I don't believe either of those claims. In the unlikely event that you're right, so far he's chosen not to guide me, but if you really believe that second claim, you should stop trying to guide people, there's nothing you can do that'll make the slightest difference.
I know that you, and may be most of us, like wrangling and overcoming others in dispute or wrangling or arguing.
Anyhow: it is a sensitive point: to understand the guidance by God.
Of course, none can guide you or anyone else, other than God alone; no prophet or messenger can guide anyone even that one was dear to him.
[The Prophet – salam to him – prayed for the guidance of his uncle Abu Talib; therefore, His saying – be glorified – in this aya 28: 56 was revealed, which means:]
You [Mohammed] cannot guide aright whomever you like, but God does guide whomever He wills [: being worthy of guidance], and He knows best those who deserve guidance.)
It means: if the man is righteous and kind to the poor, the needy, and the weak, not arrogant, and not a wrongdoer [God knows him more than others do], and
that one is prepared for guidance, then He gives permission to His angels to speak to him with inspiration [while almost he is not aware] until he is convinced and will comply and convert.
And I explained, according to the words of the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible, that on the other hand, if the man is a wrongdoer and his heart is hard toward the weak and the orphan and the poor, then God will leave him to devils: his enemies, who will seduce, deceive, mislead, confuse him and he will befriend with evildoers and gains bad ideas and bad behavior from them, and will disdain the Islam, God's religion, and will be like one ascending in the upper atmosphere with his chest tightened because of the low pressure and low oxygen there.
Quran 6: 125, which means:
Whomever God wills to guide, He makes him rejoice in [accepting] the Islam;
whomever He wills to misguide, He makes his chest constricted, being embarrassed as if he were engaged in ascending up in the sky; thus God lays 'psychological illness' upon those who do not believe [about the Next Life.])
Therefore, when God's messenger speaks to people, the first category will accept the Islam religion with delight, while the other category will disdain it and oppose it.
In either case,
the creed is displayed to man who is free to choose, but almost they will react in that way.
Don't think that I am boasting to you and others, that I am good and you are bad; no, but it is of my God's favor and blessing that He has given me the belief and faith out of his favor, not of my deserving: I know of my sins and disobedience more than others know, and I ask God's forgiveness and I repent to Him from every disobedience.. and I pray Him that He may not misguide me.. or else I will then lose as I deserve: so if He forgives me it is out of His generosity and forgiveness, and if He punishes me it is what I deserve.
Man has the best wish that he ends his life with God is well-pleased with Him, not wrathful against him, while we see all people die and will not live forever, and God killed all generations including the prophets and kings, the scientists and the ignorant: He made or caused them to die.
the wise man prepares himself for his terminal journey with what the traveler prepares for his travel, by giving charity and food and dresses to the poor to find all that in the Hereafter: the ethereal of it which his soul will use if he is a believer and a monotheist.