There is the evidence.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You are in extreme error. None can guide you other than God - be glorified.
None can guide anyone, except God Who can guide whomever He pleases.

Quran 32: 13, which means
(If We had so willed, We could have given to every soul its guidance, but My due word was pronounced in truth: "Certainly, I will fill Hell with [the wrong-doers of] the genie-kind and the man-kind altogether.")

Except that YOU are saying that others are guiding and they have a right to, because they are interpreting the Quran.

They've done nothing more than I did.

But because it doesn't match up with what you stated, you say I'm in error.

I quoted the same Soora as you, I interpreted it no different than anyone else; who are you to say I was not guided to the conclusion I reached by God? After all, he can "guide whomever He pleases", right?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Every interpretation of the Bible, because the source from which they translated was not the original Torah or the Gospel.
The available Torah was even rewritten by the priest Ezra following the return of the Israelites from their captivity in Babylon.
The Torah of Ezra

And the Quran has been rewritten from it's Original as well.

So, is it as flawed as the Bible then? As the Torah?

You cannot claim the Quran is word for word faithful, and the others are not, because all have been rewritten by the hand of Man and under the demand of Powerful Men who use Religion to keep that power.

If the Quran is faithful to the Word of God, then so are the others.

And considering the stories of the Quran and Torah are very much the same...

The Torah must be true as well.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
You are in extreme error; none can guide you other than God
I don't believe either of those claims. In the unlikely event that you're right, so far he's chosen not to guide me, but if you really believe that second claim, you should stop trying to guide people, there's nothing you can do that'll make the slightest difference.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
You are in extreme error. None can guide you other than God - be glorified.
None can guide anyone, except God Who can guide whomever He pleases.
I agree! Who'da thunk it?

None can guide me other than Allah.

You ain't Allah. So I reject your feeble and foolish attempts to guide me. If Allah wants me guided, I have every confidence that Allah will do so.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
I agree! Who'da thunk it?

None can guide me other than Allah.

You ain't Allah. So I reject your feeble and foolish attempts to guide me. If Allah wants me guided, I have every confidence that Allah will do so.
I like that response better than mine, wish I'd thought of it. Do I detect a note of sarcasm? ;)
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I like that response better than mine, wish I'd thought of it. Do I detect a note of sarcasm? ;)
Not at all. Just pointing out to Torchy he shot himself in the foot again.

I feel the same way about Allah that I feel about a good-looking woman who cooks and cleans. My position that Allah don't exist is a rebuttable presumption based on utter lack of evidence. Show me evidence, and the presumption is rebutted.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I like that response better than mine, wish I'd thought of it. Do I detect a note of sarcasm? ;)

I've said the same to him before, just not like that.

"Until I see you glowing with Holy Light, you're just another Man with an agenda". Or something like it.

Of course that got ignored. He's good at ignoring what he doesn't like.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I don't believe either of those claims. In the unlikely event that you're right, so far he's chosen not to guide me, but if you really believe that second claim, you should stop trying to guide people, there's nothing you can do that'll make the slightest difference.
I know that you, and may be most of us, like wrangling and overcoming others in dispute or wrangling or arguing.

Anyhow: it is a sensitive point: to understand the guidance by God.

Of course, none can guide you or anyone else, other than God alone; no prophet or messenger can guide anyone even that one was dear to him.

[The Prophet – salam to him – prayed for the guidance of his uncle Abu Talib; therefore, His saying – be glorified – in this aya 28: 56 was revealed, which means:]
(You [Mohammed] cannot guide aright whomever you like, but God does guide whomever He wills [: being worthy of guidance], and He knows best those who deserve guidance.)

It means: if the man is righteous and kind to the poor, the needy, and the weak, not arrogant, and not a wrongdoer [God knows him more than others do], and that one is prepared for guidance, then He gives permission to His angels to speak to him with inspiration [while almost he is not aware] until he is convinced and will comply and convert.

And I explained, according to the words of the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible, that on the other hand, if the man is a wrongdoer and his heart is hard toward the weak and the orphan and the poor, then God will leave him to devils: his enemies, who will seduce, deceive, mislead, confuse him and he will befriend with evildoers and gains bad ideas and bad behavior from them, and will disdain the Islam, God's religion, and will be like one ascending in the upper atmosphere with his chest tightened because of the low pressure and low oxygen there.

Quran 6: 125, which means:
(Whomever God wills to guide, He makes him rejoice in [accepting] the Islam;
whomever He wills to misguide, He makes his chest constricted, being embarrassed as if he were engaged in ascending up in the sky; thus God lays 'psychological illness' upon those who do not believe [about the Next Life.]

Therefore, when God's messenger speaks to people, the first category will accept the Islam religion with delight, while the other category will disdain it and oppose it.

In either case, the creed is displayed to man who is free to choose, but almost they will react in that way.

Don't think that I am boasting to you and others, that I am good and you are bad; no, but it is of my God's favor and blessing that He has given me the belief and faith out of his favor, not of my deserving: I know of my sins and disobedience more than others know, and I ask God's forgiveness and I repent to Him from every disobedience.. and I pray Him that He may not misguide me.. or else I will then lose as I deserve: so if He forgives me it is out of His generosity and forgiveness, and if He punishes me it is what I deserve.

Man has the best wish that he ends his life with God is well-pleased with Him, not wrathful against him, while we see all people die and will not live forever, and God killed all generations including the prophets and kings, the scientists and the ignorant: He made or caused them to die.

So the wise man prepares himself for his terminal journey with what the traveler prepares for his travel, by giving charity and food and dresses to the poor to find all that in the Hereafter: the ethereal of it which his soul will use if he is a believer and a monotheist.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Except that YOU are saying that others are guiding and they have a right to, because they are interpreting the Quran.

They've done nothing more than I did.

But because it doesn't match up with what you stated, you say I'm in error.

I quoted the same Soora as you, I interpreted it no different than anyone else; who are you to say I was not guided to the conclusion I reached by God? After all, he can "guide whomever He pleases", right?
You like wrangling; anyhow: the prophet is a 'guide' but his guidance is to those who accept his guidance; while God is the True Guide Who guides man to follow the prophet.

Example: You know the site of the hospital, and you know that a man wants to go to the hospital, and you want to guide him to the hospital: so he is free to follow you or not; but God's guidance is that He lets that man be convinced of you to lead him to the hospital.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
You like wrangling;

I like pointing out the hypocrisy you are supportive of, yes.

I refuse to be a blind sheep that follows, especially Religion.

anyhow: the prophet is a 'guide' but his guidance is to those who accept his guidance;

So the fact that no one here has accepted his guidance... means you'll stop posting Soora's of the Quran in hopes of forced converting people?

while God is the True Guide Who guides man to follow the prophet.

So why are you arguing against what I've said about the Soora's YOU posted? After all, who is to say God isn't guiding me to see them as I suggested? Why is it only YOUR way is right?

Example: You know the site of the hospital, and you know that a man wants to go to the hospital, so you suggest to him

That's nowhere near close to an appropriate example.

Here's a better one.

Someone tells me I need to go to the hospital. Now, I may not need to, but they insist I do. They tell me where the hospital is and what they'll do there for me. I still do not see a need for me to go to the hospital. They keep insisting I need to go, even though I don't. Eventually I MIGHT need the hospital, but that's for me to choose later.

You are the person insisting I need to go to the hospital. Insisting I need to go, even if I don't. Eventually you might be right, but for now, you're not and really you're only being obtuse, and the certainty that I need to go now only makes me want to go LESS, not more.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
When Prophet Mohammed (and the rest of prophets) spoke to people, some of them reacted like your reaction to frustrate the messenger.
And God revealed to His messenger many ayat about those disbelievers, like this aya in the Quran 3: 176, which means:
([O Mohammed,] let them not grieve you: these who rush into disbelief.
They will not harm [the religion of] God in the least [with their disbelief].
God intends to give them no share [in Paradise] in the Next Life [because they are wrongdoers], and they will have a painful torment [after their death.]


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
When Prophet Mohammed (and the rest of prophets) spoke to people, some of them reacted like your reaction to frustrate the messenger.
And God revealed to His messenger many ayat about those disbelievers, like this aya in the Quran 3: 176, which means:
([O Mohammed,] let them not grieve you: these who rush into disbelief.
They will not harm [the religion of] God in the least [with their disbelief].
God intends to give them no share [in Paradise] in the Next Life [because they are wrongdoers], and they will have a painful torment [after their death.]
Still waiting on that evidence. . .

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
So why are you arguing against what I've said about the Soora's YOU posted? After all, who is to say God isn't guiding me to see them as I suggested? Why is it only YOUR way is right?
Quran 67: 29, which means:
(Say, [O Mohammed, to the disbelievers]:
"It is He the Most Gracious: we have believed in Him [alone, as having no associate nor any son or daughter],
and in Him we put [all] our trust [in preaching the religion of the Islam];
then [after your death] you, will know which [of us] is in manifest error [: we or you.]
Still waiting on that evidence. . .
The evidence is that if we see a house with rooms and other parts, we will be certain there is someone who built it.
This is true of the solar system and the rest of the universe, there must be the Creator Who created all that.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Quran 67: 29, which means:
(Say, [O Mohammed, to the disbelievers]:
"It is He the Most Gracious: we have believed in Him [alone, as having no associate nor any son or daughter],
and in Him we put [all] our trust [in preaching the religion of the Islam];
then [after your death] you, will know which [of us] is in manifest error [: we or you.]

The evidence is that if we see a house with rooms and other parts, we will be certain there is someone who built it.
This is true of the solar system and the rest of the universe, there must be the Creator Who created all that.
Argument by analogy is not evidence.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
That's nowhere near close to an appropriate example.
This was my example:
You know the site of the hospital, and you know that a man wants to go to the hospital, and you want to guide him to the hospital: so he is free to follow you or not; but God's guidance is that He lets that man be convinced of you to lead him to the hospital.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
When Prophet Mohammed (and the rest of prophets) spoke to people, some of them reacted like your reaction to frustrate the messenger.
And God revealed to His messenger many ayat about those disbelievers, like this aya in the Quran 3: 176, which means:
([O Mohammed,] let them not grieve you: these who rush into disbelief.
They will not harm [the religion of] God in the least [with their disbelief].
God intends to give them no share [in Paradise] in the Next Life [because they are wrongdoers], and they will have a painful torment [after their death.]

Questioning someone is what we're supposed to do, regardless of religion. To blindly accept people who come up and say "Follow me for ONLY I know the truth" leads to BS religious situations like cults.

Questions, and discussions, about the Quran ARE a thing - or did you not even know this?

And since you like to cherry pick verses instead of actually posting true context, if I want to read more Soora's and Ayat of the Quran, I will. I will NOT take your word for it because it is YOU telling ME what it says, not what God might tell me what it is.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Quran 67: 29, which means:
(Say, [O Mohammed, to the disbelievers]:
"It is He the Most Gracious: we have believed in Him [alone, as having no associate nor any son or daughter],
and in Him we put [all] our trust [in preaching the religion of the Islam];
then [after your death] you, will know which [of us] is in manifest error [: we or you.]

Again, no longer accepting your cherry picked verses. Which turn out to be not what you want them to say anyway, which I've proven.


But I'm sure you'll just claim me a disbeliever or something, which I'm not.