Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Logic 7 said:

Yes.... Canada is covertly run by Israel, Logic. Israel, by proxy of jewish Canadians also control all our media, which is why you never read favourable stories about your terrorist heroes in the ME.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
Logic 7 said:
Jay said:
BitWhys said:
DurkaDurka said:
...Hezbollah has been classifed as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government for a reason...

why exactly was that anyways? best I can come up with is a toss-up between the threat of a B'nai Brith lawsuit and an Associated Press fabrication. its not like they were active at the time.

It could be the bombing of two American embassies in Lebanon in 1983 and 84 and all the suicide bombings and bombing the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires.

The suicide bombing in Buenos aires was done by A group called "Islamic Jihad", and Hezbollah was officially founded in 1985, several shiite radical organisation claimed responsability of the bombing in 1983 though, but it is impossible to know for sure who really did it.

Many in the U.S. government do not claim Hezbollah is responsible for the marine barracks attack. In 2001 Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense under Reagan at the time of the attacks stated: "But we still do not have the actual knowledge of who did the bombing of the Marine barracks at the Beirut Airport, and we certainly didn't then.

In a book calls "By Way of Deception: The Make and Unmake of a Mossad Officer, Victor Ostrovsky claims that Mossad have known in advance of the attack, but did not warn the Usa. There's have been claims that Israel wanted US and French troops to leave Lebanon so it could freely operate in Lebanon without restrictions.

From my understanding the "Islamic Jihad" was part of the groups who integrated with other groups to found this unholy alliance.

Even if what you say is correct it doesn't negate the fact Hezbollah is a known suicide bomb exploiter. They are terrorists. The way for this to stop would be for them to renounce terrorism, lay down their weapons and spend their efforts doing what they claim to be doing; helping people. They could also explicitly support Israel’s right to exist and renounce the government of Iran and cooperate with the Lebanese government.

Israel isn't the problem here.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Jay said:
... it doesn't negate the fact Hezbollah is a known suicide bomb exploiter. They are terrorists...

not for over 12 years before the reclassification, all of them military and diplomatic targets during the occupation.

Islamic Jihad is Palestinian.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
But their still terrorists.

The ball is in their court to stop this designation, but I don't think that is their goal.

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Jay said:
The suicide bombing in Buenos aires was done by A group called "Islamic Jihad", and Hezbollah was officially founded in 1985, several shiite radical organisation claimed responsability of the bombing in 1983 though, but it is impossible to know for sure who really did it.

Many in the U.S. government do not claim Hezbollah is responsible for the marine barracks attack. In 2001 Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense under Reagan at the time of the attacks stated: "But we still do not have the actual knowledge of who did the bombing of the Marine barracks at the Beirut Airport, and we certainly didn't then.

In a book calls "By Way of Deception: The Make and Unmake of a Mossad Officer, Victor Ostrovsky claims that Mossad have known in advance of the attack, but did not warn the Usa. There's have been claims that Israel wanted US and French troops to leave Lebanon so it could freely operate in Lebanon without restrictions.

From my understanding the "Islamic Jihad" was part of the groups who integrated with other groups to found this unholy alliance.

Even if what you say is correct it doesn't negate the fact Hezbollah is a known suicide bomb exploiter. They are terrorists. The way for this to stop would be for them to renounce terrorism, lay down their weapons and spend their efforts doing what they claim to be doing; helping people. They could also explicitly support Israel’s right to exist and renounce the government of Iran and cooperate with the Lebanese government.

Israel isn't the problem here.[/quote]

Islamic jhiad has nothing to do with hezbollah, and no hezbollah isnt a suicide bombers exploiters, unless you have exemple of what you say?

They are ready to accept israel right to exist outside of the disputed territories, and yes they really help the peoples of lebanon, that is a fact.

As long as the west has a deadly and reckless policy towards middle east, radicals would always exist.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
Logic 7 said:
They are ready to accept israel right to exist outside of the disputed territories, and yes they really help the peoples of lebanon, that is a fact.

I wasn't trying to be a pain. got a link?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
So basically Logic 7 believes Hezbollah is just an innocent bystander in all of this?


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Logic 7 said:
BitWhys said:
Logic 7 said:
They are ready to accept israel right to exist outside of the disputed territories, and yes they really help the peoples of lebanon, that is a fact.

I wasn't trying to be a pain. got a link?

sorry, thankx for reminding.

Quoted from your wiki link...
"From the inception of the organization to the present [7][5][40] [41][42] the elimination of the state of Israel has been Hezbollah's primary goal. "

""There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel."

So when you say that they accept Israel's right to exist outside of the occupied territories, are you refering to Europe, Canada? From what I have read, Hezbollah will accept nothing less then Israels destruction.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
oh quit cherry picking.


March 2003

"Our policy is clear, we are fighting in an area that is still under occupation in Lebanon. And beyond that area, we are on the defensive." - Nasrallah

August 2003

Because of Hezbollah’s ability to disrupt a deal between the Israelis and Palestinians, I asked Nasrallah about his view of the renewed talks. He hesitated a moment and declared, “At the end, this is primarily a Palestinian matter. I, like any other person, may consider what is happening to be right or wrong. . . . I may have a different assessment, but at the end of the road no one can go to war on behalf of the Palestinians, even if that one is not in agreement with what the Palestinians agreed on. Of course, it would bother us that Jerusalem goes to Israel.”

I asked, “But if there was a deal?”

“Let it happen,” he answered. “I would not say O.K. I would say nothing.”


now if we had some sort of diplomatic channels open with the social and political wings we could ask him which way it really plays out, couldn't we?

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Jay said:
So basically Logic 7 believes Hezbollah is just an innocent bystander in all of this?

Not innoncent in all sense of the word, but a very good resistance-militant group,which evolved into a political position , defend their country and help very much their citizen, something the us governement should be shy of, remember katrina?

And you know, the only reason they exist, is because of israelis-governement behavior, nothing less and nothing more.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2006
But logic 7 to get help from Hezbollah you have to support them, they are like a mafia, except they are worse they are a terrorist orginization..


Electoral Member
Aug 14, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

Graeme said:
But logic 7 to get help from Hezbollah you have to support them, they are like a mafia, except they are worse they are a terrorist orginization..

But they are giving $15000 dollars to every Lebanon family whose house was bombed...


Electoral Member
Aug 14, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

Toro said:
Graeme said:
But logic 7 to get help from Hezbollah you have to support them, they are like a mafia, except they are worse they are a terrorist orginization..

The mafia collects (or has collected) taxes in the south of Italy. Real taxes, for the government.

And they keep the taxes for themselves?

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to Hezbollah?

Graeme said:
But logic 7 to get help from Hezbollah you have to support them, they are like a mafia, except they are worse they are a terrorist orginization..

You just like to use the word terrorism, but don't even know what it means,at least do your homework to understand what it means.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Canada should not talk to Hezbollah for the following reasons:

1. Hezbollah is on our list of terrorist organizations, there fore lending Hezbollah support (by recognizing its legitimacy by official communication with them) would be unethical, and border on illegal.

2. Canada is irrelevant in the area anyway.

3. Hezbollah broke the ceasefire by firing rockets at Israeli soldiers within hours of the agreement's implementation. In addition, they are busily re-arming, and have refused any suggestion that they disarm.

Thank God Canada is NOT in the new UN force in south Lebanon......I say that IDIOT Kofi Annan yesterday saying that Hezbollah should not be disarmed by force, only through negotiation. The new UN force will simply be a new layer of "untouchables" for Hezbollah to hide behind...............and sooner or later Israel will have to roll over the UN to get at Hezbollah.

Israel has been completely double-crossed in this cease-fire.


No sparks please
Feb 27, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Talk with Hezbullah? Only if we want to completely discredit the legitimate government of Lebanon and accept the results of doing so.
No, Canada will not "talk" with Hezbullah. Hezbullah may have elected members but they are NOT the sole representatives of the people of Lebanon.


what green dots?
Apr 5, 2006
RE: Should Canada talk to


Hezbollah is an active part of the legitimate Lebanese government and with no small help thanks to the Israelis they're getting stronger all the time.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Re: RE: Should Canada talk to

BitWhys said:

Hezbollah is an active part of the legitimate Lebanese government and with no small help thanks to the Israelis they're getting stronger all the time.

Hey, BW!

Miss me? :D

In that case, I guess we shouldn't be talking to Lebanon either.

Oh well.