Venezuela : Leadership Crisis


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
The Bogus Bolivarian Blockade

On February 6th, 2019 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo posted an image from Venezuela depicting a blockaded Puente Binacional Tienditas (Tienditas Binational Bridge) spanning the border of Colombia and Venezuela; stating that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro had ordered the his military to blockade the bridge in order to prevent aid trucks from entering the country. Pompeo implored Maduro to allow the trucks through so that the “starving people” of Venezuela could receive the aforementioned aid.
The bridge in question is located between Cucuta, Colombia and Tachira, Venezuela and though some questioned the authenticity of the image Francisco Toro, the Editor in Chief of the Caracas Chronicles and Global Opinion Columnist for the Washington Post, tweeted other images to show that the original image was, in fact, and authentic depiction of the current state of the bridge in response to criticism from another twitter user.
That would seem to tie up all the loose ends of this story, and give hard evidence that the Maduro government is indeed blockading the Tienditas Bridge to keep aid trucks from reaching those “starving people.” The problem with this however, is that this bridge has never been used.
Google Images show the same images Toro referenced, with the date showing February of 2019. However they also show this image, shown below.

Perhaps this is a different bridge and Google made an error? No such luck, because these are barriers that have been on this bridge for quite some time. An image posted on Voice of America similar to that of Secretary Pompeo and the above image confirms this theory.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
The Bogus Bolivarian Blockade

On February 6th, 2019 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo posted an image from Venezuela depicting a blockaded Puente Binacional Tienditas (Tienditas Binational Bridge) spanning the border of Colombia and Venezuela; stating that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro had ordered the his military to blockade the bridge in order to prevent aid trucks from entering the country. Pompeo implored Maduro to allow the trucks through so that the “starving people” of Venezuela could receive the aforementioned aid.
The bridge in question is located between Cucuta, Colombia and Tachira, Venezuela and though some questioned the authenticity of the image Francisco Toro, the Editor in Chief of the Caracas Chronicles and Global Opinion Columnist for the Washington Post, tweeted other images to show that the original image was, in fact, and authentic depiction of the current state of the bridge in response to criticism from another twitter user.
That would seem to tie up all the loose ends of this story, and give hard evidence that the Maduro government is indeed blockading the Tienditas Bridge to keep aid trucks from reaching those “starving people.” The problem with this however, is that this bridge has never been used.
Google Images show the same images Toro referenced, with the date showing February of 2019. However they also show this image, shown below.

Perhaps this is a different bridge and Google made an error? No such luck, because these are barriers that have been on this bridge for quite some time. An image posted on Voice of America similar to that of Secretary Pompeo and the above image confirms this theory.

So what is it, do the Americans want to provide aid and support to the Venezuelan people or to they want to conquer and rule them ?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I like the way that the exif data on these photos has been purpously rmoved so you can't verify the actual date those photos were taken.
Any date on signs can be photo-shopped.....


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
In addition to its vast oil reserves, Venezuela is believed to have 10,000 tonnes in unmined gold, with most of it located in the country's southeast.

About 300,000 prospectors working in make-shift mines in the jungles of Venezuela are helping provide Caracas with much-needed means to stay afloat and pay for food, medicine, hygiene products, and other crucial imports.
According to new Venezuelan Central Bank data, small-time prospectors have sold a whopping 17 tonnes of the precious metal to the government since 2016, with the haul valued at about $650 million.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
So what is it, do the Americans want to provide aid and support to the Venezuelan people or to they want to conquer and rule them ?
They want to conquer and rule them and steal the oil and gold. What did you think they were up to?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Just intel to what moves are being made. Usually the US works within a pretty small window of opportunity. Lies last about a week at best these days. The bridge thing was exposed within a few hours.

I assume when the S-300 is out of ammo that Russia will do what it takes to establish a 'supply-line'.
The local army is too well educated in the way things were before Hugo to go back to that way of life.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Nothing better illustrates Washington’s opposition to democracy and self-determination than the blatantly public coup Washington has organized against the properly elected president of Venezuela.
Washington has been trying to overthrow the Venezuelan government for years. Washington wants the state owned oil company to be privatized so that it can fall into the hands of US oil companies. That would ensure Washington’s control over Venezuela. Transferring the wealth out of the country would prevent any economic development from inside the country. Every aspect of the economy would end up in the hands of US corporations. The exploitation would be ruthless and brutal.
Venezuelans understand this, which is why Washington, despite wrecking the Venezuelan economy and offering enormous bribes to the Venezuelan military, has not yet been able to turn the people and the troops against Maduro.
Moon of Alabama’s explanation of Washington’s attack on Venezuela gives you a truer picture that differs completely from the lies voiced by the American and European politicians and presstitute media, a collection of whores who are devoid of all integrity and all morality and lie for their living.
I am not as confident as Moon of Alabama that Venezuela’s effort dating back to Chavez to be a sovereign country independent of Washington’s control can survive. Washington is determined to teach all of Latin America that it is pointless to dream of self-determination. Washington simply will not permit it.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
A good civil war in Venezuela would drive up oil prices and be great for the Alberta economy..

Anyone know where I can toss a stick of dynamite to get this party started..
Up your ass would be the best spot and make it a short fuse.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Yep eliminate black market Oil from there and Iran would help stabilize pricing
Like Canada somehow they only have one single client for all that oil, the US. They probably even get a better royalty rate than canada does.

It helps to know the enemy.
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Caracas is interested in the modernization of ground-based and air systems previously delivered by Russia, Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino Lopez said Thursday.

"In the course of the talks between our presidents [Russian President Vladimir Putin and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro], which took place yesterday, many issues related to the military area were raised. Particularly, those on strengthening cooperation in maintenance of the equipment supplied to our country from Russia. These are land-based and air systems. We agreed on the need of upgrading these systems," Padrino Lopez said during his talks with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in Moscow.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,

Sputnik News

July 31, 2016

QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to [...]


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Sputnik Questionable based on frequent promotion of conspiracies and pro-Russian propaganda, as well as use of poor sources and numerous failed fact checks.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
LOL, from the guy who never backs himself up with anything better then a meme.
Have you come up with a final solution to the Palestinians yet doood?

Take that ten % effective flu vaccine bub, don't worry, us tax payers will pay for it.

Hit that needle hard it's along way for the mercury to get to that skull space.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Pence blasts allies on Iran, Venezuela as Freeland urges 'working together'

Pence is using the Trump (vile) technique. How much cooperation (willing) do they expect to have with this horrible attitude and approach. Little wonder America is such a violent country....... while pretending to be civilized. Barbaric name calling, degrading, chastising& bullying ........might work in the short term but are not effective.

Most of the planet is patiently & diplomatically watching the clock run out.
Last edited:


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
IMF Discreetly Preps Massive Aid Package For "Day After" Maduro's Fall

The International Monetary Fund is reportedly making plans for the "day after" embattled President Nicolas Maduro's fall, according to Bloomberg. Though there's been little momentum in military defections following US-backed opposition leader Juan Guaido's offer of amnesty to any army officer that switches loyalties, Washington sanctions have effectively strangled state-owned PDVSA's access to global markets. News of IMF maneuvering also comes amidst fresh reports the US is amassing aircraft, troops and armored vehicles on the Venezuelan border under the pretext of getting humanitarian aid into the country.
The only significant cash flow that remains after the oil sanctions is through India, Venezuela’s second-biggest oil market after the United States, which still recognizes the Maduro government, and is now reportedly seeking to avoid purchases through US banks and even financial institutions with a heavy US presence. According to a Reuters report on Friday, "India has asked one buyer of Venezuelan oil to consider paying the South American nation’s national oil company PDVSA in a way that avoids the U.S. financial system, an Indian government source said, after Washington imposed fresh sanctions on Venezuela last month."
So far much of the discussion over what is driving the bizarre Trump Administration intervention into Venezuela centers around the comments of National Security Adviser John Bolton to claim it’s about oil. In a previous analysis we looked at the prospects of the huge Chavez Basin, formerly the Orinoco Basin, said to hold the world’s largest reserves of oil by some definitions. Now it’s becoming clearer that this de facto war is about far more than control of the heavy oil of the Chavez Basin in Venezuela.
First it’s important to look at which oil companies were already staking various claims on the region’s oil prospects. Within Venezuela, Chinese oil companies led by China National Petroleum Corporation, and the Chinese government have been playing a major role since the Chavez era. In fact the role has become so great Venezuela’s government owes China some $61 billion. Because of the financial problems of the Maduro government, China has been taking debt repayment in form of oil. Since 2010 the Russian state oil company, Rosneft has been involved in joint projects with the Venezuela state PDVSA, mainly in the Orinoco/Chavez Belt. Some years ago Rosneft extended some $6 billion in loans to Venezuela to be also repaid in oil. A recent statement from Rosneft says that $2.3 billion is due by end of this year. Rosneft has participation in five oil projects and 100 percent in a gas project. In addition to CNPC and Rosneft, France’s Total SA, Norway’s Equinor, and US Chevron all hold minority stakes in Venezuela projects, with most vowing to stay despite the political crisis. That raises the question what they know beyond the well-documented heavy oil of Venezuela.
The real prize?
The real prize that these powerful international oil giants are eyeing likely lies well to the east of the Orinoco heavy oil fields where they now operate. The real prize is the ultimate control over one of the best-kept secrets in the oil industry, the huge oil reserves of a disputed area straddling Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil. The region is called Guayana Esequiba. Some geologists believe the Esequiba region and its offshore could contain the world’s largest reserves of oil, oil of far better quality that the heavy Orinoco crude of Venezuela. The problem is that owing to the decades-long dispute between Venezuela and Guyana the true extent of that oil is not yet known.
Historically, both Venezuela and Guyana, a former British colony, laid claim to Esequiba. In 1983 a so-called Port of Spain Protocol, between the governments of Venezuela and Guyana, declared a 12-year moratorium on the Venezuelan reclamation of Esequiba to allow time for peaceful resolution. Since then a special UN Representative has kept the situation frozen. Neither party has developed exploration of the reported huge oil deposits in the territory. In January 2018 the UN Secretary General referred the status of Esequiba to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, where it sits today.
Now it gets messy. In September 2011 the government of Guyana filed for an extension of its offshore Exclusive Economic Zone to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf in order to extend its continental shelf by a further 150 nautical miles. To get UN permission, they declared the area was subject to no territorial disputes, ignoring the very active Venezuela dispute over Guayana Esequiba. Venezuela filed a strong protest. To further complicate the situation, Guyana awarded international oil exploration rights in the disputed maritime area.