course they're expecting others to do things for them, because they have been doing things for themselves and others all year.... now it's you're turn, so suck it up and get to work.

I don't like cops that taser people, pepper spray little children (don't hear of this in the US),

ROFL.... omg.... ok ok.... *wipes tear from eye*

If you really don't like tasers and cops who use them, how about you check out which company in what country invented the things?

Pepper Spray little children? I assume you are referring to those little brats who started a fight during a soccor game here in Canada and felt they could get away with rioting in Canada because they were guests and minors?

Guess what? They got what was coming to them, and if I had the chance, I'd probably spray the little bastards myself. How's that for Canadian hospitality?

Would you prefer the tasers?

or the way our government lets them get away with things. I do not like Canadians double standard. I am proud of who I am, regardless of what damn country I come from.

:-? ok, I think I ran with this as long as I wanted.... the humor is lost and the generalizations are so apparent, I need not say anything further. Sorry HairyHunny, you're own posts speak for themselves.
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Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
ya'll is the southern in me Karrie.
No actually the accent is not confusing just the horrendous spelling.
And Canadians have no right to vent in the vulgar way that most do when holidaying it is not a passport to acting like an asshole, rude or obnoxious to others. Seen some Canadian jerks ruin a person wedding no to long ago in Mexico, Real classy guys they were. Glad they got thrown out, literally.
And sorry I am in the right business as I profit well from it, and am par excellent at my job. I have paid for the training, and most of it comes naturally to me, I know how to deal with people quite well.
Lone Wolf, the tilte suits you, but not the courage of the beast, that you do not have. Lobo solitario! Indeed. All wolves shall now hang head in shame at this.


Jan 6, 2007
ya'll is the southern in me Karrie.
No actually the accent is not confusing just the horrendous spelling.

I wasn't questioning the term, I know what 'ya'll' literally means... I was questioning your gall in using it, while trying to chastise us for generalizing and criticizing.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
The gall in using it? I question that. NO gall. But I do have that?
I use the term everyday! And it has nothing to do with chastising and the GALL to use it. Dios maria!, how do you come to that????????
I plan to move to the US, for profit, and because I love the southwestern way of living, design and find the people open and brutally honest, I like that, shooting straight from the hip.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Why not?
I holiday a lot, mostly in the caribbean and Mexico, but have seen a bit of the US and it is fascinating and the people the same as us, except they are more patriotic and love their country. On tv the ones that put Canada down are Canadian comedians brown nosing.
I find that when I am vacationing especially in Mexico, it is the Canadians that are overtly drunk, obnoxious, and ignorant of ways, and nor respect for them. They also get into trouble of their own doing, then typical of the weak they blame someone else. Just as most on here are putting one country down to feel better about theirs. That is pathetic, and typical of Canadians.
Why not buy in the US or immigrate, the prices are awesome, and I am checking into properties in Arizona.
Canadians are hypocrites too, they hate Americans, but avail themselves of everything American, what a double standard. Best you put up or shut up, or get rid of everything American in your homes. What a simple mind it is that hates people because of country they come from and to post hate mail, if it was another country, you same morons would be crying discrimination towards that country. I would rather have The US as our neighbors than say Iran, Iraq, Kosovo. Really get a grip. Canadians are also not the nice friendly polite people they would like the world to think, especially if you read the forums that promote hate mail towards others and country. Pathetic.:cool:

Wow, I am amazed at the amount of garbage you managed to spew there.

"Canadians that are overtly drunk, obnoxious, and ignorant of ways, and nor respect for them."
More generalizing.... Would you mind filling me in on your background so I can make some retarded assumptions about you?

I'll start off with " Canadians are hypocrites too, they hate Americans:"
That's incorrect, you are generalizing and sensationalizing something you overheard of fox news.

"Canadians are also not the nice friendly polite people they would like the world to think, especially if you read the forums that promote hate mail towards others and country. Pathetic.:cool:"

If your opinion of Canadians has been formed by your Internet travels then I suggest you visit Canada.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Because I have worked in the hospitality industry since I was 12 (almost over 40 years), and I have seen how Canadians slobber over Americans when they are here, but backstab when backs are turned.

Are you making this crap up off the cuff? Would I be wrong to assume you are a moonshine, trailer park living inbred with 3 teeth left in your face? Oops, am I playing on baseless stereotypes?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
ya'll is the southern in me Karrie.
No actually the accent is not confusing just the horrendous spelling.
And Canadians have no right to vent in the vulgar way that most do when holidaying it is not a passport to acting like an asshole, rude or obnoxious to others. Seen some Canadian jerks ruin a person wedding no to long ago in Mexico, Real classy guys they were. Glad they got thrown out, literally.

Now are you sure they were Canadian, or were they one of those Americans who like to pose as Canadian so they avoid getting beat up? :p

Eitherway, a baseless and unprovable example on your part.... in fact all of your acusations have been so far.

And sorry I am in the right business as I profit well from it, and am par excellent at my job. I have paid for the training, and most of it comes naturally to me, I know how to deal with people quite well.

If so, then stop your belly aching and complaining.... get back to work! *shakes cane*


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
I don't like the governing in Canada and the police state that we are becoming. Over ruled, and too many weak people who will not do for themselves but expect others too.
I don't like cops that taser people, pepper spray little children (don't hear of this in the US), or the way our government lets them get away with things. I do not like Canadians double standard.
I am proud of who I am, regardless of what damn country I come from.

You must love the "Police State" in the US then, where you can have your communications eavesdropped on at anytime with no recourse, all in the name of the war on terror.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Now are you sure they were Canadian, or were they one of those Americans who like to pose as Canadian so they avoid getting beat up? :p

Well if it is true it sounded like they got beat up anyways so there goes that theory.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
Thank you all for proving me right.
trailor park, hmmmmmm not the one posing as a trailor park supe!
But hey some nice trailor parks out there. Especially in Arizona. Bonita!
Hey your assumptions, presumptions and supposeds are amusing. Give us more.
And someones espanol no bien! not chacho! are you a gringa or a gringo?
And yes they were Canadians, remember Americans do not know that much about Canada to pass that one off, pretending to be us, lol! My posting is to point out to you how hypocritical you are, and that to prove ya'll do not like it when the tables are turned, And you proved that. And just how ignorant ya'll can be. Thanks.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
I am 100% certain that there was (and probably still is) several programs for Mexicans to move and work in the US for numerous jobs. I am also 100% certain that outdoor related work was one of those programs sponsored by the government. As I recall we had about half a dozen programs for different types of jobs that consisted mainly of manual labor.

Here's a site I found ... http://www.usamex.org/

There are other programs as well ...

There are programs, but they obviously aren't that numerous or we wouldn't have over 10 million illegal immigrants.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
There are programs, but they obviously aren't that numerous or we wouldn't have over 10 million illegal immigrants.
Mexicans do the job the lazy gringo won't, or thinks they are too good for. I will say one thing about the Mexican people like the Dominicans they all work, to survive and to have a good life, and lots work up the ladder to improve on that goal. They do not have welfare or the typical Canadian handout where people here and in the US think welfare is a career choice. You don't work you don't eat. We need that. take away welfare and give us our earned wages back.