White Privilage


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
yes, but consider
Take up the White Man's burden —
Send forth the best ye breed —
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild —
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half-devil and half-child.
Take up the White Man's burden —
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain
To seek another's profit,
And work another's gain.
Take up the White Man's burden —
The savage wars of peace —
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hopes to nought.
Take up the White Man's burden —
No tawdry rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper —
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go make them with your living,
And mark them with your dead.
Take up the White Man's burden —
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard —
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light: —
"Why brought he us from bondage,
Our loved Egyptian night?"
Take up the White Man's burden —
Ye dare not stoop to less —
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloak your weariness;
By all ye cry or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent, sullen peoples
Shall weigh your gods and you.
Take up the White Man's burden —
Have done with childish days —
The lightly profferred laurel,
The easy, ungrudged praise.
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peers!


POOR SILLY NZDoug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has the flippant and foolish answer that IGNORES UGLY REALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider this LIE-beral orchestrated mess- simply so LIE-berals could BUY native votes and attempt to cling to power at ANY price:

Oh my- Our idiot Boy Justin is trying to make nice with natives by offering them a national holiday and Day of Remberance! The idiot Boy was popular with natives who hoped he could change their lives for the better- and of course once they got a good look at his true values- native suicides spiked!

All Our idiot Boy did for natives was remove the Conservative mandated requirement that all native reserve govt spending should be posted online for all to see- in an effort to end the endemic corruption of band councils! The most egregious example was Atiwapiskat council blowing through $150 million dollars in tax money given to build housing- without ever building a single house or offering up a single receipt as to where the money went! And the Native National Assembly of chief blowhards suggested the Harper govt should offer up MORE GRAVY in order to “rebuild native trust in Cdn govt”!

So insanity in native affairs is the order of the day for LIE-berals and is nothing new! Just consider the sorry mess Ontari-owe LIE-berals concocted in order to buy the votes of Ontari-owe natives as described below:

Here is a head scratcher of a news item-one which ought to have all voters up in arms over what appears to be another very sneaky LIE-beral back room deal. I present the news article along with some comments of my own in brackets):

Ontario strikes deal to sell Hydro One shares to First Nations.

The Canadian Press. First posted: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:11 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:29 PM EDT

TORONTO -- First Nations in Ontario will get the chance to buy shares in Hydro One, a public utility the Liberal government has partially privatized.

(I have to say this is a jaw dropping piece of fiscal sleight of hand! LIE-berals will SELL Hydro stock to DEAD BROKE native bands who are struggling to pay their grocery bills or to get decent housing, and virtually their only income is from welfare and from the illegal sale of cigarettes? It is just another stunning piece of LIE-beral vote buying at any price!)

(And of course Doug Ford was elected in large part BECAUSE of this LIE-beral electricity vote buying CRAP!)

The government says it has reached an agreement in principle with the province's First Nations to loan them up to $268 million to buy up to 15 million shares at $18 per share.

(LIE-berals think of everything-except the final cost! They will `loan` natives the money to buy the stocks-without that pesky need for anything like collateral or a job or a sensible way to pay back bad loans as any sensible banker demands! But then LIE-berals LOVE fiscal smoke and mirrors style financing- natives can buy their Hydro stock with dividends from Hydro stock- which means isolated native reserves will be onside with LIE-berals to turn out Hydro system into a giant LIE-beral slush fund- so they can profit!)

That offer is above the province's book value, but below the $24-to-$26 range the stock has been trading in recent months.

(That`s nice-it turns the ancient concept of `buy low and sell high` on its ear-selling cheaply to natives who have never even seen a stock market before!)

For the deal to go through, at least 80% of the band councils will have to approve the agreement by the end of next year.

If ratified, Ontario would sell the shares to a new investment vehicle owned collectively by First Nations and provide seed capital of up to $45 million over three years.

(Since there has been no announcement that I am aware of- does this mean the deal has fallen through? Have natives become as disgusted with LIE-beral bait and switch crap as I have? Or should we assume this Hydor sale to natives is simply another in a long series of LIE-beral back room deals that LIE-berals and their media pals don’t thin we need to be informed about- even though it is being financed ENTIRELY with OUR MONEY!)

Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault says in a statement that this would give economic development opportunities to First Nations across the province.

(Oh hey-there IS MAGIC in LIE-beral money! LIE-berals must BORROW money to LOAN/give to natives so they can buy a debt ridden crown corporation with a ramshackle collection of distribution grid equipment that is worn out and badly in need of COSTLY replacement. Then the natives get to BORROW against their bankrupt Hydro holdings so they can make further investments! Its like MAGIC-borrowed money galore just pulled out of thin air and spent on-well-we DON’T and WON’T know how it is spent will we! Because LIE-berals have ALREADY slammed shut the books on OUR Hydro One-as if it was none of our business what our govt does with our money at the crown corporation we STILL OWN!)

(Ontari-owe natives are the people who BLEW THROUGH ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS in Attiwapiskat-that had been given to them for building desperately needed housing. And they spent it ALL- WITHOUT PRODUCING A SINGLE RECEIPT-AND without building a SINGLE HOUSE! These are the people who got paid millions to build houses in Kashetchewan and virtually all of the houses are RUINED because ALL the houses were built on a FLOOD PLAIN-INUNDATED on a yearly basis! These are the people who were given- by federal govt- a brand new MODERN prefabricated jail-and left it to rot on the Kashetchewan docks-too much trouble to assemble it I guess-while two idiot convicts set fire to their own jail cells in the ramshackle mess the band had previously been using as a jail! And both dorks burned to death while native constables scrambled to find the keys to open enough doors to get the dorks out-and what imbecile sets fire to a room he is locked into anyway?)

(And LIE-berals THINK these chronic drunkards and drug addicts and cigarette smugglers will be handling Hydro stock-that we are paying for with borrowed money and sky high hydro rates- more sensibly than their housing allowance?)

Thirty per cent of the utility's shares have already been sold, and if 15 million shares are sold to the First Nations, it would represent another 2.5%.

(Just to ENSURE that the maximum possible MESS can be made by sloppy white hating natives, LIE-berals have ORDERED the following: ALL Hydro books will be SEALED-NO PUBLIC AUDITORS allowed-forever and a day-its NONE of our business what crap LIE-berals and natives are up to-AT OUR EXPENSE with Hydro money!)

(Further, after the Attiwapiskat and Kashetchewan messes-PLUS other scandals involving natives using housing money for cruises in Caribbean and paying band council chiefs and assorted hangers on a HUGE PILE OF MAD MONEY; Conservatives ORDERED ALL NATIVE BANDS to post their books and expenses online so govt could see at a glance where the MULTI MILLIONS were going. Failure to post the information meant being cut off from govt funds! But our prime minister Trudope-that Boy with nice hair for BRAINS has cancelled that demand for public exposure of spending habits-natives can now do as they please with our money and tell anybody who complains to stuff it where the sun don’t shine, without ANY repercussions! Thank you LIE-berals for sh+tting all over responsible govt and public accountability!)


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
POOR SILLY NZDoug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He has the flippant and foolish answer that IGNORES UGLY REALITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider this LIE-beral orchestrated mess- simply so LIE-berals could BUY native votes and attempt to cling to power at ANY price:
Oh my- Our idiot Boy Justin is trying to make nice with natives by offering them a national holiday and Day of Remberance! The idiot Boy was popular with natives who hoped he could change their lives for the better- and of course once they got a good look at his true values- native suicides spiked!
All Our idiot Boy did for natives was remove the Conservative mandated requirement that all native reserve govt spending should be posted online for all to see- in an effort to end the endemic corruption of band councils! The most egregious example was Atiwapiskat council blowing through $150 million dollars in tax money given to build housing- without ever building a single house or offering up a single receipt as to where the money went! And the Native National Assembly of chief blowhards suggested the Harper govt should offer up MORE GRAVY in order to “rebuild native trust in Cdn govt”!
So insanity in native affairs is the order of the day for LIE-berals and is nothing new! Just consider the sorry mess Ontari-owe LIE-berals concocted in order to buy the votes of Ontari-owe natives as described below:
Here is a head scratcher of a news item-one which ought to have all voters up in arms over what appears to be another very sneaky LIE-beral back room deal. I present the news article along with some comments of my own in brackets):
Ontario strikes deal to sell Hydro One shares to First Nations.
The Canadian Press. First posted: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:11 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:29 PM EDT
TORONTO -- First Nations in Ontario will get the chance to buy shares in Hydro One, a public utility the Liberal government has partially privatized.
(I have to say this is a jaw dropping piece of fiscal sleight of hand! LIE-berals will SELL Hydro stock to DEAD BROKE native bands who are struggling to pay their grocery bills or to get decent housing, and virtually their only income is from welfare and from the illegal sale of cigarettes? It is just another stunning piece of LIE-beral vote buying at any price!)
(And of course Doug Ford was elected in large part BECAUSE of this LIE-beral electricity vote buying CRAP!)
The government says it has reached an agreement in principle with the province's First Nations to loan them up to $268 million to buy up to 15 million shares at $18 per share.
(LIE-berals think of everything-except the final cost! They will `loan` natives the money to buy the stocks-without that pesky need for anything like collateral or a job or a sensible way to pay back bad loans as any sensible banker demands! But then LIE-berals LOVE fiscal smoke and mirrors style financing- natives can buy their Hydro stock with dividends from Hydro stock- which means isolated native reserves will be onside with LIE-berals to turn out Hydro system into a giant LIE-beral slush fund- so they can profit!)
That offer is above the province's book value, but below the $24-to-$26 range the stock has been trading in recent months.
(That`s nice-it turns the ancient concept of `buy low and sell high` on its ear-selling cheaply to natives who have never even seen a stock market before!)
For the deal to go through, at least 80% of the band councils will have to approve the agreement by the end of next year.
If ratified, Ontario would sell the shares to a new investment vehicle owned collectively by First Nations and provide seed capital of up to $45 million over three years.
(Since there has been no announcement that I am aware of- does this mean the deal has fallen through? Have natives become as disgusted with LIE-beral bait and switch crap as I have? Or should we assume this Hydor sale to natives is simply another in a long series of LIE-beral back room deals that LIE-berals and their media pals don’t thin we need to be informed about- even though it is being financed ENTIRELY with OUR MONEY!)
Energy Minister Glenn Thibeault says in a statement that this would give economic development opportunities to First Nations across the province.
(Oh hey-there IS MAGIC in LIE-beral money! LIE-berals must BORROW money to LOAN/give to natives so they can buy a debt ridden crown corporation with a ramshackle collection of distribution grid equipment that is worn out and badly in need of COSTLY replacement. Then the natives get to BORROW against their bankrupt Hydro holdings so they can make further investments! Its like MAGIC-borrowed money galore just pulled out of thin air and spent on-well-we DON’T and WON’T know how it is spent will we! Because LIE-berals have ALREADY slammed shut the books on OUR Hydro One-as if it was none of our business what our govt does with our money at the crown corporation we STILL OWN!)
(Ontari-owe natives are the people who BLEW THROUGH ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS in Attiwapiskat-that had been given to them for building desperately needed housing. And they spent it ALL- WITHOUT PRODUCING A SINGLE RECEIPT-AND without building a SINGLE HOUSE! These are the people who got paid millions to build houses in Kashetchewan and virtually all of the houses are RUINED because ALL the houses were built on a FLOOD PLAIN-INUNDATED on a yearly basis! These are the people who were given- by federal govt- a brand new MODERN prefabricated jail-and left it to rot on the Kashetchewan docks-too much trouble to assemble it I guess-while two idiot convicts set fire to their own jail cells in the ramshackle mess the band had previously been using as a jail! And both dorks burned to death while native constables scrambled to find the keys to open enough doors to get the dorks out-and what imbecile sets fire to a room he is locked into anyway?)
(And LIE-berals THINK these chronic drunkards and drug addicts and cigarette smugglers will be handling Hydro stock-that we are paying for with borrowed money and sky high hydro rates- more sensibly than their housing allowance?)
Thirty per cent of the utility's shares have already been sold, and if 15 million shares are sold to the First Nations, it would represent another 2.5%.
(Just to ENSURE that the maximum possible MESS can be made by sloppy white hating natives, LIE-berals have ORDERED the following: ALL Hydro books will be SEALED-NO PUBLIC AUDITORS allowed-forever and a day-its NONE of our business what crap LIE-berals and natives are up to-AT OUR EXPENSE with Hydro money!)
(Further, after the Attiwapiskat and Kashetchewan messes-PLUS other scandals involving natives using housing money for cruises in Caribbean and paying band council chiefs and assorted hangers on a HUGE PILE OF MAD MONEY; Conservatives ORDERED ALL NATIVE BANDS to post their books and expenses online so govt could see at a glance where the MULTI MILLIONS were going. Failure to post the information meant being cut off from govt funds! But our prime minister Trudope-that Boy with nice hair for BRAINS has cancelled that demand for public exposure of spending habits-natives can now do as they please with our money and tell anybody who complains to stuff it where the sun don’t shine, without ANY repercussions! Thank you LIE-berals for sh+tting all over responsible govt and public accountability!)
No time for sweet lament .A wasted life is bitter spent


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
No time for sweet lament .A wasted life is bitter spent

Poor silly NzDoug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is "funny" but not amusing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hypocrite LIE-berals want us to believe $10.5 billion for Omar Khadr was a bargain! Only in THEIR dreams!

LIE-berals assure us our economy is “booming’- and it IS- FOR THEM! Too bad about everybody else!

Lie-berals will never erase Islamophobia because their feelings are based on greed for power and buying immigrant votes while “Islamophobes” deal with real fear of MORE Muslim terror and blood shed.

The position of civil service unions is un-sustainable because the union clod stamping your water bill as `paid` thinks he is more skilled than the retail worker putting a charge on your credit card!

No man can serve two masters-therefore Muslims cannot serve both Sharia Law and Cdn constitution without running into serious moral conflict.

LIE-beral stupidity dictates that older Cdns who accept job buy-outs from work because they are afraid that they will get nothing later when they are laid off-are seen as having “voluntarily ” retired and are allegedly enjoying themselves on their limited fixed incomes!.

LIE-berals pretend they can save the environment by forcing the poorest Cdns to cut their SMALL carbon output further-while using carbon tax money to ensure Sunshine List Hogs with BIG carbon footprint can continue to spew major carbon!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's was 10.5M not B but it's still $10.5 too much for a crime that would have gotten him shot 42 years ago and we can thank Justin's closet fag father for ending capital punishment.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
It's was 10.5M not B but it's still $10.5 too much for a crime that would have gotten him shot 42 years ago and we can thank Justin's closet fag father for ending capital punishment.

Oh dear- a misprint- billion instead of million for the odious Omar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sigh.........nobody is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But at least I dont make LIE-beral style screw ups!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The father of odious Omar Khadr was ALREADY in an Italian jail for having killed a couple of people in a bomb attack- when Cdn LIE

-berals decided he might make a good Cdn citizen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One wonders -with fear and loathing- what sort of BRAIN CRAMP LIE-beral PM Chretien suffered that would persuade him it was a

good idea to have the Italians RELEASE Papa Khadr so he could immigrate to Canada???????????????????????????


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Abrahem is Jesus wannabee Since the birth of Jesus 50 generation's backwards. :bigsmurf:

You are backwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Turn back now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It`s not too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Poor stupid CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He does not like the choices made by LIE-beral judges who can find an excuse for ANY criminal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT IS YOUR legal system Cliffy- LIE-berals have been eroding and sabotaging it for any years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And NOW YOU want to cry because it finds excuses for criminal you think are getting off LIGHTLY??????????????????


And WHAT ABOUT THE SEVEN accused killers that LIE-berals released in summer 2017 simply because they did not have the resources to try the killers in a timely way?????????????????

As for ALLEGED white privilege- just look at the CRAP we have to pay for thanks to shameless LIE-beral vote buying::::

Here is an article making a very logical statement. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Alleged terror-attacker should be kicked out of Canada

By Joe Warmington, Toronto Sun. First posted: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 06:51 PM EDT | Updated: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 09:34 PM EDT.

Canada should grant alleged terror-attacker Rehab Dughmosh her request and send her back to her country of origin. The 32-year-old mother is accused of swinging a golf club while armed with a knife and screaming threats and Islamic chants inside a Scarborough Canadian Tire this month.

(OH great- she has kids whose minds she can warp to produce another generation of loons?)

“I reject all counsel here. I only believe in Islamic Sharia law,” Global News quoted the Scarborough woman as saying during a court appearance this week. “I would like to revoke my Canadian citizenship that I received. I don’t want to have any allegiance to you.”

Of course, Canada has great allegiance to her, granting the woman all the courtesies of a free country. Instead of putting her on an airplane, she is scheduled back in court next week.

Asking the accused to think about it, Justice Kimberley Crosbie would not immediately accept her attempt to plead guilty to the alleged ISIS-inspired attack that saw two people assaulted.

(EXCUSE ME?? The JUDGE wants the accused-who was caught red handed and wrestled to the ground by the people she tried to KILL and held for cops- wants the crazy Muslim Bitch TO THINK ABOUT IT? She has already been through a police identification process and now wants to plead guilty and go home to Camel land and the LIE-beral hug a thug judge wont have it?)

According to Global, Dughmosh declared: “I meant to harm those people. First of all I’m not guilty. But if you release me, I’m going to commit this type of action again and again because I’m pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. In my perspective, I’m not guilty. In your perspective, I might be guilty.”

(So not only is she a Muslim terrorist, she is a CRAZY person! LIE-berals had $120 grand to blow on a giant rubber Duckie so why can they not make us ALL GENUINELY HAPPY and get the crazy bitch an airline ticket BEFORE she changes her mind and realizes she can make WAY more trouble for us IF SHE STAYS!)

Why even play the game? Why doesn’t Canada stand up for once, save the court costs and send her packing? But police sources say it’s more complicated than that.

First, they are not completely sure where she is originally from. They are working on the belief she was born in Syria but before Canada they are looking into leads of a possible stop in Jordan. Police sources say this investigation is very much still ongoing and all of her background, including mental health, is being probed.

The status of Dughmosh’s Canadian citizenship is also unclear, according to sources. She does have status in Canada but it’s still not clear if she has Canadian citizenship or has the belief that permanent resident status is one and the same.

(The only people who think the crazy bitch has any real Cdn status are selfish LIE-berals!)

If she is a Canadian citizen it would be next to impossible to deport her. If she has a temporary or permanent residence status, there is a process.

(Uh....why not ASK the crazy bitch where she came from and see what she answers? And what of all those vaunted LIE-beral security measures that are supposed to protect us from anonymous strangers wandering across our borders? Or should we assume the presence in Canada of an undocumented Muslim lunatic is PROOF that our security has BIG HOLES? How desperately does Our idiot Boy Justin want to suck up to Muslims in exchange for their support so he can cling to power? Or maybe it is his family hatred of “ Cdn Imperialism” that is being manifested here? Our idiot Boy wants to keep this idiot Muslim women as a sort of second generation Salmon Arm Salute? Our idiot Boy wants her to stay because she represents a GREAT FUDDLE DUDDLE to the Cdn public? )

Either way, it won’t be easy since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s position on this very thing is abundantly clear, as he outlined during the last election campaign.

“I’ll give you the quote so that you guys can jot it down and put it in an attack ad somewhere that the Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship,” he said. “Because I do. And I’m willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that.”

(Yeah he WILL get that chance to debate terror in the 2019 election! And he will also get to take on anybody who thinks his Carbon crap and trade tax is a rip off as well!)

Trudeau’s premise is “as soon as you make citizenship for some Canadians conditional on good behaviour, you devalue citizenship for everyone” and that he finds it “very, very scary” to see an immigrant’s citizenship revoked because of violations of law.

“There are penalties for anyone convicted of terrorism or an act of war or an offence against Canada,” said Trudeau before he was prime minister. “They end up locked up in jail for the rest of their lives” and a “plane ticket to Syria is not the answer.”

But what is also very scary is that this person is not only allegedly dangerous but also treating this country and its laws and courts like chumps.

(LIE-beral contempt for that 55 percent of Cdns who are to lazy to come out and vote AGAINST LIE-berals is on display here! Happily, there are signs that the silent 55 percent may find they have a LOT to say in the years ahead!)

For all the good citizens and fabulous immigrants today and those to come in the future, Canada should use this person as the example of what a tolerant country won’t tolerate.

An alleged violent, armed attack in the name of ISIS in a Canadian Tire would qualify as one.

Even if she has Canadian citizenship, it should revoked and she be kicked out of the country as soon as possible.

(IN fact- considering the number of Muslims that LIE-berals have recently airlifted out of Syrian refugee camps, would it be unreasonable to demand we get to send one BACK?)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Sure there are, the fast times were back when Detroit was selling race cars. 90 mph (after being on the brakes for a bit) passing a cop was a $75 ticket and the 1st question was about what size the engine was and then the how fast question. Might was well buy a Legend race car and build a track. (bankrupt golf course, rent city bike paths for rally type of events) 1400CC 6 speed (stock)



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Wanna bet?

Speed freaks and race cars...........discussions involving LIE-berals and their odious GREED and white privileged bigotry do wander across a lot of ground!!!!!!!!!!!!

But not to worry- here is an article to bring us back towards the original subject!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is another article by LIE-beral strategist JimWarren- illustrating his poisoned vision for Canada. With some comments of my own in brackets):

First Nations issues are urgent work, not the stuff of holidays

By Jim Warren.

Published: August 19, 2018. Updated: August 19, 2018 3:06 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: MP Iqra Khalid still owes answers

The Trudeau Liberals are looking to create a holiday to mark the dark legacy of Canada's residential schools on Indigenous communities, and plan to use an opposition bill to make it happen.

The government has been consulting with Indigenous organizations about creating a holiday to honour survivors and raise awareness of the church-run, government-backed schools as part of work to enact the 94 recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The government intends to back a private member's bill introduced by NDP MP Georgina Jolibois that currently proposes making National Indigenous Peoples Day, June 21, a statutory holiday.

(That`s nice- it’s the thought that counts according to the old saying. But would it not be more prudent to deal with the endemic corruption on reserves instead of merely creating yet another paid holiday for civil service union Hogs?????)

Our Liberal government is reportedly considering a new national holiday to be called the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which would be held in June or September each year.

(Having the holiday in June would be better- it would give our Hogs extra time to open up their cottages or swimming pools in time for summer! Hog convenience is a priority for LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Trudeau government has made positive steps in improving the lives of Indigenous people. There are many more steps to go. This should not be one of them.

(Yes- those allegedly “positive steps” include abandoning any effort to end corruption- by cancelling the obligation of band councils to report all expenses online- where auditors can easily track expenses! LIE-berals do not care that Atiwapiskat council burned through $150 million dollars of housing money- WITHOUT BUILDING A SINGLE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!)

When there is work to do, Canadians don’t take a holiday – we put our shoulder to the grindstone. Our Prime Minister should be doing the same.

Enacting this holiday will make a mockery of the urgent work that is left to be done. Indigenous people are suffering – we need to do more work now, not take a holiday.

(But the ever evasive Warren is ignoring the needs of Hogs- and of natives as well! Drug and alcohol addiction are endemic on reserves. Should govt not be tracking and fighting back at drug dealers and alcohol bootleggers?)

(Getting a paid holiday is almost as good for Hogs as the NEW GRAVY they are DEMANDING- and which LIE-berals cannot afford to give them! The gravy that Hogs wanted is being given to illegals instead!)

(Even worse - Our idiot Boy was elected on a promise to save the middle class- meaning more gravy for Hogs! And the Hogs HAVE NEW GRAVY- the problem is they also have NEW TAXES that result in an average of two thousand dollars per year LESS for them to live on! New LIE-beral gravy results in LESS GRAVY - such is the quality of LIE-beral bait and switch duplicity!)

I agree with my colleague, Lorrie Goldstein, who wrote that the proposed holiday “will do nothing to improve the lives of Indigenous people.”

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which examined Canada’s residential school system and what happened to indigenous children who were abused in government boarding schools, released 94 calls to action.

The list of 94 are divided into two parts: legacy (1 to 42) and reconciliation (43 to 94.)

The proposed holiday is listed at number 80. By acting on this recommendation the government will only highlight the other critical issues it has failed to complete or adequately address.

(In other words- LIE-berals are taking the cheap and easy virtue signalling, feel good holiday crap while ignoring real solutions!)

For Trudeau to really make a lasting positive impact with our Indigenous people he needs to get re-elected.

(Trudope has ALREADY MADE a lasting impression on Cdns by revealing how utterly empty are LIE-beral promises, values and morals!)

But by acting on this recommendation the government begins to look out of touch with the people they need to vote for them in 2019.

(LIE-berals have ALWAYS BEEN OUT OF TOUCH! THE CRITICAL PROBLEM HERE IS THEY ARE OUT OF MONEY! NONE of our national problems may be solved without CASH- that LIE-berals have so often wasted in wildly creative idiot fashion- that we have none left for real problems!)

(AS example - WHY PAY aid money to terror group Hamas? And why pay over $50 million dollars to 4 accused jihadists- with Omar Khadr being the best known! And why pay over two billion dollars per year to buy “carbon credits” from Viet Nam when it is proven that such carbon credits actually WORSEN the pollution- by giving third world citizens the cash they need to EXPAND their carbon foot print!!!!!!)

Pollster Darrell Bricker tweeted “Next election will be fought over economy. Geography of politics requires it. It’s what suburban voters in Ont, Qb, and BC are most interested in. They now decide who wins and loses our elections. What are they worried about? That’s what matters.”

(Oh and LIE-berals are apparently IGNORING the wild rage building in rural areas of Canada- which mostly HAVE NOT RECOVERED from the 2008 economic melt down- in spite of endless LIE-beral LIES about our “booming economy”!!!!!!!!)

Bricker is right. Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government often talk about improving the lives of lower and middle-class Canadians. These are the voters Bricker is talking about who will decide the next election.

(Yes- the Silent Majority- which is doing a slow burn over the endless list of LIE-beral failed policies and soaring cost of living! The next election is in the hands of the Silent Majority that does not usually vote- but public rage is reaching such a point the Silent Majority might just sweep LIE-berals away regardless of what cutesy holidays they name after drunken native thieves!)

(And the LIE-beral hand is not strengthened by news reports of the wave of arson sweeping across native towns! It is now all but impossible for some northern towns top get fire insurance thansk to local native arsonists! With most of the winter food supply for Iqualuit having just gone up in smoke- from the latest arson!)

(Our LIE-beral friendly news media usually likes to hide anything that makes LIE-berals look bad but the spectacle of hungry natives stand out front of the burned food store and begging for govt food aid will be hard to resist!)