Poor stupid CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He does not like the choices made by LIE-beral judges who can find an excuse for ANY criminal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT IS YOUR legal system Cliffy- LIE-berals have been eroding and sabotaging it for any years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And NOW YOU want to cry because it finds excuses for criminal you think are getting off LIGHTLY??????????????????
And WHAT ABOUT THE SEVEN accused killers that LIE-berals released in summer 2017 simply because they did not have the resources to try the killers in a timely way?????????????????
As for ALLEGED white privilege- just look at the CRAP we have to pay for thanks to shameless LIE-beral vote buying::::
Here is an article making a very logical statement. With some comments of my own in brackets):
Alleged terror-attacker should be kicked out of Canada
By Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun. First posted: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 06:51 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 09:34 PM EDT.
Canada should grant alleged terror-attacker Rehab Dughmosh her request and send her back to her country of origin. The 32-year-old mother is accused of swinging a golf club while armed with a knife and screaming threats and Islamic chants inside a Scarborough Canadian Tire this month.
(OH great- she has kids whose minds she can warp to produce another generation of loons?)
“I reject all counsel here. I only believe in Islamic Sharia law,” Global News quoted the Scarborough woman as saying during a court appearance this week. “I would like to revoke my Canadian citizenship that I received. I don’t want to have any allegiance to you.”
Of course, Canada has great allegiance to her, granting the woman all the courtesies of a free country. Instead of putting her on an airplane, she is scheduled back in court next week.
Asking the accused to think about it, Justice Kimberley Crosbie would not immediately accept her attempt to plead guilty to the alleged ISIS-inspired attack that saw two people assaulted.
(EXCUSE ME?? The JUDGE wants the accused-who was caught red handed and wrestled to the ground by the people she tried to KILL and held for cops- wants the crazy Muslim Bitch TO THINK ABOUT IT? She has already been through a police identification process and now wants to plead guilty and go home to Camel land and the LIE-beral hug a thug judge wont have it?)
According to Global, Dughmosh declared: “I meant to harm those people. First of all I’m not guilty. But if you release me, I’m going to commit this type of action again and again because I’m pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In my perspective, I’m not guilty. In your perspective, I might be guilty.”
(So not only is she a Muslim terrorist, she is a CRAZY person! LIE-berals had $120 grand to blow on a giant rubber Duckie so why can they not make us ALL GENUINELY HAPPY and get the crazy bitch an airline ticket BEFORE she changes her mind and realizes she can make WAY more trouble for us IF SHE STAYS!)
Why even play the game? Why doesn’t Canada stand up for once, save the court costs and send her packing? But police sources say it’s more complicated than that.
First, they are not completely sure where she is originally from. They are working on the belief she was born in Syria but before Canada they are looking into leads of a possible stop in Jordan. Police sources say this investigation is very much still ongoing and all of her background, including mental health, is being probed.
The status of Dughmosh’s Canadian citizenship is also unclear, according to sources. She does have status in Canada but it’s still not clear if she has Canadian citizenship or has the belief that permanent resident status is one and the same.
(The only people who think the crazy bitch has any real Cdn status are selfish LIE-berals!)
If she is a Canadian citizen it would be next to impossible to deport her. If she has a temporary or permanent residence status, there is a process.
(Uh....why not ASK the crazy bitch where she came from and see what she answers? And what of all those vaunted LIE-beral security measures that are supposed to protect us from anonymous strangers wandering across our borders? Or should we assume the presence in Canada of an undocumented Muslim lunatic is PROOF that our security has BIG HOLES? How desperately does Our idiot Boy Justin want to suck up to Muslims in exchange for their support so he can cling to power? Or maybe it is his family hatred of “ Cdn Imperialism” that is being manifested here? Our idiot Boy wants to keep this idiot Muslim women as a sort of second generation Salmon Arm Salute? Our idiot Boy wants her to stay because she represents a GREAT FUDDLE DUDDLE to the Cdn public? )
Either way, it won’t be easy since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s position on this very thing is abundantly clear, as he outlined during the last election campaign.
“I’ll give you the quote so that you guys can jot it down and put it in an attack ad somewhere that the Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship,” he said. “Because I do. And I’m willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that.”
(Yeah he WILL get that chance to debate terror in the 2019 election! And he will also get to take on anybody who thinks his Carbon crap and trade tax is a rip off as well!)
Trudeau’s premise is “as soon as you make citizenship for some Canadians conditional on good behaviour, you devalue citizenship for everyone” and that he finds it “very, very scary” to see an immigrant’s citizenship revoked because of violations of law.
“There are penalties for anyone convicted of terrorism or an act of war or an offence against Canada,” said Trudeau before he was prime minister. “They end up locked up in jail for the rest of their lives” and a “plane ticket to Syria is not the answer.”
But what is also very scary is that this person is not only allegedly dangerous but also treating this country and its laws and courts like chumps.
(LIE-beral contempt for that 55 percent of Cdns who are to lazy to come out and vote AGAINST LIE-berals is on display here! Happily, there are signs that the silent 55 percent may find they have a LOT to say in the years ahead!)
For all the good citizens and fabulous immigrants today and those to come in the future, Canada should use this person as the example of what a tolerant country won’t tolerate.
An alleged violent, armed attack in the name of ISIS in a Canadian Tire would qualify as one.
Even if she has Canadian citizenship, it should revoked and she be kicked out of the country as soon as possible.
(IN fact- considering the number of Muslims that LIE-berals have recently airlifted out of Syrian refugee camps, would it be unreasonable to demand we get to send one BACK?)