The *Time* sends us into an unknown Eternity / Infinity.
The photon at speed 299,792,458 m/sec has no Time.
The electron in interaction with vacuum doesn't have Time
It means: the Time sends us into an unknown Eternity / Infinity.
What is Eternity / Infinity?
According to SRT the Eternity / Infinity is Absolute Minkowski
negative 4D spacetime.
How can Time arise from Eternity / Infinity?
The local Gravity-time and local Gravity-space arise from
Absolute Minkowski negative 4D spacetime according to GRT.
The photon at speed 299,792,458 m/sec has no Time.
The electron in interaction with vacuum doesn't have Time
It means: the Time sends us into an unknown Eternity / Infinity.
What is Eternity / Infinity?
According to SRT the Eternity / Infinity is Absolute Minkowski
negative 4D spacetime.
How can Time arise from Eternity / Infinity?
The local Gravity-time and local Gravity-space arise from
Absolute Minkowski negative 4D spacetime according to GRT.