WE really need to get rid of this guy


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
CTV is the new go to for the propagandists?

Published Nov. 21, 2022 6:22 p.m. CST

The RCMP worried that after arriving in Ottawa, participants in the "Freedom Convoy" would try to pinpoint Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's location, documents suggest — just as demonstrators had tried to do during last year's election campaign.
The concerns are outlined in assessments by the national police force's intelligence personnel that were tabled as part of evidence presented at a public inquiry probing the Trudeau government's use of the Emergencies Act in response to last winter's protests.
The real story is random people (not truckers) using FlightRadar24 to follow Trudeau's jet to vacation spots.

FlightRadar24 is how we know he went surfing on Truth and Reconciliation Day.

Ottawa reverses order to block PM's flights from tracking websites​

Most other world leaders — many of whom aren't restricted from flying commercially like Canada — are freely visible on flight trackers

While officials cited “operational security” as the reason for blocking the aircraft, the move came shortly after some embarrassing flight habits of senior Canadian officials came under scrutiny by the National Post and other media outlets.
Last year, the Toronto Sun used flight tracker software to show Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shrugged off invitations to commemorate Canada’s first Truth and Reconciliation Day, and instead used an RCAF Challenger business jet to quietly take his family to a rented vacation home in Tofino, B.C.
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Council Member
Apr 11, 2020
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly hold a press conference following their participation in the Francophonie Summit in Djerba, Tunisia, on Nov. 20, 2022. (The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly hold a press conference following their participation in the Francophonie Summit in Djerba, Tunisia, on Nov. 20, 2022. (The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick)


John Robson: Trudeau’s Denial of Knowledge of Alleged Chinese Funding to Candidates Raises Serious Concerns​

November 21, 2022



The latest twist in the saga of Chinese communist subversion of Canadian democracy has seen Prime Minister Justin Trudeau turn into Sgt. Schultz from “Hogan’s Heroes,” the dopey clod who knew and saw nothing.

Confronted by a reporter at the Francophonie Summit in Tunisia, he intoned “I do not have any information, nor have I been briefed on any federal candidates receiving any money from China.” Which, if taken seriously, requires us to believe that in the weeks since the story broke, he hasn’t bothered inquiring, that he’s not even slightly curious.

His statement was so similar in English and French as to be clearly scripted. And you can see Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly relax when he finishes delivering his lines. But nobody else should, because if his statement is not a deliberate, guilty lie we are obliged to accept a number of horrifying propositions, alone or in combination.

First, Canada’s security agencies have no knowledge of Chinese government meddling in our elections, or did not tell our prime minister, or did but he forgot.

Second, in his famous confrontation with Xi Jinping about the matter, he was relying on media reports he had not investigated. Or even read, since he claimed he did “not have any information” rather than “any official information.”

Third, he still hasn’t checked.

It gets worse. Before insisting he knew nothing, nothing, he bloviated: “Our government has always taken very seriously the responsibility of protecting Canadians, working with the security agencies to do everything we can to keep Canadians and their institutions safe against foreign interference.” Which is just the usual soporific fog. But then he continued immediately “I have asked my officials to examine these media reports and give all possible answers, everything they can, to the parliamentary committee that’s looking into this.”

So fourth, we are meant to accept that, confronted with these scary press reports, his immediate adamant demand was not that they give him all possible answers. It was to holler get to the bottom of this and tell those legislators over there but never mind me, busy taking very seriously the responsibility for protecting Canadians, working with the security agencies who I instruct not, even now, to tell me of this massive security threat.

That boast of impenetrable incurious ignorance alone, whether true or false, renders the man unfit for office. If true, it means he culpably still hasn’t checked into the matter. And if false, he’s lying about something incriminating.

To be fair, our Emergencies Act inquiry’s glimpse into official Ottawa intelligence gathering, distribution, and analysis makes it possible the security agencies actually knew nothing. But if so, the news stories were pure, baffling invention.

It is much more plausible that they offered him a briefing he rejected. (As Whittaker Chambers’ memoir “Witness” testifies President Roosevelt did over Stalinist subversion in the late 1930s.) Or that they did brief him, and he was so bored he forgot. Or he’s just plain lying now. But all are horribly unsatisfactory.

The reporter’s actual question was, “What’s preventing your government from getting more information on who these 11 people are?” Which shows again the sloppiness of using “government” to mean “cabinet” because almost certainly our “government,” whose executive branch includes the security agencies, already has this information. So the only thing keeping Trudeau from getting more information is that, he claims, he deliberately didn’t ask. Which, again, is equally intolerable whether it’s true or false.

It might be slick false. Trudeau’s phrasing, in both languages, was suspiciously specific about information about any federal candidates receiving money from China. He did not mention anyone else, including provincial candidates or federal backroom operatives, receiving money, or federal candidates receiving other things.

It looks a bit like “plausible deniability” whose apparent disavowal of all knowledge, if parsed carefully, says no such thing. And an explicit or tacit “You Canadians don’t need to see that information” is a typical official response, if outrageously inadequate on this file. But it doesn’t really matter because “I know nothing” is such a pathetic cover story that the mere fact that he thought it satisfactory, especially on security, should have us in paroxysms of alarm about his attitude.

Official Ottawa is as careless about PR as about intelligence. And why not, since they generally get away with feeble explanations? But what they’re trying to sell us now is that the prime minister is not just totally ignorant of a foreign subversion campaign, he’s so uninterested that even after the story broke he didn’t ask to be informed.

Whether we believe it or not, this cover story is carefully concocted to make him look ignorant and irresponsible. And if we’re led by someone whose attitude toward security is that fatuous, we should definitely take it seriously. Someone has to.

John Robson is a documentary filmmaker, National Post columnist, contributing editor to the Dorchester Review, and executive director of the Climate Discussion Nexus. His most recent documentary is “The Environment: A True Story.”



House Member
Aug 9, 2022
It's pretty obvious that he's lying. Which of course begs the question "why". Obviously a healthy number of those 'compromised' mps must be liberal and he doesn't want that to come out.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Back to the whole China interfering in Canadian Federal Elections thing in 2019 & 2021 again:

As a refresher, in early November, a Global News report claimed Trudeau was warned LAST JANUARY about a Chinese-led funding network that included at least 11 candidates in the 2019 federal election. The report also alleged China placed agents in MP’s offices “in order to influence policy, seeking to co-opt and corrupt former Canadian officials to gain leverage in Ottawa, and mounting aggressive campaigns to punish Canadian politicians whom the People’s Republic of China (PRC) views as threats to its interests.”

Trudeau has since been under heavy pressure to name names — an ask crucial to protecting our democracy. We don’t know if any of the 11 candidates won their ridings. Or if they plan to run again. If no one faces consequences, what’s to deter even more brazen interference by bad actors?

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) issued a readout after an informal talk (the G20 conference thing) between Trudeau and Chinese leader Xi Jinping claiming Trudeau had raised concerns about election interference. It would still be incredibly weird and potentially irresponsible to both privately and, via the media, publicly accuse China of election interference if you have no evidence to back it up. Which it appears Trudeau is now claiming. (???)

“I do not have any information, nor have I been briefed on any federal candidates receiving any money from China,” Trudeau said at a Sunday press conference. It’s a statement nearly entirely at odds with not just media reports –– which Liberals haven’t once said were false or flawed since they emerged two weeks prior –– but Trudeau’s G20 actions.

There are really only a few ways to digest Trudeau’s new claims. The first is that Global News’ reporting was wrong. However, that directly leads to questions about Trudeau’s decision to confront Xi without evidence in pocket or, if that evidence does exist, why Trudeau was never told about it.

The second option is that Trudeau is lying. The third is a slightly softer option of door number two. That Trudeau, two weeks later, finally figured out how to splice and dice words so that he’s not technically lying, but can also avoid or delay sharing any useful information with Canadians.

He could be quibbling about what it means to be “briefed.” He could also be drawing a distinction between “federal candidates receiving any money from China” and what the Global report actually claimed, which was that 11 federal candidates were part of a shady financial network funded by China.

Neither of these razor-thin distinctions are likely to hold up much in the court of public opinion, particularly coming from a prime minister who’s had challenges with the truth before.

You may remember Trudeau played with wording to deny the Globe and Mail’s initial reporting on the SNC-Lavalin scandal. There’s also the ongoing discrepancy between Trudeau’s claims he didn’t know about the nature of allegations against former chief of defence staff Gen. Jonathan Vance and e-mails from his own staff characterizing them as “sexual misconduct.”

Notably, it was Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino who backed up Trudeau’s latest remarks at Monday’s Question Period. Mendicino was also prominently accused of “misleading” the Canadian public about whether police agencies did or did not ask for the Emergencies Act.

It’s little wonder Canadians’ faith in government and its institutions continues to plummet. Or why more and more Canadians refuse to trust official sources. In their ongoing scramble to save their own hides, the Liberals continue to torch what’s left of public trust. It’s a dangerous game to play. Anyway, the rest at the above link.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022

" But the Liberals earmarked $52.2 billion in new spending out of the $81.2 billion in new fiscal room since their spring budget, Giroux said, arguing that this does not spell fiscal restraint.
Giroux also raised the issue of transparency in government finances, citing $14.2 billion in new measures for which the government did not provide specific details."

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Trudeau was asked repeatedly in question period by Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre to disclose if he had been informed by intelligence officials, law enforcement or the public service of allegations of “any interference” in Canada’s elections.

“Our intelligence and police services take very seriously the importance of fighting against foreign interference, including Chinese interference,” said Trudeau in French.

“But I can assure you and all Canadians that the 2019 and 2021 elections were not subject to interference that changed the results in any significant way,” he added.

Poilievre noted the qualification in the prime minister’s response, accusing him of having “used words to obscure the answer.”

“Was there any interference of any kind?” he tried again.

Trudeau replied that interference in Canadian affairs by foreign powers “is an ongoing thing,” whether it be cyber interference or attempts to influence the media, and that it is something that intelligence agents and police officers work “very, very hard to counter.”

He, however, chose his words differently in English, and said that “Canadians can be reassured that the integrity of our elections was not compromised.” The rest at the above link.
  • Wow
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Setup question.
Horse shit. Maybe if the stupid fucking twat would actually answer a straight question with a straight answer.... Up here in Canada we're getting sick and tired of Team Trudeau being asked a very specific question and being told, "We are working hard for all Canadians blah blah blah...

Here's the thing. Everybody and their dog knows that China has been messing with our elections since at least 2015 and yet Groper wants us to believe he's the only person in the entire goddam country who didn't know?
Trudeau also knows the Chinese govt is complicit in exporting fentanyl to Canada. and yet does nothing.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
The only true answer is yes. There will always be SOME errors or problems with a system that large. But answering "Yes" allows one's opponent to launch into "A-HA! You're ADMITTING that there's voter fraud! (or whatever)"
Well, it's still a more ethical tactic than simply making shit up and then spending millions of dollars and over three years trying to prosecute him for it.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
The only true answer is yes. There will always be SOME errors or problems with a system that large. But answering "Yes" allows one's opponent to launch into "A-HA! You're ADMITTING that there's voter fraud! (or whatever)"
Bullshit. There is zero 'setup' in a question asking about voter fraud, the correct answer (if truthful) would be essenially "some attempts were discovered but it was determined they made no change to the outcome", which is EXACTLY WHAT CONSERVATIVES REPORTED WHEN THEY WERE ASKED IN THEIR GOV"T.

There's nothing wrong with that - nobodys' saying that Trudeau interfered personally. Unless he's hiding something, that's a perfectly valid response and Canadians have accepted that in the past.

Even in the states the response to trump's claims was that investigations did find some fraud as they always do each election but it was no more than usual and didn't even come remotely close to impacting the outcome.

So it's dishonest in the extreme to suggest somehow "has their been interference" is a 'gotcha' question


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Here's the thing. Everybody and their dog knows that China has been messing with our elections since at least 2015 and yet Groper wants us to believe he's the only person in the entire goddam country who didn't know?
Hmm. . . I find the idea that True Dope doesn't know (insert item here) pretty believable.
Trudeau also knows the Chinese govt is complicit in exporting fentanyl to Canada. and yet does nothing.
Think of it as evolution in action.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
  • Haha
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the way the West deals with Beijing can highlight to people in China who “disagree with the regime that there are other ways of doing things.”

Global News asked the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) about his comments, and specifically to clarify whether Trudeau was referring to all those in China who disagree with the current government, or just those protesting in the country-wide demonstrations taking place currently.

A PMO spokesperson responded that the office had “nothing further” to say on the topic.

Thus my “What?” Above…
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Whether we believe it or not, this cover story is carefully concocted to make him look ignorant and irresponsible. And if we’re led by someone whose attitude toward security is that fatuous, we should definitely take it seriously. Someone has to.
That is not something that needs to be concocted. It is an obvious fact. Missing is the undisputed fact that TurdOWE is a lying sack of shit.
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