Why Americans should give thanks for the British Empire


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
As for the light switches....we have a gas cooking range in the house, for the last 20 years, that I always thought was made in England because the light switch for the oven (A rocker switch) turns on by depressing it down.....which really never bothered me because having fairly normal intelligence I can tell when a light is on, and if i move the switch both ways and the light doesn't come on, it means the bulb is burnt...8O
This afternoon,, I decided to do the simple job of popping out the switch which is just held there with those tiny locking tabs...
That took about thirty seconds....I looked at what was written on it and laughed "made in USA", and there is a notch on one side of the orifice where the switch goes that matches the ridge on one side of the switch....

I could have filed of that ridge fairly easily, but what the heck.....I popped it back in the way it was....:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And they do it every day! They even teach new drivers to drive on the wrong side of the road!

I could understand them doing it once, but to persist in being idiots day after day, year after year just proves they are lacking in brain cells.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Several different species of jibberish is something to be proud of?

Are you high?

No. It's true. Left-hand of the road travelling is not only the original side of the road that humans have travelled on (right-hand side of the road travel is a fairly recent innovation) but it's also much safer, and a major reason why British roads are virtually the safest in the world.

The USA has an average of 13.6 road deaths per 100,000 motor vehicles each year; Canada has an average of 9.3 road deaths per 100,000 motor vehicles each year; the UK has an average of just 6.2 road deaths per 100,000 vehicles each year. Of those countries of which we have such figures (and there are only a few countries, such as North Korea, of which we don't), only San Marino, Malta, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden, Spain and Denmark have less road fatalities each year than the UK

Our so called accent is from the Scots.

Nah. Canadian and American accents are similar to those accents that were spoken in Elizabethan England. North American English accents seem to not have changed much from those accents that were spoken by the first English colonists. If there was such thing as television back in the 16th Century and Shakespeare was a newsreader, he would have sounded more NBC than BBC. North American English accents are, therefore, more old-fashioned than British accents. Most Britons didn't develop their current accents until after the American Revolution. It was after the American Revolution in the late 18th Century that the British began using the broad a (as in PAHST for “past”), dropping their r’s (as in FAH for “far”), and losing syllables (saying SEC-ruh-tree for “secretary,” NESS-a-sree for “necessary”), and so on. Meanwhile, colonists in North America retained these features of pre-Revolutionary British speech. Therefore, Americans and Canadians sound today the way people did in Elizabethan England.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Every country has an Independence Day except Britain because they were the ones everybody was seeking independence from


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
hahahha This thread is a howl and a half. You just have to love moronic comments.

Erm, what about calling a hood a "bonnet" and the trunk, a "boot" as if they are to be worn by humans? We call them those terms because a hood covers the engine and trunks are what people store things in like steamer trunks or whatever. Besides feet, what do you store in boots? lol

As far as which side of the road to drive on goes, left-handedness is evil, right? (At least according to Christianity). lol

And how one reads depends on depends on the order the words are in. If
English is a Heinz 57 anyways. That is why spelling is so illogical. And as your British Lord Byron, said about the spoken language, it should be spoken "... as if it should be writ on satin" and English is definitely not the nicest sounding language.

As far as which direction a light switch goes on, I'd say whichever direction is most handy for the individual.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
hahahha This thread is a howl and a half. You just have to love moronic comments.

Erm, what about calling a hood a "bonnet" and the trunk, a "boot" as if they are to be worn by humans? We call them those terms because a hood covers the engine and trunks are what people store things in like steamer trunks or whatever. Besides feet, what do you store in boots? lol

As far as which side of the road to drive on goes, left-handedness is evil, right? (At least according to Christianity). lol

It's definitely sinister! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Every country has an Independence Day except Britain because they were the ones everybody was seeking independence from

I know. It makes me feel so proud!

Britain even has its own place in the Guinness World Records as the country which has had the most countries gaining independence from it - 66.

In fact, Britain has had more countries gaining independence from it than the next three imperialist countries PUT TOGETHER. After Britain comes France (a mere 28 ), Spain (a poxy 17), USSR (a scant 16), Britain's oldest and greatest ally Portugal (a must-try-harder 7) and USA (5........ pathetic).

Erm, what about calling a hood a "bonnet" and the trunk, a "boot" as if they are to be worn by humans?

What? You mean like a hood?