I really didn't care one way or another, or else I would have picked a better example.
Where did I say the fetus should have those rights? I didn't. I'm only telling you that you're simply wrong to consider a developing human as anything but human life. That is exactly what it is. Is that clear enough for you?
Nope.... It is humanoid... but not "Human Life" Once again, if anything, it is just the potiential of human life. Whether or not you want to take that potiential and skip a few steps to call it life, is up to you, but it'd still be wrong.
Once you start calling it "Life" then you open the door to the rights, which is why I direct it to you as if you are claiming it should have rights, because that's what the whole "Pro-Life" argument balances on in the first place.
This is why I said you fit option A, ignorant. An adult human is still human life.
Correct, except for the ignorant part.
A human embryo is still human life.
No, it's the potiential of human life, just like a chicken egg has the potiential of being a chicken. A fetus still has the potiential of being stillborn, or ceasing development halfway through pregnancy..... hince not having the chance to live in the first place.
If you start halfway in building a bridge and then halfway through, you stop or run out of supplies, it's not really a bridge now is it? It's not a bridge until it is completed.... just like nothing on this planet is what it is until it is fully developed.
"Hey what's that you got there?"
"Oh... that's my bridge."
"All I see are a bunch of wood and stones.... doesn't look like a bridge to me.... it doesn't go all the way across...."
"Oh, well it's still in development...."
"Then it's not a bridge now is it?"
"No I suppose not.... But it will be."
A human zygote is still human life.
No, it's just a human zygote.
The classification you're talking about is for life stages, it doesn't negate the fact that it's still human.
As mentioned before, it's no different then a "Human Heart" compared to a "Pigs Heart" Life stages are exactly that..... stages towards life.
Yes, I know the classifications very well. It's not reinventing the wheel until someone like you uses them to say it's not human because it isn't an adult.
I didn't say anything in relation to being an adult, don't start throwing words into my mouth.... if that was the case, then children wouldn't be humans either now would they?
I acknowlege that it is Humanoid.... but it is not a living Human.
A three year old child can't reproduce. Yet it's still a human. One criteria for life is the ability to produce progeny. But it's still a human life, which is in the process of developing into an adult, as is the embryo.
Big difference is it's ability to be independant in function.... while as a fetus, it completely relies on the potiential mother for energy and development..... including oxygen to the brain and the rest of the body. Not to mention infants at the very least have the ability to express that they have a provable
Maybe if you read more carefully, and don't ascribe beliefs to me that I haven't revealed to you, you wouldn't make such colossal blunders. Human rights are given at birth, and I'm fine with that.
Fair enough, but I question your position on "Human Life" which leads to Human Rights down the road of the argument.
That legal classification doesn't change the fact that what is in the woman's womb is a human.
Which is no more human then a dead body. Until there is
consciousness that can be proven, then in regards to other people's arguments in this debate (Perhaps not your own) it may very well be humanoid... but isn't necessarily a living human which can feel pain and/or suffer.
Any more alive? Well that makes no logical sense at all. Tissue is either living or it isn't. It can't be more alive than something else which is alive. Probably why you've never seen any proof or evidence of something which can't be proven.
Dead tissue can be brought back to "life" through various procedures. Cut off a thumb, no blood is reaching it, it is pretty well dead.... keep it frozen, reattach it, allow the blood to return, and it can be alive again.
Someone's heart stops and there is no brain activity, they are clinically dead.... yet they can still be revived within a short period of time.
My reference to organs being alive is in reference to their collective function which makes the individual alive. After a certain amount of key organs, or perhaps just one fail and no longer works, it dies, and perhaps so do we. Their activity is what brings our own life.... it is the operation of those which helps give us
That has no bearing whatsoever on the fact that there are two living things. The fetus maybe dependent on the mother, but that doesn't change the fact that it is another living thing.
I have yet to see any proof that it is a seperate living thing.... it may hold some traits of being seperate, but until I see evidence of individual
consciousness, it isn't actually an individual.
For the last time you dumb ass, I'm not trying to extend our fundamental human rights to the unborn.
Lick my un-holy arsehole you degenerate scum-fu*k..... if you can't keep the argument civil, then don't expect me to do the same.
I'm only explaining to you in clear language how a embryo is human life. You have yet to demonstrate that it isn't.
I already have countless times.... you have yet to prove that it is life at all, and unless you can back up some evidence and actual studies/reports showing that a fetus has any form of
consciousness, then you have proved one damn thing.
And if I have to continually repeat myself, you can deal with your own repetition.... at least I have yet to lose my cool over this redundancy.
And I was agreeing with you... that would be the slippery slope if I was arguing for extending said rights. Man you are thick.
They say Irish have thick heads.... deal with it.
Let's go a step further then, shall we? If you believe a fetus is "Human Life" then what is your reasoning for a fetus not having human rights? You can't have it both ways unless you explain yourself logically..... which I have yet to hear.
No it doesn't. A ten year old is a developing human. A 16 year old is a developing human. A embryo is a developing human. What is it that you're having problems understanding about that?
consciousness..... is there any? You have yet to give me one straight answer on this. Get your sh*t together.
It is valid, but it wasn't what you originally said, and it's completely different from 'individual' and 'independent' humans. Ergo, changing goal posts when it becomes convenient for your argument.
Individual as in individual
consciousness.... independant as in indepentant bodily function.... both are relivent, both are two seperate topics in which I am talking about, which both relate, I have not changed goal posts over anything just yet.... keep up will you.
You didn't cover them at once. If you did it would have made even less logical sense. I can run laps around you
Really? Then how come you got Individual and Independant mixed up as the same thing? You're silly.
Not true. First of all, it's not a potential mother, it is a mother. Using resources doesn't make it an extension of the mother, because living things are classified in this fashion:
cells--->tissue--->organ--->organ systems--->organism, and then onto population classifications.
An organism has it's own DNA, which means all the way down to cells, it is different from other organisms, except for things like fungi and bacteria, which can produce clones. As soon as the cell division and multiplication begin with the embryo, the cells are dividing into three different types of germ layers, which direct the cells to form specific organs and organ systems. Those systems show up well before the fetus emerges from the womb as an infant. During the pregnancy, the fetus is producing it's own antibodies, which can cause problems between the mother and fetus. It is not at all an extension of the mother. It is a different organism, with different characteristics entirely.
I am fully aware of everything being "Alive" in some extent or another, which is why I used the organ explination.... if we wanted to cut it right down to fine details, everything in the universe in which we know is made up of atoms.... so one could argue that a Rock, the Sun, our planet is alive.... this is not what I am debating.... I am talking about "Human Life" and "Human C
onsciousness." Having different DNA, is not an explination of being "Alive" as DNA can be still found in fossils centuries beyond their original life.... that doesn't make them alive now, does it?
I already know you're not for giving human rights to fetusesezezezez...... My argument I am presenting in in reference to "Known Human Life and Consciousness" for the purposes of the other side of the argument of those who want to place human rights onto fetusesezezezessesz......
So in other words, we're arguing over nothing..... fun eh?
You're simply wrong, and if you took any biology classes at all, it would be perfectly clear to you where your numerous fallacies are.
I did take biology, I understood it, and I don't agree with it all..... not hard to understand.
A parasite is a living thing with different physiology and genetics, completely separate from the host. An organ is part of an organisms body, and is not separate. An embryo is physiologically the same, and genetically different.
Ya.... I already know this as well.... I believe the confusion in this argument is that we're both trying to say in which is the same thing, but different..... perhaps it's my accent. I am speaking about "Human Life which should have Human Rights" ~ I already know your position in this, which is why you're getting all pissy.... you're just taking my position and argument in the wrong direction, as it's not actually supposed to be directed to you in the first place. When I say in this debate "Life" I am referring to "Human Life/C
onsciousness" not life in general.... which is why I was referring to parasites and organs as not being "Alive" in the sense I was talk about.
I believe this is where this whole thing started off from.
You're way out of your league here. I'm starting to think you're actually option A, ignorant about simple classification schemes taught in introductory biology classes, and option C, ideologue, since you seem to keep confusing my differences with you as being intended to grant rights which I never said I agree with, and have in fact explicitly said I do not.
I think you're also Option A: Ignorant on what the hell I'm trying to explain.... perhaps now you might understand where I am coming from..... sorry for simplifying my wording, I just figured I would try and avoid making long posts.