I tend to believe what you just said...considering the youth of to-dayDouble that. mark my words.
They say that insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.
I tend to believe what you just said...considering the youth of to-dayDouble that. mark my words.
Arghh hhh.
Thanks Gerry.
Cap isn't just a member, he's the president.
Instead of admitting you clicked on the wrong post ...you go into a long deflection, typical of someone who will never admit to a mistake.
And in that post of yours, you sound as if you been taking lessons from Megabutthurtz
Like all leftoids you only appreciate satyre when it's directed at the other side.
The forum member that wrote that piece for the beaverton must be laughing his head off..
Unbelievable. If you're not fighting every day for what you believe in don't bother voting.
Canadian Values as you describe are what elected the Liberals.
I am not a Liberal but the people did not like the new values being
imposed. Division, Autocracy and one man rule by control freak
The real unfortunate thing is this, the values presented by Harper
were not in many cases supported by main street conservatives
in society and they in turn voted Liberal to get rid of this government.
In turn many NDP voted Liberal because the NDP forgot who their
base was and abandoned them in the end in a bid for power much
like Harper did to gain power. Young people determined what the new
and base values are.
More environmental issues more social sharing and more open
governance more freedom for scientists and more infrastructure.
When a government receives the mandate like the Liberals did it comes
because the government in power was not living by the values Canadians
expected of them and that is exactly what happened. There are far more
urban areas than rural ones and if you look at the map the Conservative
values pertain to a rural Canada while the youth and urban Canadians
want values different from what we were getting. the map shows what might
well happen south of us in the American Election Large urban centers
Democrat rural America with less population Republican, and that is what
happened To make it short in summery Conservative values were NOT
Canadian values and Harper lost.
That vapid satirical piece filled with all the evidence needed to condemn the efforts of the mindless and shallow for their part in electing a drama teacher to the PMO. Is your reply?
4 years of priceless entertainment.
I did not vote for the liberals and I am concerned for the future of Canada and I'm going to watch and fight them to the best of my ability if I see them going against the Canadian values that I want to continue and improve on so I'm hopeful Boomer and all the others who, for what ever reason that only they would be able to decipher, can't resist posting, hence cluttering up, the CP thread with non elitist issues will use this thread to collate all their non relevant issues.......
You don't say...I did not vote for the liberals and I am concerned for the future of Canada and I'm going to watch and fight them to the best of my ability...
So you're going to fight against JT's wrong doings, by attacking an ex PM and reporters whose political positions you don't like.As most of us are wondering who are these bestial religious fanatics who would slaughter the innocent, and then blow themselves up happily, then there is the Con media in this country, trying to use that tragedy to attack Justin Trudeau.
Like Joe Warmington, the dumb as a spoon Sun columnist going after Trudeau before he could be briefed and issue a statement.
Or John Ivison, his fellow Postmedia hoofer, tap-dancing for his bosses, by trying to link the Paris massacre to Trudeau's decision to end our tiny bombing mission in Iraq.
Guess who brought his Twitter account back from the dead yesterday so he could tweet this...
Which strongly suggests to me how he REALLY must be feeling...