When does pro-choice become pro-abortion?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Any reason she gives is legitimate (presuming she wants to give one, because it's actually no one's business but her own). Why the hell should a woman be required to explain her reproductive medical issues to anyone but her own physician?

I'd just like to understand what "legitimate" reasons a woman could have for wanting to have the life of her baby terminated.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Naturaly, because it is a womans god given right to murder her offspring if she so chooses.
I suppose you would want homicide detectives for every miscarriage case as well, considering it was her body rejecting the fetus. Perhaps she ate the wrong food and thus could be a "cereal" killer.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB
I'd just like to understand ....

... would you really like to understand?

It isn't so difficult, you just need to open your heart and your mind. Put yourself in the shoes of a pregnant woman - frightened, facing life altering decisions and knowing she is completely unequipped to deal with the responsibilities facing her, and usually alone if abortion is on the table.

If you cannot do that with full desire to understand, you never will - and those words become nothing more than empty platitudes... something I believe you abhor.

Merry Christmas, btw Gerry. ;-)


Time Out
Nov 21, 2007
It isn't so difficult, you just need to open your heart and your mind. Put yourself in the shoes of a pregnant woman - frightened, facing life altering decisions and knowing she is completely unequipped to deal with the responsibilities facing her, and usually alone if abortion is on the table.

I'm thinking about a sl.ut that gorges on alcohol and does drugs... she stands before crowds of losers at lame parties and takes all of her clothes off... cuz she thinks she's cool... she gives oral sex to nine of the guys at the party and has intercourse with the tenth... she doesn't use contraception because she's invincible and her parents just don't understand what it's like to be a loser... so she gets pregnant.

Oh, she has a big problem now. she's going to get fat... and with that pregnancy will come ugly stretch marks... she won't be the life of the party anymore... and what will daddy say when he finds out his special little girl is an anal retentive who*re?

She needs to have an abortion. She's scared of how her life will be without parties, drugs, alcohol, and those god damned stretch marks... Abortion is the only option.

But does this scared little girl who has the obortion learn anything from her experience? Nope! 12 to 18 months later she's back at the hospital or clinic getting another abortion!

Open my heart? If she'd stop opening her legs for every tom, dick, and hairy with a brewski and a joint, none of us would have to open our heart and shed a tear for the child she has just murdered.

Spare us the crap!

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB

Your posts on this matter are so completely out of touch with reality it appears utterly pointless to try and engage in an exchange of opinions or discussion with you - it seems you're here not to seek a greater understanding of anything, but rather to use every opportunity you can find to bash women and portray them as what you've described above. The majority of us are not anything like that, but I doubt you'll get to know any ladies - decent or otherwise - with that foul attitude.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2007

Your posts on this matter are so completely out of touch with reality it appears utterly pointless to try and engage in an exchange of opinions or discussion with you

Out of touch with reality? Well ain't that the pot calling the kettle black. I'm a guy who's under surveillance. And why is that? Because I'm out of touch with reality? Spare me!

- it seems you're here not to seek a greater understanding of anything, but rather to use every opportunity you can find to bash women

I don't like women. Open your heart, Zan. Think of a guy that is happy being single. Think of how he would feel having people trying to force a relationship on him. Or even worse... Having some self-serving wench accusing him of stalking her. When all of the evidence clearly shows the exact opposite!

Reality? Bash women? Just one good pull, Zan! One good pull and you'll get that head of yours right out of that big ol' butt of yours. :p

I doubt you'll get to know any ladies - decent or otherwise - with that foul attitude.

That's the idea! I don't want to get to know any ladies -- decent or otherwise. And quite frankly, I'm getting really tired of hearing that I'm missing out or that I'm jealous or that I'm insecure or that I'm shy! I don't fukking want one! Period!


Time Out
Nov 21, 2007
Then I would suggest you shut your trap about it.

Why? Indifference doesn't appear to stop anyone else from shooting their mouth off in ignorance! Why should I be the only one denied the right to speak in ignorance?

People spew bullsh*t about me all of the time. I guess they don't like it when I dish it back. Oh well... Please, Mr. Freedom, don't hate me for being the fukking mirror image of you!!!


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Why? Indifference doesn't appear to stop anyone else from shooting their mouth off in ignorance! Why should I be the only one denied the right to speak in ignorance?

People spew bullsh*t about me all of the time. I guess they don't like it when I dish it back. Oh well... Please, Mr. Freedom, don't hate me for being the fukking mirror image of you!!!

Mirror image...as in polar opposite....you got that right....I don't go whining all across the net about how some woman has "done me wrong".


Time Out
Nov 21, 2007
Mirror image...as in polar opposite....you got that right....I don't go whining all across the net about how some woman has "done me wrong".

Right! You would have enjoyed being under surveillance, right? You would have enjoyed having cops ignore you because they thought it was funny to watch you get stalked, right? You would have enjoyed being railroaded on a bogus charge for having defended yourself, right? You would have enjoyed being booted from places of business because your reputation was so maligned that no one wanted you near, right?

Yeah, you would have looked at those things as good, right?

Because you support a woman's freedom of choice! She gets to choose who she wants! And if the dude she chooses doesn't want her, then she gets to choose to place him under surveillance! It's her right! She gets to choose to slander and defame him!

Yeah, well I get some choices too!

My choices are as follows:

Put the bitch behind bars for as long as I possibly can!
Sue the police service that knew the crime was being committed and covered it up!
Sue the government agencies who denied me justice because they wanted to see if I was smart enough to get justice on my own!
Shutdown the fukking radio station that participated in the crimes and conspired to cover them up!
Sue the city that stood by and watched the crimes being committed!
Sue every other asshole that knew about the crimes and conspired to commit or conceal the crimes!

And why do I make these decisions? Because I fukking well can! And because it's my fukking right! And it's my god damned fukking choice!

And the girl that did me wrong? Here's a word of advice for you... Next time choose a dude that actually fukking likes you!


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
and whining about all this "supposed" dirt against you on the net accomplishes.....what?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2007
and whining about all this "supposed" dirt against you on the net accomplishes.....what?

It's an outlet! Nothing more! Nothing less!

I am filled with outrage and disgust! And ranting on the internet prevents me from going out and slaughtering some bitch!

I am one very angry man! I am one very very angry man!

I have never been interested in girls in my entire life! I am sick of hearing someone else's bull**** version of my life! I'm sick of hearing people telling me how I feel! Because everytime they try to tell me how I feel, they start by saying that they've been there before... And then they jump into telling me how lonely or left out I feel... And that's NOT how I fukking feel!

I do not feel lonely! I do not feel left out! Do you want to know how I feel? I'll fukking tell you! I feel violated and intruded upon! I feel betrayed by government and my country! I do not feel any of the things that you want to think I feel!

That's usually when they jump in with the nonsense that they "see right through me..."

And I'm like... Wait a minute! You don't see through me! You just see me! You see me because you're violating my privacy! You see me because you have me under surveillance! And you're not seeing a lonely man! You're seeing an angry man! You're seeing a man that can't fukking stand you!

Getting the picture?

And to the fukking losers that say, "too bad," I have only this to offer: Tell that to the judge when he asks to see your evidence! :p:p:p


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
you are one sick puppy.....either get some help.....or half a bottle of percacette.

Outta here

Senate Member
Jul 8, 2005
Edmonton AB

I'll not pretend I understand where you're coming from because I don't. Nonetheless your posts compel me to ask if there's anything I or anyone here can do to help you. If ranting on the internet is the only thing that stops you from committing a violent act upon a woman, I fear for you and for any woman who you happen across if your access to the net is compromised for any reason.

In spite of any preconceived notions you may have about me as a woman I am a person first, and my concern is genuine.

Please feel free to pm me or any person here you may feel comfortable communicating with if there's anything any of us can to do help you out.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2007
you are one sick puppy.....either get some help.....or half a bottle of percacette.

Or go to court and sue the living daylights out of every cocksucker that has spewed bull**** about me and used that bull**** to deny me justice and justify the crimes they're committing against me!

Cuz that's the way it's been from day one! Label me a stalker and place me under surveillance! Then people ask, "Who is he stalking?" And they respond, "Sooner or later... Just watch! He'll stalk someone sooner or later!"

So what do I do?

I accuse someone of having me under surveillance!

What do they do?

They say, "See! We told you so! We made a good call! We were right about this guy! We knew it all along! We had our suspicions and we were right!"

Well, game's over! I'm not playing this fukking bull**** game anymore! I don't want a fukking girl and I don't have to explain why! And any reason I have is legitimate! Because it is my right to not want a girl!

It is also my right to not be surveilled and stalked! It is also my right to not be falsely accused, slandered, and defamed!

It is also my right to seek and expect justice!

It is also my right to not have to tolerate this!

It is also my right to not give a rat's ass about the asshole's rationale for having done the crime!

It is also my right... That's what this is about! This is about my rights! They say I can't have any! I say think again! They say you'll see! I say I'll see you behind bars! Merry Fukking Christmas!


Apr 6, 2005
That's the idea! I don't want to get to know any ladies -- decent or otherwise. And quite frankly, I'm getting really tired of hearing that I'm missing out or that I'm jealous or that I'm insecure or that I'm shy! I don't fukking want one! Period!

Maybe a sweaty, hairy, stinky man-ass is more yer speed.

OK, so, having read a majority of this thread I don't have a problem with a woman choosing her pregnancy outcome with the one caveat that the man should also have some input into it providing he is willing to take responsibility if his choice is to have the kid. Now, aside from this, I personally have a real issue with this debate simply because it is far too open to personal interpretation of what exactly constitutes a hooman being. In my books, if the fetus can be delivered and survive without medical aid (respirator, incubator etc) then it is alive and to be considered a hooman. If it cannot, then it was not meant to be.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2007

I'll not pretend I understand where you're coming from because I don't. Nonetheless your posts compel me to ask if there's anything I or anyone here can do to help you. If ranting on the internet is the only thing that stops you from committing a violent act upon a woman, I fear for you and for any woman who you happen across if your access to the net is compromised for any reason.

In spite of any preconceived notions you may have about me as a woman I am a person first, and my concern is genuine.

Please feel free to pm me or any person here you may feel comfortable communicating with if there's anything any of us can to do help you out.

With all due respect, I will trust no one but the judge presiding over the case. And if that trust turns out to be ill-placed, then I will proceed to put my trust in the judge of the appeals court.