Why Catholic isn't Christian.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Why Catholic isn't Christian.

tamarin said:
Grade 10 in China is probably equivalent to our first year university here. Certainly those who graduated high school in the 60's in Ontario are believed now to have received the equivalent of today's BA. Standards have plummeted. It's not unusual to meet high school graduates who are illiterate in Canada.

I know. I've met them. Well, sorry, I'm exaggerating. Literate, but grammatically, severely deficient.

As to whther education has plummetted that much or is hard to say. Society has changed much, needed knowledge has changed alongside it. It really would be hardto compare.

As for education in China, don't overestimate it. Chinese students do well with hard facts (e.g. 1+1=2), but terrible when it comes to solving problems which don't have a right or a wrong. To give examples. In Putonghua, much is regulated. The rules of grammar, and even pronunciaiton, are clearly defined. In social studies, the problem, and the correct answer, are clearly defined. Everything mucst be clearly defined. Without that, they cannot function.

This is also a great disadvantage to their English learning. After all, how can 'color' and 'colour' both be correct? How can both American and British pronunciation both be correct? Belive it or not, they really have a hard time grasping that one, even when it appears at first glance that they have grasped it. When it comes to being able to operate without clearly defined rules, a Canadian will usually be able to create the needed rules himself based on previous experience (interdisciplinary transfer of knowledge and re-application of it in a new context), while his Chinese counterpart will, for the most part, run around frantically looking for some authority figure to teach him every rule.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
MACHJO ,I apologize...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Accepted,,read chapter12 :16 Analects


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
“The great
person calls to attention the
good points in others while the
miserable person calls to
attention the defects in

Sorry. You're right.

The Project Man

Liquer'd Up & Lash'n Out!
Aug 22, 2006
Because the Home Office Renamed It!

If you notice all of the changes in today’s society you will see their reflections in christianity and even the dogmatic roman catholic church.

The treatment of woman for one. Remeber woman's lib.

In 1969 the church went from creationism to divine intervention. Does anyone remember that little change of heart. Now christian just call it I.D. Which is kind of strikingly similar to Freud’s ID, I digress.

The repetitious prayer is out because we just don’t have the time in the increasing pace of the world.

Rosaries are out, we need space for the cell phone and PDA.

Prayers to the saints is out do to jesus receiving true divinity status after the saint hierarchy was set in place.

The singular belief in jesus the christ being the key to heaven makes it even easier. All you have to do is believe. In spite of your selfish actions to get you through the dog eat dog world of today, you can just believe that jesus was the son of a god and through him you will be saved sent into a paradise set aside for you instead of rotting with the common folk of this earth.

As far as calling no man father, most of generation Y does not even know their father. Due to work schedules, abandonment, or death.As far as god being my father, I think my earthly dad did have intercourse with my mother, drunk or not, as far as I know I do look like him, but I also look like my Uncle Charlie, a discussion for another time. If god is our father than well are all divine and get in alphabetical order so we can worship one another.

As far as the bible, what version? It may have been divinely inspired to the original writers, but after that I am sure us stupid humans screwed up somewhere. Even today we can only guess at most translated words and the definitions. Which harkens back to the ability of the translator. I remember the bible stating it is the word of god, but it never references the future translations. A line somewhere, “By the way when the other languages which I have divided the earth into, remember that little thing I did? Um you know the tower of Babel and all. They will get it correct too, okie-dokie. Maybe the line was in one of the other writings that was edited from the whole book. According to the churches, all of the bible based ones, you are only looking at 1/3 off the original text. It has been make into crib notes/ the bible for dummies. Where is Peter‘s gospel? do you know? Can you smell what the rock is cooking? You can’t because his gospel is completely omitted.


New Member
Feb 23, 2007
Hi graeme!
my name is Lmae and I love your words in this forum
can you help me and my group? Please email me.
I was a catholic before now a born again christian
just email me (this is not a spam) just message me
because I can't message you yet. Please message me
we need your help


New Member
Feb 24, 2007
Narvik, Norway
Catholic is the "wrong door"

Here is an article I wrote for my site www.ourtake.net

Hi graeme!

Just as I shud written it myself. The vaist of time, is to spend one minute in this organization, denomination of the pope.

A big warning to all of you conserning- sitting in this wilderness, get out -because God's door will soon be locked. We are sure in the end of time.



New Member
Feb 24, 2007
Narvik, Norway
Christian or not?

Really if you believe in what the Bible says like those three points, you aren't Catholic.

Hey Jey!

I just saw you wrote, "I dont think protestants are christians".

But in fact.

Protestants are Christians.

But what is one Christian?

If you belive that Jesus is God's Son and He come down here to heal us and take away our sins, then you are one Christian.

If you belive in Maria, as catholics do, then you are not a christian.

Religious- is not to be one christian. But it may be muslim or catholic?


Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2007
Here is an article I wrote for my site www.ourtake.net

This is sure to get some tempers flaring, but I just need to say it.

It all started back when the Romans saw that Christianity was going to be the way to keep power. Suddenly everyone was to be Christian in the empire, those who weren't, were to be converted, while that in it self may not be such a bad thing, the intentions and the method left much to be desired. You see Rome's sole reason for converting the state religion to Christianity was to appease the people, so that they could be more easily controlled, religion via "traditions" became an excellent way of having direct control over people (ie. confessions to a priest). Not all places in the Roman Empire were Christian though, and so they had to be amalgamated in to the religion and the easiest way to do that was to integrate the traditions of those other faiths directly in to Catholicism (ie. praying to saints). Here is a list of things which separate Roman Catholicism from Christianity, and why they are wrong.

References? Or is this simply your opinion? Opinions masked as fact is laughable. Please don't have a concern that I will take it seriously.

1) Repetitious Prayer: ............................ell them how many repetitions to do so that they may be forgiven.

Here again, this shows a definite lack of research on your part. This is nonsense. You focus on the utterance of the rosary as the complete substance of it. You exclude information that you may be challenged on.

What Christians believe is this: Matthew 6:7,8 “When ye pray, use not vain repetitions,

Ahem..... the active word being "vain". Research, research, tsk

2.) Prayer to Mary or other saints/angels: Another large difference between Catholicism and Christianity is the allowance prayer to people or things other than Jesus and God.

Well that's crushing news. And here I was this past 10 years asking my mom in heaven to put in a good word for me. Guess Mary must have been one heartless selfish mother when she was here. To think that being a Mom to a Redeemer who loved every person with his whole heart must have been particularily taxing for her. One can see her being selective, while her son is entirely open.

The obvious and major infraction in Catholicism is prayer to Mary the mother of Jesus. You see while Mary was blessed among women, she was still a human being and was never given special power beyond that of any other human, nor does or did she have special influence over Jesus, although that is why Catholics pray to her.

I see you stating over and over, "What the catholics believe", so far your really off base. Influence? What's wrong with that? Now your not going to try to tell me you never asked anyone to put in a good word for you. Never asked your mom to ask your father for something? But I know through practical real life experience that she has this special power, and there is no worse skeptic than I. You realize of course you will need to convince the millions who were granted their prayer, some downright improbable too. She was made Queen of Heaven and has power over the devil, that I can vouch for, and it takes a crowbar to wrench anything out of me.

You see many Catholics take Mary asking Jesus to turn water in to wine and him doing so as an indication that Jesus is more likely to do what Mary asks him. The truth of the matter is that Jesus replied to his mother in this way “who are you woman to ask this of me”. Jesus was not a happy camper when Mommy asked for a favour.

You have no way of knowing how he was disposed, your guessing. But anyway there's nothing in what she said that indicates he would be irritated. What he said was, "Woman, how does this concern of yours involve me. My hour has not come."? Literally, "What is this to me and to you?"

Well, gee, there is nothing earth shattering from this post after all.

That thing on Rome and whatever, Dates, sequence of events, subject names,etc. OK? Do some research, get your facts straight instead of telling me what your interpretation is. The only thing debatable here is your methodology and that may indeed anger someone.



Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2006
Actually I have done a lot of research, I can even name various cults/religions where the various traditions came from which are not christian (I.E. the rosary, praying to Mary or the saints, and vain repetition)

I am not going to go on and on right now but I will argue one more thing. "Vain" - Just use a dictionary and maybe a little knowledge of the origional languages. Vain means and meant unnessesary.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2006
oh also, I have had more than a few conversations with priests about these "problems" with catholosism I would say at least a thrid of them agree with everything I say.

Anyway in the end the main reason Catholic isn't Christian is because of the issue of salvation. The whole point of Jesus and his death in the bible.


New Member
Aug 16, 2008
Catholics are an easy target

I am not an expert on the history of the Church, nor am I a theologian. All I know is I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as Jesus taught his disciples to go forth and do. I was raised to learn about the Lord and follow His teaching. The sins of those from the past done in the His name can only be forgiven by God. Some people who cry out that they are born again or in their words just "Christian" claim that they only have to look to the Bible for their salvation. Well if it were that easy we would not need to go to any kind of church at all. However Jesus asked us to come together as a community and remember Him. When people say the Bible I often wonder, well which Bible? There are so many versions out there with different books included and not included to suite every denomination of the Church that it can make non-believers in Christ really wonder. Some are just full of mistranslations. Not the least of which and probably the most misquoted of all. It is not "Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men" it should be read "Peace on Earth to those of goodwill." The word often translated men taken to mean all. At different times Catholic Christians and those of other denominations take translations of the Bible that fit their needs and not the will of the Lord. It can be really hard, but it takes a true Christian to rise above all the details that don't matter and look at the forest through the trees. The forest being the true kingdom of heaven and what it takes for us as Christians to feel that peace that only Gods love for us and our love for others can give. We are only human and yes so was Jesus, He is our ideal, however there have been some who by the grace of God flourished and helped bring almost the same love and joy that Jesus wanted to share. I have a question to those who say they only pray to God in heaven. When times are good and you have a moment that brings a great memory to you about someone you loved who is no longer here, you don't ever look up knowing in your heart that they are up there with Jesus and call out to them and say look "I made it" "Or here is your grandson Daddy." Or if your at the hospital and your loved one dies you don't go in there and say a last word. God undersands these words. Before people knew Christ they paid homage to God but also to their ancestors. Now in the Catholic denomination at times we celebrate the litany of Saints. When we call their names with reverence we ask them to pray for us because we hope that their spirit is alive forever and always just as Jesus promised. We're not talking to the dead but the living. Do some of you have so little faith that you cannot understand this. If Catholics who practice in this manner have got it wrong then so be it. In all religions there are zealots who carry particular points too far and get off course, Catholicism is no exception. I think the ones whom some of you are writing about are those who have taken certain devotions too far. It is up to each individual Christian to find the community that feels right to them in the eyes of the Lord. This certainity cannot just come from reading scripture but directly from God to the individual as a feeling of pure peace. I have stepped in and out of many Christian Churches of many denominations in different countries. I have seen that the practices inside are an abomination to the eyes of the Lord including some Catholic parrishes. People's take on religion is dependant on your culture and unfortuneatley is used to promote things in that culture that are not really Christian. Those who put down other denominations do so to make themselves feel better and they do so without really understanding the true nature of the Church that God put forth on the shoulders of Peter the Rock. All Christians belong to the church that Jesus word's proclaimed. Because of the nature of organized religion, being watched over by us humans there will always be imperfections. I take solace in the traditions of the Catholic Church and that I can go any where in the world and be welcomed and understand,without knowing the local language, what is going on and the importance of what it is we are sharing. Some people who want to feel that they are just straight from the bible Christians cannot truly feel this sense of community that is the Universal Church. I wish all the evil done in the Lord's name could be taken away, but it cannot. Each Christian needs to find community that they want to belong to. Why do others have to put down another denomination by name. Do you feel joy? In all the homilies I listened to in the Catholic Church I never once heard of another faith put down by name. Instead the Gospel reading of the day is discussed. Also the sins of the day are called out if the Celebrant is worth his salt, but never the sinner. The lord said "May he who is without sin cast the first stone." Those who wish all of our laws to devoid of moral character are the ones who relish in our bickering. If Christians cannot stand united against true sin then future generations are without hope. I pray that the Catholic denomination of Christianity can truly heal and continue to help spread God's word. What is so wrong anyway with looking up to other individuals besides Jesus? Men and Women whom we witnessed to be saints because of their actions should give people who do not know God's word another hint. Jesus praised those who believe without seeing, but those people are few and far between. Miracles happen every day if we open our eyes and the word of God is still spoken and His words are being written. It is naieve of anyone to think that the word of God ends with what is printed in the Bible. That is not to say "don't take Jesus' words spoken their to heart" please do, but don't think that those are His only words. Remember there are parables and stories within that are not explained within. When any member of the clergy helps explain are those words not to be accepted, because it is not in the Bible? Of Course not. Point out the wrong in the world not the wrong in a church. Set an example of Christ that cannot be questioned, but only intolerated by the wicked of this generation. Who is truly wicked in this age? Pray to Lord for guidance on this question.

May the love of Christ be with believers and non-believers alike.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
The catholic church is now run by a former Nazi,the catholic church is a Satanistic set of mother****ers

and finally the last two pics i have

oh look the pope welcoming that nice Hitler man .

and WHO is this let me think.????

i wonder


Jan 6, 2007
Why for my beliefs that the vatican are a bunch of crooks ,and that they worship Satan more to the point the rant applies to paedophile priests and the church that hides and protects them.Satanism in the Roman Catholic Church

You can go ahead and disagree all you want. You can post your bizarre video 'proofs' like you do on all your conspiracy theories. But, state simply that one should 'fuk' my church, well, 'fuk' you. Simple. Like begets like.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
Wow, a out of context necropsy of a thread.

Of course we already knew the church is run by nazis Quandry. Of course. What else, right. [/sarcasm]


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
You can go ahead and disagree all you want. You can post your bizarre video 'proofs' like you do on all your conspiracy theories. But, state simply that one should 'fuk' my church, well, 'fuk' you. Simple. Like begets like.

LOOK karrie just because Ive got proof that rocks your boat ,and that this group of a corrupt church worships Satan is not ,my problem its yours so deal with it this church has defended its paedophile priests it is a foul nest of vipers whether you like it or not is not the picture ratzinger doing the Nazi salute or not ,Ive never seen such an evil looking man in my life i'm sorry if i have offended you religion but ,i cannot surcome to the fact that the roman catholic church has anybody s interests at heart apart from its own.Satanists created the Twisted Cross in 666 A.D. to caricature the Roman Catholic traditional Crucifix, but quickly adopted it as one of their many symbols for Antichrist. Faithful Catholics have been unknowingly bowing down to this symbol of Antichrist since 1963, when Pope Paul VI began using it for his public ceremonies. At that time, occult adepts of all secret societies realized this symbol suddenly being used by the Paul VI meant only one thing: the Illuminati now controlled the Vatican ! Finally, after over 200 years of struggle, the Black Magick forces of the Masters of the Illuminati controlled the Vatican, vanquishing the White Magic practitioners who had held power since Constantine.

oh look an upside down cross how very strange,and before you start its got nothing to do with saint pauls ,wishes to be crucified upside-down.