Why Catholic isn't Christian.


New Member
Jun 20, 2006
hi! im from a Catholic raised family and i do believe in Christ and that only in believing that through Him i will be saved." So i guess im not practicing some beliefs that the Catholic Heads tells us to do.


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
jolly_vinch said:
hi! im from a Catholic raised family and i do believe in Christ and that only in believing that through Him i will be saved." So i guess im not practicing some beliefs that the Catholic Heads tells us to do.

Dispensationalists only direct their view of that to Jews, believing that God would not revoke his covenant to them through the Old Testament, even though it was replaced by the New Testament. They have already passed a "dispensation" or test if you will. How do your beliefs not coincide with Catholic teachings on salvation through Christ?

Jesus said: I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me [John 14:6].


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
"DEAR MASTER Yoda,Besides Trying to build an image of yourself on the web and being a pedant ,you are just a plain ignorant man .People like you sure dont have many friends .A "beliver" with your personality will kill others "in the name of God ",Do you love anybody ,Do you know what love is ,I DON,T,but I sure know what love isn,t and it sure is not judging others and having an inflated EGO .Get rid of your EGO ,humble yourself , be more concerned about the welfare of others than your own .Isn't it what Jesus not only tought but DID.Who cares if you are a Catholic or a Protestsnt. Will Mother Theresa burn in Hell because she was Catholic?,and she was preying the rosary 24/a day. She protected the needy in India bcause she saw God in their faces.Can you see God in people's "faces" ,'cause if you don,t you better start working on your own salvation "in feer and tremble " .


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Dear Master Yoda,Let me teach you a Bible in 20 seconds.
Love God with all Your heart ,all your soul and love your neighbour as you love your self .And there are no more important commandmends than these , and,In these 2 commandmats fall all the laws and prophets.The rest of the Bible is about the same thing . Love and do what you will,try to understand this saying Mister Master Yoda ...with your heart not with your brain .
China in China


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
"All you need is love"... Isn't this what Christianity should be about?

Bickering on doctrine is pointless. If there is such a thing as the devil, it's one of his tricks to divide and conquer. :twisted: If all that time bickering like children had been spent on spreading true love and compassion Christians would have been united a long time ago.


Council Member
Feb 16, 2005
Freethinker said:
s_lone said:
If there is such a thing as the devil, it's one of his tricks to divide and conquer.

If there is such thing as the Devil, he invented religion.

He is pretty smart that Satan guy... You gotta give him that...


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
Re: RE: Why Catholic isn't Christian.

china said:
"DEAR MASTER Yoda,Besides Trying to build an image of yourself on the web and being a pedant ,you are just a plain ignorant man .People like you sure dont have many friends .A "beliver" with your personality will kill others "in the name of God ",Do you love anybody ,Do you know what love is ,I DON,T,but I sure know what love isn,t and it sure is not judging others and having an inflated EGO .Get rid of your EGO ,humble yourself , be more concerned about the welfare of others than your own .Isn't it what Jesus not only tought but DID.Who cares if you are a Catholic or a Protestsnt. Will Mother Theresa burn in Hell because she was Catholic?,and she was preying the rosary 24/a day. She protected the needy in India bcause she saw God in their faces.Can you see God in people's "faces" ,'cause if you don,t you better start working on your own salvation "in feer and tremble " .

Hmmm. I remember someone who used to puncuate his posts the same way you do. :wink:


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Hi, Free Thinker ,This is China in China .Indeed a "religion " is an invention of our thought .What else could it be? There is nothing "holy " about our thought .Thought works in response to our memory. Obviously you cant have one without the other (we think what we remember, (our knowledge ) ,we remember what we think experience...etc.)There is nothing new in our brain,everything is past . The past is dead ,There is no TRUTH in the ashes of the past .Religion is men made
and there is no truth in it. What is TRUTH ? China in China , from Ottawa.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Hmmm. I remember someone who used to puncuate his posts the same way you do.
That is probably because I have only grade 10 ,That's not even a formal education ,furthermore English is not my native language.But that's ok , Said1,I thank you for your Christian observation though I would prefer that you would try to grasp the meaning of my posts rather then look at the way I "puncuate"....wait, what is puncuate???????????? ,Hmmmm , must be a new word.

One mre thing Said 1 ,something you will not find in a Bible or maybe you will if you know where to look for:
a formal education will bring you a paycheck ,
a self education will bring you wealth and not only financial wealth .
But don't belive me , I could be wery well lying.As a matter of fact don't belive anything I say,anywhere.


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
Re: RE: Why Catholic isn't Christian.

china said:
That is probably because I have only grade 10 ,That's not even a formal education ,furthermore English is not my native language.

No. It's because someone who used to post here used a comma instead an apostraphe, it drove another poster mad. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON



如果你是中国人, 你住在哪里?

Honestly, I'm trying to pigeon-hole you, China, but you are a complicated one.

Hmmm... Your thoughts on religion are very typical of many Chinese (that's 'cause the education system teaches you (assuming you're chinese) systematically that ALL is material. The result of such an education is plain and manifest in general Chinese society, sad to say. All is material, and material luxury is all that matters. It's well known that even university rectors are corrupt, right down to the student. Corruption simply permeates most levels of this society.

Now you mention you're from Ottawa. But in China? English is not your native language, yet you have not completed your high school education. So you are a non-native speaker of English who left Ottawa for China without a high school education?

Hmmmm.... Native speaker of French? Possibly. And that would give me much to speculate on. Huaren? Perhaps. But then I'd assume you were born in China, moved to Ottawa, and then went back without finishing school? Or maybe you're still in school. How old are you?

I'm really curious, 'cause some of your thoughts are so typical of those taught in the chinese school system, plus your flag and log in name. Combine that with relatively good English for a non-native speaker of English who's only finished grade ten, and who claims to self-study (not so typically Chinese unless it's for a required compulsory test subject, which English is in China) and then throw in Ottawa as a curve ball. Now that makes you hard to pigeon-hole in my mind. I can't quite place your role in society so to speak. Would yu mind telling me more about you, 'cause you've really peaked my curiosity.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Honestly, I'm trying to pigeon-hole you, China, but you are a complicated one.
Forgive me but I am not familiar with the term pigeon-hole .... and i don't know if I should take it as an insult ,is it to decipher? if so you are not doing to well and I fine your letter to be very arogant.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Why Catholic isn't Christian.

china said:
Honestly, I'm trying to pigeon-hole you, China, but you are a complicated one.
Forgive me but I am not familiar with the term " to pigeon-hole" ,could you please explain.
Only(almost) grade 10..Thanks

Are you Chinese?...I ain't

I'm not Chinese, but am in China. So that leads to the quesiton, 'are you in China'? If not, then why do you have a Chinese flag? just a question.

As for 'pigeon-hole', it means 'to put into categories.' In other words, I was trying to put you into some kind of logical file in my mind. I could see your flag, your name, China, and your self-description, yet it somehow just didn't add up. Why would a person with grade ten education call himself china uless he's Chinese, and if so, then why so good at English, etc. Your information just didn't seem to add up somehow.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
My Dear Friend ,There are many things in our lives that just "don't add up.One of them is "I was trying to put you into some kind of logical file in my mind".Why would you want to do that? How does it benefit you? Will that make you "smarter",I don't think so .If you'd like to , we can talk about it ,China in China

PS I live in Shen Yang ,Liao Ning


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Why Catholic isn't Christian.

china said:
My Dear Friend ,There are many things in our lives that just "don't add up.One of them is "I was trying to put you into some kind of logical file in my mind".Why would you want to do that? How does it benefit you? Will that make you "smarter",I don't think so .If you'd like to , we can talk about it ,China in China

PS I live in Shen Yang ,Liao Ning

No grade ten education, not Chinese, and living in Liaoning?

No it doesn't benefit me in the least; I'm just curious. You're a mistery. What are you doing in China with less than a grade ten education? I'd be curious as to your employment.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Machjo ,Why are you curious as to my employment ,in a RELIGIOUS FORUM ?,what are you fishing for.? I,ll answer some of your questions though I don't think what I have to say will benefit you....you are "over educated" Yes ,Iam 55ys old and have comleted only10 ys . of formal education( almost).In 1984 I have passed an equivalency test and received a highschool diploma.I don't know what for but I got it.So what ?Don't get me wrong , I love learning,I have done that for the past 55 ys. ,In school you study, you cultivate yor memory with a second hand garbage that you seldom if ever need to use.To me ,going to school, was a waste of time.Obviously if you want to be a lawyer,doctor ,scientist ,you have to study but that was not my persuasion to be any of the above . So this is my point of view in regards of gettig little letters behind your name ,on your "name card".
PS. I am very well off ,though I have started with nothing.I do help the needy ,so please don,t call me a materialist.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
Grade 10 in China is probably equivalent to our first year university here. Certainly those who graduated high school in the 60's in Ontario are believed now to have received the equivalent of today's BA. Standards have plummeted. It's not unusual to meet high school graduates who are illiterate in Canada.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: Why Catholic isn't Christian.

china said:
Machjo ,Why are you curious as to my employment ,in a RELIGIOUS FORUM ?,what are you fishing for.? I,ll answer some of your questions though I don't think what I have to say will benefit you....you are "over educated" Yes ,Iam 55ys old and have comleted only10 ys . of formal education( almost).In 1984 I have passed an equivalency test and received a highschool diploma.I don't know what for but I got it.So what ?Don't get me wrong , I love learning,I have done that for the past 55 ys. ,In school you study, you cultivate yor memory with a second hand garbage that you seldom if ever need to use.To me ,going to school, was a waste of time.Obviously if you want to be a lawyer,doctor ,scientist ,you have to study but that was not my persuasion to be any of the above . So this is my point of view in regards of gettig little letters behind your name ,on your "name card".
PS. I am very well off ,though I have started with nothing.I do help the needy ,so please don,t call me a materialist.

I apologise. I've had other experiences with some young Canadians and others in China who couldn't tell the difference between a noun and a verb teaching English.

You're obvioulsy not of that class. My sincere apologies for my presumptuousness.