Trudeau Liberals surge ahead over Conservatives


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Dam right I am. I am a real and true conservative so why would I not vote for a real and true conservative party that, sadly for me, is fighting for your rights and freedoms also. Bills C-10 and C-36 should woke brain dead people like you up as to what is happening in Canada today. You appear to be one of those stupid majority Canadians who could be easily convinced that the sky is falling down. Your vote for those other three buffoons mentioned WILL be a wasted vote, fool.

So, are you still going to waste your vote on the likes of comrades Turdeau, Singh or O'Tool? Those traitors mentioned are fighting to take your rights and freedoms away, fool. Sadly, you are to brain dead to realize that. I am trying to save this pathetic country while you appear to be trying to destroy it. Go away, fool. (n)
But as one who has lived his entire life on the left coast , I can see how disfunctional Canada is and in its present format will never be fixed . Consequently I will support seperatism or whoever is close . It is bound to happen and the sooner the better economically and socially. IMHO .


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't disagree with you at all more conservative choices are a good thing, personally I will vote for the best interest of the West and right now Bernier and the Toole ain't it

I'll just leave this here as well for a reference

Scheer defeats Bernier at CPC leadership convention | CTV News
Moments after the win, Scheer acknowledged the field and in particular thanked Bernier -- who appeared to be fighting back tears of disappointment -- and his other leadership rivals for their ...

Bernier attacks Scheer and leaves Conservatives to start ...
Bernier lost the Conservative leadership race last year by a hair in a nail-biting contest to Scheer. Bernier led the Conservative leadership race throughout, placing first in votes throughout the race's first 12 rounds before, finally, Scheer edged him out 50.95 per cent to 49.05 per cent in the final round.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Dam right I am. I am a real and true conservative so why would I not vote for a real and true conservative party that, sadly for me, is fighting for your rights and freedoms also. Bills C-10 and C-36 should woke brain dead people like you up as to what is happening in Canada today. You appear to be one of those stupid majority Canadians who could be easily convinced that the sky is falling down. Your vote for those other three buffoons mentioned WILL be a wasted vote, fool.

So, are you still going to waste your vote on the likes of comrades Turdeau, Singh or O'Tool? Those traitors mentioned are fighting to take your rights and freedoms away, fool. Sadly, you are to brain dead to realize that. I am trying to save this pathetic country while you appear to be trying to destroy it. Go away, fool. (n)
Bernier doesn't give a shit about you, just your donations.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I dunno - I read his policies before the last election and there was nothing "extreme" in any of them. So, taxme is correct - it's the opposition and media that have targeted him as an extremist when, in fact, his policies were quite good and beneficial to the country as a whole. With the Conservatives not really having the "balls" to combat some of the crap being laid on Canadians, I might seriously take a look at him come the next election. But, we'll see. I definitely can't vote for NDP, Liberals or Greens and, as I stated previously, the Conservatives aren't "calling" to me either even though I am a Conservative so what's left?
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House Member
May 18, 2010
Why is it the “right” keep spitting up all the time because one of them thinks he knows what policies the right needs to get elected??

First we had the Reform party split out because it had all the right answers, and as a result it managed to keep the Liberals on power for 13+ years, but the only way the right got elected again was to combine with their old roots, Conservatives.

Then a similar issue materialized in AB where the Wild Rose party grew up and as a result AB got the NDP Gov elected and the only way the right could get back in was to unite the two right wing parties.

When does the right learn what it takes to lose an election and how to win an election??

You don’t see the Libs or NDP splitting up all the time, they seem to be able to stay with common values but the right just can’t seem to get its crap together and unite around common values and goals.

Hasn’t the Right ever heard of the expression, United we stand, Divided we fall ??
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Why is it the “right” keep spitting up all the time because one of them thinks he knows what policies the right needs to get elected??

First we had the Reform party split out because it had all the right answers, and as a result it managed to keep the Liberals on power for 13+ years, but the only way the right got elected again was to combine with their old roots, Conservatives.

Then a similar issue materialized in AB where the Wild Rose party grew up and as a result AB got the NDP Gov elected and the only way the right could get back in was to unite the two right wing parties.

When does the right learn what it takes to lose an election and how to win an election??

You don’t see the Libs or NDP splitting up all the time, they seem to be able to stay with common values but the right just can’t seem to get its crap together and unite around common values and goals.

Hasn’t the Right ever heard of the expression, United we stand, Divided we fall ??
How can one support a Conservative party that is trying to out Liberal the Liberals ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
How can one support a Conservative party that is trying to out Liberal the Liberals ?
Seems like political parties are all trying for the lowest intelligence voter. That seems to be the majority these days. Tough to win an election by promising good government instead of freebies.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Why is it the “right” keep spitting up all the time because one of them thinks he knows what policies the right needs to get elected??

First we had the Reform party split out because it had all the right answers, and as a result it managed to keep the Liberals on power for 13+ years, but the only way the right got elected again was to combine with their old roots, Conservatives.

Then a similar issue materialized in AB where the Wild Rose party grew up and as a result AB got the NDP Gov elected and the only way the right could get back in was to unite the two right wing parties.

When does the right learn what it takes to lose an election and how to win an election??

You don’t see the Libs or NDP splitting up all the time, they seem to be able to stay with common values but the right just can’t seem to get its crap together and unite around common values and goals.

Hasn’t the Right ever heard of the expression, United we stand, Divided we fall ??
But who wants to be united with religious fruitcakes? They will just cost votes in the long run.
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Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
Hardline conservatives are handing this to Trudeau on a silver platter. They'll piss and moan when he gets re-elected, but they are helping him in the polls.
Yup. The CPC is a party in disarray, no more able to instill confidence in the minds of voters than they are able to find any common ground within their party. Still, as much as another term of Liberal buffoonery is not particularly inviting, it is still a better choice than handing the keys to the country over to a party that is totally out of touch with what is important to most Canadians, and willfully blind to the part they play in maintaining a status quo that is clearly out of whack. I think the best thing that could happen is that the NDP would gain enough seats to become a clear message that change is in the wind. I don't think they're ready to take over, but in my mind a vote for the CPC is a vote for same-old.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
That has always been a thought of mine, that enough independents in parliament to consitute a swing vote would go a long away to keeping the major parties in line. The trouble is find people of integrity to run.

IMO Independent is likely the best way to go.

Unless someone steps up to be an actual leader, no party right now is worth voting for. If the Cons actually listened to Canadians - like they said they do - they might have a chance but...

They're just as horrible as the Liberals, IMO.