Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Probably doesn't hurt that back in the days before central heating, Canadian winters being what they were, being an asshole could mean you'd freeze to death.
There's that too. There's nothing quite like the threat of sudden frozen death to keep you on good terms with the neighbors.

Plus they helped put up your barn and all, so there's that.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
I think climate had much to do with it as well. There is a huge difference between north and south US in terms of temperature. Overall, Canada is just cold. Civil war times the NOrth was very industrialized, along with agriculture, while the south was predominately agricultural, and a very labour intensive agricultural at that.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022

Quebec MNAs call for dismissal of anti-Islamophobia advisor​

The minister responsible for secularism, Jean-François Roberge, denounced Amira Elghawaby's pejorative remarks about Quebecers.

All elected members of the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), as well as those of the Liberal Party (PLQ) and the Parti québécois (PQ), voted in favour of the motion, but not QS: the 11 left-wing elected members preferred to abstain.

"Justin Trudeau is endorsing contempt for Quebecers' by keeping Amira Elghawaby," said Premier Minister François Legault in a press scrum before the motion was passed.

"Ms. Elghawaby has not apologized, I can't believe Mr. Trudeau is telling us he supports her 100 per cent," Legault said.

Holy shit-show batman! This has COMPLETELY blown up in his face. She called all quebecer's racists, and they're furious.

Trudeau could wind up losing a lot of support in quebec over this. That's the kind of thing that can really get their backs up and they don't forget or forgive that kind of insult easily.

The problem is that he likes to hire people on the far left for optics - but ALL of those people have hate and bigotry comments in their past because for years now the left has been FINE with racist or bigoted or hate-filled comments as long as it was against people they don't like, and they don't like a LOT of people. You had trudeau himself calling the vaccine hesitant bigots and misogynists and wastes of space we shouldn't tolerate.

And they got away with that for quite a while and now that people are getting sick of 'woke' all those anti-jewish, anti-nonwoke and bigoted hateful statements are coming back to bite them.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
"Justin Trudeau is endorsing contempt for Quebecers' by keeping Amira Elghawaby," said Premier Minister François Legault in a press scrum before the motion was passed.

See? I tolja you could find something you like about True Dope!


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
See? I tolja you could find something you like about True Dope!
Well in the sense that he's going to run the Liberal party into the ground in a province they desperately need, sure :) He's my hero :)

It wouldn't be so bad if this were a one off that people could blow off, but this is like the third or fourth person whom they've hired who's been caught saying nasty crap that's grossly inappropriate to the position. Like the jew-hater they runded to promote anti-racism who tweeted out antisemitic remarks. Now they've hired a person to combat religious bigotry who's making bigoted remarks about quebec.

I will never understand how people have been able to bring themselves to vote for someone THIS incompetent.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The government consists of a gang of men exactly like you and me. They have, taking one with another, no special talent for the business of government; they have only a talent for getting and holding office. Their principal device to that end is to search out groups who pant and pine for something they can't get and to promise to give it to them. Nine times out of ten that promise is worth nothing. The tenth time is made good by looting A to satisfy B. In other words, government is a broker in pillage, and every election is sort of an advance auction sale of stolen goods.
--H. L. Mencken

Hope that helped.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Quebecers are “not racist,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says, as backlash continues over his choice of Amira Elghawaby as Canada’s first-ever special representative on combating Islamophobia.
As she headed into a meeting with Bloc Quebecois Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet on Wednesday, Elghawaby apologized in English for the remarks.

She said she is “extremely sorry” for the impacts of her words and how they hurt the people of Quebec. Elghawaby added that she will listen carefully and that’s what dialogue is all about.

Elghawaby clarified late last week that she does not believe Quebecers are Islamophobic. However, for officials in the Quebec government, her response had fallen short.

While Trudeau said on Tuesday that he supports Elghawaby “100 per cent,” he acknowledged on Wednesday that he was not aware of all her past remarks when he made the appointment.

Oh coarse he’s not aware of her past, & of coarse nobody in his inner circle, or cabinet, or consultants, or what have you didn’t do a Google search….’cuz…. they didn’t think they’d…. something or another…”Look over There! Poilievre said something but meant something else! Abortion! Harper ate Kittens!”


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Oh coarse he’s not aware of her past, & of coarse nobody in his inner circle, or cabinet, or consultants, or what have you didn’t do a Google search….’cuz…. they didn’t think they’d…. something or another…
This is what pisses me off. It's not like it's the first time for them, so they really should have learned to vet their people. They just don't give a damn.
Elghawaby apologized in English for the remarks.
well i'm sure that went over well. Let me guess, she can't speak french either.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Looks like they still want her gone even after meeting her.

Blanchet demands the departure of Amira Elghawaby and blames Justin Trudeau Even After Meeting

The apologies addressed to Quebecers by the first responsible for the fight against Islamophobia will not have been enough to convince Yves-François Blanchet who, the day after a one-on-one conversation, is now demanding her departure.

"It seems clear and unequivocal to me, following this meeting, that Ms. Amira Elghawaby cannot occupy the position for which Justin Trudeau has appointed her," said the leader of the Bloc Québécois at a press briefing in Parliament on Thursday.

"Either in the wake of her own apology, she [should admit] to being disqualified and leave voluntarily, or the Prime Minister [should admit] his mistake and ask her to step down," he added.

The leader of the Bloc Québécois did not mince his words either, considering that "the Prime Minister must renounce not only the appointment, but the very creation of such a position" given that Justin Trudeau "made an institution that had to deal with racism as a political instrument that would oppose the Muslim community to the Quebec nation and create a harmful amalgam between secularism and Islamophobia”.

On Wednesday, Ms. Elghawaby spoke directly to the media for the first time since the controversy began last week.

“I want to say to the people of Quebec: I heard you, I listened to you, and I understand the effects of my words. I want to meet you, I want to hear more, I want to understand Quebec history, and I want to understand how we can move towards a society that is more inclusive for all, ”she said.

Ms. Elghawaby, a “very intelligent” person, a “tremendous communicator” who has an “excellent command of French”, nevertheless represents a “Toronto” vision of Quebec, according to the Bloc leader.

The blame for such an appointment lies mainly with Justin Trudeau, who made this new role "an instrument hostile to the identity and consensual values of Quebec and then a scapegoat," said Ms. Blanchet.

"And of that he is, and he alone, guilty," he added.

The creation of a representative to help communities communicate is not far-fetched, he continues, but Justin Trudeau “contaminated” the position from the start.

Listen to Yasmine Abdelfadel's interview with Martin Champoux, spokesperson for secularism, Quebec values and living together for the Bloc Québécois on QUB radio:

The Prime Minister made it “in its first version something which drifted towards a denunciation of Quebec identity or values, and which expressly contributed to creating an amalgam between secularism and Islamophobia”, judged Mr. Blanket.

What is more, the decision of the federal government “illustrates the need for Quebec to resort to the preventive clause of derogation each time the National Assembly may fear that its choices will clash with Canadian constitutional reality”.

"If Justin Trudeau is indeed ready to have difficult conversations, I invite him to meet with me in order to lay the foundations for a better approach to combat racism, hatred, and violence," he said. he declares.

Boulerice in “shock”

NDP Deputy Leader Alexandre Boulerice did not mince words. He wanted to share his “excitement” and his state of “shock” on learning that the Bloc Québécois was questioning the existence of the position.

“I find that the Bloc Québécois has just shown its true face. It was never about Ms. Elghawaby actually, it was always about fighting Islamophobia,” he said.

“The petticoat exceeds”, according to Mr. Boulerice, who finds “serious” the “insensitivity” of the party in relation to the fate of Muslims, who “suffer from discrimination” and “anti-Muslim remarks”, he added.

The meeting between Mr. Blanchet and the representative of the fight against Islamophobia was only an exercise in “political communication”, according to the New Democrat.

By asking for the departure of Ms. Elghawaby, the Bloc Québécois is siding with the National Assembly, where the government of François Legault, the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) and the Parti Québécois (PQ) have supported a motion to this effect. Wednesday.

The Conservative Party of Pierre Poilievre was the first to demand the departure of Ms. Elghawaby on Saturday, the day after the announcement of her appointment.

Quebec Lieutenant for the Liberal government, Pablo Rodriguez, was due to meet Ms Elghawaby on Thursday after saying he was “deeply hurt” by her past writings on Quebec.

His office said it would not make any statement after the meeting.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
This is a bit of conundrum as to whose side I'm on here. On the one side, all of this "islamophobia" bullshit is predicated on a half-truth. On the other hand, our own stats show that you are more likely to be a target of religious bigotry in Quebec than anywhere else in Canada. Although you're more likely to be a target of racial bigotry in the ROC than in Quebec, so....

So I guess "boo" to Quebec and "boo" to Groper for creating the pointless, divisive position in the first place.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
This is a bit of conundrum as to whose side I'm on here. On the one side, all of this "islamophobia" bullshit is predicated on a half-truth. On the other hand, our own stats show that you are more likely to be a target of religious bigotry in Quebec than anywhere else in Canada. Although you're more likely to be a target of racial bigotry in the ROC than in Quebec, so....

So I guess "boo" to Quebec and "boo" to Groper for creating the pointless, divisive position in the first place.

Well Jin, hell certainly froze over.

I agree with you.