Trudeau GUILTY of Conflict of Interest.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Yes it's like the way abused kids should thank a priest for a day off.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I'm sure that there are more University degrees held in this generation of my family that in your entire neighbourhood, pigs.
Even simple Logic dictates that in making a FACKTFREE statement like that, it's certain you are incorrect.

Ummm...Re "Neighbourhood". BTW, Mr Ed: That's " 'neigh' bor hood " and what you are counting in your family there looks to be a collective IQ total, not the number of university degrees.

Maybe if you total every one in the family's slo pitch batting averages you might make three digits and break a Hundred.

Funny, after all the lies about trump, when a liebarral is CONVICTED guilty, you liebarrels don't care, which is why we real Canadians don't care much about what YOU fakenews tards think.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Seeing how all they didn't do was deregulate, your idea is to thank them for doing nothing?
IN the same way I would thank them for keeping us out of the Iraq war.

Thanks for doing nothing and preventing the senseless killing of Canadians

Harper would have had us in there dying by the dozen


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The Canadian banking system saved Canada from financial ruin in 2008

If you want to understand how and why - ffs go read something for once in your life.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The Canadian banking system saved Canada from financial ruin in 2008
If you want to understand how and why - ffs go read something for once in your life.
The Canadian government helped save General Motors.

I have no idea why.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Neither do I, except to say it was Harper in charge so it was party time for corporate welfare.

The American real estate collapse of 2008 did not make its way into Canada because our banking system would not allow the irresponsible lending practices that led to the entire sub prime debacle.

When Bush and Blair spear-headed that particular deregulation folly Martin and Cretien told them thanks but no thanks.

Just like in the Iraq War - Canada would have been in both of those quagmires had Harper been in power at that time.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
He went before the ethics committee and was found guilty so how how is that getting away without any consequences. That would be the Cons and their failure to catch SNC and then trying to bail their asses out. The lost the election, big flaw in their plan to bail out some crooks in Montreal.
Harper not being in jail is what a gift looks like rather than he did no wrong. Might as well say Bill and Hilary are saints rather than cold-blooded killers.

Being found guilty isn't a consequence. It's not unlike me saying to you that you're bad/a thief for stealing a chocolate bar or whatever item you may have "lifted" but nothing else happens to you for doing it. That's not a consequence.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
It was a waste in trying to save anything related to the rust belt in the east
Tell that to the many that lost their homes... It will make them feel so much better
It's about to happen again in the bigliest of ways.

"Your homes are not ATMs, people!"


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Neither do I, except to say it was Harper in charge so it was party time for corporate welfare.
McGuinty got the ball rolling on the bail-out dumb ass. You know, since Ontario was the hub of the auto industry. But hey, why bother dealing with facts now? You've never bothered with them before.