The OFFICIAL Trump Travel Ban Thread


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
the three-judge panel said that the government had failed to explain the urgent need for the ban
from the fake news link in the above post 911 wasn't good enough for them
they must really hate the country that signs their paychecks

just think: aside from the fact that brown shirts and minions get it first when the party they support has it's coup, the diktatoes will also make their jobs redundant when the free speech laws that allow them to lie as much as they want are rescinded by the dictators they support...


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You can't forget that they were California judges

The snowflakes will melt this spring when the U S Supreme court rules for Trump

It ain't over yet....

One thing you can say about Trump, he does bring all the ignorant jerks out of the wood work!


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003
Yes, he certainly has. Personally, I'm glad the racists feel emboldened enough to speak up.

No kidding eh? We knew they were there, we just weren't aware of whom they were or how many of them there were.

With the help of Anonymous we also now know just who is a KKK member.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The 9th Circuit is a most notorious collection of liberals, activists, mediocrities and buffoons. They ignored the fact that the division of powers clearly puts immigration as an executive prerogative; they accorded standing (and deemed 'harm') to non citizens; they exceeded their competence; and their judicial scope.

The Ruling is a disaster for the Checks and Balances implicit with the American Constitution. It reveals the mediocre, grasping arrogance of the modern judiciary (which we've seen in spades in Canada) unchecked by responsibility to the broader restraints, and the respective privileges of legislative and executive branches.

It unapologetically subscribes NOT to the moral concrete American Nation State.. but to a borderless amoral abstraction (whose primary priniciple is that of promoting radical individualism).. in a world populated by global citizens, all of whom are accorded equal protection in law.

It denies a special responsibility to the American citizen and electorate, the constructive American community and the instruments given to the President to protect them as he sees fit. Whatever checks exist to the latter, reside with the elected legislative, not the appointed judicial branches, as was envisioned by the framers.

This is gross distortion of its original intent of the Constitution and amounts to a defacto judicial coup. It will produce disorder and illegitimacy of government. If allowed to prevail it will neuter the Presidency's effectiveness in favour of some amorphous assumption of 'rights', accorded piecemeal, absent responsibility to the American society as a whole.
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Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
Re: Trump's Executive Order Remains in Place

And the majority of Americans are behind him.

Have you made voting of the Americans to find that the majority of Americans are behind him? This is an obvious lie.

The truth: you, Ugly Zionists, wish this; while in fact; it may be the opposite is true.

Of course Trump is a Zionist and ungodly like you, but you, Ugly Zionists cannot speak in the name of the American people.


Nanah Potato
Mar 26, 2003


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
He was a credible leader.

Trump isn't even considered to actually be a president by most people so he just doesn't get what he wants.


aka "ya but" :lol:

now THAT'S sad.

Trump promises "we'll be doing something very rapidly" on travel ban

Trmp Abe, Meeting: Promises travel ban response "very rapidly" - CBS News


CNN’s Callan: 9th Circuit ‘Overreached’ and Applied Constitutional Rights ‘To the World’

CNN's Callan: 9th Circuit 'Overreached' and Applied Constitutional Rights 'To the World' - Breitbart


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: Trump loses Muslim Ban Suspension Appeal: 'SEE YOU IN COURT'

It seems the first one was rushed, for whatever reason, and the lack of details caused it's defeat .

Alan Dershowitz explains that Trump’s executive order will be tied of up the courts for weeks, if not months on appeal. So if Trump is right and this is really a matter of national security, then Trump should rescind the order and start over from scratch with his new Attorney General and perhaps some members of Congress and write one that will not fail in the courts.

And this time they may get it right........

Who ever said Trump has a good aim?

Why not just link them to Iran?


Senate Member
Feb 9, 2011
Vancouver, BC

From your article:

"But while his travel ban is held up in court, Trump said he is considering ordering his staff to draft a new executive order that will have an easier time clearing legal hurdles."

This is the smart thing to do rather than being a whiny fascist baby, thinking the president is almighty, tearing down the system of checks and balances and screaming on Twitter.

What Trump's people say is the intent of ban wouldn't be illegal if written properly.