The rights of the Unborn still a "hot potato"!


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
If it was the old style abortions[coat hanger types], then ,yes, it is assault and a crime. I understand that today's procedures are quick,painless and not very intrusive. For the record, I am for legal abortions and against Dr. Morgenthaler & his clinic.
Hi, missile;
coathanger aside, today's quick procedures are not painless for the fetus! It suffers excruciating pain as it gets further along in the gestation period. If an abortion is desired then it should be done as soon as possible to minimize that pain.

Suction method:

A nine-week old fetus destroyed be suction and curettage:

And here a partial birth abortion, explained by a doctor:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It is very hard for me, now.... at this time of my life, to understand how a mature, intelligent and feeling society must still resort to such barbaric brutality of its young for the sake of the freedom of its grown members.

Education doesn't seem to work. Prevention methods neither, and abstinence is a rarety, if even that.

But stimuli in the form of magazines, movies, books, and porn DVDs are everywhere and increasing! It's a billion dollar industry, going hand in hand with the multiple billion abortion industry!!

To honor a professional abortionist, who makes it easy, safe, painless and comfortable for the females to have their fetuses ripped out of their bodies by the millons, must be, hopefully, the lowest level of humanity. Could we sink even deeper?


House Member
Oct 8, 2007
Would Taliban approve? You just asked if we could sink any deeper and I gave you an example....
O.k., a good enough example. It's just as barbaric, but usually it happens rarely, not by the million worldwide on a daily basis. Also, the woman had a choice, she knew what behavior would get her into that awful position, while the fetus has zero choice.
For the record, though I'm still against abortion, I am pro choice. It's not up to me to control how another chooses to live her life.
Yes, I can live with that. Yet, it would be nice, if we, as a whole, would rally around the mother and offer her other choices, better choices.... choices she, the fetus and society could live with.
Some moral values should be instilled and upheld again, not through fear but through knowledge and understanding.

Eons ago, when I was about 15/16, I visited my new girlfriend in a far away village. We biked along a narrow, but deep river. She told me that a few years ago a young girl drowned herself in that river, because she was pregnant. The shame!!! Dumb as we were, we both said we would do the same! :roll:
Gosh, I hate drowning! I can't even get my head under water!:lol:

In those times they didn't have abortions on demand. I don't want to know how many girls or women took their own life because of the shame connected with being pregnant out of wedlock.

That is behind us now, and we have moved almost totally over to the opposite side of the pendulum.
It should follow that soon we will find the golden middle.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
dancing-loon;982223quote said:
O.k., a good enough example. It's just as barbaric, but usually

it happens rarely, not by the million worldwide on a daily basis. Also, the woman had a choice, she knew what behavior would get her into that awful position, while the fetus has zero choice.Yes, I can live with that. Yet, it would be nice, if we, as a whole, would rally around the mother and offer her other choices, better choices.... choices she, the fetus and society could live with.

Yes, that is Barack Obama's view as well, he is pro choice, but would rather work hard
to find more solutions, re: cut down unwanted pregnancies, and have much more
support available for pregnant women, who need it.

Some moral values should be instilled and upheld again, not through fear but through knowledge and understanding.

Eons ago, when I was about 15/16, I visited my new girlfriend in a far away village. We biked along a narrow, but deep river. She told me that a few years ago a young girl drowned herself in that river, because she was pregnant. The shame!!! Dumb as we were, we both said we would do the same! :roll:.[/
Gosh, I hate drowning! I can't even get my head under water!:lol:
Yeah, the drowning thing would never work for me either, don't know how one can drown
themselves, when it is natural to fight for a breath, I guess after jumping off the golden
gate bridge, that wouldn't matter.

In those times they didn't have abortions on demand. I don't want to know how many girls or women took their own life because of the shame connected with being pregnant out of wedlock.
Yes, and when I was a teenager, I knew two girls who 'did' self abortion, inserting items
into themselves to puncture uterus, one of them eventually had to have her ovaries removed, as her body just didn't function normally any more, in that area, so she
was never able to conceive again.

That is behind us now, and we have moved almost totally over to the opposite side of the pendulum.
If there is only two choices , then allow women to decide for
themselves, and if an early abortion is what they want, give it to them, but keep working
to find better solutions. It's too easy for all the 'pro lifers' to have a closed mind, and
insist on what 'they' want, for everyone, but they turn a blind eye to all the horrible
instances of young girls/women with all of that stress on them, and no support, and
no partner, and afraid to tell anyone, afraid of their parents, afraid, afraid, afraid.

It should follow that soon we will find the golden middle]

For sure, I agree.