Why immigrate to the US?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Awww, now, Rommy, you have hurt my feelings. :-(

But, looking at it from a positive viewpoint, we never wanted you in the first place. Aren't you a bit arrogant to assume that you would be accepted here? I mean our standards might well rule you out. :p


and there's the arrogant, self centered, "we're better than you" crap that I have grown to loath.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
and there's the arrogant, self centered, "we're better than you" crap that I have grown to loath.

As have I, but there ya go.

But then again on the flip side, people in the US, including those in these forums, say the same thing about Canadians as having a "We're Better then You" attitude, but just in a different manner from my observations.

Then you have to split hairs as to which attitude it worse.

I feel Canadian's "W.B.T.Y." attitude is attributed to an educational and international perspective on the situation, but annoyingly passive at the same time to some. The US's "W.B.T.Y." attitude originates from having the "W.B.T.Y." attitude valid for so long, that it should just be a given today, regardless of current actions. Now that there are some problems or flaws pointed out, this "W.B.T.Y." attitude in the US seems to pick up more defense and people take offense when it is questioned.

But hey, the moment Canada screws up royally, I'll be right along side to bitch Canada out. By all means quote me on that. Just because I give the US a little flack now and then, doesn't mean I'm not shy about doing it to my own country.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
Why Immigrate to the US?

Why not?
I holiday a lot, mostly in the caribbean and Mexico, but have seen a bit of the US and it is fascinating and the people the same as us, except they are more patriotic and love their country. On tv the ones that put Canada down are Canadian comedians brown nosing.
I find that when I am vacationing especially in Mexico, it is the Canadians that are overtly drunk, obnoxious, and ignorant of ways, and nor respect for them. They also get into trouble of their own doing, then typical of the weak they blame someone else. Just as most on here are putting one country down to feel better about theirs. That is pathetic, and typical of Canadians.
Why not buy in the US or immigrate, the prices are awesome, and I am checking into properties in Arizona.
Canadians are hypocrites too, they hate Americans, but avail themselves of everything American, what a double standard. Best you put up or shut up, or get rid of everything American in your homes. What a simple mind it is that hates people because of country they come from and to post hate mail, if it was another country, you same morons would be crying discrimination towards that country. I would rather have The US as our neighbors than say Iran, Iraq, Kosovo. Really get a grip. Canadians are also not the nice friendly polite people they would like the world to think, especially if you read the forums that promote hate mail towards others and country. Pathetic.:cool:
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lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Why not?
I holiday a lot, mostly in the caribbean and Mexico, but have seen a bit of the US and it is fascinating and the people the same as us, except they are more patriotic and love their country. On tv the ones that put Canada down are Canadian comedians brown nosing.
I find that when I am vacationing especially in Mexico, it is the Canadians that are overtly drunk, obnoxious, and ignorant of ways, and nor respect for them. They also get into trouble of their own doing, then typical of the weak they blame someone else. Just as most on here are putting one country down to feel better about theirs. That is pathetic, and typical of Canadians.
Why not buy in the US or immigrate, the prices are awesome, and I am checking into properties in Arizona.
Canadians are hypocrites too, they hate Americans, but avail themselves of everything American, what a double standard. Best you put up or shut up, or get rid of everything American in your homes. What a simple mind it is that hates people because of country they come from and to post hate mail, if it was another country, you same morons would be crying discrimination towards that country. I would rather have The US as our neighbors than say Iran, Iraq, Kosovo. Really get a grip. Canadians are also not the nice friendly polite people they would like the world to think, especially if you read the forums that promote hate mail towards others and country. Pathetic.:cool:

B-bye.... Don't let the toll booth hit your ape hanger on your way out....



Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
Why Immigrate to the US?

Hi Karrie. Should I ignore the rude post by Lone Wolf, you know ignore the ignorant?
I guess it is true Lone Wolf the truth does hurt some, you proved that.

I still have interests in
Canada too, and did not say anything against it really. Just an open mind realizing that there are other just as nice a places in this world to live, Canada is not the end all to end all. And I really hate the hypocracy Of Canadians when it comes to the US.

By the way Lone Wolf I am not a shrinking violet and will give back better than you or anyone will ever give me. And sticks and stones chico, sticks and stones. And you better carry a bigger stick, gringo. jajaja!:roll:


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
Why Immigrate to the US?

Furthermore I have relatives in the US and ancestors came from there before they settled in Canada, as a lot of us have. My post is in protest of the many asinine Canadians that post such crap and hatred (misled, misinformed) about our neighbors. The hypocracy is enoughto make one puke.


Jan 6, 2007
Hi Karrie. Should I ignore the rude post by Lone Wolf, you know ignore the ignorant?
I guess it is true Lone Wolf the truth does hurt some, you proved that.

If you're seriously on the forum to participate and not just to pick a fight over one issue, then yeah, I'd ignore him if I were you. You got my hackles up with your very first post as well. It's not uncommon for people to breeze in, toss about some posts trolling for trouble, and breeze back out again. I think wolf easily assumed you were one of those. I'm sure if you introduce yourself, post about a bit and get to know the group, you'll find that most are much more welcoming. :smile:


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
Well Karrie just manuevering around the board to figure it out, It won't take long, I find this computer stuff a breeze. And I don't have much patience for those kinds of people who assume. And all the post got my dander up considering the venom towards our neighbors and allies. So I guess we are even on that score. I like to go on forums to give my opinion, as that is what they are mainly for, and information. I do not go on to find anonymous friends. I also do not go on to get a sense of false bravado through anonymity, I say face to face what I will say on here. I do not hide behind the computer as Lone Wolf so obviously does. I ask would all you Canadians say this to an Americans face, or would you be like most and bend over backwards kissing up when they are here in Canada. Because I have worked in the hospitality industry since I was 12 (almost over 40 years), and I have seen how Canadians slobber over Americans when they are here, but backstab when backs are turned. Is this the Canadian way I ask. I am in defense of my people, and my sister country, as my roots are as deeply planted in the US and they are here. And I will come and go as I please and when I am ready. Not by anyones invitation.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
I wonder is it okay for Canadians to slam others, but they have no right to defend? Is that the Canadian way?
I live in the Dominican Republic part time and use the forums and web to keep partially in touch, with the news and goings on at least. I do not like this slamming the US for no reason, by the same token that you do not like it. How does the shoe fit on the other foot?


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I holiday a lot, mostly in the caribbean and Mexico, but have seen a bit of the US and it is fascinating and the people the same as us, except they are more patriotic and love their country. On tv the ones that put Canada down are Canadian comedians brown nosing.

Case in point?

The only thing I can picture is Canadian Bacon, but that was a movie with Canadian actors, making fun of both countries.

I find that when I am vacationing especially in Mexico, it is the Canadians that are overtly drunk, obnoxious, and ignorant of ways, and nor respect for them. They also get into trouble of their own doing, then typical of the weak they blame someone else. Just as most on here are putting one country down to feel better about theirs. That is pathetic, and typical of Canadians.

Expressing one's personal preferences is putting another nation down? I can't help it that there are things I prefer in Canada over the US. And honestly if someone in the US prefers something in their nation over something here in Canada, I don't label it as putting us down..... It's called personal preference. All the more power to them.

Speaking of hypocritical.

Why not buy in the US or immigrate, the prices are awesome, and I am checking into properties in Arizona.

There is that capitalist mentality that was mentioned a page or so ago. (ie: border crossings and dollar values, etc.)

Since you ask, I will not buy into the US, because of previous explinations. Just because it maybe cheaper to own land compared to here in Canada, isn't a be-all end-all decision maker for me. If you like the prices and the environment/climate in Arizona, all the power to you.

Honestly, my mentality is also the same mentality to why I don't move to western Canada or anywhere else in Canada for that matter.

I am happy where I am now and that should be all that matters to each person. If you feel you'll be happy in Arizona, have fun. It won't make me feel any differently about you or anybody else. Home is where you make it.

Canadians are hypocrites too, they hate Americans, but avail themselves of everything American, what a double standard. Best you put up or shut up, or get rid of everything American in your homes.

Get rid of everything "American" in our homes? Ummm.... considdering 98% of everything we all own is either made in China, Taiwan or India, that shouldn't be too hard.

But then again.... who here directly said they hate Americans? Which Canadians are you speaking of?

You know, during the entire Bush Administration's rule, I don't remember seeing one major protest by Canadians against the US and wishing they all died. I have, however, seen protests against Bush himself, and the actions he and his administration have acted on.

But like myself.... Hating Bush and the US government, isn't hating the people of the US and everything in which they stand for. Granted there are a few things I do like about the US.

What a simple mind it is that hates people because of country they come from and to post hate mail, if it was another country, you same morons would be crying discrimination towards that country.

Exactly who are you talking about.... or to? Since your post is directly after my own, I hope you're not referring to myself, as I just spent a few posts attempting to clarify this ignorant attitude towards myself.

And if it was any other country, including my own who made the actions in which I oppose today, they would be getting all the flack deserved..... which was already pointed out before.

You're begining to look like you're on some baseless rant against Canadians for things not even mentioned in here (That I have seen so far)..... speaking of hypocrite

I would rather have The US as our neighbors than say Iran, Iraq, Kosovo. Really get a grip.

Then that is your personal choice. Don't go finger pointing at others who differ from you.

But when you think about what you just said for a minute in a logical concept:

Iran hasn't invaded two countries in the last 7-8 years, nor did Iraq (invaded) ~ And what exactly caused their instability again? Oh yes..... lies by a government that sits right below us. What a great neighbor indeed.

Kosovo? What about them? Every country has their problems eventually. Exactly what would be your position on the US, if hypothetically they went through a Revolution (Something I feel the US people are more then deserving by now) ~ They would be just as unstable as any of the above nations you mentioned (Well, actually Iran is pretty stable atm)

I find your principles a tad contradicting and not really observing the full spectrum of things. I'm not saying you are wrong to like the US.... by all means go ahead. But when you compare one nation to another and who you like better, it starts to look kind of weird.

Canadians are also not the nice friendly polite people they would like the world to think, especially if you read the forums that promote hate mail towards others and country. Pathetic.:cool:

Once again.... what the hell are you talking about? Hate mail? Something I missed apparently.

But Canadian's being friendly? No, we're not all smiles und shunshine

..... but compared to other cultures around the world we are up there. Case in point would be my GF from Australia. She's still trying to get used to the polite-ways we have. Apparently we say thank you for some of the more trivial, everyday things that most in her home country wouldn't say anything about. We apologize for things that don't seem to matter or require an apology for. She has had people stop her on the streets and talk to her, welcoming her to the country, and asking how she likes the weather, etc...... just the small things I guess. Kinda funny actually when I think about it.

But when it comes to your personal opinion of Canada/Canadians as a whole, you are of course entitled to your opinion..... I just don't find any sense in it, except a perfect reflection of your own distain for Canada and you doing the exact same thing you accuse us of doing to those in the US..... good job.
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Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
I still have interests in Canada too, and did not say anything against it really. Just an open mind realizing that there are other just as nice a places in this world to live, Canada is not the end all to end all. And I really hate the hypocracy Of Canadians when it comes to the US.

Isn't an interesting and sensitive topic to be playing around in? You're trying to be balanced about your explination, but kinda, turned out to be the exact same thing you claimed us to be. You of course generalized all Canadians as being what you described and pretty well put the US on a pedistal over us.

Not that I'm offended, I couldn't really care less, but see.... myself, I stated no country is greater or worse then another. I explained the common ideologies I don't like within the US and some things about the Government..... but you just painted all Canadians with the same brush in a very indescriminate manner.

I think you have a level of Hypocracy towards Canadians, but whatever.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
Like I said the shoe is on the other foot, and by the sounds of it you like the rest do not like it when it is thrown back at you.
The rest of your post is a whole lot of blah blah blah.
I am always greeted by friendly people when I visit the US,just as your GF is getting in Canada.
So if you cannot stand the heat or can't handle getting it back in return don't come to my kitchen, so to speak.
As I said by the response I got the truth does hurt the weak.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Furthermore I have relatives in the US and ancestors came from there before they settled in Canada, as a lot of us have. My post is in protest of the many asinine Canadians that post such crap and hatred (misled, misinformed) about our neighbors. The hypocracy is enoughto make one puke.

ok... patience wearing....

How about instead of going on about this so-called hypocracy and posts of hatred from Canadians that make you want to puke, that you put some quotes/examples out there to prove your point.

Show me some of these quotes and the rampant pile of them building up that is making you sick. I see comparisons based on personal opinions, and personal tastes, and I have seen some negative perspectives towards the US, but I haven't seen too many generalizations of the overall country/community, where Canadians are overly putting them down as a whole.

Oh and don't forget, there's plenty of people from the US who do the exact same thing to us. I'm not justifying any of it, but to make you aware that we're not the only criminals in what you are accusing.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
I don't like the governing in Canada and the police state that we are becoming. Over ruled, and too many weak people who will not do for themselves but expect others too.
I don't like cops that taser people, pepper spray little children (don't hear of this in the US), or the way our government lets them get away with things. I do not like Canadians double standard.
I am proud of who I am, regardless of what damn country I come from.


Jan 6, 2007
I don't like the governing in Canada and the police state that we are becoming. Over ruled, and too many weak people who will not do for themselves but expect others too.
I don't like cops that taser people, pepper spray little children (don't hear of this in the US), or the way our government lets them get away with things. I do not like Canadians double standard.
I am proud of who I am, regardless of what damn country I come from.

And you're from where exactly? The dominican? The US? Somewhere in Canada? Fill us in harleyhunny.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
So if you cannot stand the heat or can't handle getting it back in return don't come to my kitchen, so to speak.

uh ... seems, you invaded ours then went into accusations.

As I said by the response I got the truth does hurt the weak.

And this from someone who doesn't "have much patience for those kinds of people who assume"?

Last edited:


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
Oh and don't forget, there's plenty of people from the US who do the exact same thing to us. I'm not justifying any of it, but to make you aware that we're not the only criminals in what you are accusing. I have never met any, and I meet a lot, and they are a lot more giving than we, when commenting on people.
And I do not play the 'send me quotes, links, etc'. I do not find it necessary. Obviously.


Time Out
Feb 25, 2008
Hi Karrie! I am born Canadian, I live part time in the Dominican Republic, (in the process of getting a Dominican citizenship. US and Mexico. I have properties in all three places. I travel a lot, and I do not see Canadians as special as ya'll like to think. Spanish have grace over all of us.
Nothing wrong with money, or liking it. Or being a corporate hog!