The Liberals did something cons couldn't do, gave us a strong economy, gave us a surplus and actually became the only G8 nation to pay down it's debt.
Yep, they destroyed it alright.:roll:
Good one Avro............
The Liberals did something cons couldn't do, gave us a strong economy, gave us a surplus and actually became the only G8 nation to pay down it's debt.
Yep, they destroyed it alright.:roll:
The Liberals did something cons couldn't do, gave us a strong economy, gave us a surplus and actually became the only G8 nation to pay down it's debt.
Yep, they destroyed it alright.:roll:
Soc, where did you come up with this?? Have a dream?? There has been NO election date set.Harper set the election date for October 19 2009 …
Soc, where did you come up with this?? Have a dream?? There has been NO election date set.
Soc, where did you come up with this?? Have a dream?? There has been NO election date set.
Ah yes, I admit I am wrong. I misread his post I thought he was talking about 2008, not 2009. Sorry, Soc.One of the first acts of the Conservatives when they came to power was to fix election dates on a set four year term......therefore, by law, the next electtion is supposed to be Oct. 19, 2009, unless the gov't loses a confidence motion in the House.
Constitutionally, however, Harper can go to the GG and ask her to disolve the House at any time..........
Socrates is corect in this case.
treated the RCMP like their own personal gestapo at the APEC summit
The Liberals did something cons couldn't do, gave us a strong economy, gave us a surplus and actually became the only G8 nation to pay down it's debt.
Yep, they destroyed it alright.:roll:
Don't bother voting leave Harpo in orifice the liberals will just want to redecorate again and we should be tightening our belts for hard times. Who cares which club of corporate pigs run the bussiness? Nothing will change but the furniture and the paint.
Ah yes, I admit I am wrong. I misread his post I thought he was talking about 2008, not 2009. Sorry, Soc.
they have elections in canada? do polar bears get the vote?
What about Montebello with the phony protestors etc??
At least open brutality is what it is, the cons found a way to make THAT even more slimey somehows
One of the first acts of the Conservatives when they came to power was to fix election dates on a set four year term......therefore, by law, the next electtion is supposed to be Oct. 19, 2009, unless the gov't loses a confidence motion in the House.
Constitutionally, however, Harper can go to the GG and ask her to disolve the House at any time..........
Socrates is corect in this case.
Don't vote. That's your business. Don't bitch either if you get what you deserve.
Hey wolf I'll bitch when I ****ing well feel like it, now you point to an election in Canada that fixed sweet **** all and I might rethink my position. Your vote enables the same swindlers to play the same games.
But 'not' voting is just as useless as voting, they will do what they want with or without
our vote, so, what I usually do, is vote 'against' the worst one.
A socialist government would just write the debt off and the ****ing bankers with it. We ain't got a strong economy we got a strong economy relative to weak economies, we are being stripped of assets, see any return of manufacturing or heavy industry how about housing? We got a political coin with three sides all with a bank on it.:smile: