Trudeau Is Going To Bury Us In Debt


House Member
May 18, 2010

And now, we get to the inflation problem, and how to invest around it. Canada has the highest debt/GDP in the world. I repeat. HIGHEST IN THE WORLD. See the chart below. Our children will inherit this problem. Rising interest rates will inevitably make it more difficult to service this debt burden – for governments and individuals. Taxes will have to rise to pay for it. At the same time, inflation is skyrocketing. The basic necessities of life – housing, food, transportation – are becoming increasingly unaffordable. And yet, what did our Liberal finance minister announce in her budget? More spending. More programs. More deficits. More debt.

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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008

And now, we get to the inflation problem, and how to invest around it. Canada has the highest debt/GDP in the world. I repeat. HIGHEST IN THE WORLD. See the chart below. Our children will inherit this problem. Rising interest rates will inevitably make it more difficult to service this debt burden – for governments and individuals. Taxes will have to rise to pay for it. At the same time, inflation is skyrocketing. The basic necessities of life – housing, food, transportation – are becoming increasingly unaffordable. And yet, what did our Liberal finance minister announce in her budget? More spending. More programs. More deficits. More debt.

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And around and around we go .
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I have some sound advice for Trudeau.

Your flow changes and so should your Tampax. Only Tampax has 5 sizes. If it hurts to remove, go down. If it leaks, go up.

What's your combo?
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
Canada's Money Pit Fiscally Responsible? Generations Will Have To Pay For Deficit!

Two of the most disgraceful communist traitors to Canada that we have ever seen or ever had. With those two buffoons running Canada, can there be much left of Canada when they are finished with Canada in three more years? We are not going broke? We are phukn broke. Go, Polievre, go. Go, Maxine, go. The two should join together as one party. (y)
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Time Out
Feb 11, 2020
This week, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland will table the 2022 federal budget, which will position Canada for a post-pandemic world and set the tone for the country’s next decade –– or at least until 2026, should the recent Liberal-NDP deal stay intact.

While all federal budgets are important, this one is especially so, not only because of the impacts of COVID-19 and the new world disorder sparked by Russia’s Ukraine invasion, but because Canada itself is in a very precarious economic position.

Canada’s GDP growth has been slowing since 2014 and, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), will see the worst per capita GDP growth among advanced economies over not just the next ten years, but until at least 2060. Our debt indicators are also flashing red, and our national productivity lags behind peer nations.

…& the Budget will balance itself….
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To be clear, this forecast of economic decline isn’t a worldwide phenomenon, but a Canada-specific one. For nearly a half-century, the rest of the advanced world will mostly grow richer as we grow poorer and fall evermore behind. The rest at the link:

Globalist Freeland is just seen here praying to her hero Klaus Schwab, her globalist WEF hero and mentor. She needs to lose weight, the fat bitch. LOL.


Time Out
Feb 11, 2020

And now, we get to the inflation problem, and how to invest around it. Canada has the highest debt/GDP in the world. I repeat. HIGHEST IN THE WORLD. See the chart below. Our children will inherit this problem. Rising interest rates will inevitably make it more difficult to service this debt burden – for governments and individuals. Taxes will have to rise to pay for it. At the same time, inflation is skyrocketing. The basic necessities of life – housing, food, transportation – are becoming increasingly unaffordable. And yet, what did our Liberal finance minister announce in her budget? More spending. More programs. More deficits. More debt.

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It's so true. The borrowing of more money from the globalist banksters means more inflation. It makes no sense to me as to why this dip shit of a PM and his bitch Freeland keeps on borrowing more money. There has to be something in this for those two nitwits to keep doing this? But what? A job with some big bankster outfit when they retire after they have totally wrecked the Canadian economy?

Just think that with the help of the communist NDP party the lefty liberals will be able to do a lot more borrowing from the banksters in the next three years and this should bankrupt Canada forever. Canada will never be able to recover after those two fools are finished with what was once a great conservative English speaking country. Those two fools will blame everybody else, but themselves, for what they have done to Canada and Canadians.

What a fkn messed up country that we live in today. We already see as to what liberalism, socialism, communism and environmentalism has done to this once great nation called Canada. The only way out of this bloody mess is to get a real and true conservative into power like a Trump. Maxine Bernier appears to be that real and true conservative like Trump guy that Canada really needs today. Sadly, probably 95% of the peasants out there will still vote for their demise as usual. They never seem to want to listen or learn from their past mistakes. Maybe it's time over due to stop giving a shit. Maybe that will work for me. :unsure:
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You said you had the hots for her?? ;)
At first I had quite a bit of respect for Freeland, but I'm starting to notice she can be a bit of a Drama Queen and I don't see her ever disagreeing with Justin! She should be replaced, I think.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island

And now, we get to the inflation problem, and how to invest around it. Canada has the highest debt/GDP in the world. I repeat. HIGHEST IN THE WORLD. See the chart below. Our children will inherit this problem. Rising interest rates will inevitably make it more difficult to service this debt burden – for governments and individuals. Taxes will have to rise to pay for it. At the same time, inflation is skyrocketing. The basic necessities of life – housing, food, transportation – are becoming increasingly unaffordable. And yet, what did our Liberal finance minister announce in her budget? More spending. More programs. More deficits. More debt.

View attachment 13188
Not too long ago flossy was proclaiming that debt doesn't matter. I guess when you live in your parent's basement it doesn't matter.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Not too long ago flossy was proclaiming that debt doesn't matter. I guess when you live in your parent's basement it doesn't matter.
Debt while often bad is only one side of the ledger! The burning question is what's on the other side of the ledger? In Canada, for starters, it's likely $trillions of untapped resources. Maybe we should start (cautiously) dipping into this, but definitely not in the manner Justin did two years ago (shovelling it out the back door with no accounting for it)

Nick Danger

Council Member
Jul 21, 2013
Penticton, BC
It's short-sighted to simply say "stop spending" without some reference as to where cuts could and should be made. There is also the potential to offset some spending by increasing revenues, there's money to had from from places where people have way more than they need. Yes, I'm taling about the corporate sector and the ultra rich. In the last fifty years, since the onset of neo-liberal economics, taxes on high-end earners both private and corporate have steadily dropped, often with the excuse of "trickle down economics" which has proven to be a myth. In Canada the top one percent control 25% of the nations wealth, whereas the bottom forty percent control 1.1%. You think there isn't room for a little re-balancing there ?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
More jealousy of the successful? What happens when the rich are broke and Corporations are essentially Crowns under the CRA? Where will money come from?