Welfare People Who Want To Work Go To Alberta


House Member
May 18, 2010
I have seen $2000.00 slings left next to a pipe after one use because the guys were too lazy to throw it in the truck when done,they were laying all over the place,Theres machinery up there that no one even knows who it belongs to.
These operations are like small citys,they have traffic lights,traffic cops,radar traps,stores and the whole nine yards,downtown suncor is a busy place.
Yep, been there ( as well as some of the other larger operations) a few years ago, sounds like it's getting worse...


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Again, unless you have a plan you unionize all of Canada, your ideals are pretty failure. Sweden is systematically different from Canada when it comes to the workforce, they don't need a minimum wage because most people have unions to work out that for them.

Not only that, they heavily tax the rich! Libertarians do not like that one bit.

I confess my ignorance of the rates of unionization in both countries. However, codetermination laws guarantee that Swedish companies with more than 500 workers are required to have workers elect 50% of the board of directors. And this is irrespective of whether or not the company is unionized. One thing I have read on though is that, generally speaking, Swedish labour unions are more social-corporatist than they are labour-socialist like in Canada. This might explain why the Swedish Teachers' Union, though sceptical, was still open to the idea of school vouchers with certain conditions which were met (namlely that participating schools must accept pupils on a first-come-first-served basis and cannot charge topup fees), hard to imagine with most Canadian teachers' unions, again because of the different philosophies of the unions in Sweden and Canada.

Codetermination legislation is a good example distinguishing social-corporatism from more leftist forms of socialism, whereby the government encourages collaboration between workers and management via such legislation independently of labour unionization, vs the Canadian system that actively encourages labour and managment to duke it out on the battle ground.

As for Libertarians wanting to cut taxes, I fully agree that reducing taxes too much is harmful. However, I did not necessarily vote for that Libertarian candidate because I agreed with absolutely everthing he stood for, but rather because I felt those ideas of his I did agree with did not have enough of a voice in the Ontario Legislature. Sure I disagree with him on taxes, but then again I knew there'd be at least a few New Democrats there to fight against excessive tax reductions. However, there would likely be no one there speaking out about religious equality and more freedom of choice in education. In the end I vote candidate, not party. Any candidate who wants my vote has to realise this.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Yep, been there ( as well as some of the other larger operations) a few years ago, sounds like it's getting worse...
Ya,I worked For Fred Mannix many years ago so I hate seeing that kind of waste.
Loram was one of the best companies I have ever worked for.Those guys pioneered Alberta construction and mining.

I have pictures of my 1.5 million dollar komatsu dozer with 100 hours on it sinking in the sand in pond 6 on here,seen them?

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House Member
May 18, 2010
From my understanding, they can get certain tax breaks other companies are not entirled to. Was there not a debate about that last Federal election?

Hahaha, of course there was a lot of western oil bashing, but it had no merit!! Got sucked in like most !!!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
From my understanding, they can get certain tax breaks other companies are not entirled to. Was there not a debate about that last Federal election?

Aprox 2 billion from what I recall - How accurate that is - I do not know.


New Member
Sep 30, 2011
However, there would likely be no one there speaking out about religious equality and more freedom of choice in education.
Just a heads up, the Green party is the sanest and most popular party to support a single - secular - school board.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Like, what kind of tax breaks are they getting???

Nice pics !!
We just spent the last 2 days changing all the oils as it hit 100 hours,when we got it out we had to change them all again.
When it first hit the quicksand I called it in,they told me to put my feet up,turn on the ac and enjoy the sirius sattelite radio.
4 hours later they said they would have a hoe to come pull it out in the morning and I told him it wouldnt be here then as it was sinking fast,they sent 3 big cat hoes,a hovercraft,and 2 big dozers and lots of rig mats and it took them all night to get it out.
2 days later a d9 sunk and it went way down,took a week to find it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Just a heads up, the Green party is the sanest and most popular party to support a single - secular - school board.

There are at least four parties in Ontario tht want to eliminate this discrimination: The Greens, PC's (at least previous to last election), the Libertarians and the Freedom Party of Ontario.

Though I like many Green ideas, the local Green candidate made it quite clear she just wanted to keep the seat warm for the Green Party in the riding. For the kind of salary she'd get in the Legislature, no way I'll put up with a seat-warmer. I'd emailed her a number of questions concerning various issues relating to various issues, and she'd never bothered to respond. And I could not find answers to those questions on her site either.

At least the Libertarian candidate did answer them. By the way, the PC candidate never answered my questions either online or by email either. You can't just sheepishly vote for a seatwarmer (heck, my farts can keep a seat just as warm) just because you like his party affiliation. In the end, you have to consider what the candidate himself can brig to the table. The Libertarian candidate was engaging, and was willing to answer tough questions, and so could certainly contribute much more to the Ontario Legislature than a mere partisan seat-warmer.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Eh !!

Must be from NDs or Libs!!

The tax breaks-well some of them- were introduced by the Liberal government in 1996. But then facts don't actually matter to you do they?

Oil sands: Tax break to end -- in 2010 - The Globe and Mail
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty moved yesterday to end a much-criticized tax break for oil sands producers, but softened the blow to the industry by providing a long lead time for the changes.

In his budget speech, he announced the government will phase out the accelerated capital cost allowance that allows oil sands producers to quickly write off the cost of their investment for income tax purposes.

The tax break was introduced by the Liberal government in 1996, when oil prices were low, in an effort to stimulate investment in the vast tar sands of northeastern Alberta. But with the price of a barrel of crude now hovering around $60 (U.S.), the Conservative government decided the tax break was no longer necessary.

Alberta Finance Minister Lyle Oberg had personally appealed to Mr. Flaherty to leave it intact, but yesterday, provincial officials said they needed to study the details of the tax change before commenting.

Mr. Oberg complained that the federal Conservatives had targeted Alberta with a triple whammy: the end of the income trust tax break that was so popular in the oil patch, the threat of significant new costs to combat climate change, and the elimination of the accelerated capital cost allowance.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I can agree with your premise in principle, but remember that most of those jobs are skilled trades. The unemployed are usually unemployed because they have no sellable skill or knowleged, and can't gain thaose skills since they have no money for school. After all, you need a job to get money to go to school to get the skills to get the job. A tough catch-22 to pull themselves out of.

I could see a strategy whereby we agree to pay for their trades training on condition that the company promise to hire them, pay for their transport, and food and lodging for the first month. This would mean that if a company were truly that desparate for workers, it could sign a tentative contract with the worker promising to hire him once he gets the necessary diploma. He shows the contract to his local college, and the college applies for a voucher from the provincial ministry of education for him for the diploma programme he needs to get the job.

That's not problem solving. It's what we might call problem offloading. Not very patriotic to just offload your problems onto other Canadians is it.

Have to disagree with you there. They are taking foreign workers to Oilberta because they can't get enough Canadians and you can bet that very few foreign workers have any kind of job skills except no fear of hard work.
Fact is EI and welfare are much too easy to get in Canada. This is why it is so hard to get berry pickers in the Fraser Valley, no one forces the freeloaders to go to work.

You are not an Easterner - You live in Upper Canada - Central Canada. I am an Easterner - From the Maritimes -So lets get on the right road here.

Aaahhhh - No.

Matter of perspective. I consider anyone that does not live on the Island an easterner.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I'm usually the only Albertan wherever im working,Alberta or NU.
The only exception is the oil rigs,thats mostly Alberta boys.
Most long time Albertans are set up pretty good as far as work is concerned and have been for 20 years and thats why you dont see many of us at the oilsands.Mainly it's newfys anyways so they do get preference for jobs over us anyways,Seems they still remember old Ralphies quote about eastern bums as were not very well liked by them.

King Ralph,all hammed up and throwing around fifty dollar bills and telling them to go home.

I seem to have a thing for sinking dozers,this is from march this year south of Cambridge bay in the middle of nowhere on goose lake over 90 feet of water.

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Council Member
Nov 29, 2009
Nova Scotia
Pardon me you alberta knobs,if alberta is so great, why does it have a 3.4 Billion dollar deficet ? If it wasn't for the the dreaded easrerners,nothing would get done.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Oh you easterners, that's all you guys can ever think off,,,,,is,,,,,"the government should do it""!!!! Get a brain, the government has never done sh^t properly.

The companies are all willing to transport and train if required. Keep the fkn gov out. They can pay the bills or provide the incentives, thats it !!!
Keep the fkn gov out.
Smartest thing you've ever said ...I'm surprised .