Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?


Electoral Member
Jun 3, 2005
And,given the efficiency with which Hezbollah is handing out reconstruction dollars,bringing in huge clean-up machinery,and supplying manpower for rebuilding, you can surely bet that Hezbollah will form a much larger part of Lebanon's next parliament.
Then the question will talk or not to talk.
Since Canada still maintains "relations" with numerous other countries with goofball dictators and warlord governors, what will the difference be?


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to

Colpy said:
BitWhys said:
I didn't even notice you were gone.

Geez, now I'm REALLY hurt. :(

Been off-line since a lightning storm mashed my modem Aug. 7.

power surge. no way. glad no one was hurt. good thing it didn't take your board with it.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

annabattler said:
...what will the difference be?

the difference will be not one but two political parties having the nerve to step off an otherwise safe and established piece of rhetorical turf.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to

BitWhys said:

Hezbollah is an active part of the legitimate Lebanese government and with no small help thanks to the Israelis they're getting stronger all the time.

So then they can talk to the Green Party or the Bloc if they want.

Edited for spelling


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to

BitWhys said:
Colpy said:
BitWhys said:
I didn't even notice you were gone.

Geez, now I'm REALLY hurt. :(

Been off-line since a lightning storm mashed my modem Aug. 7.

power surge. no way. glad no one was hurt. good thing it didn't take your board with it.

Nothing quite so dramatic, actually. The techs don't understand it...........but it died in the midst of the worst lightning storm I have ever seen..........and nobody can figure out what is wrong with it.......but replacing it is the only thing that got me back on line.

Ghost in the machine.

Thanks, though, for the kind thought.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to

Just the Facts said:
BitWhys said:

Hezbollah is an active part of the legitimate Lebanese government and with no small help thanks to the Israelis they're getting stronger all the time.

So then they can talk to the Green Party or the Bloc if they want.

now we're getting somewhere

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to

BitWhys said:
Just the Facts said:
BitWhys said:

Hezbollah is an active part of the legitimate Lebanese government and with no small help thanks to the Israelis they're getting stronger all the time.

So then they can talk to the Green Party or the Bloc if they want.

now we're getting somewhere

Exactly. Then we can arrest them all for cavorting with a terrorist organization! :p

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to

Just the Facts said:
BitWhys said:
Just the Facts said:
BitWhys said:

Hezbollah is an active part of the legitimate Lebanese government and with no small help thanks to the Israelis they're getting stronger all the time.

So then they can talk to the Green Party or the Bloc if they want.

now we're getting somewhere

Exactly. Then we can arrest them all for cavorting with a terrorist organization! :p

The problem is , Hezbollah isnt a terrorist organisation.Only anglo-saxon, decided this way.

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

Colpy said:
Canada should not talk to Hezbollah for the following reasons:

1. Hezbollah is on our list of terrorist organizations, there fore lending Hezbollah support (by recognizing its legitimacy by official communication with them) would be unethical, and border on illegal.

2. Canada is irrelevant in the area anyway.

3. Hezbollah broke the ceasefire by firing rockets at Israeli soldiers within hours of the agreement's implementation. In addition, they are busily re-arming, and have refused any suggestion that they disarm.

Thank God Canada is NOT in the new UN force in south Lebanon......I say that IDIOT Kofi Annan yesterday saying that Hezbollah should not be disarmed by force, only through negotiation. The new UN force will simply be a new layer of "untouchables" for Hezbollah to hide behind...............and sooner or later Israel will have to roll over the UN to get at Hezbollah.

Israel has been completely double-crossed in this cease-fire.

FIrst of all, the only one who broke the cease of fire, is israel, and not only once, secondly who cares about the UN?? certainly not israel, they have a Guiness record to violate UN resolutions and international laws.

So viva hezbollah.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

Logic 7 said:
Colpy said:
Canada should not talk to Hezbollah for the following reasons:

1. Hezbollah is on our list of terrorist organizations, there fore lending Hezbollah support (by recognizing its legitimacy by official communication with them) would be unethical, and border on illegal.

2. Canada is irrelevant in the area anyway.

3. Hezbollah broke the ceasefire by firing rockets at Israeli soldiers within hours of the agreement's implementation. In addition, they are busily re-arming, and have refused any suggestion that they disarm.

Thank God Canada is NOT in the new UN force in south Lebanon......I say that IDIOT Kofi Annan yesterday saying that Hezbollah should not be disarmed by force, only through negotiation. The new UN force will simply be a new layer of "untouchables" for Hezbollah to hide behind...............and sooner or later Israel will have to roll over the UN to get at Hezbollah.

Israel has been completely double-crossed in this cease-fire.

FIrst of all, the only one who broke the cease of fire, is israel, and not only once, secondly who cares about the UN?? certainly not israel, they have a Guiness record to violate UN resolutions and international laws.

So viva hezbollah.

Get with the facts, my misguided friend......

The first day of the ceasefire, Hezbollah fired several rockets at Israeli military positions within Lebanon. That is an undisputed FACT, and it is a violation of the cease-fire agreement.

I believe the cease-fire agreement israel signed called for the disarming of Hezbollah.........instead, Hezbollah is RE-ARMING, and the Israeli assault within Lebanon was a response to that, as they attacked a group smuggling in new weapons.

hezbollah has publically declared they have NO intention of disarming in any foreseeable future......a clear violation.

I don't give a damn what the UN thinks either.......they are patsies of the enemies of western civilization.

To hell with them.

Death to Hezbollah.

(seeing as we seem to be into that kind of statement)


Electoral Member
Aug 14, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

Colpy said:
Logic 7 said:
Colpy said:
Canada should not talk to Hezbollah for the following reasons:

1. Hezbollah is on our list of terrorist organizations, there fore lending Hezbollah support (by recognizing its legitimacy by official communication with them) would be unethical, and border on illegal.

2. Canada is irrelevant in the area anyway.

3. Hezbollah broke the ceasefire by firing rockets at Israeli soldiers within hours of the agreement's implementation. In addition, they are busily re-arming, and have refused any suggestion that they disarm.

Thank God Canada is NOT in the new UN force in south Lebanon......I say that IDIOT Kofi Annan yesterday saying that Hezbollah should not be disarmed by force, only through negotiation. The new UN force will simply be a new layer of "untouchables" for Hezbollah to hide behind...............and sooner or later Israel will have to roll over the UN to get at Hezbollah.

Israel has been completely double-crossed in this cease-fire.

FIrst of all, the only one who broke the cease of fire, is israel, and not only once, secondly who cares about the UN?? certainly not israel, they have a Guiness record to violate UN resolutions and international laws.

So viva hezbollah.

Get with the facts, my misguided friend......

The first day of the ceasefire, Hezbollah fired several rockets at Israeli military positions within Lebanon. That is an undisputed FACT, and it is a violation of the cease-fire agreement.

I believe the cease-fire agreement israel signed called for the disarming of Hezbollah.........instead, Hezbollah is RE-ARMING, and the Israeli assault within Lebanon was a response to that, as they attacked a group smuggling in new weapons.

hezbollah has publically declared they have NO intention of disarming in any foreseeable future......a clear violation.

I don't give a damn what the UN thinks either.......they are patsies of the enemies of western civilization.

To hell with them.

Death to Hezbollah.

(seeing as we seem to be into that kind of statement)

ah....HEZBOLLAH will never listen....they are going to bomb israel to pieces.....

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

Colpy said:
Logic 7 said:
Colpy said:
Canada should not talk to Hezbollah for the following reasons:

1. Hezbollah is on our list of terrorist organizations, there fore lending Hezbollah support (by recognizing its legitimacy by official communication with them) would be unethical, and border on illegal.

2. Canada is irrelevant in the area anyway.

3. Hezbollah broke the ceasefire by firing rockets at Israeli soldiers within hours of the agreement's implementation. In addition, they are busily re-arming, and have refused any suggestion that they disarm.

Thank God Canada is NOT in the new UN force in south Lebanon......I say that IDIOT Kofi Annan yesterday saying that Hezbollah should not be disarmed by force, only through negotiation. The new UN force will simply be a new layer of "untouchables" for Hezbollah to hide behind...............and sooner or later Israel will have to roll over the UN to get at Hezbollah.

Israel has been completely double-crossed in this cease-fire.

FIrst of all, the only one who broke the cease of fire, is israel, and not only once, secondly who cares about the UN?? certainly not israel, they have a Guiness record to violate UN resolutions and international laws.

So viva hezbollah.

Get with the facts, my misguided friend......

The first day of the ceasefire, Hezbollah fired several rockets at Israeli military positions within Lebanon. That is an undisputed FACT, and it is a violation of the cease-fire agreement.

I believe the cease-fire agreement israel signed called for the disarming of Hezbollah.........instead, Hezbollah is RE-ARMING, and the Israeli assault within Lebanon was a response to that, as they attacked a group smuggling in new weapons.

hezbollah has publically declared they have NO intention of disarming in any foreseeable future......a clear violation.

I don't give a damn what the UN thinks either.......they are patsies of the enemies of western civilization.

To hell with them.

Death to Hezbollah.

(seeing as we seem to be into that kind of statement)

Get yours straight.

"London - Israel breaks cease-fire Saturday, when a team of Israeli ground forces lead an attack against a hezbollah stronghold west of of Baalbek deep inside Lebanon. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said violations of Security Council resolution 1701 such as the Israeli raid today "endanger the fragile calm that was reached after much negotiation and undermine the authority of the Government of Lebanon."

"The rocket explosions reported by Israel came hours after the start of a U.N. cease-fire in Lebanon. None of the rockets reached Israel and no injuries were reported. Hezbollah, which frequently used the katyusha rockets in its battle against the Jewish state, has said it will attack Israeli forces in southern Lebanon despite the truce. The Israeli military said it had not responded to the rockets.
Before the rocket strikes, six Hezbollah fighters were killed in skirmishes with Israeli forces yesterday. "

So who is breaking the cease of fire?

And yes hezbollah will be disarmed by peaceful means.


House Member
Jun 12, 2006
Oshawa ON
We should train a crack Canadian infiltration squad and eliminate as many Hezbollah as possible. Give the team daily quotas and performance bonuses. We could even graph their progress in the dailies here. Could be a lot of fun. The experience would be immeasurably helpful to planning similar operations in the future.


Nominee Member
Aug 3, 2006
In the entire world, only Canada, the US and the UK have declared HEzbollah as a terrorist organization. And if it wasn't for the strong Zionist lobby in this country, using false malicious claims to FA Minister Graham (Cretien gov't) then we wouldn't of declared them a terrorist org.


Still gov'ts talk to gov'ts, and the place to go is to talk to the Lebanese gov't, not Hezbollah.


Nominee Member
Aug 3, 2006
Oh, logic 7 has joined the elite ranks of those who are well informed.

Good post. Good to see someone that knows the facts, not the media BS.