US, Canada should merge into one country


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
This is the second post from you about joining with our cousins... HELL NO!! I am Canadian.

Next post you make, nasty comments on why will be included. :p

Good borders make for good neighbours.

Note: Boomer, Canadians do not want to be Americans. Not even a little bit. You do, that's why you are moving. If we wanted to be American we too would move. Note the fact that no one is budging except for you.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 29, 2007
You're the second American I've heard make this assertion, and yet, plenty of Canadian Conservatives I know follow American politics, and they think the right is off the deep end, and identify more with Democratic politics. Canadian Liberals I know however, seem to think your whole country is insanely right wing, and the Democrats are not nearly left enough. I think those two demographics would be enough to tip scales, and the hard core, extreme right, are small in number.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Yeah me too. Never in my life have I heard of Canadian water being considered N. American water by us Yanks.

I get my water from the Quabbin!

And the State got rid of four towns to turn the Swift River Valley into the Quabbin Reservoir.

Oy.............good fishin ??

You haven't heard it cause we just ain't quite there yet. Wait till all the diversions that can be done, are done, and Ca. and Az. are dry as a bone with no irrigation. You gonna hear it. We gonna hear it more. The president will probably say it's Gods water, and we (you) are entitled to it. If Helmethead is still in, he'll agree. No drones please. We roll over well.


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
How is the EU doing these days?

Not to shabby I hear, tourism is up..

This is the second post from you about joining with our cousins... HELL NO!! I am Canadian.

Next post you make, nasty comments on why will be included. :p

Good borders make for good neighbours.

Note: Boomer, Canadians do not want to be Americans. Not even a little bit. You do, that's why you are moving. If we wanted to be American we too would move. Note the fact that no one is budging except for you.

That is not true Sal, there are plenty of Canadians who would desire Canada becoming the 51st state, and plenty of websites with this goal in mind, created by Canadians.

I was born in Canada and as far as my birth certificate says Canadian... and yes I would love to see a unified North America.

Now "moving" no MOVED. I live in Arlington, Texas. May be buying a home in Arizona... The only 2 states in the Union worth a dam, Texas & Arizona..

Everywhere else is to dam Liberal


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
As far as water, with "climate change" the south is in a droubt.. The US is looking at Canada as a source of water, maybe a irrigation pipe from Canada to the Arizina and West Texas..

The Rio Grande because of irrigation is nothing but a ditch now.. No water or river anymore.

...and Canada will hand it over just like their Oil, Timber and Fisheries

Well then a state called Canada would be wa-aa-ay too liberal for you then anyhow so why bother crowing about it?

Resources and taxes.. Why else..


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
How to explain this.

You hear lots of damngrumpy's views, lots of my views, because we chat, intentionally, day in and day out about... our views.

But what you don't get from these forums is necessarily the weight of those views.

the fact that he's expressed views that aren't in line with left leaning people in your area, doesn't mean those are his CORE issues, his deal breakers.

You certainly don't decide your party affiliation based on them fitting all your views, right? There are key views, crucial to you, that decide which way you vote. What makes a person left or right leaning isn't simply whether or not they hold ANY left or right views.

Well DG's views are far right EXCEPT to slam the GOP and Tea Party because they are the GOP and the Tea Party. That's what makes me laugh about his posts. Not laughing at him but at his posts. For a short time I was putting a pic of Dr. Jekyll underneath his right wing (far right wing I might add) posts and a pic of Mr. Hyde under his anti-GOP rants. There were many more pics of Dr. Jekyll. I got bored with that after awhile.

As far as water, with "climate change" the south is in a droubt.. The US is looking at Canada as a source of water, maybe a irrigation pipe from Canada to the Arizina and West Texas..

The Rio Grande because of irrigation is nothing but a ditch now.. No water or river anymore.

...and Canada will hand it over just like their Oil, Timber and Fisheries

Shoot... the Quabbin was over flowing and they still say were in a drought so they can keep water bans in place.

Now which "South" were you talking about?


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Hmmmm....The US absorbing Canada. Though the "United States of Canada"
has a nice ring to it, I think it wouldn't be a feasible concept at this point in time.

Why does it have to be only that way? How about Canada 2.0? Canada: The Sequel? Canada:Southern Version Eh? :D


Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
America was once united by culture and creed.

When was this?

"Historically, American identity has had two primary components: culture and creed. The first has been the values and institutions of the original settlers, who were Northern European, primarily British, and Christian, primarily Protestant. This culture included most importantly the English language and traditions concerning relations between church and state and the place of the individual in society. Over the course of three centuries, black people were slowly and only partially assimilated into this culture. Immigrants from western, southern, and eastern Europe were more fully assimilated, and the original culture evolved and was modified but not fundamentally altered as a result. In The Next American Nation, Michael Lind captures the broad outlines of this evolution when he argues that American culture developed through three phases: Anglo-America (1789-1861), Euro-America (1875-1957), and Multicultural America (1972-present). The cultural definition of national identity assumes that while the culture may change, it has a basic continuity.

The second component of American identity has been a set of universal ideas and principles articulated in the founding documents by American leaders: liberty, equality, democracy, constitutionalism, liberalism, limited government, private enterprise. These constitute what Gunnar Myrdal termed the American Creed, and the popular consensus on them has been commented on by foreign observers from Crevecoeur and Tocqueville down to the present. This identity was neatly summed up by Richard Hofstadter: "It has been our fate as a nation not to have ideologies but to be one."

These dual sources of identity are, of course, closely related. The creed was a product of the culture. Now, however, the end of the Cold War and social, intellectual, and demographic changes in American society have brought into question the validity and relevance of both traditional components of American identity. Without a sure sense of national identity, Americans have become unable to define their national interests, and as a result subnational commercial interests and transnational and nonnational ethnic interests have come to dominate foreign policy...."

The Erosion of American National Interests | Foreign Affairs

I think Canadians all are a little more right than they think.

Initially you would be right about them voting Democrat, but I think (IMO) Canadians would go more right of center when they actually get to experience what it is to be dominated by US Liberals.

The only thing that would save Canada is the cold winters.

The people of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta remind me of the way Americans once were. The rest of Canada is leftist with its naive belief in good and evil. A union between Canada and America would cure Canadians of their naivete...and not in a good way.

I think of America as being lost on its way to Babylon. For the love of God I don't want that to happen to the good people of Canada.

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
"Historically, American identity has had two primary components: culture and creed.
Now it seems to be "vulture and greed".
The people of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta remind me of the way Americans once were.
You've apparently missed rural BC.
I think of America as being lost on its way to Babylon. For the love of God I don't want that to happen to the good people of Canada.
I don't think it will. The cheese sucks, 6 beers means 6 trips to the head, the bipolar politics is worse than ours, etc. lol
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