Trump’s Climate Plans Just Made the Media’s Heads Explode


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
"Welcome to the suck, guys. It's only just beginning..."

It was great – a bit like that No Pressure video that the enviro-loons made a few years ago, only better because this time the victims weren’t blameless schoolchildren but grisly, puffed-up, righteously eco, Trump-and-Brexit-hating TV and newspaper Environment Correspondents, all of whom hate my guts. (They hate yours too, so don’t get smug.)

The occasion was a press conference hosted by the Global Warming Policy Foundation for Myron Ebell, head of the Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency transition team. Satan’s Emissary, as liberals prefer to think of him.

Ebell had come to tell them about Trump’s plans for the environment and energy, which I won’t repeat here because you know them already. (It’s going to be beautiful, that’s all you need to remember.)

No, the reason I went wasn’t to hear what Ebell had to say but to watch how his audience reacted.

You know that scene in The Omenwhen Damien’s parents try to take him into a church? It was a bit like that. Or maybe the one in The Exorcist, where Regan’s head does a 360 degree spin.

They hated it. (Especially the bit where Ebell told them that Trump would definitely be pulling the U.S. out of the Paris climate treaty) They couldn’t believe what they were hearing. They curled their lips. They laced their questions with the bitterest scorn. But they didn’t really tune into Ebell’s measured, silken, soft-spoken answers because, hell, they knew what he was saying just had to be wrong and they didn’t really understand what he meant anyway.

The reporter who set the tone – and if nothing else, you’ve got to admire his honesty – was the one from Channel 4 News who told Ebell: “It will occur to you that this room is full of people like myself who consider that nothing you say has any basis in fact. So what you’ve been telling us is essentially meaningless.”

Ebell replied with some painful home truths. “Elections are surprising things…” he began and went on to explain to the mystified audience why and how it was that Brexit happened and Trump happened.

Basically, he argued – perhaps channelling Michael Gove – people have had enough of the “Expertariat”. And with good reason: “The expert class is full of arrogance and hubris.”


DELINGPOLE: Trump's Climate Plans Just Made the Media's Heads Explode

video of the event



Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
So we have a Delingpole link dated January 31 (and seems to have very little to do with the subject) and an hour of linked yammer. Is there anything a person can read without viruses and phishing sites attached? I certainly won't take your word or Trump's that this is gonna be great


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Is there anything a person can read without viruses and phishing sites attached?

are you new to the internet mate? do you even browser? :lol:

but seriously (maybe), list your detected virus list and phishing warnings from the OP links, if you even know what those are.

I'll wait.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
are you new to the internet mate? do you even browser? :lol:

but seriously (maybe), list your detected virus list and phishing warnings from the OP links, if you even know what those are.

I'll wait.
Don't need to. You're just another troll with better con than some ... and, I suspect, some major insecurity issues


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So we have a Delingpole link dated January 31 (and seems to have very little to do with the subject) and an hour of linked yammer. Is there anything a person can read without viruses and phishing sites attached? I certainly won't take your word or Trump's that this is gonna be great

It will be great. There's no way out of great.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Don't need to. You're just another troll with better con than some ... and, I suspect, some major insecurity issues

It was obvious you had nothing.

Now leave the internet and your opinions of it to those of us that are familiar with it m'kay. ;-)


Executive Branch Member
Apr 12, 2013
A few times, I've given polar bears crew cuts and then went into an Inuit village and dragged some unsuspecting person away. I fed them to the bear. But that's not the strange part of the story. I was so overcome with remorse, I made the other members of that Inuit family come out and apologize to the bear. Of course, the bear ate them too, because animals have no feelings.

The remorse went away as I sat there and watched.

The moral of the story is, the Japanese make lousy swimwear.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
I twitch toward Trump cuz he's gfot a sence of humour. His smile is genuine.,

He has lots of hair.

Hair dosn't grow on concrete.

It does grow on ripe fruit.

And dead bunniesw and bambis.

The whole country belongs to Nova Scotia and Quebec the rest of you are squaters. Easily suppressed frointer types


Electoral Member
Feb 17, 2017
What the problem is with the USA is that the media consider themselves part of the intellectual class. And the intellectual class beleive that they have the right to tell you how to live your life because they are so much brighter than you are. They know what's best for you even when it isn't. But since they aren't being forced to live ways they do not want why should they care what happens to you?

Because they really can't force you without getting beaten senseless, they resort to trying to generate fear in you for things around you that they can blame on you. The lies continue to get more and more obvious because at first hand they appear to succeed.

Then suddenly it blows up in their faces and it is YOUR fault and not theirs. Then can then only double down on every lie. To raise the ante and find more and more reasons why you should FEAR and do their bidding.

We have had the Democrats twisting the American black around their fingers with 200 years out of date idea that whites owed them for slavery. When they show pictures of the Civil War do you see pictures of the actual units now? No you see individual pictures of black Union soldiers. In no way to belittle their contributions but 660,000 mostly WHITE soldiers gave their lives willingly in support of the idea of an end to slavery. Wasn't the destruction of entire families enough for a 2017 black who thinks that the American taxpayer should give him a free college education while others have to pay their own way?

The Democrats are now crying about illegal alien's rights. And the "racism" of delaying entry of immigrants and visitors from only 7 countries that they themselves had labeled "countries of grave concern" only months before. We have a Federal Judge in Seattle deciding WHAT is legal without quoting the specific law he was ruling on. Then we have an appellate court backing him up AGAIN not noting what the law was under which they could do so. Do you know why? Because that law - the McCarran-Walter Act was written and passed by Democrats in 1952. It has been law for 65 years without a challenge but has been challenged now for what? Legal reasons? No, this will absolutely fail before the Supreme Court.

This has been challenged to support this: Islamic Civ Prof Tries to Justify Rape and Slavery

As you can see, the intellectuals are so intellectual after all. The media is willing to do absolutely anything to retain their believed power and the only things the population of this country can do is simply walk away from them.

Will Canada remain socialist-liberal? Will the hospitals lining the American side of the border still have long lists of Canadians with illnesses that Canada's socialized medical system just will never get around to treating? Will Canadians continue to believe that they cannot do for themselves even when they are forced to do for themselves anyway? Will we continue to see Canadians that are so depressed that they have a suicide rate 90% the US with all of the US's problems?

Canadians - ask yourself - is YOUR media running your government?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Canadians - ask yourself - is YOUR media running your government?

I cut out all the other crap because it was just that.

In answer to your question regarding my country, NO - the media is not running the government - much as you might like to believe that is so. Nor, is the media running the US government - though from what I see of the debacle taking place down there, they couldn't do a worse job then is being done by the current administration.