U.S.A. should help Greece fight fires

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire

No one said Greece has to beg the United States for help. But really I don't know what your issue is. Greece isn't exactly in the middle of nowhere. It's in Europe, it's part of the EU a stones throw away from a dozen countries. Nobody anywhere in the world lifted a finger to help, not even members of the EU, until the Prime Minister called for a plea for help TOWARDS the EU.

That phrase carries political weight, whether you or I, like it or not, that's politics. You ask a specific group for AID and assistance, then that group will or will not respond. I mean really, how many countries are there in the EU at the moment? I lost count personally. And big countries like France are sending 4 planes to help their OWN neighbor in distress.

When I first heard that, personally I thought that was shameful. France, Germany and the UK should have been at Greece's side within HOURS of the fires, BUT, they weren't giving any help until they were asked. And even then they sent help analogous to a Five Alarm fire in New York, which is ludicrous. What is going on in Greece is a catastrophe of "biblical proportions". You're talking 25% of the entire country is on fire.

Now they can send all the planes they want, when fire such as these get going, especially under dry windy conditions, there is no stopping them, ask any North American Forest Firefighter, they just keep on burning till there is nothing left to burn anymore. That's the cold reality of it.

And on another note, the Greek politicians keep pissing money away on idiotic social programs and have no money left for infrastructure. I mean come on! Their freakin firefighters run around in shorts putting out fires. And don't deny it, because I have LIVED in Greece and I can tell you that's the way it is.

Anyway, this is all i can find.

"We express condolences for the lives lost and our sympathy and support to the government and people of Greece as they combat these deadly fires. USAID is closely monitoring the situation and stands ready to provide additional assistance if needed," said Acting Administrator Fore.




Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
As a member of NATO, the USA and all of the membership is obligated to assist in the efforts to solve the problem. Whatever technology is available should be utilized for those purposes. Of course, the USA has its own natural disasters such as floods and forest fires -- these problems must not be overlooked while we help overseas.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Gopher good point and thank you for taking that stand.

The U.S. does indeed have commitments to international disasters - and I think you know deep down they answer the requests - as many as are given out - but this call for assistance and expectation it is the responsibility of the U.S. is just the backwash from the United Nations always appointing the U.S. to be its disaster coordinator, military machine and food/equipment supplier....so much so the people of the world automatically expect the U.S. to save them in their troubles.

Greece is part of the EU as ITN has written - in a fire situation you want the closest possible assistance and the U.S. just isn't the ideal location.

But to you and all the people who love to pick away at the U.S. - have your nagging day.
Next you'll be writing the fires were started by the U.S.

Question: Why are we ignoring these fires were started by the terrorist movement which is sliming around the EU nations - and nobody says a word much less insists these neanderthals should be locked away from humans in a prison built especially for them.


New Member
Aug 29, 2007

Greece was handeling the fires as you would normally handle fires...the reason why the went out of control was because of the dry weather and wind (the fastest way to spread forest fires)...We are talking about a country that is on fire (not a state....like california),why shouldnt ppl help...If you ask the question where was greece when Katrina hit New Orleans, I would liek to ak you the question where was your government( good old texan, george bush)...but we all know the awnser is he was to busy making his ass rich by killing countless inocent ppl in his so called war on terror....hmmm terror...the fires in greece were started by certain individuals to clear land so that they can buy it and develope it...because the only way u can buy land on montains to build is only if there was a forest fire and the land was cleared (happens almost every summe rin greece)...or the worst being a terorist group causing trouble for the elections comming up....either way its a terrorist act....if the united states is so keen on fighting terror here is thier chance...go help out...but i guess its not worth it since they would be able to make any money out of it....where was greece when katrina happend u say..like we can do anything about that...we arent one of the richest countries in the world...all i kno is that the u.s is using cypruss...a very strong greek ally(it is supposed to be a greek island)... to move troops (injured) out of iraq...im sure they are travellign in our waters to get thier troops and carriers there too..........you do the rest of the thinking.........im sure it wounldnt be to hard to figure it out...


Jun 23, 2006
There is an issue of sovereignty here. If a country were to rush in with aircraft and firefighting equipment WITHOUT first being asked, it could be construed as incredibly un-diplomatic, possibly even an act of war.

It's simply something you don't do as a nation. Of course the USA could offer to help, but maybe they already did and we just don't know about it?

I would also say it'd be much more realistic to get help from neighboring countries rather than one on the opposite side of the atlantic.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
On the news I think they said it would take the planes from Canada 5-7 days to make it across, after all the extra gear is packed onto the planes...

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
These planes were offered by three provinces. As I alluded to before, there is very little the Canadian government can do.

I believe those three provinces are Canadian provinces - just as Canadian as the C in those planes' registrations. Since Canada has no national forestry service....



New Member
Aug 29, 2007
yeah its not practical to send plans across the atlantic...but the USA shouldnt make naive statements like we have a forest fire in cali..or where wer eyou when katrina happened...the north american press wasnt too sympathetic when we FIRST started seeing greek forest fires on tv...they were critisizing the greek ppl...saying we didnt haddle it well...its a slap on the face...its liek we were being called stupid...from a tactical point i agree that its pointless too send planes across the atlantic...but again i otn liek how the americans rufused...they alway make it about themselves..

P.S. thnx to all the ppl who are donating money to the red cross in canada to help...and thnx to all the nations that are helping greece fight the fires..

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire

You're Greek? Good, then you very well know that the Greek forest firefighters are ill equipped to handle anything of much lesser magnitude, let alone something like this. You don't put out fires using the local houses' water hose, and you certainly will not get anything accomplished wearing shorts, sandals and chubby firefighters. That's the sad reality of Greece's firefighting capabilities.

The US sent 100,000 US dollars in AID, immediately, so Greece can upgrade their firefighting infrastructer (of course we both know where the money will end up) and is open to send anything else Greece asks for.

WTF else do you want? The EU is just as rich as the US. Stuff it.


New Member
Aug 29, 2007
curiosity thnx for the refrence...most of my attacks were out of anger to some stupid comments all over the internet made by americans....i apologise...but user "i think not" could bite me...F you....once again thnx curiosity..well handled


Jun 23, 2006
paokora, I know there often seem like good reasons to be anti-USA but most of this, I think, is down to media conditioning. There are good things about the USA and bad things about Canada, also bad things about Greece, i'm sure.

In defence of "I think not" or ITN, as we usually call him, he gets a lot of anti-american feelings pished in his direction and he gets tired of it, since most of it is poorly thought-out, and often based on lies or misconceptions.


New Member
Aug 29, 2007
By the way my cousin is one of the actual fire fighters fighting the fire...the other ppl you see in flip flops ect...are citizens that are helping...they are givin wtv the fire fighters can spare...dotn be naive and think our fire fighting force uses hoses form houses...its a time of desperation and that is what they have close to them to help...its one thing to be under supplied and another to have trouble supplying ppl....and the reason why you see old ppl beating on fires with branches is becuae they arnt enough ppl to help fight fires...and they are trying to save thier houses...life isnt as wasy there as it easy here...by easy i mean financially...alot of these ppl can afford insurance...we are talkion about ppl in villages...i cant exactly defend the greek government becuase im sure we dont exaclty have top equipment in fire fighting either...and obviously the government didnt try improving it..my political party osnt even in power...im just defendign the greek ppl...that are trying to do what they can to protect thier homes


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

When you are angry at the U.S. you are angry at 300 million people - many of whom are from places all over the world - including Greece.

It is like trying to hate the sun - it is of such a large dimension.

The U.S. represents the possibility of success to many - and when they fail to create success for others, they are damned for it.

Within the U.S. there are many problems and the people (even the undocumented who constantly migrate into its huge nation)...have to be taken care of first. Then the rest of the world if it is possible.

People in the U.S. get tired and angry when they see insults aimed at them in particular and I can't blame them. The individual American citizen has no more control over government spending than you do - as a citizen of Greece. It is like blaming the sun as well.

People who live within the nation have as many problems and fears as you do - only in greater numbers.

I have a question: I see two causes being reported of the initial fire-setting.

(1) Terrorists

(2) Developers who wanted to build on forested land so they destroyed the native growth.

Do you have any answers yet as to the origins?


New Member
Aug 29, 2007
yeah i understand...im not exactly anti-us...i have no problem with americans...its jsut that they always make thingsd about them...i hated comments i heared about greece not helping US when katrina happened so US should help Greece..so im acting out...thats what pissed me off..i was refered to the page where money was sent to greece for help..which was new news to me..and as a greek i am thankfull...also before anybody makes stupid comments about how greece handled it..remeber that its the bigest forest fires in 50...and use logic...ppl in general arnt stupid...american arnt stupid, canadiens arent stupid...greeks arnt stupid armenian, chineses..ect....the world isnt stupid..greece is trying to handle it as well as they can...i blame the government...alot of heros are being born with this tradegy...and i dotn only mean greek

i am sryy if i offeneded anybody..i was jsut trying to protect my nationality...and u were protecting urs...all cool


New Member
Aug 29, 2007
yeah..its unlikely that its terrorists...its probably developers...but they picked a stupid time to do it because of the weather...this happens almost every summer...and its not easy to prevent...ppl have been arested with stupid reason but im sure they also caught ppl with good reasons...


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
As a member of NATO, the USA and all of the membership is obligated to assist in the efforts to solve the problem. Whatever technology is available should be utilized for those purposes. Of course, the USA has its own natural disasters such as floods and forest fires -- these problems must not be overlooked while we help overseas.

Where in the NATO Charter does it say that NATO members must come to the aid of other NATO members with regards to forest fires or anything else?

How many Greeks are in Afghanistan?