The Canadian election………….


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
The Liberals did something cons couldn't do, gave us a strong economy, gave us a surplus and actually became the only G8 nation to pay down it's debt.

Yep, they destroyed it alright.:roll:

Yes they did, and they deserve some credit for that:

Unfortunately, they also stole tens of millions of my money for the Quebec Liberal Party, treated the RCMP like their own personal gestapo at the APEC summit and with the BDC fiasco, gave us a useless firearms law that seriously truncates our rights and cost billions instead of the few million claimed, strangled the military, forcing soldiers to live in sub-standard housing and use dangerous equipment while that scum Chretien used 100 million of the military's bucks to buy a SECOND fancy aircraft to fly around in, alienated our allies with insults and innuendo, spent far too much time kissing Chinese ass, protected Mugabe at the Commonwealth conference, dedicated bucks and time to forwarding a UN world-wide gun control system based on our own fiasco, lied and cheated and paid lip-service to Kyoto, lied repeatedly in the election campaign (remember "dump the GST and NAFTA"?) cancelled a contract for badly needed helicopters at outrageous penalty costs (and that is STILL causing the deaths of our soldiers).....shall I go on?

And on?

And on?

I am not one bit happy with Harper.....but then I look at the alternatives, shudder, and I know I'll hold my nose and vote Conservative again.

There literally is no sane alternative.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Really? :roll:

Well if you want a scandal war I can play that but scandals didn't ruin this country and that's a fact.;-)

Some credit?:roll:

You cons make me laugh.:lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Soc, where did you come up with this?? Have a dream?? There has been NO election date set.

One of the first acts of the Conservatives when they came to power was to fix election dates on a set four year term......therefore, by law, the next electtion is supposed to be Oct. 19, 2009, unless the gov't loses a confidence motion in the House.

Constitutionally, however, Harper can go to the GG and ask her to disolve the House at any time..........

Socrates is corect in this case.


May 24, 2006
One of the first acts of the Conservatives when they came to power was to fix election dates on a set four year term......therefore, by law, the next electtion is supposed to be Oct. 19, 2009, unless the gov't loses a confidence motion in the House.

Constitutionally, however, Harper can go to the GG and ask her to disolve the House at any time..........

Socrates is corect in this case.
Ah yes, I admit I am wrong. I misread his post I thought he was talking about 2008, not 2009. Sorry, Soc.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The Liberals did something cons couldn't do, gave us a strong economy, gave us a surplus and actually became the only G8 nation to pay down it's debt.

Yep, they destroyed it alright.:roll:

A socialist government would just write the debt off and the ****ing bankers with it. We ain't got a strong economy we got a strong economy relative to weak economies, we are being stripped of assets, see any return of manufacturing or heavy industry how about housing? We got a political coin with three sides all with a bank on it.:smile:


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Don't bother voting leave Harpo in orifice the liberals will just want to redecorate again and we should be tightening our belts for hard times. Who cares which club of corporate pigs run the bussiness? Nothing will change but the furniture and the paint.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Don't bother voting leave Harpo in orifice the liberals will just want to redecorate again and we should be tightening our belts for hard times. Who cares which club of corporate pigs run the bussiness? Nothing will change but the furniture and the paint.

Don't vote. That's your business. Don't bitch either if you get what you deserve.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
One of the first acts of the Conservatives when they came to power was to fix election dates on a set four year term......therefore, by law, the next electtion is supposed to be Oct. 19, 2009, unless the gov't loses a confidence motion in the House.

Constitutionally, however, Harper can go to the GG and ask her to disolve the House at any time..........

Socrates is corect in this case.

Colpy you are :cool:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Hey wolf I'll bitch when I ****ing well feel like it, now you point to an election in Canada that fixed sweet **** all and I might rethink my position. Your vote enables the same swindlers to play the same games.

But 'not' voting is just as useless as voting, they will do what they want with or without
our vote, so, what I usually do, is vote 'against' the worst one.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
But 'not' voting is just as useless as voting, they will do what they want with or without
our vote, so, what I usually do, is vote 'against' the worst one.

The total votes are used to gauge the level of participation. I have a solid history of voteing, I have rarely missed any election. I n the last few years however I have been convinced about the need to not vote as the only real election centered activity that will be noticed and therefore I will not register to vote untill and if I am convinced there has been a revolutionary change.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
A socialist government would just write the debt off and the ****ing bankers with it. We ain't got a strong economy we got a strong economy relative to weak economies, we are being stripped of assets, see any return of manufacturing or heavy industry how about housing? We got a political coin with three sides all with a bank on it.:smile:

A socialist (commie) government would strip us of assets and hand it to the stupid and the lazy. Or even worse give it to angry loners in their Moms basement, so I can see why you would want this beave.:lol:

Btw it's no longer a manufacturing economy it's a sevice and knowledge based economy and while housing is slumping this trend has happend before so don't worry the hard working rich folks will be just fine.;-)

If you don't like banks don't use them, nobody forced anybody to use a bank, it's about choice and a large part of the population have chosen to spend themselves into debt, that's not the banks fault, not the governments fault, it's the individuals fault.dink