This summer may see first ice-free North Pole


Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Expensive and the Chinaman line is over permafrost not muskeg. If it were me, I'd come up with a solution were the line would float without twisting like it does now. Something like an outrigger that spreads forces lateral.

Or better yet build a whole new line.

BAM is the Baikal Amur Mainline built by the 'cousins'. Petros...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Looks like we've reach this year's nadir; most ice we've kept over the summer in years, over a million square klicks more than 2012. Obviously Gore's and Skuzuki's efforts are starting to pay off, good for them.



Time Out
May 5, 2013
at my keyboard
Don't have an answer eh? Get your carbon credits for this fiscal year yet?

Thanks for playing!

PS ... nice chart.

OK - climate modelling is an 'ongoing science'. However, 2012 saw a record , ote, All Time Record, melt of the Greenland Ice Cap/

Strictly Science. Not wishful thinking.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
It happens every 150 years. Nothing new. Well, except that we have satellites looking at it now.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Trying to predict the ice cap and the environment is like predicting the
second coming of Christ. Here we've been told over and over my V8
truck is to blame for everything and now hints of lava flows are surfacing.
There are all kinds of changes taking place in the environment and it has
little to do with man made problems. I think every time donations are
down we have a new prediction of doom. I am losing my confidence that
the environmental movement has any integrity.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Trying to predict the ice cap and the environment is like predicting the
second coming of Christ. Here we've been told over and over my V8
truck is to blame for everything and now hints of lava flows are surfacing.
There are all kinds of changes taking place in the environment and it has
little to do with man made problems. I think every time donations are
down we have a new prediction of doom. I am losing my confidence that
the environmental movement has any integrity.

Yet ANOTHER example!

Tea Party Republican!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Eaglesmack you must be fixated on the Tea Party.

Now now now... don't start deflecting.

One need only go into your posts to see who is REALLY fixated on the Tea Party... you are. It is the only reason I bring them up... your posts.

You would be considered a right wing conservative in my state.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Trying to predict the ice cap and the environment is like predicting the
second coming of Christ. Here we've been told over and over my V8
truck is to blame for everything and now hints of lava flows are surfacing.
There are all kinds of changes taking place in the environment and it has
little to do with man made problems. I think every time donations are
down we have a new prediction of doom. I am losing my confidence that
the environmental movement has any integrity.

You just said that teh environment is unpredictable, but then predict that mankind has nothing to do with it. You should work on putting together an argument that has some internal consistency in its logic. :lol:


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
I guess I did predict man made causes had little to do with it
you are right. We don't know exactly the cause except the
climate is ever changing and has done so since the planet
formed. The North Pole was once a tropical forest.
As for Eaglesmack yes in some cases I have a conventional
conservative vent but I also support the social safety net.
The Tea Party is one of those one track extreme right wing
view on everything and I do not support that anymore than
I would support socialism as the only alternative.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
When all is said and done we'll have a really good record of what life was like that the end of an interglacial period.

It's going to get really chilly and not the good kind of chili really fast .


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
It matters not we are going to have an ice age and global warming
according to different scientist. They are all putting out survey and
studies to come to a conclusion cause someone hired them. The
information to support the group that commissioned it will use the
material to make more money spreading doom and gloom. I on
the other hand expressed an opinion that gains or loses me nothing.
Big difference. as for where I am on someone's imaginary political
scale I would have to say somewhere between a New Democrat and
a Liberal with many Conservative tendencies. Depending on the
issue of course.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It matters not we are going to have an ice age and global warming
according to different scientist. They are all putting out survey and
studies to come to a conclusion cause someone hired them. The
information to support the group that commissioned it will use the
material to make more money spreading doom and gloom. I on
the other hand expressed an opinion that gains or loses me nothing.
Big difference. as for where I am on someone's imaginary political
scale I would have to say somewhere between a New Democrat and
a Liberal with many Conservative tendencies. Depending on the
issue of course.

We are in an ice age. It never ended.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
The North Pole was once a tropical forest.

Yes, when volcanic activity was much higher than today, and the greenhouse effect at that time was many orders of magnitude stronger. The fossils of that time are found right on top of flood basalts.

For some context dg, during that time there was an event called the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum. The global average increased by 6°C over a period of 20,000 years. That's 0.003°C warming per decade. Currently, if we were to take the lowest estimate for the last 100 years, we're warming by about 0.07°C per decade. The last half of the century is about twice that at 0.15°C per decade. The warming right now is ocurring much faster than a previous case, which wiped out approximately half of the benthic organisms in the oceans.

There is ample evidence in the past that the type of changes we're talking about now are devastating over the long term. And consider it takes about 100 years for the ocean to catch up with the atmosphere under stable conditions to draw down the carbon dioxide.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Volcanism? Greenhouse gasses?

Try continental drift and today's polar land mass being former tropical land mass.

Greenhouse gasses...good one.