Welfare People Who Want To Work Go To Alberta


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Petros can't stand up, he is stuck in a wheel chair in his nursing home.... Give the poor SK guy a break....eh !!! :lol:

You obviously have NO knowledge of my old friend Petros as if you did you wouldn't make such a brain dead comment, when you lie you don't do it where a thousand people can see it. Doesn't do good for the credibility on the resume. :lol:


House Member
May 18, 2010
Well to be fair Drillers are a strange bunch so you have to cut them some slack sometimes.I spent 18 months on an SDS csr 1000 exploration drill in 1982 with Kerry Becker and his uncle invented the lazy susan pipe rack and the becker down the hole hammer and owned SDS drilling,which has now merged many times with many companies and is with Hazco now.It's a tough life doing that.
No cab on an exploration drill.

Anyways,now I just sit in my truck,cruise the jobsites we have going and keep things happening,I have 2 cell phones,a laptop,2 way radio in the truck and if I get the chance to hop in the dozer,or hoe I jump on it,I love running the iron.
So this morning I was standby on the mountain untill noon and then went to see how the basement job my buddy has the gig for,I have the best job in the world,got my best friend with me working and he has the class 1 so we can pretty well move any of our toys and run them too.This is what I saw when I got there,the JD 200 is ours.The little guy just bombed right in there and allmost flipped,then started digging,I was laughing so hard I had a hard time running away from the reach of the boom,enjoy the pics.
This guy is in no trauma,he is digging away,lol! I'm still chuckling!
He's just working those joysticks!
Look's like the JD 200 gave birth to a mini hoe! This is today,I got good pics from yesterday too

Hey, great pics Man !!!

Looks like you got yourself a super job !!! Keep the pics coming, enjoy seeing them !!!!

Ok, I'll cut him some slack, he's been pretty quite lately tho !!! :lol:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I know it's a bit of a side track, but, this is a prime example of what absolute tripe the 'action plan' is. This highway was being paved long before the action plan, and would have continued being paved regardless of the action plan. I'm sure there are many others in that list that are similar, but this one in particular crawled up my backside on the long weekend as I drove through there.
So where is the money really going?

Maybe he's still working on my list ??? It will take him a long long time !!! :lol:
Your list? I already posted the list of Alberta Stimulus welfare programs (YOUR LIST) . Why can't you afford to take care of your own roads, **** pipes, provincial parks and sports halls of fame that you need Fed money from PQ ON SK BC etc?


House Member
May 18, 2010


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Every day in my job I see something that makes me laugh or smile,not many can say that.The guy on the mini hoe blew me away when I drove up,he's good but I might have a different opinion of him tommorow if he flips that thing.
I'm still laughing.

Maybe he's still working on my list ??? It will take him a long long time !!! :lol:
**** happens to me all the time so ya,more pics coming,I'm thinking that guy might flip that mini hoe tomorrow.
Then I'll have to do up an incident report and I dont want to do that.
These pics are from a sewer and water project 6 months old not done to specs,the contractor cheated and probably worked in the dark to bury a water and sewer pipe on top of the rock and not the right depth.Lot's of that going on in my hometown and im a taxpayer here,documenting everything.
More work for us! I'll get all those shoddy contractors skidded!
Just smile and wave.