WE really need to get rid of this guy

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006

This is what we can look forward to because the PMO has way more power than the U.S. President should have. But since Trudeau follows the book of Biden, we can expect the same here.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Yup, there are just way too many of those still silly ass morons out there who are just not getting with the program yet as to what this Marxist baboon is doing to this once great British/European nation. This Marxist baboon has become one of the most unethical and corrupt PM's of Canada this country has ever had. I thought that his old man was bad. This baboon turd is worse. We the peasants must get rid of this baboon soon or there will be nothing left of the old Canada before the next election.

Canada is being dramatically changed from being a freedom loving country into a Marxist dictatorship country right in front of our own bloody noses. When we have a Marxist dictator in Ottawa who is allowed to be able to freeze peasants bank accounts whom he does not like, we must all see by now that this is truly an act of war against we the Canadian peasants by a Marxist dictator in Ottawa.

We can not even return back to Canada unless we fill out an ARRCAN app to be able to reenter back into our own country. What business is it of this Marxist to force me, a Canadian citizen, to have to fill out an ARRCAN app just to be able to enter Canada? If I do not fill out the ARRCAN app, I can be fined up to $5000. What kind of Canada am I living in today? An elderly Canadian was just recently fined $5000 for not filling out the ARRCAN app. He does not even own a cell phone. Freezing bank accounts and fining an old man for $5000 for not filling out an ARRCAN app is just going a bit too far. This Marxist baboon in Ottawa has to go. Works for me. (y)
I would refuse to pay the $5000 & would prefer to go to hell before I'd pay it. I would hope that someone challenges this fine as over-reach & that Trudeau cannot implement said fine.
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
When the Frontline Nursetards were the first to hit the streets in front of hospitals and it got to the point the public awareness of the decades old staffing crisis, seniors dropping like flies from vaccines and the cruelty patients endured was getting heard the PMO needed to control the narrative.

Nursetards were the first to be demonized in Vancouver when they ran an empty ambulance and later an antique fire pumper truck (could have been ParaMedtards/Firetards in support) through the crowd of 5000 (mainly women) that organizers moved to City Hall from VGH because it got too big. It was no coincidence the cop helicopter was hovering at that very moment.

There were no other helicopters. Car crashes will get 4 networks scrambling their birds. Why was the only footage supplied by VPD?

That was the point things started to snowball when the conspiracy theory vax passport came into being. The BC Govt recently admitted it the passports were never about public safety just punishment and yet the PMO still keeps the lie alive.

What those Canadian politicians have done to Canada and Canadians with the help of the fake and lying Canadian media is that they have both committed treason against we the peasants. Those thieves, cheats and liars have lied to us for nearly two years now with this covid bullshit. Now I will bet that some of those same political baboons will try and make the monkey(money)pox the next big virus that we must all now be in fear and afraid of getting. Get those old face masks out once again.

There can be no doubt about it now that covid was nothing more than a part of a bigger WEF globalist conspiracy plan to bring in the great globalist communist like reset. And this Marxist scumbag in Ottawa is the main leader of this covid hoax and lie. The WEF globalists just love this traitor to Canada and Canadians. WEF Klaus Swabster thanked the Marxist dictator of Canada for his service to the WEF in trying to implement the great globalist reset in Canada.

All I really want to see now is that this Marxist dictating baboon is arrested, and charged, and jailed with crimes against humanity. Nothing less will do for that scumbag. Works for me. (y)


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
I would refuse to pay the $5000 & would prefer to go to hell before I'd pay it. I would hope that someone challenges this fine as over-reach & that Trudeau cannot implement said fine.

There have been many other instances like this one that have been done against we the peasants. This ARRCAN app must be abolished. It serves no real purpose at all except to be able to hassle Canadians. Why should any Canadian have to tell their government as to what date and time that they will be returning back to Canada? It's none of the governments gawd dam business. We seem to only end up with having governments in Canada these days that only want to control our very lives every day. Our politicians tax and lie to keep their control over us. The harder it becomes to live the easier to be able to control we the peasant slaves.

This Marxist dictator in Ottawa has said in the past that he admires how communist China does things in China and that our own very Marxist dictator would love to implement and model Canada after communist China. WTH? A communist like Chinese social credit system would work fine for this traitor to Canada. The Marxist being able to freeze Canadian bank accounts whenever he wanted to would be his way of showing we the peasants who really is the boss here.

I just wish that the conservative party would show more marbles and do something about this instead of allowing this Marxist traitor to Canada to keep doing what he is doing to Canada and Canadians every day. They need to strike and demonstrate if necessary and walk out of parliament "ill" until thi baboon is gone for good. Just saying. :unsure:
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
There have been many other instances like this one that have been done against we the peasants. This ARRCAN app must be abolished. It serves no real purpose at all except to be able to hassle Canadians. Why should any Canadian have to tell their government as to what date and time that they will be returning back to Canada? It's none of the governments gawd dam business. We seem to only end up with having governments in Canada these days that only want to control our very lives every day. Our politicians tax and lie to keep their control over us. The harder it becomes to live the easier to be able to control we the peasant slaves.

This Marxist dictator in Ottawa has said in the past that he admires how communist China does things in China and that our own very Marxist dictator would love to implement and model Canada after communist China. WTH? A communist like Chinese social credit system would work fine for this traitor to Canada. The Marxist being able to freeze Canadian bank accounts whenever he wanted to would be his way of showing we the peasants who really is the boss here.

I just wish that the conservative party would show more marbles and do something about this instead of allowing this Marxist traitor to Canada to keep doing what he is doing to Canada and Canadians every day. They need to strike and demonstrate if necessary and walk out of parliament "ill" until thi baboon is gone for good. Just saying. :unsure:
You know of course that whenever you enter the country legally the government knows? Don’t you?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
This app actually has great potential for frequent fliers, if used right. Unfortunately, a bunch of bureaucrats got hold of it and want to use it for political purposes.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Ethics commissioner set to look into Liberal data contracts

Yay, more Liberal scams.

Christmas in July

Elizabeth Thompson 15 hrs ago
Justin Trudeau’s Liberals — as appalling as they are, with their casual corruption and inability to deliver even the most basic services (passports, air travel, immigration, properly-funded health care) — know how to win. Clearly. In 2015, Trudeau brought the Liberal Party from third place to first place, big time, something that had never happened before.

In 2019, even while beset by serial scandals (blackface, LavScam, GropeGate, Aga Khan) and multiple broken promises (balanced budgets, electoral reform, clean water for Indigenous people), Trudeau still won. Not as dramatically, but he still won.

In 2021, he did it again. Yet more scandal (the WE charity, out of which he and his family received hundreds of thousands), yet more big broken promises (timely acquisition of vaccines) — and, yet again, Trudeau won.

The Liberals know how to hide the reality of Canada outside of Ottawa/Toronto /Montreal/Vancouver faced with the purchased/Leased/rented media. They’re good at it. Regardless of what happens in the next three years, don’t expect the population in the four biggest cities in Canada to notice what’s happening in the rest of the country.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
As of yesterday.....

A national survey shows that disapproval of the Trudeau government has hit new heights.

A new Abacus Data survey of 2,400 Canadians shows that disapproval of the federal government sits at 51 per cent, the highest since Trudeau was first elected in 2015. 51 per cent of people surveyed also have a negative view of Trudeau.

If the election were to be held now, the Conservatives would win with 35 per cent of the vote share, with the Liberals forming the opposition with 30 per cent. The NDP came in at 19 per cent.

The Liberal party polled better in Atlantic Canada however, with 47 per cent saying they would vote red, compared to 31 per cent voting blue, and 16 voting orange. The majority of Conservative support came from the prairies.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
A five week election campaign in 2025, after Trudeau campaigning on our tax dollars long before announcing an election, then lies about other parties or perceived Trudeau enemies….with exposing those lies potentially being illegal at that point…



House Member
May 18, 2010
If Poilievre gets to run the PC party, it’s hard to say how the polls will change.
Ontario and Quebec usually decide which party will run the country.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A five week election campaign in 2025, after Trudeau campaigning on our tax dollars long before announcing an election, then lies about other parties or perceived Trudeau enemies….with exposing those lies potentially being illegal at that point…

Adscam 2.0


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Justin Trudeau’s Liberals — as appalling as they are, with their casual corruption and inability to deliver even the most basic services (passports, air travel, immigration, properly-funded health care) — know how to win. Clearly. In 2015, Trudeau brought the Liberal Party from third place to first place, big time, something that had never happened before.

In 2019, even while beset by serial scandals (blackface, LavScam, GropeGate, Aga Khan) and multiple broken promises (balanced budgets, electoral reform, clean water for Indigenous people), Trudeau still won. Not as dramatically, but he still won.

In 2021, he did it again. Yet more scandal (the WE charity, out of which he and his family received hundreds of thousands), yet more big broken promises (timely acquisition of vaccines) — and, yet again, Trudeau won.

The Liberals know how to hide the reality of Canada outside of Ottawa/Toronto /Montreal/Vancouver faced with the purchased/Leased/rented media. They’re good at it. Regardless of what happens in the next three years, don’t expect the population in the four biggest cities in Canada to notice what’s happening in the rest of the country.

The majority of the dumb downed Canadian electorate could careless about what is going on in Canada today. Anybody that I know or talk to never talks politics. And with the lying and fake disgusting bought off Canadian media nobody will ever learn or know anything about what this Marxist traitor to Canada is all about. Canada is fast becoming a communist looking dictatorship more and more every day and nobody seems to give a shit.

Even before the last election, everybody I spoke to pretty much hated Marxist Turdeau. Yet somehow, he managed to get back his old corrupt PM's job. I personally think that the last election was a fixed election. Otherwise, if people hated this baboon so much then how did he get to be the PM once again?

I do not trust this Canadian government or the Canadian media anymore. They have pretty much turned their backs on Canada. They all need to be arrested and charged for crimes against humanity. But good luck on that one. In order for that to happen the majority of Canadians would need to give a phuk. It's quite obvious that they do not give a phuk at all. It probably will be the Marxist dicktator forever. Goodbye old Canada it was sure nice to know you. :(


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The majority of the dumb downed Canadian electorate could careless about what is going on in Canada today. Anybody that I know or talk to never talks politics. And with the lying and fake disgusting bought off Canadian media nobody will ever learn or know anything about what this Marxist traitor to Canada is all about. Canada is fast becoming a communist looking dictatorship more and more every day and nobody seems to give a shit.

Even before the last election, everybody I spoke to pretty much hated Marxist Turdeau. Yet somehow, he managed to get back his old corrupt PM's job. I personally think that the last election was a fixed election. Otherwise, if people hated this baboon so much then how did he get to be the PM once again?

I do not trust this Canadian government or the Canadian media anymore. They have pretty much turned their backs on Canada. They all need to be arrested and charged for crimes against humanity. But good luck on that one. In order for that to happen the majority of Canadians would need to give a phuk. It's quite obvious that they do not give a phuk at all. It probably will be the Marxist dicktator forever. Goodbye old Canada it was sure nice to know you. :(
This happens because the people that set up our system, set it up for their own best interests, not equality. So, about the only time we ever have a Conservative government is when they fuck up so bad the pissants actually notice and a scapegoat is required. They throw the puppet under the bus and let a government for the people in. Then create so much shit that the government can’t accomplish anything. Next election the Laurentian Elite bring in a new dickhead and s5uff their pockets again.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
As of yesterday.....

A national survey shows that disapproval of the Trudeau government has hit new heights.

A new Abacus Data survey of 2,400 Canadians shows that disapproval of the federal government sits at 51 per cent, the highest since Trudeau was first elected in 2015. 51 per cent of people surveyed also have a negative view of Trudeau.

If the election were to be held now, the Conservatives would win with 35 per cent of the vote share, with the Liberals forming the opposition with 30 per cent. The NDP came in at 19 per cent.

The Liberal party polled better in Atlantic Canada however, with 47 per cent saying they would vote red, compared to 31 per cent voting blue, and 16 voting orange. The majority of Conservative support came from the prairies.
I'm still wondering why his approval rating is so high? I would have thought he'd be at LEAST the level of Biden since he's following Biden's policies. Obviously, people aren't paying attention. Huh, who knew?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I'm still wondering why his approval rating is so high? I would have thought he'd be at LEAST the level of Biden since he's following Biden's policies. Obviously, people aren't paying attention. Huh, who knew?
Most Canadians live a fairly good life , go to work have taxes deducted at source and only pay attention to take home . Once and only until they can no longer pay the bills and feed the family will they worry about politics .