The 'Official' Quit Picking On Trump Thread

Who Hates Trump the Most?

  • Dumbocrats

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Reptilicans

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • Broads

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Canadians

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Apparently davesmom and Trump do......

Care and calling them out are two different things.

What can be better than a soundbite from an out of touch, 8 figure Hollywood movie star claiming victim hood? That's GOLD!


The Troll Bashing Troll
Mar 8, 2011
Edson, AB
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

I think Cannuck has gone on holiday and left some reply-bot going. All I see is trumpite and sniffity sniff. It's either a bot or he is just so completely lame and retarded.....oh, wait....not a bot....just a lame and retarded socialist liberal.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Re: Trumplethinskin

Seriously? Is President-elect Donald Trump so thin-skinned that even criticism from Meryl Streep triggers a nasty, over-the-top response?

What kind of crybaby have Americans elected as their leader?

“One of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood,” Trump absurdly called the most acclaimed actress of our time, demonstrating that he is no more prepared to become critic in chief than commander in chief.

Are there more important things to think and write about than Trump’s latest Twitter tantrum? Yes and no. Trump threatens to snatch health insurance coverage from millions, enact huge tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, reverse progress against climate change, destabilize the Western alliance, pick fights with China while cuddling up to Russia — the big-issues list is long and frightening. But I believe it would be foolish not to examine the personality and the psychological makeup of the man who will soon be in the White House.

My view, then, is that we cannot ignore his vitriolic tweet storms. No, we should not let them distract us from other news about the incoming administration. But the Twitter rants offer a glimpse into Trump’s psyche, and it’s not pretty.

He couldn’t endure Alec Baldwin’s impression of him on “Saturday Night Live,” calling it “not funny” and saying that it “just can’t get any worse.” He reacted to an unflattering piece in Vanity Fair by saying that the magazine is “way down, big trouble, dead!” and that its editor has “no talent.” He taunted his replacement on “The Celebrity Apprentice,” former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, for having low Nielsen numbers


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

I think Cannuck has gone on holiday and left some reply-bot going. All I see is trumpite and sniffity sniff. It's either a bot or he is just so completely lame and retarded.....oh, wait....not a bot....just a lame and retarded socialist liberal.

I think we all know he's always been lame and retarded.:)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

A hypocrite for sure- confine being a critic to acting!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Dumpy's New favorite word .............

Yesterday's word was "overrated"!

"Barack Obama is not who you think he is. Most overrated politician in US history."
Tweeted Oct. 15, 2012

"Donald Trump on Mark Levin: Karl Rove is one of the most overrated people in politics."
Tweeted Feb. 24, 2013

"@kanikagahlaut: Can anyone explain why @JerrySeinfeld is so unfunny on twitter and @realDonaldTrump is so funny?" Jerry is highly overrated"
Tweeted Apr 14, 2013

"I promise you that I'm much smarter than Jonathan Leibowitz - I mean Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow. Who, by the way, is totally overrated."
Tweeted Apr. 24, 2013

"Do you ever notice that lightweight @megynkelly constantly goes after me but when I hit back it is totally sexist. She is highly overrated!"
Tweeted Sept. 22, 2015

"George Will may be the dumbest (and most overrated) political commentator of all time. If the Republicans listen to him, they will lose."
Tweeted May 27, 2012

"Do you believe that highly overrated political pundit @krauthammer said this is the best Republican field in 35 years. What a dope!"
Tweeted July 9, 2015

"Marco Rubio is a total lightweight who I wouldn’t hire to run one of my smaller companies - a highly overrated politician!"
Tweeted Nov. 9, 2015

"I always said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated. The Dems Convention is cracking up and Bernie is exhausted, no energy left!"
Tweeted July 24, 2016

"No matter what Bill Clinton says and no matter how well he says it, the phony media will exclaim it to be incredible. Highly overrated!
Tweeted July 26, 2016

"The cast and producers of Hamilton, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately apologize to Mike Pence for their terrible behavior"
Tweeted Nov. 20, 2016

"@Richard_Meier, a highly overrated architect, has had many problems with buildings he designed downtown--& others!"
Tweeted Oct. 11, 2013

"Crooked Hillary's brainpower is highly overrated. Probably why her decision making is so bad or, as stated by Bernie S, she has BAD JUDGEMENT"
Tweeted Aug. 29, 2016

"Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a....."
Tweeted Jan. 9, 2017

Watta doink.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

That's President doink to you. :p

... until he's impeached and arrested for corruption and selling his country out to the Russian Oligarchs that he owes a half billion dollers to.

Let's start taking bets on the month and year.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

The Trumpite's understanding of economics is highly overrated.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

The Dumpster invites ridicule and contempt. If it had not been for for the hundreds of insults he hurled at anyone who opposed him he wouldn't be as much of a target. At least Obama had a honeymoon period when even those who opposed him reluctantly kept a low profile. The Dumpster is not going to have that luxury.

And his biggest critics to date have been conservatives such as John Podhoretz, George Will, and National Review.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Maybe she should stick to acting and keep her nose out of politics. :)

And perhaps the Dumpster should have kept to reality shows. He does not appear to be good at anything else.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

And his biggest critics to date have been conservatives such as John Podhoretz, George Will, and National Review.
I remember watching one of those sunday morning shows , face the nation, or one of those like it. It was awhile ago. George Will was speaking and he referred to Trump as a bloviating ignoramus.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards

Donald Trump beats George Will - May 30, 2012

Trump volleyed back, via Twitter, calling Will “the dumbest (and most overrated) political commentator of all time,” “strictly third rate,” and noting, “George Will totally ‘bombed’ at The Mar-a-Lago Club. I was there to watch. He was embarrassed and no longer likes Donald Trump.”


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Re: Meryl Streep Criticizes Trump At Golden Globe Awards